Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1948-03-24 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1948). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 61. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/61 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Edgecliff Queen Of Edgecliff Volume XIII Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 24, 1948 No. 5 NFCCS National Congress OLC Debaters To Be Held In Philadelphia To Meet Xavier A dual no-decision debate will be held in mid-April between College Delegates teams from Our Lady of Cincin­ 10th Anniversary To Be nati college and Xavier university. Observed In April Meet Attend Meeting The topic is: Resolved: A Fed­ eral World Government Should Be Established. The fi rst congress call for the Catholic women should carry Fifth National Congress of the Members of the Edgecliff de­ their Catholic principles beyond baters participating are Mary National Federation of Catholic the confines of their own homes, College Students was received in Beth Ritter, Claire Reidell, Alice Mrs. Henry Mannix of Brooklyn, Mitchell, Edith Hirschberg, Sue February. The Congress will be N. Y., president of the National held at the Penn-Sheraton hotel, Schimanski, Margery Winters, Cou·ncil of Catholic Women, told Mary Claire Leis, and Genevieve Philadelphia, on April 22, 23, 24, members of the Archdiocesan and 25. Nader. Federation of the NCCW at their The affir mative teams from The theme for the congress meeting in Dayton, March 11 . both s chools will visit each which is slated to be the largest Among the group of Cincin­ other's campuses while the nega­ to date is, "Responsibility in the natians at the meeting were sev­ tive teams will remain on honi.e Catholic Student Community." en Edgecliff students, Pegge Will­ grounds. Final plans for the April iams, Mary Overbeck, Cecelia Jean Ann Llewellyn meeting were made at the Na­ Dwyer, Marie Brown, Pat Bern­ tional Council Meeting held in ing, Mary Claire Leis and Mary Father Ahern Ill She was a phantom of delight, seen here. Her last role, the title role in Sherwood Anderson's Cincinnati Jan. 31 and Feb. 1. Theresa Duwell. In Mercy Hospital When f i rst she gleamed upon The program allows more time Mrs. Mannix, a graduate of my sight, "Mary of Scotland," prepared her for commission panels, council Manhattanville collegie, New A lovely appariti on sent well for her own reign as queen and committee meetings and York, is the mother of 10 chil­ Bad news reach ed the college To be a moment's ornament. of Edgecliff, for it was done in a plen ary sessions to prevent the dren. She recently returned to a nd right before St. Patrick's day, -Wordsworth manner worthy of any sovereign. all-night sessions demanded at this country after a tour of Eur­ too - when it was learned that One of the greatest thrills that "Chris" is King Father Hilary Ahern, Our Lady previous meetings. ope where as a representative of comes to a girl in her college The king of Edgecliff on this of Cincinnati's indispensable phil­ The principal task of the na­ the NCCW she observed condi­ career is the honor of ruling over night of nights will be Kermit ti ons in the war-torn countries. osophy professor, was taken to her campus as Queen of the Jun­ tional council in April will be an Our Lady of Mercy hospital in Christian, the queen's courtly "The people of Europe need the ior Prom. This year the poised fiance of one month, and r umor evaluation of regional and com­ Mariemont. mission activit\es. Chief interest physical comforts which America and lovely J ean Ann Llewellyn, has it that "Chris" is more excited is attempting to give, but they Owing to his illness, F ather associate editor of The Edgecliff will be focused on the plenary Ahern will be away till the end about the honor than his queen. need even m or·e the spiritual and president of The Edgecliff Truly fit for a queen is Jean sessions of the congress, the high­ of the school year, but the under­ comfort of Christ and His truth Players, will be crowned by her Ann's lovely ring, a gift from her est governing body of the feder­ classmen are looking forward to ation, which will draw up the and love," Mr . Mannix said. "The subjects at the annual ball, her king. most important thing that we, as his return next September. All of own coronation ball, to be held 1948-49 national pr-0gram, elect his classes have been taken over The Queen's Court new officers, and consider resolu­ American Catholic women, can at the Hall of Mirrors, N etherland give to these desolate people is by other professors at the college. Plaza hotel, April 16. The queen's ladies in waiting, tions on those issues which de­ Editors' Note: Lita Kahn, Pat Riorden, P egge mand an expression of Catholic our underst<1nding and our love. A Real Queen They need to feel that America Everyone says "Hello, Father." W illiams and Mary Overbeck, to­ student opinion. Truly regal, Edgecliff's queen­ takes a personal interest in their gether with their escorts, will The legislative review com­ elect is tall and graceful, and as welfare." IRC Clubs Hold make up the queen's court. Her mittee is expected to present reso­ vibrant and fair as the season of loyal subjects are all citizens of lutions on the International Bill Joint Meeting Here her coronation. And yet Jean Ann her Edgecliff domain and their of Human Rights and the Taft CONGRATULATIONS has none of the aloofness associ­ escorts, whom the queen will / Federal Aid to Education Bill for The International Relations ated with a queen, as her ready lead in the grand march on that clubs of Our Lady of Cincinnati consideration at the plenary ses­ To Helen Mary Elias direc­ smile and charming friendliness night of nights. sions. college and Xavier university will prove. tor of the Junior one-act play, have a joint meeting Tuesday, Studies Classics About 150,000 students in 150 No Lady of Leisure "Kind Lady," and to the mem­ April 13, at 7: 30 p.m. This will Edgecliff's queen elect is of a Catholic colleges throughout the bers of her cast, Mary Beth Nor is she a lady of leisure - classic nature, it s eems, for her n ation will be represented at the be the second joint meeting -0f Ritter, Mary Keif, Dorothy the clubs during this school year, no one associated with editing a academic bent is toward the Congress, and invitations have Selzer, Claire Reidell and newspaper is. Besides her duties study of Latin, a minor in which been extended to all unaffiliated the first being held at Xavier in Margery Winters. December. as journalist, Edgecliff's crown she is adding to her Spanish Catholic colleges as well. princess is a capable and active major and French minor. president of the Edgecliff Play­ One of the queen-elect's most Archbishop Broadcasts Radio Appeal ers, and h as starred in some of ch arming talents is her lovely the best d ramatic productions soprano voice w hich has been As Choristers· Supply Background Music featured in musical program s at Knowledge Tested Edgecliff many times in the past four years. In 'Time' Survey (Continued from Page 3 ) The International Relations club sponsored a su rvey of opin­ Thespians To Stage ion on intern ational affairs a mong the freshmen in the college last 'IRememher Mama' week, it was announced by the club moderator, Sister Mary "I Remember Mama," a play in Gertr ude, R.S.M. t wo acts, will be presented by the The survey, which is being con­ Edgecliff Players in late April. ducted in C a t h o 1 i c colleges R ehearsals have begun but the th rough the n ation al commission complete cast h as n ot yet been on International Relations of the a nnounced. NFCCS, is based on a public The college d rama group was ) opinion poll which T ime, the t he first organization in the re­ weekly n ewsmagazine, is con­ gion to receive a release on the ducting amon g t he people of ten play. countries throughout the world. J ohn Van D r uten, the play­ The results of this international wright, adapted his play from the survey will provide the theme book, "Mama's Bank Account,'' for a forum, "The Future of by Kathryn Forbes. It was pro­ World Freedom," which Time is duced by Rodgers and Hammer­ sponsoring. T he meeting will be stein in 1944 and has had a suc­ held in New Orleans on April 14, cessful run on Broadway. Mady In response to the plea which 15, 16 and 17. Christians originally played the The Choral Group presented by Pierne; Chorale from "Die His Grace made, t he students of Questions being asked concern role of Mama, but Cincinnati several musical numbers over Meistersinger," by Wagner; "Ave Our Lady of Cincinnati have the differences of opinion on theater-goers w i 11 remember station WSAI, March 4, as a pre­ Maria," by Schubert; and "Shel­ given generously in Lenten sac­ world problems outside the Rus­ Charlotte Greenwood in this lude to an appeal broadcast by ter Lullaby," by Helen Thomas.
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