
The original documents are located in Box 15, folder “President - Christmas Presents (1)” of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 15 of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library THE WHITE HOUSE WASJ:iiNCJTOM .) 'lr1/f<1 Mr. Hartmann: .f f·' J*f<vj Dorothy says the ~r~sidentJ wants these letters out TODAY if the letter meets your approval. Dorothy has ordered the additional calculators. Should Congressman McFall also receive one? ~eta i ,9-_/J ~;'1 t/ cz ·. { 0 r . ll"3L\D . - 3501 . 531 OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, D.C. From the President: To: a.m. p.m. Dear ~~~~~~~~~~ On my recent trip to the Far East, I just had to squeeze in enough personal time in a very tight schedule, to allow me to find this little Christmas gift and souvenir of Japan for you. It is an excellent pocket calculator --- but it also has other accomplishments. For instance, if you punch 77340 into the calculator and then turn it upside down, you will see what the Republicans said after the 1974 election. But this little machine is also a fortune-telling calculator and if you punch in 3507 and turn it upside down, you will see what we don't intend to do in 1976! Have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! FOR LES ARENDS: P.S. --- This is also a personalized calculator. Punch in 537, turn it upside down and you '11 see what I mean. Dacaaber 13, 1974 Dear Carls On •1 recent trip to the Par Eaat, I juet had to aqueeae tn enough pereonal ti•• in a ••r1 tight achadula to allow •• to f ied tht• little Chri•t•a• atft and aouvenir of Japan for you. tt la au excellent pocket calculator--but it aleo hae other accoaplishaanta. Por inetanca, if you punch 77340 into the calculator and than turn it upaide dovn, you will ••e vhat th• Republican• aaid after the 1974 election. But thia little ••chine i• alao a fortune-telltn1 calculator--and if you poach in 3507 and turn tt upal4• down, 70• will aee what we doa't intend to do iu 19761 Ba•• a Merry Cbri•t••• and a ••ry Happy Bew Year! Warmeet peraonal regarde, Honorable Carl Albert Th• Speaker Bouaa of aapre•entativea Vaahlnaton, D. c. 20515 Dece ber 13, 1974 Dear Carl: On ay recent trlp to th• ~•r Baat, I juat had to aqueese tn enovgh per•onal tiaa in a very ti bt eehedul• to allow •• to find this little Christ••• gift and eouvenir of Japan for you. It is an excellent pocket calculator--but 1t al•o ha• other accompliah••nta. ?or inatanca, if you punch 77340 iuto the calculator and then turn it upaide dovn, you will eee vbat the epubllcana aa1d after the 1974 election. But tble little aachine ia alao a fortune-telling calculator--and if you punch in 3507 and turn it upside dovn, you will aee what ve dou't intend to do in 19761 Ba•• a Merry Cbriataaa aud a very Bappy Nev !earl Raraeat peraonal regards. Honorable Carl Albert The Speaker ouae of Repreaentative• Waehington, D. c. 20515 Deceaber 13. 1974 Dear Tips Oa ay recent trip to the far !a•t, I ju•t had to •qu•••• in •nouah per•onal ti•• la a ••ry ti&ht achedule to allow •• to f lad th1• little Chr1ataae gift and •ou••air of Japan for 1ou. It 1• an excellent pocket calculator--••t lt aleo ha1 other accoapll1baent•• Por tn•tance. lf JOU puach 77340 into th• cale•lator and than turn it up•lde down. JOU will eae what the lepubllcan• eald after the 1974 e1ect1oa. But thl• little aachine le al•o a fortune-telllaa calculater--••• lf you puaeh in 3507 aad turn it up•ld• down, 1•• will ••• what we don't tatead to do lD 19761 I••• a Kerry Cbrl•t••• and a ••ry lappy Rew Yearl War•••t peraonal reaarde, lonorable Tho••• P. O'Neill, Jr. Kajorlty Leader Bouee of lepraaentatl••• Waehleatoa, D. c. 20515 Dece ber 13, 1974 • D r Tip: On y recent trip to the Far !aat, I juat had to aqueeae in enough peraonal time in a very ti ht acbedute to allow me to find tbia little Christmas ift and souvenir of Japan for you. It is an excellent pocket calculator--but it alao has other acco pliahaents. Por instance, if you punch 77340 into the calculator and then turn it upside down, you will ••• what the epublicana •aid after the 1974 election. But thia little machine ia alao a fortune-tellinR calculator--and if you punch in 3507 and turn it upside dovn, you will see what ve don't intend to do in 19761 Have a Merry Chriataaa and a very Happy New Yearl Warmest personal re arda, Honorable Thomas P. O'Neill, Jr. Majority Leader nouae of aepreaentativea Waahington. D. C. 20515 D••.. ••r 13, 1974 On •1 reeeat trip to the Par la•t, I ju•t ha• to ••••••• ia aaou1h pareoaal ttae ta a ••rJ t11ht eche••l• to allow •• to fta4 thl• little Chr1ataaa a1f t aa4 •ou•entr of Japaa for you. It 1• aa ascalleat poek•t ca1eulater--••t it alao ha• other aceoapli•h•••te. ror iaatanee, if 700 poaeb 77340 lato the eale•lator aa• th•• tura lt apat•• down, 10• will •e• what th• aepu•llcaaa aatd after th• 1974 aleattoa. ••t thi• ltttla aaeht•• 1• aleo • fort•••-t•lltaa cal•olacor··••• tf 10• P•••h la 3507 ••• t•ra lt up•td• 4owa, 10• vtll ••• what •• doe't iatend to do la 19761 •••• a Merr1 Chrt•t••• aad a ••rJ lappy ••• !earl Var•••t pereoaal raaar••• Boaora•l• John J. Mcfall Majorit1 Whip Bo••• of tepraeantati••• Va•htaatoa, D. c. 20515 Dece ber 13. 1974 Dear Jack: On my r cent trip to the rar Ea•t. I just had to squeeze in enough personal time in a very ti ht schedule to allow me to find this little Cbriatmas if t and •ouvenir of Japan for you. It i• an excellent pocket calcul tor--but it alao has other accoapliabmenta. Yor in•tance, tt you punch 77340 into the calculator and then turn it upside down, you will see what the epublicans said after the 1974 election. nut this little machine is also a fortune-telling calculator--and if you punch in 3507 and turn it up•id• down, you will Bee what ve don't intend to do in 19761 ave a Merry Chrietmaa and a very Happy ;ev Year! War est peraonal regards, Honorable John J. McPall ajority Whip nouse of Representatives Washington, D. C. 20513 December 13. 1974 Dear Johna Oa •J recent trip to th• ~•r Baat, I juat had to ••••••• ta eaoaah pereoaal ti•• ts a ••r1 tiaht aeh•4•1• to allow •• to f1Dd tht• little Cbrlataaa atft and •o••••ir of 3apaa for 7ou. It 1• an ezce11eat pocket calculator-·•ut it alao baa ot••r accoapltehaeata. for tnataace, if JO• punch 77340 lato th• caloelator ••• tbeo turn tt up•t•• down, you will ••• what the ••••~11aaaa aatd after th• 1974 election. lut tbt• little aacbtne la alao a f ortuae-telll•I calculator·-••• if JOU paach ta 3501 and turn it upaid• down, 70• will ••• what we doa't intend to do ta 19761 I••• a MerrJ Chrl•t••• aa4 a ••ry BappJ Baw Yearl Varaeat peraoaal r•aarde, Bonorahl• John J. •hodaa MiaoritJ Leader Boa•• of aepreaeatatt••• Vaehiaatoa, D. c. 20515 December 13, 1974 Dear John: On y receut trip to the Far East. I just bad to squeeze in enou h personal ti e in a very ti ht achedule to allow e to find thie little C ristaas ift and souvenir of Japan for you. It ia an exe llent pocket calculator--but it also baa other accomplishment•. For instance, if you punch 77340 into the calculator and then turn it up•ide down, you will see what the epublicans said after the 1974 election. But this little achine is also a f ortune-tellin calculator--and if you punch in 3507 and turn it upside down, you will see what ve don't intend to do in 1976f Have a Merry Chriatma• aad a very Happy New Year! armest personal regards, Honorable John J. hodes inority Leader ·ouae of Representative• ••bin ton, n. c. 2051, D•c••\•r 13, 1974 Oa •1 recant trip to the rar !aat, t juat had to ••••••• ia ••o•ab peraonal ti•• ta a ••ry ttaht achedul• to allow •• to fiad tbta ltttl• Chriataaa atf t aad aoa•eair of Japan for 70•. It la an eseellaat pocket ealculator--••t tt al10 ha• other aoeeaflt••••ata. ••r iaatanc•• if JOU punch 77340 iato the ealcalator end then tura tt upatde down, you will ••• what th• tepubllean1 aatd after the 1974 elactioo.
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