THE NEWIYORK HERALD. Vol. XI., Ko. lJIWWIiole No. KKM. Prlc« Two CcnU. A DOLLAR SAVED THE NEW YORK HERALD. IS A DOLLAR KAHNKD. ("1 avoids his horses in an artificial Northerns can appreciate a fine animal, whether ^ uiu.Z keeping GENTLEMEN who make it a rule to lav out tlieir money to ",ore.°Ver. he never throws his stable quite Irom the North or the South, an well as themselves. the beat are respectfully notified that they can pur¬ FASHION. «.!»«».° and runs his It is even that no heat will be run under 7 chase 1Ut«advantage, at i.. and always exercises 38, as, the JAMES GORDON BENNETT, aud Cap* u 'ni'!'lnB» Proprietor. ROBERTSON'S PHOCNIX HAT AND CAP cri,i'rr. the want of which has lost course is not in first rate order just now, and' the ESTABLISHMENT, nnXLY V° raceS fro,n ,he dipping of the saddle.- general prayer ofthe timers is No. 10) Fulton betw««u William and Nassau " Circulation.Forty Thousand. much >tre«t, streets, plivlno sluggish mare, and is Oh, for a shower of rain, cheaper than at any other establishment in the city. An awkward in?nl1C°mpal?tlvl!l!rslow gentle inflexible adherence to the system of large ssle.v small profits, awlwnlj wurk : when extended, however, The count to improve to-day." DAILY Pric# . cant* and on ier action us HERALD.Erary day. per cash delivery, enables the proprietor to offer the different express and admirable." Her stride It is ili»' impression of some that a rac« -5 in advance. articles iu his lino at the following reduced rales :. to when at the of waiting copy.$7 per annum.payaWle hats. ,)e twenty-seven feet, top will be made on the first heat, and its issue put upon WEEKLY cent* r irjt Nutria For 50 her rate; the str.de of English Keli^e and Flying a brush. But no out* can the of acci¬ HKItALD.Every Saturday.Price8( quality >3 is fell; chapter cent* in adranco. Second do3 00 Uulders represented to have b en but tweniy-six dents do a deal. in has per copy.$3 12J per annum.payable Moleskin 2 SO while the ot our fastest like may great Peytona, weight, * feet, average horses, the same or that Fashion had ADVERTISEMENTS at the u»ual price*.always CAPS. und Blue is short oftwentv- advantage, nearly so, cash in udvunce. r irst quality man's and boy's $1 .10 boston. Fashion, Dick, in her match with Boston; besides, it is generally Secord do do1 00 three leer. In action, Peyton i looks really iiiuchi,,u«j a PRINTING of all kind* executed with and Third do conceived, that there is 110 disadvantage in south¬ beauty do75 arger ilian when standing quiet; she goes with v< ern not so despatch. These articles are not hut in some horse com inp North; with northern horses only unite equal, respects locity and gathers with great apparent in All letters or communication!, (especially iu the style of trimming) superior to any in tlie city. precision; going South. 'Hiking the affair "all all," there is (SJ- by mail, addreiied V of the and with those of ease to and in a stable comprising three or as ex- to the establishment, must he pout paid, or the comparison qualities prices, other herself, every reason to believe that it will be quite post-iRe ¦-.tablishinents, w ill show a ileductiou of SI to $1 50 on ensto- f >ur ol the horses in the I'nion, can outfoot as m will be deduotod from the iubscription money remitted niary All most speediest citing any that has come off this country; as prices. Hats warranted of the fashionable and outlast them all! lar ks JAMES GORDON BKNNETT, Broudw ay patterns. present ap)>earances go, it promises to b« N. B..The proprietor's extensive enable him to so. the horse win. OF THE NlW arrangi'ments I"E VTONa's PERFORMANCES. quite May best PnOFUIKTOR Yoll* 1U*AI.D ElTJkOL1 SMMKNT >ffer very advantageous bargains to wholesale deulers and coun¬ are num¬ merchants. alO 1S13 Oct 10. Won the Groat ^iranger.-i flocking into the city in great Northwest corcicr of Kvlton and Nassau streets ty liu'm Nashville, Tcnn. bers; the trains and were I'eyton Stake for four rear old*, colts 100 steamers last evening MILLS, HATTEH, 178 BROADWAY, ll)s. tillics 07 lb., of Thirty subscribers at crowded. (Howards; hotel,\ *5,000 each, *1,000 ft., Four mile heats, ri INDUCED by the flattering success he ha* met wilh in Col. iiemlrf, Hou. .Mr. Hamilton, l'ii)wr t'nniula. J(»lhe manufacture of Silk Hats, in .imitation of the French, beating Hampton's of the ,'E OK PACKETS .o call tlie attention of the public thereto, does so in the full coti- Harrow's Skylark colt, ami Hon. B. rev- [Correspondence Herald.] LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. tdenceof rendering perfect satisfaction to all who may honor ton s Great Western, in 8:52.C:50.8-33- Hamilton, (U. C.) May 4. 18M6. lltgiittr. Burthen. :um with a call. 8:64 ; the course extremely deep in mud. Ship. CirTitain. toni. font. First quality French Moleskin$4 50 the stake realized above *35,000 A melancholy event took placa last week a few SEA... 7 Second " " " 4 l*t «CT _ W r.dwud lino " tMi4-.lBn.fi. New Orleans, Louisiana Course. miles west of the double death of Col. LIBERTY P. P. Norton fiM 1100 First Nutria 4 50 this, namely, Second " " W on the Jockey Club Purse, still carrv- CORNELIA F. M. French... 1040 1700 3 50 as a 4 Wm.JohnstonKerr, and Mrs. Col. Kerr. The funeral MEMPHIS C. H. Coffin 798 NOO In Addition to the above there may be had at this establish- ,nR yr old, beating Capt. Mi¬ OHIOH.Lyon 7BS 1370 nent an elegant article of Nutria Hat at $4. which for elegance nor* Norma, same ago and weight, in 7:45 was one ofgreat pomp and ceremony, being attended TAROLINTA J. G.Smith C04 1100 will rival mmy tint are sold at S5, and to w hich Jhe attention ef . 1 000 the numerous tribes of Indians in the REPUBLIC J. C. Luc* 678 1275 ihe public is respectfully invited. Jon. 19. Mobile, Ala., liascombo Course. by vicinity, GEN. FARKH1LL... A. M'Kow.i J74 1150 A few cssna ol Cassimere and Silk Hats, manufactured for the \\ on the Jockey Club I'urse, Three mile- the whole masonic body, (Col. Kerr being a Knight They arc all tir.t class New York built the country trade, on hand, and for sale low. ships, of choiccsl J. D. of firm of heats, carrying same weight as before, of that and half of Hamilton. sed best materials, and well known as remarkably ait sailnr. Totten, (lap; the Alvord it Co.,)and R.J. s St. 3 86 Templer fraternity,) Their commanders are me" of » ite of would be to see tneir Irieudi Denting Major Meyer Cloud, yrs long experienc and nautical judg¬ riOfany, (l Albany,) pleased m courso 300 A short of the deceased not be unac¬ ment, and wi;ll acquainted in the trade. The cabius are it the above plare. a?7 Im'ec lbs., 0:0<(.5:58, heavy history may handsomely and fitted up March 10. Now Course. commodiously for cabin passengers, who ar< ULXLVti Orleans, Eclipse ceptable. Pmiid witli every thing except liquors and wines, and the r.itta Won the Jockey Club Purse. Three mile are fixed at WELL KNOWN HAT AND CAP Col. Kerr was a of the celebrated Sir sigteen KUineai each. The second cabins and steer¬ 214 ESTABLISHMENT, heats, carrying same weight as before, grandson ages are lofty and airy, and «»ery way to BROADWAY, OPPOSITE ST. PAUL'S. Col. 3 Sii William Johnston ; inherited much of his adapted promote th. desirous of a retiu- beating Bingamau's Ruffin, vrs, courags comfort Mid heilth of passengers at a cheap rate, tlien SUBSCRIBER, being inaiulaining lbs and Mr. 3 and lie served in the last and was ow provisions, except breadstuff*. noding THEt itio:i for the su|>«rior quality aud style of his Hats, rather Kenner's Blue Bonnet, yrs., intrepidity; war, The djys of will be han for the ostentativiis and costly magnificence of Ins store, S3 lbs., in 5:50.5.54}, course rather heavy. BOO made prisoner by the Americans; when hostilities appointed sailing strictly adliercd to.. aas confined to l)ec. FpukIh of line goods by this line 20s. per ten. Apply to diligently his attention improving the material '.4. New Orleans, Metallic Course. ceased, he was elected to serve in the Provincial C. GRIMSHAW & CO., qualities of the article iu which he deals, considering such a VV on the i'oit Stake for all ages, of live Parliament. 12 Goree Piatias, course much more conducive to the interests of his patrons, than subs. at *2,000 each, *500 ft. Four milo Persons who wish to have their Liverpool. labored sttemi t* to dazzle tlieir eyea with ornaments Mrs. Kerr was a daughter of the renowned Brandt, may friends come out by any to tlie store expulsive heats, beating Blue Dick, in «:09.8:09 of the above named favorite ships, can secure their he occupies. By then means he is enabled to offer late chief of the six nations. She was always ac¬ applying to SAMUEL passage by '.he following article*, vir course rather heavy 5 500 Old THOMPSON, First Quality of Nutria Hats $1 50 Starting five times, and winning all her races ceptable company at government levees, and was Established* Passage Office, " " to all) 1 m re Second 3 50 without for'her withal, acknowledged be the most queen-like and 273 Pearl street.
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