BEACON A Publication of Bellview Church of Christ 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL 32526 850.455.7595 Internet Web Page: http://www.bellviewcoc.com E-mail: [email protected] January April July October February May August November March June September December BEACON Vol. XLII / No. 1 January 7, 2013 A Publication of Bellview Church of Christ 4850 Saufley Field Road; Pensacola, FL 32526 850.455.7595 Internet Website: http://www.bellviewcoc.com E-mail: [email protected] Bishops: Paul Brantley, Fred Stancliff Minister: Michael Hatcher Sunday Bible Classes for all ages — 9:00 a.m. Deacons: Henry Born, Elward Brantley, Sunday Worship Services — 10:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Bill Busch, Bill Crowe, Jim Loy Wednesday Bible Classes for all ages — 7:00 p.m. Out With the New; In With the Old Brad Green To most, the title of this article probably that are new, but rather it is the misplaced trust seems reversed. The phrase, “out with the old; and love in the physical which leads man to do in with the new,” is a common one. This phrase things he ought not (1 Tim. 6:10). The rich is customarily used in regard to the always man who tore down his old barns to “build changing and progressing industries of tech- greater” (Luke 12:18) did not sin in that act. nology. Computers, cell phones, iPads, and His sin was in placing his trust in himself and Blackberries sold today will be obsolete tomor- his earthly treasures rather than laying up for row. New cars become “used” cars immediate- himself “treasures in heaven” (Mat. 6:20). Jesus ly after they are driven off the lot. The world’s concluded that this man’s error was that he was obsession with having the newest and best “not rich toward God” (Luke 12:21). (and more of it) has driven the current down- The same mentality has led to “new” inno- turn in the U.S. economy. People were buy- vations in the religious world as a means to at- ing new cell phones rather than paying their tract and retain people who were supposed to debts. They were buying houses with prices far have been converted out of such (Acts 3:19, exceeding their reasonable ability to pay, with Col. 1:13). In the minds of many, the Gospel is no money down, and with the encouragement not powerful enough to save (Rom. 1:16) and of liberal Congressional leaders like Reps. Bar- new programs and sources of entertainment ney Frank and Maxine Waters. The problem is are needed to “keep up with the times.” Many not man’s desire to have a house, but man’s in- in the church are saying, “out with the old; in ability to be content with what he can afford with the new.” There exists a solemn need for (Phi. 4:11). The problem is not having things the church to respond forcefully—“No! Out with the new; in with the old.” The prophet the law of God. Next, Josiah proclaimed, “out Jeremiah states, “Thus saith the Lord, Stand with the new.” “Josiah took away all the abom- ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old inations out of all the countries that pertained paths, where is the good way, and walk there- to the children of Israel” (2 Chr. 34:33). Jo- in, and ye shall find rest for your souls” (Jer. siah then proceeded to enact the “old paths” by 6:16). Dire consequences await if there is not a re-instating proper and authorized worship to restoration and return to the “old paths.” The God (35:1-19). restoration led by King Josiah should serve as Sadly, our call to oust the new and return to an inspiring Scriptural example. The restora- the old will be received the same way it was in tion began with the reading of the Word of the days of Jeremiah. “But they said, We will God (2 Kin. 22:8-11). This remedy is so sim- not walk therein” (Jer. 6:16). However, our ple to understand, seeing that the “new” inno- cause is just. Let us continue to plant, water, vations being introduced in worship and prac- and let God give the increase (1 Cor. 3:6) as we tice are themselves a product of disregarding walk in the “old paths.” Lenoir City, TN What Is Said When You Are Absent Have you considered the comments made who are responsible. They let others know they by fellow Christians when a member of the are going to be away. They make arrangements church is absent from a service? These com- for the classes they teach and leave their con- ments, or lack of them, usually provide a good tribution to be given as they purposed so the clue to the faithfulness and dependability of a church can carry on its work even though they church member. Note what the following re- are absent. marks indicate: “They’re probably out of town for the weekend.” One gets the impression on hear- “There must be something wrong!” This is usually heard when a member is unexpect- ing this that these make a fairly regular habit of being gone on Sunday. It causes one to feel edly absent who is ordinarily present for ev- that they are not exactly being fair to be gone ery service. It indicated that he is not one who so much and leave the teaching and other du- lets trivial things like a headache or even house ties to the other members. guests keep him from worship. He is always Nothing is said. When this occurs, it prob- in his place unless something serious is wrong. ably means that the person is absent more than “Oh, they’re on vacation.” This remark he is present. He may be absent so much that about an absent family pictures Christians no one notices it anymore, or they just assume Defender and Beacon Via E-mail that he is willfully forsaking the assembly as usual. To receive the Defender and Beacon, in PDF What do people say when you are absent? format, via e-mail, please send your e-mail What does it say about you? address to [email protected]. Author Unknown Begin the New Year with God Lester Kamp This is the time of year when all of us do a the things that you have done and the things little self-examination. We find that this is an that you have failed to do in the teachings appropriate time since the old year is now past of God’s Word which are wrong. Then you and we stand at the gates of a New Year. This should determine to do God’s will, being sorry is the time when many of us look back and for the sins of the past. When the sin is publicly take note of the mistakes that we have made known, a public confession is necessary; when last year and determine or resolve to do bet- the sin is private, confess privately your sins to ter in the New Year. We look back on our per- God. Pray for forgiveness. Know that God has sonal habits, our likes and dislikes, our jobs, forgiven you and live your life for Him. our home life, our role as father or mother or You may have been putting off your becom- child, etc. ing a Christian. Now is the appropriate time to Let me urge you to examine your life and obey without delay. If you believe the Truth, determine to begin the New Year with God! repent of your sins and be baptized in the name You are probably already involved to some ex- of Jesus for the remission of your sins. The time tent in self-examination—do not forget the is now (2 Cor. 6:2). There are many who are most important aspect of your life. concerned about you and are praying for you You may be a baptized believer who has to obey. Many look to you for an example; will drifted away from the Lord. If so, you need to you not set the right example for them? renew your relationship with God. You should Life is fragile and death is so certain. Begin realize the condition of your life at present and this year with God. Aurora, CO Evil Companions G. K. Wallace “Evil communications [companions] cor- company of corrupt men, he will soon become rupt good manners [morals]” (1 Cor. 15:33). as they are. We should be careful of our com- The choice of personal associates is very im- pany because of what we are. Evil companions portant. To go wrong here could cause one to will not tolerate us unless we adapt to their lose his soul. There is an old proverb that says, so-called “lifestyle.” Our dedication to Christ “There were two dry logs and one green log, should be so complete that we will shun evil but the dry logs burned up the green one.” Our companions. Half-hearted men lead only half associates could destroy us. We all need con- a life. The only way to keep character up is to genial society. The kind of people with whom live up to the highest standard at all times— we associate is a sure sign of our character. We Jesus Christ. Paul said, “And have no fellow- are the result of our choices. One may be ever ship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but so sound in the Faith, but if he frequents the rather reprove them” (Eph.
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