DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020, AHMEDABAD, LATE CITY, 16 PAGES SINCE 1932 `4.00, WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 8,000 PPE kits, ‘CJI AWARE OF NATURE OF ALLEGATIONS, SEIZED OF MATTER’ On table for next voting facility for TimingofJaganlettersuspect, round of LAC talks: Covid patients butnoconsentforcontempt:AG Thinning of troops Signal from Beijing on certain friction EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE DECISION Letter followedJustice Ramana order Delisting Kamal Nath: SC asks pointsasharsh Ladakh winter sets in AHMEDABAD,RAJKOT,SURAT, VADODARA,NOVEMBER2 to fast-trackcases: Venugopal 2020 EC who gave you this power? DEEPTIMANTIWARY Modi,Xi AS MANY as 565 auxiliarypolling GUJARAT NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER2 atthree stations, 8,000 PPE kits, 21 lakh ANANTHAKRISHNANG ‘Conduct of E BYPOLLS ● meetings hand gloves and health teams for NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER2 AndhraCM, ANANTHAKRISHNANG EC had NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN India EXPLAINED eachofthe polling stations were Principal Secy &RITIKACHOPRA revokedhis and China over the situation in amongthe measures put in place No.ofseats NOTINGTHATthe “timing” of prima facie NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER2 name from eastern Ladakh have notyielded PRIME MINISTER on Monday, the eveofby-elec- 8 AndhraPradesh Chief Minister contumacious’ listofstar resultssofar on troops returning NarendraModi and tions to eight Assemblycon- No.ofvoters No.ofpolling YSJagan Mohan Reddy’s letter THESUPREME CourtMonday campaigners to their April locations —the sta- Chinese President Xi stituencies amid the Covid-19 morethan booths to Chief Justice of India SA stayed the Election Commission tus quoante, before the startof Jinping areset to meet pandemic. Officers of Election 18.75lakh 3,024 Bobde, complaining against General KKVenugopal on order revoking former Madhya the standoffinMay —but the eachother at three vir- Commission of India(EC)said Justice NVRamana, and the Monday, however, declinedcon- Pradesh Chief MinisterKamal “Weare staying your order,” Indian establishment is hopeful tual summitsthis month that theywill facilitateeven tions were addedtoensurethat state’s move to makeitpublic sent to initiateproceedings Nath’s name from the listofstar Chief Justice of India SABobde, of “partial disengagement” at cer- —ofthe BRICS, SCO, those down with Covid-19to social distancing norms arenot “could certainlybesaid to be sus- againstReddy forcriminal con- campaignersfor the Congress heading athree-judgeBench, told tain friction pointsinthe region. G-20. Ahead of these casttheir votes. violated in the polling booths. pect” in the wake of the latter’s temptofthe Supreme Court. party in the stateAssembly by- Senior AdvocateRakesh Dwivedi Sources said this is largely meetings, the twosides SMurali Krishna, Chief “Wehavearranged 8,000 order to expeditetrial in cases In alettertoAdvocate polls —elections to 28 seatswill who wasappearing forthe EC. supposedtotranslateintothin- will hope to dial down Electoral Officer (CEO) of Gujarat, PPE kitsfor Covid-19patients, againstlegislators, Attorney CONTINUEDONPAGE2 be held Tuesday. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ning of troops massedbythe the tensions somewhat. said that total 566polling sta- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 twosides on the north and south banksofPangong Tso. Friction pointsalso remain in Gograand since June, movement of troops Weddings in HotSpring areas aftersome ini- and artillerybyeither side has Nov 3ishere: nostalgia, AN EXPRESSINVESTIGATION PART THREE tial disengagement. onlyincreasedinthe region. Gujarat can have While sevenrounds of talks This move to effect some at the levelofthe Corps thinning of troops by either side up to 200 guests hope in Biden home town Fraud went on unchecked even as red Commander have takenplace CONTINUEDONPAGE2 EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE BUSINESSASUSUAL flags were waved in Centre and state GANDHINAGAR,NOVEMBER2 Bihar elections phase 2: BY UNNY THE GUJARATgovernment on RACE FOR ABHISHEKANGAD THE Have started Mondayrelaxed the rule foror- THE WHITE RANCHI,NOVEMBER2 SCHOLARSHIP Battered by bias, years of ganising marriagefunctions HOUSE probe: Naqvi amid the Covid-19pandemic, al- ON OCTOBER 31,barely48hours SCAM apathy, Doms seek change lowing amaximum of 200at- EXPRESS after The Indian Express told him tendees forweddings in non- that official records had listed listofcomplaintsand redflags — ESHAROY herehaveasked from their containment zones. Earlier,the INTHEU.S. 180beneficiaries from his school from the Central Government to NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER2 DIPANKARGHOSE politicians is to at leastremove upper limit forguests at such forthe Centre’s pre-Matric schol- stateanti-corruption officials to PARBATTA(KHAGARIA),NOV2 the waterand levelthe land, es- functions was100. arship forminority students, the school owners in Jharkhand — UNION MINIS- peciallyafter afive-year-old fell The relaxations come when KARISHMAMEHROTRA principal of Blue Bells in warning of fraudand forgerybya TER of Minority THERE IS apool of waterbehind and drownedhere10years ago. the stateiswitnessing adown- SCRANTON(PENNSYLVANIA), Jharkhand’s Ramgarhrushedto nexus of middlemen, school and Affairs Mukhtar their ramshackle homes on un- “Once, theycame and threw ward trend in the number of NOVEMBER2 the nearestpolice station. bankstaff,andstateemployees,to AbbasNaqvisaid easy stiltsinKhagaria's Aguani. some earth on the road outside. Covid-19cases reporteddaily. “Wehavenot appliedfor any illegallydivertfunds from the na- Mondaythat That is wherethe solitaryhand We thought it would finallyget An official statement from MARTY KEARNS’S familytook furniturethatread“Joewashere.” minority scholarship...takeswift tional scholarship. ‘In touch the Central pumpfor the community of 200 done. But theynever came inside the Chief Minister’s Office made over Joe Biden’s home in 1962, “Joe mayhavemoved out of action againstthose involvedin Mostofthem went un- with state’ Governmenthas stands. The waterhas turneda CONTINUEDONPAGE2 the announcement while adding whentheBidenfamilymovedout town but he didn’t shake this fraudulent activity,” wrote heeded. “initiated an in- poisonous green, with garbage that it will come intoeffect from of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Later Scranton off. Youdon’t spend MahendraVerma in his com- Over the lasttwo days, The vestigation” into collected over the years and a November 3. In the case of a regretting it, the Kearns patched time in this cultureand then plaint at the station in Gola. Indian Express published the disbursal of scholarships for sheetofmosquitoes over itssur- MORE REPORTS CONTINUEDONPAGE2 up the wood carving in the bed CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Thiswasjustthelatestinalong CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 face. Foryears, all that the Doms PAGE 7 R 100% HERBAL PURE makes your hair healthy and strong &NATURAL to look beautiful &confident... MRP ` 140/-* Highly purified Indian herbs extract *Inclusive of all taxes 130 ml (100 ml +)30 ml Free Distributor contact: Ahmedabad -Aadeshwar Marketing +91 99255 06629 |ASM :+91 98258 49088 Formoreinformation, please contact: +91 97792 14455, +91 73199 35154 (Whatsapp) /[email protected] Ahmedabad WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,TUESDAY,NOVEMBER3,2020 DOWNLOADAPP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ■ VISUAL STORIES ■ DAILY BRIEFING ■ PODCASTS HOWMORETHANONEINSTITUTETAKECREDITFORJEE,NEETSUCCESSSTORIES ■ CUSTOMIZABLE Whylifewon’t go back NEWS EXPERIENCE FollowingtheJEE,NEETresults,thetoppersintheengineering,medicalentrancetestsarebeingclaimedby WEB multipleinstitutesastheirstudent. to normal even aftera Indian Express EXCLUSIVE ★★★★★■4.6 Covid-19vaccine VIDEOOFTHEDAY EXPRESSTECH NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY BIHAR ELECTION THE NEXT-GEN In this episode of The Sandip RoyShow, UPDATE CONSOLE GAMING? virologistDrGagandeep Kang talksabout From personal attacks The console wars are what we’rereallylooking forina vaccine, SCANTHISQRCODETO to Tejashwi’s Indian backwith the PS 5 and addresses some burning concerns DOWNLOADTHEAPP Express interview and XboxSeries X FROMPAGEONE Fraud went on the “technical” problems of the paraphernalia, too. In the final areinmedicaltrainingandasoft- NSP that did notallowfor cross- stretchasanation, splitright ware company. “Whenyouwork the findings of itsinvestigation verificationatthestatelevel.“We downthemiddlepreparesto vote here,thework isappreciated,”the thattrackedhundredsofapplica- arenot able to see the account Timing of Jagan letter suspect: AG tomorrowDemocratic 62-year-old said. “This countryis tions from 15 schools in six dis- numbersof beneficiaries,leaving Presidential nominee Biden has good forimmigrantsand the trictsand showedhow multiple little scope forcross verification,” Ashwini Upadhyay, who had Ministertothe Chief Justice of ditiously. As youyourself have inal contempt of the Supreme made Scranton, wherehespent Democratsare working forthe layers of verification, from the Xaxa said. But thereisnoanswer sought his consent to initiate India, Hon’ble Mr.Justice S. A. pointed out, thereare 31 crim- CourtofIndia,” he said. thefirst10yearsof hislife,thecen- immigrants.” school to the statelevel, failedto to howtheredflagswere ignored. criminal contempt of courtpro- Bobde. The letter wasthen re- inal cases pending againstthe Upadhyay, inhisletterseek- trepiece of his campaign. But Parini said his town is still detect the scam -- despitechecks ceedings againstReddy and the leasedtothe press by Sh. Ajeya Chief Minister,”hesaid. ing consent, had said Reddy’s His tagline: Scranton versus nostalgic forthe “good days”be- likeAadhaarIDsandfingerprints, ‘Checks
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