
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2002 No. 61 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was move to the city. In rural New Mexico, policy. The Bush administration also called to order by the Speaker pro tem- many people have been tied to the land fails to recognize we are in different pore (Mr. BOOZMAN). and their homes for generations. Forc- times. In 1995 the economy was expand- f ing people to move is not good public ing. We had unprecedented job growth. policy, and it is undermining the vital- Now we have high unemployment, and DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO ity of rural America. The solution is it is sluggish growth. It is essential TEMPORE flexibility for States to design their that the States receive adequate re- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- programs, and the solution is transpor- sources to do the job. fore the House the following commu- tation. Transportation should be a key The administration shortchanges part of any welfare reform. nication from the Speaker: these reforms at a time when State Another issue relates to the jobs peo- Washington, DC, May 14, 2002. budgets are in deficit. The administra- ple are filling. Is this the kind of em- I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN tion bill imposes massive new man- BOOZMAN to act as Speaker pro tempore on ployment where an individual can dates and additional costs on States this day. move up the economic ladder and sup- that cannot be met. The Congressional J. DENNIS HASTERT, port a family? Many times these are Speaker of the House of Representatives. minimum-wage jobs with no real fu- Budget Office has estimated the new work requirements in the bill will cost f ture. So we must provide meaningful the States up to $11 billion over 5 MORNING HOUR DEBATES job training so that an individual not only gets a job, but that that job opens years. Yet this bill contains no new The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the doors to better future opportuni- funding. ant to the order of the House of Janu- ties. Governors, State legislators, mayors, ary 23, 2002, the Chair will now recog- Welfare recipients want to work, but welfare directors and poverty experts nize Members from lists submitted by they also want to take care of their have all indicated that these mandates the majority and minority leaders for children. This is the common dilemma cannot be met. Forty-seven out of 47 morning hour debates. The Chair will faced by welfare parents, many of States surveyed by the National Gov- alternate recognition between the par- whom are single mothers with chil- ernor’s Association indicated that the ties, with each party limited to not to dren. The last thing we should do in bill requires fundamental changes in exceed 30 minutes, and each Member, the name of reform is send parents to their welfare programs. Why would an except the majority leader, the minor- work and leave the children without administration which supports States ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- adequate nurturing and care. That is rights craft a bill with so many Federal ited to not to exceed 5 minutes. why child care is a critical component mandates and so little State flexi- The Chair recognizes the gentleman of a successful welfare reform effort. bility? from New Mexico (Mr. UDALL) for 5 If we have learned anything in this Just a word on how we deal with minutes. reform effort, it is that States should these bills. I would urge the Republican f have the flexibility to meet the goals of putting people to work in good jobs, leadership to have a full and open de- STATES NEED FLEXIBILITY IN while children get good quality day- bate on the issue of welfare reform and WELFARE REFORM care. Inner cities and rural areas face temporary assistance to needy fami- Mr. UDALL of New Mexico. Mr. enormous challenges because fre- lies. Too many times in recent days we Speaker, we have passed welfare re- quently jobs do not exist nearby. With have taken up bills where no amend- form out of this body; and as a result, flexibility, States have been able to ments are allowed by the minority. we are putting more people to work. achieve big strides. Without flexibility, Many times no opposition bill is even Welfare rolls have been cut in half in States will fail in these important allowed on the floor, or a motion to re- many States. With these successes in tasks. commit. That is not a democratic proc- mind, now is the time to look at what Unfortunately, the administration ess. It does not serve this body well. It is working and what is not. bill that the House is going to consider does not serve the country well. One of the biggest problems is how this week fails to recognize why we Mr. Speaker, I would urge the Repub- reform is impacting the rural areas of have made progress. It undercuts the lican leadership to bring this bill be- America. In rural America, where there flexibility of the States. It provides for fore this body under an open rule, are not many job opportunities, we are rigid Federal mandates which are good allow full debate, and allow the House telling people to leave their homes and political talking points, but bad public to work its will. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2391 . VerDate Apr 18 2002 01:49 May 15, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MY7.000 pfrm15 PsN: H14PT1 H2392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 14, 2002 MARRIAGE TAX PENALTY I think it is wrong. Thanks to the RECESS The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Bush tax cut, Jose and Magdalena The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ant to the order of the House of Janu- Castillo of Joliet, Illinois, saw their ant to clause 12 of rule I, the Chair de- ary 23, 2002, the gentleman from Illi- marriage tax penalty eliminated. Of clares the House in recess until 2 p.m. nois (Mr. WELLER) is recognized during course, we are going to have legislation today. morning hour debates for 5 minutes. this week which is going to help low- Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 43 Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, this and moderate-income married couples. minutes p.m.) the House stood in recess week we have an important piece of It will more quickly phase in so mar- until 2 p.m. legislation which is coming to the ried couples in the low- and moderate- f floor, a product of the Committee on income range will see much quicker 1400 Ways and Means, legislation which is marriage tax relief. b entitled H.R. 4626, Encouraging Work But I would also note, unfortunately AFTER RECESS and Supporting Marriage Act of 2002. because of the arcane rules of Congress, The recess having expired, the House Essentially this legislation does two not of the House but of the other body, was called to order by the Speaker pro things: it expands and reforms the that the Bush tax cut was forced to be tempore (Mr. PENCE) at 2 p.m. temporary which means it expires at a work opportunity tax credit, a hiring f incentive to give those on welfare an certain point; and the 100 million opportunity to go to work. American taxpayers who have seen PRAYER Yesterday, I stood with President their taxes lowered, which is everybody The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Bush in Chicago at the United Parcel who pays income taxes has seen their Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Service facility where he highlighted income taxes lowered, and 3.9 million Lord of history and source of benevo- this very program which has provided families with children have been to- lent providence, You know the times opportunities for thousands and thou- tally removed from the income tax and govern the seasons of life; help sands of Chicago residents to go from rolls, which means thanks to the Bush Your servants who work in the House welfare to work; and clearly the Work tax cut, they no longer pay income of Representatives to seize the oppor- Opportunity Tax Credit, which was a taxes, they will see those taxes reim- tunity of the present moment and give creation of Ronald Reagan, is one of posed unless we make permanent the You glory. those provisions which is working as Bush tax cut. As Members assemble today, may we see our Nation’s welfare rolls cut in Now for couples like Jose and they be encouragement to one another. half and 9 million Americans move Magdalena Castillo of Joliet, Illinois, May those who are dealing with illness from welfare to work. they are going to see their marriage or the great loss of a loved one be con- The other key part of the Encour- tax penalty reimposed; and they will be soled. Assure them, by Your spirit, aging Work and Supporting Marriage suffering it once again unless we make that You are with them in their every Act of 2002 is legislation which much the Bush tax cut permanent.
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