10 GEO. V.] Reserves and other Lands Disposal and [1919, No. 54. 193 Public Bodies Empowering. Alt,[tmN~OED by j1.~-;ti "1lg~?s{)';, T*IG~ '15" ~-""''-''-'-~'· __'_''''''''''''· '''.-.... -.r>.---.._v__ .. ..",~~_.-., ..... .", A!~!l;:0gn7:::'J "J! l'd iS21, '"h~\lS~ New Zealand. /1. 103.2, rJ'o .. 1~ ~~J'~~~:{'2::~~:::.~~,·~ ~~,,_. __-: . AmcnGt.'d U)' 10~1 ~·o• . e-''j ANALYSIS. 18, Providing for apportionment of Sections 146 Title. and 148, Parish of Kvmakorau; Auckland 1, Short Title. ' Land District, among certain Natives. 2, Authorizing Manukau County Council to I 19, Validating proceedings with respect to pro­ utilize certain funds for maintenance and posed loans by Waitomo County Council repair of bridgll constructed by Mangere for maintenance of portion of Te Kuiti­ Road Board prior to merger with the said Awakino Road. Council. ' I 20. Validating loans by Waitomo County Council 3. Changing purpose of reserve at Howick, in the for maintenance of portion of Te Kuiti­ North Auckland Land District. Awakino Road. 4. Vesting certain land in Waiuku Town Board I 21. Validating lpan by Awakino County Council to be held ,for purposes of recreation re­ for maintenance of Te Kuiti-Awakino serve. Road. 5. Vesting Allotment 99, Parish of Hikurangi, in I 22. Validating loan by Awakino County Council Auckland Education Board as a site for for maintenance of roads in Marakopa a public school. Riding of Awakino County. 6. Validating purchase of certain land by I 23. Certain lands in Borough of Thames, now Whangarei County Council and payment vested in His Majesty for mining purposes, of purchase-money and interest thereon reserved as a site for a technical school. by instalments. I 24. Authorizing Whakatane Harbour Board to sell 7. Authorizing Avondale Road Board to sell cer- certain land situated in the Parish of Wai­ tain land. mana, Auckland Land District. 8. Declaring lands at Kohukohu, North Auck- I 25. Certain Crown lands in North Auckland Land land Land District, 'available under Land District to be disposed of to certain landless Act. Natives. 9. Authorizing North Auckland Land Board to I 26. Cancellation of trust for ,burial purposes over sell certain land for railway or tramway certain lands vested in Roman Catholic purposes. Bishop of Auckland and situated at Puke· 10. Authorizing the Leslie Presbyterian Orphanage II kohe. Board to transfer its property to New 27. Declaring Kohi Bush Reserve, Hawke's Bay Zealand Presbyterian Church Property Land District, to be a public domain. Trustees. 28. Cancelling reservation f()r cemetery purposes 11. Providing for· constitution of Waiheke Island over Sections 164, 165, and 166, Town of as a road district. Clive. 12. 'Cancelling reservation for scenic purposes of I 29 Authorizing the Wairoa County Council and Section 31, Block IV, Rotorua Survey Dis- the Hawke's Bay County Council to pur­ trict. chase telephone-line between Mohaka and 13. Adding portions of certain closed streets to Tangoio. Repeal. Te Aroha Bridge Domain. I 30. Change. of purpose of reservation over Sec­ 14. Authorizing the reclassification under the tion 12, Block II, Town of Te Puia, Hawke's Land Act, 1908, of certain Crown lands iu Bay Land District. Auckland Land District. I 31. Authorizing Hastings Borough Council, 15. Cancelling reservation for purposes of internal Hawke's Bay County Council, and Have.· communication over part of Section 2, lock Town Board to raise joint loan of Block VII, Tarawera Survey District. £4,000 for acquisition of site for technical 16. Cancelling reservation for purpose of a high school. creamery-site over Section 10, Block XII, I 32. Empowering Waipawa Borough Council to Piako Survey District. appropriate part of Section 20, Block 45, 17, Authorizing the Waitomo County Council to Patangata District, to widening Bibby grant lease of certain land to Wright, Street, and to convey the rest M such Stephenson, and Co. (Limited). sectio:q. to purch!1ser. 13 ,( . 194 1919, No. 54.J Reserv.es and other Lands Disposal and po GEO.V. Public Bodies Empowering. 33. Cancelling reservation for purposes of me- I 56. Authorizing Pahiatua County Council and chanics' institute over certain land in the Pahiatua Borough Council to levy rates Hawke's Bay Land District. in assistance of Carnival Park Domain 34. Authorizing Waiapu County Council to bor- Board. row certain moneys without taking a I 57. Increasing maximum rate of interest that may further poll of ratepayers. be paid on loans by Wellington Harbour 35. Authorizing the lease of certain lands in the Board. Hawke's Bay Land District to the Maori 58. Authorizing disposal of certain lands included Soldiers' Fund Council Incorporated Trus- • in Wanganui River Trust Domain. tees. 59. Section 5 of 'Vanganui Harbour District and Empowering Act, 1913, extended. 36. Authorizing Napier Borough Council to close portion of street, and transfer the same 60. Adding portion of closed road to .Johnsonville with other land to Hawke's Bay Education School Reserve. Board as a site for a technical schooL 61. Cancelling of reservation for scenic purposes 37. Declaring certain lands being administered over land in Makotuku Survey District, by Public Trustee under West Coast Settle­ Wellington Land District, and declaring ment Reserves Act to be properly subject I same to be a domain. to that Act. 62. Cancelling reservation for scenic purpos~s of part of Reserve No.4, Nelson Land Dis­ 38. Vesting Subdivisions 1 and 2, Section 69, trict. Block Il, Ngaire Survey District, in the I Crown as an endowment for primary- 63. Authorizing issue of license to convey water education purposes. over Huia Cave Scenic Reserve. 64 Authorizing issue of certificate of title in 39. Cancelling reservation over portion of scenic 1 . respect of certain closed roads, reserve. 40. Validating lease to Waimate West County 65. Validating raising of loan by Spring Creek Council, for purposes of model dairy farms, River Board for payment of bank over. of land held by Crown as endowment for draft: experimental dairy schooL 66. Cancelling reservation over Section 1050, Block I, Otira Survey District. 41. Cancelling reservation over certain endow- 67 ment in Taranaki Land District for pur- . Setting apart land in Greymouth as site fora technical school. , poses of primary education, and vesting 68 Cancelling reservation for purposes of a portion of that endowment in Eltham . Borough in trust for certain public pur­ gravel-pit of Reserve 2347, Canterbury Land District. poses. 42. Authorizing lease of Rewarewa Rifle Range, 69. Changing purpose of Reserve 3622, Canter­ . New Plymouth, to Taranaki Agricultural bury Land District. 70 Changing purpose of Resyrve 3547, Canter­ Society. 1 . bury Land District. 43. Cancelling reservation over prison-site reserve 71 Providing for incorporation of part of railway in the Taranaki Land District.' reserve in renewable lease of certain land 44, Authorizing sale to Otaki Town Board of in Culverden Settlement. certain land in the Township ·of Otaki I 72 Cancelling reservation for electric-telegraph reserved as a site for a police-station. purposes over certain lands in Canterbury 45. Authorizing lease of certain Crown lands to Land District. Hutt River Board. \ 73 Modifying provisions of trust' affecting the 46. Authorizing exchange of certain lands betw.een ; Ellice Endowment, Rangiora. the Crown and the Corporation of the 74 Cancelling reservation tor bridge purposes Borough of Wanganui. over Reserve No. 3220, Block XVII, Lowry 47. Cancelling reservation for timber.puJ:poses Peaks Survey District, and providing for over Section 8, Block VI, Kaitieke Survey disposal under Land Act. District. 75. Cancelling reservation for timber purposes ,48. Amalgamating the Mowhanau aI\d Nukumaru over Forest Reserve No. 3119, Canterbury Domain Boards, and appointing the Wai­ Land District. totara County Council the Domain Board. 76. Authorizing transfer of land from New 49. Exemption of Johnsonville Town Board from Brighton Borough Council to Canterbury rates levied in respect of catchment area. Education Board in trust for education 50. Authorizing the Governor-General to take purposes. _ certain lands in Palmerst6n North under I 77. Changing control of part of Kowai Domain, Public Works Act, to be used for tlie pur­ Canterbury Land District.. pose of showground. 78. Cancelling reservation for cemetery purposes 51. Authorizing an exchange of certain reserves over .certain land in Tuapeka West Survey between Palmerston North Borough Coun- District. cil and Crown for benefit of Governors of I 79. Authorizing sale of certain land in Borough Palmerston North High SchooL of Roxburgh now' held as site' for an 52. Cancelling r\lservation over site for a Court­ athenooum. house, Wellington Land District. 80. Vesting certain water-race license (Galloway 53. Declaring certain land, being portion of the Runs) in Crown. Mount Cook Reserve, in the City of Wel- I 81. Validating sale of certain land in Otago Land lington, to be subject to provisions of Land District reserved as an endowment for Act. purposes of primary education. 54. Cancelling reservation over portion of forest I 82. Incorporating Portobello Library Trustees, reserve in Wellington Land District. and vesting certain land in Corporation. 55. Extending powers of Palmerston North 83. Vesting portion of cemetery reserve in the Borough Council with respect to expendi­ Deacons' Court of North-east Harbour and ture of profits derived from reserves. Portobello Road as site for a church. 10 GED. V.] Reserves and other Lands Disposal and [1919, No. 54. 195 Public Bodies Empowering. 84. Authorizing issue of title in respect of certain 99. Authorizing Opotiki and Waioeka Domain closed road in the Tuapeka County in Board to borrow £2,000 by way of bank exchange for new road. overdraft. 85. Cancelling reservation for agricultural pur­ 100. Authorizing reconveyance of certain lands poses of certain land in Southland Land to owners of adjoining Native lands.
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