^ ^ N O \ N A V let selfisH Interests take precedence over tHe maintenance of good will witH UMT1UM5U SUPPLY Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS 11 Actor _ Albert cfour friends today. Self-centered beHavior A c o m m 12 Lively retort K O L A l ^BirtHday could cause otHers to lose respect for 1 CatcHes H i f r o » ? y o F 15 Wide shoo s in 11 R l you. 'jOUfcf^ER- 5 Sprues 17 Weather CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 19) Ju d g ­ □BBDCIDEIIIB DOD Aug. 21,19tS ment Is extremely Important II tHere is a 9 Actor _ Power bulletin 5PA'NNIN6 SiDB nBD □□ODB matter you Hope to finalize tHat con­ 12 Nothing 19 TV antenna R v K m e e $ . , . Your resourcefulness and creative abili­ cerns otHers, as well as yourself. Don't 13 Followed typo ties could put you In tHe profit column In oversell or undersell. 14 Imprison tHe year aHead. Imaginative and Innova­ AOUARIUS (Jon. 20-Fab. 19) THis C IBWI>yWtA.lnc. 2 0 ____________first you 16 Closed car don't ... tive concepts sHould be treated sHould be a pleasurable day for you, but 18 Sioux Indian seriously. you could Incur expenses you didn't an­ 21 Mama's 19 Canine cry PEANUTS by Cbarlaa M. Schulx LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Situations wHicH ticipate. To be on tHe safe side, carry a CAPTAIN EASY by Crook* A Catala husband are not of a material nature sHould work little extra casH on your person. 22 Tiny Insect 23 Adam's out well for you today. THis migHt not be PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) Alm s and I W A R N E D YA THINK ©OME PON'T EVER BET AGAINST AND t h a t G O E © N0U)0NPERIC0ULPN'T 24 Domestic ^SIR.ITHINKl r AAAVBE NOT, THATISN't AMAP..IT’s AN true of your financial or commercial objectives wHicH are of importance to YOU ALU BE­ O’ THAT LOCK’LU ANYTHING OWNEP BY FOR MY b a s e b a l l grandson animal (AAARCIE..HE'S | ^ FINP 0/AAHA. dealings. Be careful. Major cHanges are you today migHt not be equally as ur­ FO R E TH I© ROB OFF ON ME. ------- , O.R M c K E E - t e a m . ' 26 Place □ □ □ □ D D B D D OUR 6 U IP E APVERTI5EMENT F0RP06 FOOP.' RACE- E A © Y ? © O R E 25 In tHe aHead for Leo In tHe coming year. Send gent to your companions. Don't let tHeir r -f confidence E L I El IS LOST.. LOOKING AT HOPE ©O. distance A M AP... for your Astro-GrapH predictions today. disinterest get you off course. HAWK. 27 Levels 28 Cozy N O l m n Mall $1 to Astro-GrapH, c/o tHis news­ ARIES (March 21-AprH IB) Your warm, paper, P.O. Box 61426, Cleveland, OH expansive attitude will enable you to 29 Openings 30 Anna and the 41 Sweet potato 50 Glossy fabric 44101-3428. Be sure to state your zodi­ melt away tHe pettiness In com panlora 31 Twists of fate King of _ 42 Nearsighted ac sign. today. Your inspiring example will en­ 35 Type face 32 Infirmities 52 Bishop's person VIRGO (Aug. 23-8apL 22) If a friend courage tHem to beHave similarly. 37 Syrian 33 Squeens out province 43 Biblical does sometHing today tHat you find an­ TAURUS (Aprs 20-May 20) CHangoa 34 "AuW Lang 54 Lawless crowd 38 Coarse parson character noying, try to overlook It Instead of tend to work for your ultimate banofit making It an Issue. A little disagreement today, even tHose tHat you do not per­ 40 Small valley 36 Ire 46 Walk for 55 Apron top must not be permitted to get out of sonally autHor. R o w witH events and ex­ 41 Entertainer _ 39 Talk-sHow host pleasure 56 MiHtary school Hand. pect favorablo results. (abbr.) Sumac , _ Winfrey 48 Cafe employee LIBRA (SapL 23-Ocl. 23) Your possibil­ GEMBH (May 21-Juno 20) THings wHI 44 CHaractariiad ities for acquisition look good today. work out better In tHe long run today If by (suff.) HAOAR THE HORRIBLE by DIk Broema However, time Is also a cHance you you go along witH tHe wHI of tHe m ajor­ ARLO AND JANI8 by Jimmy Johnton 46 Compass point migHt do sometHing witHout tHinking ity, even If tHeir Ideas and deilras aran't 47 Indian nurse tHat could offset your gains. completely compatibla witH your own. SCORPIO (Oel. 24-Nov. 22) Someone In your -niE SCHOOL Y E A R ie> 6 0 WHO SAY6 Mine M 0UIH 6 I suppose rnsGonoo TO 49 Song words 1 ^^£I2 A N ice w h a t 'p v o u I [ an AMKILE ftRACELET CANCER (Juno 21-July 22) witH wHom you may be involved today Haste to get tHings dona today you may LOMGAMDmSUmCR HASlDKUNiliLR'IHAK} KAHOnCR MMIoeRVCAR 51 Suriy &IFT AHP HIT <&iv E M e i2 ? IS 50 SHORT.' ^ D4ia^ MOKflUe? fORARnHMenCGRAPeS. migHt try to take credit lor sometHing not bo aa attentivo to detaHs as you' 53 WitH hands on M \NiTH I T / you’ve recently accomplisHed. Take sHould be. For best results, try to focus y hips It 20 21 1 measures to set tHe record straigHt. on tHe smaller picture as well as tHe 57 TougH question V T ^ BAGITTARHIB (Nov. 23-Oac. 21) Don’t larger one. 58 Gallant 2B 59 Grafted, in 2t heraldry 60 Recedes 36 Bridge DOWN So it was vital for South to hold his Aito JO H N ^ia 1 _ degree NORTH sacrifice penalty to 500 or less. 2 Look at ♦ 8 3 2 Declarer won the opening spade 3 THree (praf.) THE PHANTOM by Laa Falk A By Barry ♦ Q842 lead and played a low club right away. ♦ J« ALLEY OOP byDavoOrauo 4 Plants grass He hoped that Westmight hold K-10-9 ♦ QJ42 5 THieve ...N o m iN e j of clubs and go in with the king. But W E ( HOW? I BY ARRANGING THE ( ( ELEMENTARY t h e h u m a n o id s ON ...B U T W E A R E ( t h e n I G U E S S CAM WILL,. no, Elast won dummy’s Jack with bis OUR CRAFT DO NOT POWERLESS TO IT'S UP TO HELPYOUV, V DISORIENTATION/^"“ ^SECURITY 6 — Zumwalt WEST EAST WISH HARM TO ANY STOP THE HUBOTSil US.GUZj IN O N E TT/T OFTHE E.SR'S!(E.SR.'S?) ROBOTS.' 7 Sharp ♦ Q 6 4 ♦ K J 10 « & king, cashed the jack of spades and M LIVING THING ON W/NY! ♦ J975 ♦ AK106S the king of hearts. Declarer ruffed and 8 Fling YOUR PLANET ♦ Q 10 2 ♦ K8 played a low diamond. West won tte 10 Large East ♦ A 10 9 ♦ K queen and played another h eart After Indian tree (c)igS8 by NEA Inc. 20 SOUTH ruffing, declarer was down to only two ♦ A7 trumps in his hand, and the diainonds ♦ --- were not yet established. He jdayed ♦ A76S43- ace of diamonds and ruffed a d ia m ^ ♦87853 low. When Blast failed to overruff, it Vulnerable: Elast-West was obvious that West was left with A- H t r h u a ,. Dealer Elast 10 of clubs. Declarer ruffed a spade back to his hand and continued with i THAT SCRAMBLED WORD QAME PHAnim \» ”fm ryz by Hanrf Arnold and Bob Lm Wnt North East Soath another diamond. West now erred by ! ♦ 2 0 ruffing that diamond with the clnb 10. BLONDIE by Daan Young A Btan Draka Unscramble these four Jumblee, W?w can tall me wHat iffals'llke Hate— ! ♦ Pass 3 T 4 ^ South overruffed in dummy, ruffed an­ THE BORN LOEER byArtSantom one letter to eacH square, to form and Hare? 4V 5 ^ Pass Pass other heart with his laM club and four ordinary words. MOW'D YOU D O TODAY, I KNOCKED EIGHT J MB OROPPBD eUHtJ^IIIMIul^ BUT n"S BBCAUSe » STHOKBS OFF STROMN^ALU DIONT COUNT ONE Dbl. Pass Pass Pass played another good diamond as Wbst OAGW OOO T ' RkSHT H O t-B .r~ , WHAT^ WPOOtjvVU^ TEKHBLE eACK-XW H^TCJNE.I-SlTIM ATBPIP6AIH OFMYAWERAGE^i ruffed with the club ace. That was 300 RUTYL Opening lead: ♦ 4 to Elast-WesL slight compensation for 6LM7f&IW'66Afce5«W8ACt. [TII what they could have scored had they *<WB Htosw IMM awtoto MS been allowed to play game in a major. ^ w C L u i'v ^ TBepeva?nHiiJb6i5e, nsApwaiiwiM Bridge players make far-out bids West could save a trick by ruffing a / when Uie vulnerability is favorable. diamond with the club ace and return­ SONOW How else can we explain South first ing the 10. At that point, declarer bidding two diamonds and later four w ^ d have no entry tuMdt to his hand n clubs? Certainly North and South were and would have to lose another heart, not going to defeat the opponents in but even that defense would have net­ UPDELD their vulnerable four-heart contract. ted only 500. WHAT THE CARTHS TWO POLAR REeiONS AKE. WHAT A GUY byBIHHoeet CELEBRITY CIPHER CALARI COitiSy Oplor ctmweraws os orams Hwi suoWSora Sy liwniii smsb, SW ■"< p w ra. p r a n k AND ERNEST by Bob 1 Now arrange the circled letters to o e «li MH> In SM cIpiMr Mndi to mSHT.
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