I 11 A BI-MONTHLY PUBLICATION THE ARTS Volume 2, Issue 3 January 15/March 15, 1988 Editor-in-Chief Debra Brehmer From the Editor Associate Editor Calender Editor Business Manager Of all the feedback we hear about the maga­ porary art from around the world, and the third Therese Gantz zine, some of the best compliments come from will be a huge survey of Wisconsin art. out-of-towners. Over and over again, we hear What a year! As far as Art Muscle goes, 1988 people from Chicago, Madison or former Mil­ will be business as usual. We recently complet­ Associate Editor-Music waukee residents living in New York say, "I ed a five-year plan, so we do intend to be can't believe there's so much going on in the Bobby DuPah around for a long time (to dispel any rumors to arts in Milwaukee." Well, there really is a lot the contrary). We hope to keep growing, but we happening here, and 1988 will be an even more will need more advertising support to do so, Photo Editor fertile year. The Milwaukee Repertory Theater and Art Muscle is a great place to advertise. We will open its Stiemke Theater at the end of reach a diverse market of intelligent, art-sensi­ Francis Ford February. This intimate 200-seat theater will be tive people. We also encourage subscriptions. an alternative space for the development of So, if you want to support the magazine, sub­ new works and the exploration of new play­ scribe! We've started a special Friends of Art Ad Manager wrights. The Rep's Cabaret is also opening the Muscle subscriber category for anyone who first week of March with seating for 125, food Sam Woodburn contributes $50 or more. You'll receive a five- service and entertainment. The PM Ballet year subscription and have your name listed on opens its Dance Factory on June 25 with the the masthead. Hamburg Ballet. The Factory, 710 W. Virginia, will be a 400-seat theater for experimental Have a good year! work and new choreography open to all local dance companies, who previously never had a Debra Brehmer Design Assistance centralized performance space. The Factory will give dance a new profile in Milwaukee. Don Sefton, David Schaefer, (The high school year book photographs that Also in 1988, the Milwaukee Art Museum will Linda Ponsbach, Scot Schanke appeared near the table of contents in the last have its busiest year ever with its centennial & Christine issue of Art Muscle were of Pee-Wee Herman, celebration running from April through Octo­ in case you didn't recognize him by his real ber. Three major exhibitions are slated. One Typesetting by Ries Graphics name, Paul Rubenfeld. Milwaukee Art Muse­ will include European and American art from Printing by Citizen Publishing um Chief Curator James Mundy attended high the 1880s. One will be a major show of contem­ school with Pee Wee in Sarasota, Via.) FRIENDS OF ART MUSCLE Mr. & Mrs. Perry Dinkin, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Recht Art Muscle is published bi-monthly by Art Muscle-Milwaukee, Inc., 909 W. National Ave, P.O. Box 93219, Milwau­ kee, Wl 53203. Third Class postage paid at Milwaukee, Wl 53202 and ad­ ditional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Art Muscle, P.O. Box 93219, Milwaukee, Wl 53203. Entire contents copyright © Art Mus­ cle-Milwaukee, Inc. All rights re­ served, except in reviews. Reproduc­ tions in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Art Muscle is a trademark of Art Muscle-Milwaukee, Inc. If they [his competitors] were drowning to death, I would put a hose in their mouth." Subscriptions rates in continental Ray A. Kroc U.S.: $12 one year; elsewhere, $16 Founder - McDonalds Corp. (Kroc, who died in 1984, left one year. V/i hrs. of video taped messages to be listened to by McDonald's employees from which the foregoing was ex­ cerpted.) 2 Art Muscle Art Muscle C O N T E N T S FEATURES Richard Avedon 14 Tom Bamberger Ko-Thi 18 Pat Hidson Polar Bears 25 Jim Brozek & John Blum Tom Strini 30 Debra Brehmer DEPARTMENTS AGOG 6 Letters 7 Letter Home 7 Post Facto - Reviews 10 Previews 11 Ear Muscle 12 Walk This Way 22 Linear B 23 Calendar 35 Cover: Eric J. Wallner July Sky & B-29 Locally associated with his abstract wilderness still lifes, Eric turned his hand-crafted 4x5" view camera on the EAA flight line in Oshkosh, Wi this past July. "Design in nature & design in aircraft are both governed by physics & survival; maple leaves & a vintage WWII B-29 Bomber have much in common, conceptually," he states. Qfeftains in their only 1988 Milwaukee appearance Sunday, March 20 7:30 p.m. Pabst Theater Tickets: 271-3773 and TICKETRON outlets MEONEMI MILWAUKEE CHAMBER THEATRE PRESENTS FAITH HEALER BY BRIAN FRIEL rseu) MARCH 4-20,1988 AT SKYLIGHT THEATRE :K 813 N. JEFFERSON ST. Jewry lightjmdmomnmvp CALL 271-8815 FOR , (I • v.; TICKET INFORMATION 4 Art Muscle February 11-14 at the PA.C. ROMEO AND JULIET LOVESONGS MENAGE A QUATRE STEADFAST TIN SOLDIER Four beautiful ballets in one romantic program. Tickets start at $5.00. For reservations call 273-7206. Pennsylvania and Milwaukee Ballet Robert Weiss Artistic Director AGOG A rts Friends Mime benefit WUWM changes format keting director of the Milwaukee Sym­ trance and returning at 5:30 p.m. Cost In a show of solidarity for Friends As of January 4, WUWM, 89.7FM, has phony Orchestra for three seasons, has is $42 with Art Institute admission, Mime Theatre, over 50 performers dropped classical music from its format resigned from her job to become ex­ transportation and lunch at Berghof's, and 15 visual artists gave a triumphant and will air only news and jazz. ecutive director of the newly-formed a fine German restaurant, included. outpouring of talent to aid fellow art­ WUWM Grants Manager Marsha Great Woods Institute for the Arts in For reservations call Karen Kane at ists in the troupe at a Crisis Bash at the Sehler said the change was meant to Massachusetts. She begins her new job 332-3346. (The Art Museum is also of­ Eagles Club on Jan. 3. fill a void in local radio programming. on Feb. 8. The symphony has not hired fering a trip to Madison to see the With WFMR already offering classical anyone to fill her position yet. Richard Avedon exhibition at the Madison Art Center on Saturday, Feb­ Two members of Friends Mime, Bar­ music, Sehler said, WUWM is now Marc Haupert recently resigned as ruary 27. Cost is $38 for Art Museum bara Leigh and Raphael Smith, were streamlining its mission to offer com­ Managing Director of Theatre X, a po­ members and $44 for non-members critically injured when their van over­ prehensive news coverage. The new sition he held for the past year and a and includes admission and lunch at turned in a snowstorm about one format will include news every day un­ half. Taffnie Bogart, former Business the White Horse Inn. Call 332-3346 month ago. Both Leigh and Smith are til jazz programming takes over at 10 Manager of Theatre X, has been ap­ for reservations). receiving therapy and are expected to p.m. Ten minutes of each news hour, pointed to Haupert's position. miss the winter and possibly spring Sehler said, will be devoted to the local seasons, causing Friends Mime to go art scene, and from 3 to 4 p.m. Mon­ Kiefer show in Chicago Clemente exhibition into serious debt. day through Fridays, a national arts The Anselm Kiefer exhibition at the An exhibition of approximately 25 program called Fresh Air will be pre­ Art Institute of Chicago is on view major etchings, woodcuts, lithographs The Crisis Bash raised more than sented. Sehler said the station is inter­ through January 31, and it really is a and monotypes by Francesco Cle­ $4,000 for the troupe, with more than ested in ideas for arts-related program­ "must see." The show includes numer­ mente will be at the Milwaukee Art 400 people in attendance. ming. Call Program Director Gary ous monumental paintings as well as a Museum January 21-March 27. Cle­ Vaillancourt at 229-4664 with sugges­ series of handmade books by this im­ mente, a leading Italian-born, contem­ Friends Mime, however, still needs a tions. portant, contemporary German paint­ porary artist, has achieved interna­ great deal of support. Tax-deductible er. A bus trip from Milwaukee Art Mu­ tional recognition for his work. The contributions can be sent to Friends Harris leaves Symphony/Haupert seum to the exhibition will be offered exhibition is part of the Art Museum's Mime Theatre, P.O. Box 92127, Mil­ leaves Theatre X on Saturday, January 23, departing at CURRENTS series. Call 271-9508 for waukee, Wl 53202. Christine Harris, who served as mar­ 8:30 a.m. from the museum's south en­ more information. G rants Wisconsin Arts Board Cook wins film grant Change, Inc. grant Light Work grants The Wisconsin Arts Board deadline for Cathy C. Cook of Milwaukee recently Change, Inc. provides emergency Light Work provides fellowships, proj­ project, salary assistance and artist res­ received a $13,465 grant from Film in grants for eviction, utility turn-off, ect grants and artist-in-residence pro­ idency grants is Feb. 1. For applica­ the Cities 1987 Regional Film/Video medical expenses, fire and theft losses. grams to support artists in photogra­ tions and guidelines, contact The Wis­ Grant Program to develop an experi­ (Not for supplies or projects).
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