3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990 Noise Control and Acoustics Division Newsletter Gary H. Koopmann, Editor Fall 1998 Professor Ffowcs Williams’ students Get Involved in John Ffowcs Wil l i a m s study areas related to the aeroacoustics of supersonic flight and quieting of under- Your Division Receives Per Bruel water platforms. His work helped make e are off to anti-sound useful for noise control and for another Gold Award stabilizing aeromechanical systems. He Wgreat year HE PER was prominent in the Concorde program. for the Noise Con- BRUEL GOLD Born in Wales, educated in England and trol and Acoustics TMEDAL FOR awarded an engineering apprenticeship Division. I look for- NOISE CONTROL with Rolls-Royce before going to the Uni- ward to hearing AND ACOUSTICS versity of Southampton, England, Professor from our 650+ mem- was established in Ffowcs Williams has had a long-standing bers in the months honor of Dr. Per commitment to bring academic research to Mardi Hastings ahead. Please let me Bruel, who pio- bear on industrial problems. Professor Incoming Chair know how we can neered the develop- Ffowcs Williams had held various positions make NCAD more John Ffowcs Williams ment of highly such as the chair of the consulting compa- responsive to your needs. In particular sophisticated noise ny, Topexpress Ltd., in Cambridge, execu- the Executive Committee would like to and vibration measuring and processing tive consultant to Rolls-Royce, and a direc- see more participation by our members equipment. The medal recognizes eminent tor of VSEL plc, Barrows-in-Surness. He from industry. If you would like to vol- achievement and extraordinary merit in now heads the division of the University of unteer for technical committees, newslet- the field of noise control and acoustics, Cambridge whose work focuses on fluid ter, or any of the other many activities in including useful applications of the princi- mechanics, aeronautics, thermodynamics our division, or just want to let me know ples of noise control and acoustics to the and turbomachinery. He is also master of how the Division can better serve your art and science of mechanical engineering. Emmanuel College at Cambridge. needs, please contact me by phone (614- PROFESSOR JOHN EIRWYN FFOWCS Professor Ffowcs Williams professional 292-2271) or e-mail ([email protected]). WILLIAMS, F.Eng., C.Eng., Ph.D., Sc.D., memberships include being a Special Life This is your Division – get involved! of the University of Cambridge, England, Member of ASME International and is a Thanks to our many volunteers this was honored for his contributions to the Fellow of the following: the American past year, we will have 21 technical ses- understanding of aeroacoustic phenomena and Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; sions at the ASME International Mechani- of the interaction between fluid dynamics and the Acoustical Society of America; the cal Engineering Congress and Exhibition acoustics, and for sustained leadership in the Institute of Mathematics and its Applica- in November. Session titles and schedule application of theoretical acoustics to practical tions; the Cambridge Philosophical Soci- are provided in this newsletter. A problems of noise control. ety; the Royal Academy of Engineering; detailed program which includes a listing Professor Ffowcs Williams is the first the Royal Aeronautical Society; the Insti- of the presentations and authors is avail- Holder of the Rank Chair of Engineering, tute of Acoustics; the Institute of Physics; able on the web if you have not already which was established in 1972 in the field and the Royal Society of Arts. received one in the mail. These sessions of acoustics, at the University of Cam- Professor Ffowcs Williams had earned cover many aspects of noise control and bridge, England. Prior to that he held the a bachelor’s degree in 1958, doctorate in Rolls-Royce Chair in Theoretical Acous- 1960 in aeronautical engineering, a mas- (continued on page 2) tics at the Imperial College, London. ter’s in 1972 and a doctorate in 1986. 1 Incoming Chair’s Message As a society, ASME is working hard to (continued from page 1) Division In make this event serve the member’s needs. They are exploring ways to acoustics and will have broad appeal to Transition increase attendance and decrease registra- ASME members from all areas. Sessions Outgoing Chair’s Remarks tion costs. ASME is exploring a wide in aircraft noise, vehicle noise, and active range of options that will help reduce the noise control of aircraft and aerospace s you read this column it will al- cost of publishing technical papers which vehicles are special highlighted sessions eady have been a few months is a major expense item. Some of the for the Congress. Professor Gary Koop- Asince I passed on the Division ideas being considered include providing: mann will present this year’s Rayleigh Chair duties to the very capable Dr. conference proceedings on a CD/ROM, Lecture on Thursday afternoon. His pre- Mardi Hastings. Although most Chairs “on demand printing” of papers at con- sentation, “Designing Quiet Structures – serve this position in their last year on the ferences, and society transactions on the Virtually,” will include details of a virtual Executive Committee I have the pleasure internet. A few of these ideas have reconstruction of the Liberty Bell so that of serving another year before my five- already been implemented on a test basis. the audience will be able to hear how it year appointment ends. This allows me These are all exciting and it will be inter- sounds before and after the crack. It the opportunity to focus on efforts that esting to see what is adopted. The future should be an exciting event. are of more direct benefit to the Division will clearly have a form of information The NCAD web page has been moved rather than trying to keep up with society dissemination different from what is used to the ASME server and updated by our related administrative issues. today. past Chair, Ted Farabee. Please check it The Division, as is ASME itself, is in a As a means to improve communica- out at www.asme.org. Just click on “Tech- period of transition. I will touch on a few tions the Division initiated a Division nical Programs,” then “Technical Divi- of the changes that I see happening. WebPage in early 1997. I want to thank sions” to find the “Noise Control and Until a few years ago Division member- Dr. Andy Seybert for taking on the task of Acoustics Division” on the web. As ship was growing at a fairly healthy rate. getting the WebPage up and running. always, we would appreciate receiving In the last few years, the Division mem- Like so many things, it is these first steps your comments and suggestions for bership has reached a plateau and actual- that are the hardest. The Division hopes improvements. Planning and preparation ly dropped slightly. It is not clear whether that the ready access the internet offers for the 1999 Congress at the Opryland this is due to membership saturation, eco- can be used to greatly increase our com- Hotel in Nashville, TN, are already nomic pressures, or other causes. I will munication with our diverse member- underway. Sean Wu, Department of note that our trend in membership pretty ship. Posting information on a WebPage Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State much parallels that of other Divisions. is certainly much cheaper than a mass University, will be the 1999 Program Although ASME frowns on declining mailing. The address (URL) for the Web- Chair. The 1999 plans that were initiated membership, it is not necessarily bad. Page is http://www.asme.org/divi- last year at the Technical Committee However, all members should do what sions/noisecontrol. I strongly encourage meetings will be finalized during the they can to ensure their colleagues are all members to visit the WebPage and let upcoming Committee meetings which are aware of the benefits of being a member us know how this tool can better serve scheduled to begin at 12:45 p.m. on and selecting the Noise Control and your needs. Wednesday at the Congress. Please plan Acoustics Division as their primary Divi- I will close by saying it has been a real to attend these meetings and give your sion. We want to make the Noise Control pleasure serving as your Division Chair input for the future plans of the Division. and Acoustics Division the professional and I look forward to serving out my last If you cannot attend, feel free to contact affiliation of choice. year on the Executive Committee. The the Technical Committee Chairs and give The Executive Committee is working Division is blessed to have very talented them your ideas for possible future activi- on means to keep the Division members people serving on the Executive Commit- ties. We need your participation. better informed and provide a broader tee and as Technical Committee Chairs. A special note of thanks goes to the Divi- range of activities that may attract atten- You are strongly encouraged to get sion’s outgoing Chair, Dr. Theodore M. dance at the International Mechanical involved in the Division’s activities so Farabee for his leadership and many con- Engineering Congress and Expositions your particular interests can be served. tributions to the Division. Ted also served (IMECE). The Division uses the IMECE as Please do not hesitate to contact a mem- as Program Chair for the 1996 and 1997 its primary gathering occasion. We have a ber of the Executive Committee or a Tech- Congresses and he recently volunteered to fair degree of flexibility in what we offer nical Committee Chair to discuss items of be the webmaster for the NCAD web page.
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