HESPERIA: SUPPLEMENT XVIII LASITHI A HISTORY OF SETTLEMENT ON A HIGHLAND PLAIN IN CRETE Athens at Studies CC-BY-NC-ND. License: Classical of only. BY use School LIVINGSTON VANCE WATROUS personal American © For AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 1982 This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 14:50:06 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PUBLISHEDWITH THE AID OF A GRANT FROM THE JULIANPARK PUBLICATIONFUND THE STATEUNIVERSITY OF NEW YORKAT BUFFALO Athens at Studies CC-BY-NC-ND. License: Classical of only. use School Libraryof CongressCataloging in PublicationData Watrous,Livingston Vance, 1943- personal Lasithi,a historyof settlement on a highland American plainin Crete. © For (Hesperia:Supplement ; 18) Bibliography:p. ix-xiii Includesindex. 1. Lasithi,Greece-Antiquities. 2. Excavations (Archaeology)-Greece, Modern-Lasithi. 3. Lasithi, Greece-History. 4. Greece, Modern-Antiquities. I. Title. II. Series:Hesperia, journal of the AmericanSchool of ClassicalStudies at Athens : Sup- plement ; 18. DF221.C8W37 939'.18 80-26460 ISBN0-87661-518-3 This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 14:50:06 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Athens at This content downloaded by theauthorized user from192.168.52.61 on Tue,4 Dec 201214:50:06 PM Studies CC-BY-NC-ND. Ei ro v All usesubject to License: kaov Classical of and for Harriet for and 'AYLoV only. JSTOR Terms andConditions FEcopylov, use School AaoaaOov personal American © For PREFACE It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and advice which have made this study possible. In 1973 I began this project with the encouragement of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens in the form of the Eugene Vanderpool Fellowship. In Crete, the cooperationof the officialsof the Greek ArchaeologicalService, namely Drs. Costas Davaras, Stylianos Alexiou, and Angeliki Lembessi, helped me to carry out the field work and museum study at Herakleionand Agios Nikolaos which form the basis of this study. Mercy Seiradaki (nee Money-Coutts) has been a special source of informa- Athens tion on J. D. S. Pendlebury'sexcavations in Lasithi. The British School of Archaeology at at Athens has generously allowed me to examine the unpublished material from the Lasithi excavations. In Lasithi the work was shared by Abigail Camp, who drew the profiles and maps (Figs. 1-4, Maps 4-14), Allaire Brumfield, David Walton, David Callahan,Gail Johnston, and Kay Lukens. This was the of dissertation for the of Classical Ar- Studies study subject my Department CC-BY-NC-ND. chaeology at the University of Pennsylvania. At Pennsylvania, Professors Keith De- Vries, who supervised the work, Rodney S. Young, G. Roger Edwards, and James D. Muhly gave me much helpful advice. From the beginning, Professor Michael H. Jame- son has stimulated me to study the archaeologicalremains from a wide historical and License: Classical culturalperspective. During the preparationof this study in its present form, several scholars have helped of with various parts. SinclairHood read a draft and made helpful criticisms of the histori- only. cal conclusions in Chapter V. Stergios Spanakis, the Cretan historian, has been most generous with his knowledge of Crete in the Venetian and later periods. Hamish use Forbes, Mary Clark, and Jeremy Rutter also contributed to the Harriet Blitzer School study. helped to see this manuscriptthrough to completion. With the exception of Plate 19:b and d, which are by David Walton, all photographswere taken by the author. Special prints of the Lasithi landscape photographswere preparedfor this volume by James Ulrich of the State University of New York at Buffalo. personal Finally, I must thank my friends in the village of Agios Georgios, Lasithi for their American generosity and spirit. © For This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 14:50:06 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TABLEOF CONTI'ENTS P REFACE ............................................................... v LISTOF ILLUSTRATIONS ........................... .................. ... viii ABBREVIATIONSAND SELECTEDBIBLIOGRAPHY .................................. xi G LOSSARY ............................................................xiii INTRODUCTION.......................................................... 1 I. THE PLAINOF LASITHI.......................................... 5 Athens II. THEHISTORY OF SETTLEMENT IN ANTIQUITY ............................... 9 III. THEVENETIAN PERIOD ..... 25 at IV. THE NINETEENTHAND EARLYTWENTIETH CENTURIES by H. Blitzer ..... 30 V. CONCLUSION....................................................... 36 VI. THECATALOGUE OF SITES ............................................ 38 Studies VII.CC-BY-NC-ND. THEPOTTERY ..... 67 MAPS ................................................................. 85 PLATES .............................................................. 97 License: Classical of only. use School personal American © For This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 14:50:06 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions LISTOF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGuRESIN TEXT 1. Plan of Stous Skarveli (30) ............................................ 48 2. BuildingA at Katharo (33) ............................................ 50 3. BuildingB at Katharo(33) ............................................ 51 4. Plan of Vasilikou (43) ................................................ 54 5. Plan of Site of Plati (69) .............................................. 63 Athens 6. Profiles:Late Neolithic-Early Minoan ................................... 72 at 7. Profiles:M iddle Minoan I ............................................. 74 8. Profiles:Middle Minoan III ............................ 76 9. Profiles:Late Minoan I ....... ......................... 77 10. Profiles:Late Minoan III .............................................. 78 Studies CC-BY-NC-ND. 11. Profiles:Protogeometric-Archaic ....................................... 79 12. Profiles:Classical-Hellenistic .......................................... 81 13. Profiles:Rom an ..................................................... 83 License: Classical of MAPS only. 1. Crete 2. Regional Map of Lasithi showing Ancient Sites use School 3. Present-dayLasithi 4. Late Neolithic-Early Minoan I Sites on Lasithi 5. Early Minoan II-III Sites on Lasithi 6. Middle Minoan I Sites on Lasithi personal 7. Middle Minoan III Sites on Lasithi American 8. Late Minoan I Sites on Lasithi © For 9. Late Minoan IIIA-B Sites on Lasithi 10. Late Minoan IIIC Sites on Lasithi 11. Protogeometric-GeometricSites on Lasithi 12. Orientalizing-ArchaicSites on Lasithi 13. Classical-HellenisticSites on Lasithi 14. Roman Sites on Lasithi 15. Venetian Settlements on Lasithi This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 14:50:06 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions LISTOF ILLUSTRATIONS ix PLATES 1. TopographicalMap of the Area of Lasithi (BritishAdmiralty, 19th Century) 2. a. Aposelemis Valley from Papoura(4) b. Venetian Map of Lasithi (FrancescoBasilicata, 1630) 3. Lasithi and Mt. Dikte from the North 4. Plain of Lasithi from Mt. Dikte 5. a. Chonos (Sinkhole) b. Geometric Tholos Tomb at Papoura(4) 6. a. KhavgasGorge Athens b. Plain of Katharofrom the Northwest at 7. a. View East of the Pass of Tsouli to Mnema towardLasithi b. View West of the Pass of Tsouli to Mnema towardLyttos 8. Metochi (Seasonal Farmstead) in Katharo 9. a. Gerani,on Metochiin Katharo Studies CC-BY-NC-ND. b. Newly Boiled Cheese over a Cauldron,in Katharo 10. a. Sites of Vidiani (1), Plati (69) on Apano and Kato Kephali, and Pervoli (72). Village of Agios Charalambos b. Roman Site of Vounos (14) on the Plain License: Classical 11. a. Village of Kaminakiwith Valley of Chloros. Sites of Agia Paraskevi (61), Efendi Christou and of (64), Pigadistria(65). b. Sites of Psychro (66), Plati (69), and Katsoucheiroi(71), from the East only. 12. Sites of Trapeza (11), Kastellos (12), Agia Anna (13), Phakidia (15), and Agios use lannis (16), from Kephala School 13. Xerokamposfrom Kephala. Sites of Alexenia (37), Agia Pelagia (38), Poros (39), Vasilikou Ridge (40), Kephali tou Vasilikou (42), Vasilikou (43), Edzathmistera (44), and To Klima (45) 14. a. Site of Karphi (5) from Papoura(4) personal American b. Sites of Siderokephaliand Karphi (5), from North © 15.For a. Sites of Kardamoutsa(3), Papoura(4), and Karphi (5) b. View of Selli, Kardamoutsa(3), and the Venetian Linies on the Plain, from the North 16. a. Ancient RetainingWall at Kastellon (50) b. Long Wall, BuildingA, at Katharo (33) c. CyclopeanWall at Apano Kephali, Plati (69) 17. a. Exposed Wall and Pottery in Road Cutting at Platellais (22) b. Site of Psygika (26) This content downloaded by the authorized user from on Tue, 4 Dec 2012 14:50:06 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions x LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 18. a. Hellenistic Inscriptionfrom Psychro (66) b. ArchaicRelief-pithos Fragment from Agia Anna (13) c. Sherds from Kolonna (8) d. Sherds from Kolonna (8) 19. a. Finds from Skallopoula(21) b. Finds from Alexenia (37) c. Finds from Katsoucheiroi(71) d. Finds from Edzathmistera(44) e. Finds from Efendi Christou (64) Athens f. Finds from Kastellon (50) at 20. a. Finds from Phakidia(15) b. Finds from Augousti (46) c. Finds from Platellais (22) d. Finds from Augousti (46) Studies CC-BY-NC-ND. e. Finds from Agia Paraskevi(61)
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