' " “V ■■ ^ ' I** ■ ••i' » I. / . ' SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1964 FACE TWELVl ^ r\ lEti^ning 1 | m ld Averaffe Daily Net Press Run ■ , ■ . X For the Week Ended Tkt Weather V June 28, 1054 rwM ast nt U. E. Waather sail, dragging down nine putouts, several after long and hard runs. Need Information KKKKKKKKKKKKK About Town Coach LaForge used several Foye-Lamprecht Wedding 11,125 Oocnaionnl akewera ton l^ , Lnw Heard Along Main Street lineup changes In an effort to halt To Replace Blood J, Member ot the Audit M-SS. ParUy cinudy cool Tneodny, TlM Rev. John B. Poet will be the white collarmen, but none PINE PHARMACY ^ Burenu of Circulation wanner In afternoon. High 74-78, In Boston toniorrow ettendiiiK » could repulse the attack of the old meeting of the Joint committee And on Some o f Manchester** Side Streets^ Too men from the second floor. Tiger In connection with tho coming -OPEN SUNDAYS^ Manchester^—A City o f ViUage Charm for the promotion of the Crueade Stratton at shortstop for La- Bloodmobile operation at Wood­ »l ..................J ....... For W ood Order of the Method- Forge's crew, and, Joe's man Fri­ ruff Hall on 'Monday, fropi 12:45 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. Obvious Rolutlon were stopped for a red light on VOL. LXXIII, NO. 234 (Ctaaalfled Advertlaint on Paf* 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1954 let Church. An action of the We Just keep on doing things Main Street when two boys went day in the press room, showed to 5:30 p.'m., the chapter office of , * (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICX FIVE CENTS Council of Bishops Of the Method­ in the same,way just as if there flying by us on their bikes. Thanks plenty of savvy afleld but let his the Red Cross in Manchester has ist Church. It has received wide were no other way to do them. for the foresight of a motorist chib down at the bat, claiming it released the folLwing information IKKKKKKKKKKKK support throughout the Church Take rolls of paper towels, for coming out of the side street was a Hank Sauer model for 200 In reference to requests for re’- and will take the form - of a instance. In our factories and of- with the light in his favor—an ac- pounders only. pUcement fpr bIo;>d fm- Connecti­ preaching and teaching emphasis flces' we install wash boW"s, and ident was averted. Those bo.vs Thera was one casualty, Leq cut residents in out-of-state hos­ just kept pumping through the Zeidenberg. former UCLA infleld- pitals. ■ ' in 19M and 1956. The Rev. Mr. we provide soap, and we place a ' v'i Post Is a member of the commit­ waste basket in a convenient pool- | intersection without any respect er, tried to go from first to third "It is most important that tee of eight responsible to pro­ tion so that we can throw the used , for the light or other traffic. on a bunt aiul pulled up lame. He donors who wish to have their NOTICE mote this crusade for New Eng­ paper towels in it. ■ j We saw another youngster near­ failed to show for work the follow­ blood used for such replacement ing day and was reported resting purpose, contact the Manchester land Hethodlsm. with Bishop John And naturally.- we put a roll of . ly get cllptwd I);' s car because to Push Plan Wesley Lord as honorsiry chalr- he was riding on the wrong side comfortably at home. chapter office when the recipient THE OFFICE OF towels—or a highly automatIcTow- enters the hospital, or, if possible, el dispenser that snatches away , of the road in the wrong direction An anonymous reserve first right behind a car that was back­ aacker for the composers had a prior to that time if such sdvance UR. J. A. SEGAL the towel as soon as we yank i information is available. The lo­ Clinie schedule at Manchester on it—on the wall about four and , ing into a parking stall. A shout lough night. He missed several Memorial Hospital is as follows from a passing motorist caught easy fly balls while in the outfield cal office, or the area Blood Cen­ WILL BE CLOSED . a half or five feet from the floor. | ter, canndt assure such, donors for the coming week: pre-natal, Now the hand washing proced­ the auto driver's attention and he and later at the initial sack he slammed on his brakes just in dropped two low balls and one high t'cat the blo< J can be ' replaced Monday at 1:30 p. m.. and chest. ure goes something like this, as from' Red Cross supplies: and the FROM Friday, by appointment only, at 9 we,view It. First we wash the time. one which prompted a rival pla'ye~r to say, "That's the first high ball process through which the In- Defense of . Riding double on bikes is still a Asia a. m. hands. Then we glance at the roll JULY 1 TO AUGUST 1 of towels or the dispenser and we menace. Riding two, three and you ever missed." The umpire de­ inqulry must go, Is often a pro­ four abreast is Just as dangerous. clared the statement should be tracted One. A daughter was recently born make a menial note that if we "The reason why ruch assiir- to Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, of reach up from our present stance, But one big problem to be over­ stricken from the record. water will drip from our hands come, as we see it, is to stop so After the winning .team assem­ onre cannot be given does not de­ 318 Henry St., at the Hartford volve upon Red Cross lesponsibil- ir ^ lt a l. down our wrists to our cuffs, soft- much bike riding at night without bled at 9 o'clock to parade through Democratic Choice' for Governor and Family er.-ing the starch somewhat. a light or even a reflector. the composing room, it was met ity. Many hospitals outside such areas where the Red Cross Blood WlUlam P. Beriy. formerly of So we step back a pace, tajte a Accidents are not always the by a challenge from Red Cervlni, Warn Russians new stance with legs spread slight­ fault of the motorist, .vou know. new coach of the composers, for Program operates, will not accept this town, arrived this week at -4he free Red Cross blood. Some Fort Bragg. N. C., to start six ly and we reach across to the. We only hope some of the a return game Monday night at The Heat’s On! tow'cls. attempting to keep our youngsters read these columns. the Buckland field. * lequire two pints replccement for Solimene Is Tradinff Wild Rule in Guatemala weeks of summer training. Cadet every pint u ed. So.-ne, have a Berry Is' an ROTC student at the hands below the level of our wrists. Whether the editorial gang will It looks quite funny, in caw you've accept the challenge is not known rigid 30-day replacemefi't require­ University of Connecticut. Intellectuals Retain Title Up To $500 On Any Tegucigalpa, H O n d U r a 8,f not a tnan" and aald the never noticed. There was gloom in the rom|WB-' at the writing. The contract must ment: On Indochina first be searched by a competent "These strictures are not within aam» seven conditions "for peace lite Carlson of 199 R. Main St. Not only is it a ridiculous pose, ing room of The Herald Tuesday:saa Pre-War Car June 28 (IP)— The anti-Com- and order" which they broadcast morning after the editorial forces attorney. the jurisdiction of anyone in the attended the biennial sales meet­ it's also futile. It just doesn't do Red Cross and must he investi­ munist reM radio aaid today last Satu'rday atlil stand. any good because the water runs showed Its superiority on the soft- ing at the home office of the Breaking the Barrier gated before assurance can - be “ we (ftmot recognize" the . Dlst In a broadcast pledged the Wa.shiriffton, June 28 (A*)— President Eisenhower and Acushnet Process’ Cisr of New Bed­ down -Our 'wrists anyway. And if ball field Monday night with an Army to continue the war against we insist on flghting back against easy 16 to 8 victory. The contest Wrestling anyone? given that leplr.cenient ran he SOLIMENE, Inc. new Guatemalan government Prime Minister Churchill declared today they will “ press for* ford, Mass. Six college students decided to made. W e luirry such requests the invading exiles led by Col. the dispenser, the water has time took place at the Buckland School of Co,I, Carlos Enrique, Diaz. Carlos Armas,' but the switch in ward with plans for collective defense" of Southeast Asia. to run all the way down to our diamond. take in the local wrestling matches as speedily as possible: hut' an­ Leftust President .Jacobo Ar- And they •warned the Communists that “ the international sit­ During July and August King last 'luesday night at Mt. Nebo. swers are frequently held up from Dodqt and Plymouth government appeared to signal David Lodge No. 31 lOOF will elbows. Although Coach Alex Girelli and benz Guzman resigned under the end of the Communists' strong uation will be seriously affffravated" if the Reds make un­ Captain Lenny Zeidenberg didn't These five students, one unable to the other end until the replace­ Diroct Foetory Dtokr meet the second and fourth Fri­ Among us.
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