AUTOMOBILES. ETC/ THE EVENING STAR, WASHINGTON, T). Cl, TUESDAY, »TTTNE 26, 1928? ifOOMS; ETC~ 33 »»¦ —— SALE—AUTOMOBILES. SALE—AUTOMOBILES. HIRE—AUTOMOBILES. WANTKI)—ROOMS AM) HOARD SALE—MISCELLANKOI S. BOATS.___ SALE—AUTOMOBILES. ! _ APARTMENTS—FURNISHED. (On tinned. (Continued.) SEDAN—Carerui’.y (Continued.; > _ MOTOR BOAT. 26-ft. null. lovely lines, ex- 1 EMERSON & NEW driven by owner; BY EMPLOYED MOTHER—Care of child, • throughout; ready > COACH, 1924; *150; paint; Uf<M E. short or long trips. rate. aged ? years, during day: preferably vicinity BEDROOM furniture. oak Phone Cleve- cel lent condition to go HUDSON late new * Reasonable I . 834 FST NR. AFT. 2. *4«e_cash.__ West_li2t). runs fine. Adams 6637. WALLACE. Lincoln 83. of 14th and Park rd. n.w. Address Box | 2 bright rooms, electricity, land low. ot:t. Phone GOLD SEAL BUICK. bath; furnished BOILER. one. 5 h.p., tubeless. Stearns, auto- - CRUISER, rawed deck; a'ccommoekVa six': : HUDSON coach, late model; new Duco fln- DEMONSTRATORS. 198-E. Star office. __ •_ J reasonable. 25* matic ns control and water feed, used only * good as new Cost *5.060; price. $2,000: one- . Ish; see this car; only *495: terms. J. L. "A Guaranteed Used Car.” R ENT—(• AR AGES! LADY, young, desires room and board with • Co,. family by July 3432 months; lar»e enough to operate two Hoß- - man control. Phone Jerman Inc,. 2921 M st. n.w. North !i Buy the Best REAR 1729 20th ST. N.W “$12.00 private 1. Prefer place within CONN. AVE. _ -* walking distance of Treasury. Address Box man pressing machines Address Box 218-E. r 806. _____ 1 ALLAN & CO., INC.. & #B* new • These Cars Are With Dodge 1925 “B” Sedan. E. WALKER 322-D. Star 26* 2 RMS., KIT BATH. 567.50. Btar_ofTSce RAI>IO~SALIis AND RKPAIRs/ HUDSON BROUGHAM Duco pahit. Sold 913 18th Bt. N.W. Main _ _ _ 2690.__ exposures: very attractively Tennessee good rubber, motor perfect, lots extras, runs * 2 furnished. 28* CSaibS— B white enamel marble \ by radio engineers, and'guarari- snap. New-Car Nash 1926 Special 6 Sedan. FIREPROOF'GARAGE, 50x50 Ft.; CAPAC- am lunch chairs, rush bottom. $25. HU REPAIRS ' like new car: a *550. 1726 16th s.e.. Ity. 15 machines, electricity, water, good for ROOMS AND BOARD. * teed *6: B bat- Irving at. -1 Interference eliminators. ¦ Anacostla. any purpose. n.w. _ _ tery (d. c.l. Guarantee. Nash 1926 Special 6 Coupe. _25 Eyo st n.e. eliminators *12.50, our own good good j 28* GIRLS7 CLUB. MABS. AVE—Beautiful double 9S3KB. chairs, files sates and safe cabinets, . make Sets teated free. Old sets rebuiltf HUPMOBILE SED'aN. tires and DOWNTOWN.' rooms, semi-private bath; delicious meals; OVERLOOKING condition mechanically: touring, * REINFORCED FIREPROOF metal lockers, tables, etc. Save money on > at moderate charge. Repair Department. Chevrolet Buick 1925 Master Touring. public garage, elec, and water; space for hot water; laundry privileges Mrs. Meaton, *»ew and We ml; 9th st. * excellent condition; Studcbnker pheatori. nash. cars, rear reconditioned office furniture j Lor R»dlq_College,_4')9 ' 1925. brand-new tires and in every 9 at of 1118 13th st. 27*__ North 9309. THE CITY. tent furniture. *t n w ¦ ; fine shape Buick 1924 Master Touring. also office 616 f ITSUD RADIOS from 88 up All In good way. Bulck touring, la good condition and 1705 IRVING 1667 MONROE ST. N.W.—Attractive. double NEW APARTMENT BUILDING H Baum tt Son Mata 81**. conn,tion I j 333—Spec. 2-door Sedan. .$1,150 ST? N.W. Smith's Battery and Radio Serv- • looks good, tor *IOO. All these cars are Chrysler 1926 Coach. Built in; water handy. and single room in modern home Excellent NEAR NATIONAL CATHEDRAL. DESKS, chairs, flies, safes, slightly used; ice 2119 18th st n.w. priced so that, they are a bargain for Heated in Winter. board. Col 5826. 27* r-_ - earetul THE UNIVERSITY, cheapest puces in Washington. Commercial I = buyers. Logan s B_st. Sedan.. 1,350 Buick 1928 Std. Spt. Roadster. 1211 AVI. N.W—Convenient lo- Ct>.. Bth st.nw. n.w. 1 370—Adv. 4-door "VERMONT 3213 AVE. N.W. Office Furniture 480 DOGS, PETS. (iARAGK cation; rooms; quiet, Newly WISCONSIN H KTC. HUPMOBILE 8-IN-LINE SPORT' ROADSTER Special BUILDERS. attractive refined and tastefully furnished DESKS AND CHAIRS, mahogany. cheap.' pedigreed; old; —Best buy in Washington at *775. Wash- Nash 1926 Coach. home. apartments of 3 rooms and bath, Sachs, are. n.w. POLICE PUPPIES: 3 months Exchange. : 340 Spec. 4-door 1,250 METAL GARAGES. *75 UP. 1184 Vermont _ ington 2015 14th st. n.w. Attractively with Frtgidaire reasonable, can be seen all day Sunday. Auto Sedan.. Buick 1926 Master 4-door Sedan F - A ALLEN. THE MANCHESTER. 1426 M and other modern Electric PAMS. Westinehouse. oscillating : 4574 Conduit rd Clevc 5896. Phone North 9562 Open_B a in. to 9p nv 1315 35th St. N.W Phone West 931. 26* furnished rooms, private bath, elevator, features Cool, quiet, refined neigh- type, Edgar Baum. 914 periect maid; private: phone service; home cooking; borhood Now available at low at sacrifice prices. PONIES iIO) for sale, all colors HUPMOBILE Brougham. 1924; in t 363—Adv. 2-door Sedan.. 1,300 Buick 1926 4-door Sedan. BEST janitor *»•*• 1 and sixes: Stand. CONSTRUCTION. LOW PRICE. Terms" 30* or S. *JL. , . SSO up. ave, n.w. condition; *395; terms, J„ L. Jerman Co.. Buimner_rates. _ rental. See 1049 Wisconsin * GEO BRUNK, cheap Inc . 2921 st n.w. North 806, r, P Lee-Marque—Nicely ELECTRIC' FANS -Westnuthouse. PthNY. large white Shetland; M Buick 1925 Master 2-door Sedan. Mn 8531. 806 K St N.E. 1629 K ST. NW.. The ARTHUR LEWEY, Co Bth n.w i black and a COUPE a car that, , CO., furnished front room, semi-private bath; CommercialjOfllee Furniture . 430 pet any child can ride is a show pony, 1 LINCOLN late-model WALLACEMVIOTOR board; 26* 1103 Vermont Main ¦ • bought, only Buick 1927 Std. 6 2-door Sedan. hot watjer; garage. Ave. 4255. ELEVATORS, electric, and equipment 2-3 good nimper Clar ; can be for *1.000; that's less excellent good work- than Blue Book price; looks like new: guar- Nash Distributors. ROOMS—FURNISHED. 1941 N W—Cool, comfortable flight, 3,500-lb capacity, now in SETTER monijis BILTMORE table; ing inspected Freed- ENGLISH F old* anteed. Washington Cadillac Co.. 1138 Conn. RD. N.W.—Large, room; select neighborhood; excellent condition Can be at hlch-grade hunting beautifully N.W. ST. NAV. Fr. 3860. front private attractive Hospital, 6th and Bryant *‘s liv:v 1709 L St. 1620 M room with bath. Available home comforts; car lines and bus. Columbia man's '\y*id- marked; *ls fe 10. 18th , only. 9952. be dismantled for your account R tr, male. 3530 Practically ’ *•....Gentleman Reasonable. APARTMENTS—FUR. AND UNF. st. _n.e. Phone Potomac „ LINCOLN CLUB ROADSTER t Main 7612. Open Evenings and Sundays. Adams 185. Md. j - Circle”) steln A Son. Inc.. 1162 Scoit st . Baito. new substantial reduction Call Mr Rocca. 1621 MASSACHUSETTS AVI. (Scott TAKOMA PARK APTS.. RESIDENTIAL Bargain week; JULY FIT 3T Main 5983._ HARVARD NEAR 14th—Suitable for lady or —Attractive front room, facing south; 2nd type; r,. b. S6O; __ gentleman; fur. 3 and sleeping porch. FURNITUREAND RUGS— \\ ATHERTONS PET SHOP NOilON EY DOWN. on car and bus line; floor; running water; excellent board; everything must go. regardless of price e MARMON, deposit on "78” Marmon. any reasonable also unfur. 4 r. and b.. $45 or SSO; every apt '3 Real Will move to r PACKARD TERMS AS LOW AS $3 WEEK. Phone Col. 9794. 26* transients. exposures; must make room for our Fall stock 612 F Street body style, for sale at substantial discount. Landau, convenient location: fine trees bargains in handsome bedroom, living room N.W. _ _ 27* Main • Chevrolet Imperial late '37; Essex 921 EYE ST. bedroom, with 1437 R I. AVE. N.W.- Large, cool, single and and shnibs: adults 50 Open 3981. Inventory Sale. Sedan. 4-door. '2B model, new tires; Wlllys- piano, N.W.—Parlor Elm ave. ’til and dining room suites, dressers, chests. suitable for music teacher: gentle- double rooms. Desirable location. Easy ? n m._ ShepherdJ2664-2458 odd tables FA IRC LIVS PET SHOP, NASH 1925 Special; in excellent condition. Knlght, 4-passenger Coup?, '26; Hudson preferred; Beautiful dining room. chiSorotes. vanities, dross me and 111 Georgia late man other comfortable rooms walk Gov t bureaus. iB3l 6 8T N.W bed, spring Phone 1798-W. Coach. ’26 model; Essex Coach. ’26 model. Efficient —LADY WANTB~LADY~TO chiffonier*; the best and mat- ; | The following cars are to be ef*?: 26* Excellent board. service. share an apartment, two large, bright • porch 1219 9th St. N.W. Main 3697. OAKLAND sport 1926; Night and day free service. See them at tress in the city for the money, and roadster. refinUhed 1* M ST. N.W., the Royalton. Apt. 24 1331 K N.W.—Opposite Franklin Park. Con- rooms and kitchenette parlor suites, benches, swings ! —f-v in beautiful maroon: sacrifice if sold at 30th, 1329 H at. n.e. Lin, 10280. Cheerful,9, Very 26* sun lawn and 1 once; sold before our an- well ventilated room for one or venient downtown location. desirable N ST: N W rockers, secretaries, desks, smokers and nov- LIVE STOCK AND CATTLE. *495; terms. J. L. Jerman Co.. Inc.. t June two; optional food. 26* T459 —ATTRACTIVE. 4 R. * * board 26* rooms. Home-cooked Reasonable. walking to ice boxes, sires; cabinets 2921 M st.
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