Page20~ToivnTimes (Watertown, Conn.), December 16, B71 Property of the Watertown Historical Society aildm of adults of all ages. The roles of Plav*r« QnhPifailp ' W*V» December 17.- at Cinderella and the Prince are Flayers acnenwe . 7:»,atSWMuun»rH,ii.:hSchooi. singing roles. Tryoute Far Play ;Tlie cUWrero,s cla?sie> »ittl a watertownhistoricalsociety.org 'The Oakvaie Players w,iil hold slightly modern twist, will toe of "cWerelatryoutsforttei- onr productio'Thursiayn, . Schoopresentedl on' -at'Swif Saturdat yJuuo afternoonr High. ZTtmes DecenberlMt 7:» attamder ' February' 5. The Watertown - Oakv.lle Weekly lall, 333 Main Street. OakvlUe. 'Tie play calls for a luge cast Tim-elf Coverage Of News In The Fastest Growing Community in Litchfield County We mate syne VOL. 25 NO. 2050' Subscription Price, $5.00 Per Year -RICE 15 CENTS ;ECEMBER 22. 1.971 your furnace is fed on schedule. The Story of the Nativity " (From fht Gasp*/ of Si. Luke, Chapter If,. !-20) With pur Heating Oil Service Contract, your furnace is pro- grammed lo degree "days so 1. And it cam* to pass in thmm days, that therm wmnt out thai it's always well fed, auto- a (beret Irani Camar Augustus, thai olf tin world should matically. Your whole heating bttaxtd. system will be kept clean and tuned-up to fun.ct.ion at peak 2. - ~(And this taxing was first mode whan Cyranius was efficiency, and that means you govtrnor or Syria.). save money. That's not all. With a Free 3. .And alt want to be taxed, every on* info Ms own city. Mobil Fuel Saver Analysis we can check your furnace out in 4. And1 Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of tin afy Christmas i just 20 minutes. We'll tell you 1 if anything is wrong, and if of Nazareth, into Juried , unto the city of David, which « •litiliiili/ifi lift your furnace is wasting fuel. called Bethlehem; f fa eta use he was of the house and lineage We can also help you bal- or DavidJ. fttvlinil-EIE. ance your heating oil budget t • spreading your payments 5. To be taxed with Mary bis espoused wife, bains great e ",;nly over the months. with child. AH it takes is one phone call. 6. And so it was, fhaf wMt tiny wtre linn. On daft were accomplished thai the should be dmlivd 7. .And lilt brought forth htr firstborn son, and wrapped Mobil® him in swaddling ctothti, and laid- him in o monger; be- heating oil cause there was no room for fficm in the inn. tit every leg, every width coif from 12 to 17 inches. call: 8. And there were in fht son* country shepherds abiding In black, brown glove leathers, 29:95. "Sizes 11,12 in the Into, taping watch ow fhtir iocis .by night. sliqhtlv higher. One from our vast collection. Anci •.ins sn&ti ~e a sign.m ARMAND'S 1 I •. me y cu Tesrsa.«i 111:1 ct S VOLUNTEERS at the Baldwin. School Library are assisting •.lie Bace -.vraopea :nd children in becoming more familiar with the library, its uses and FUEL content. In the top photo. Mrs. RosaliQd Membrino.assists, left to TOELS swBL&ct 11n.K 31otiies .yingc light. Angela Knight,-Jeffrey .Membrino and Jonathan Slavin of SHOE BOX BOOTERYi COMPANY the fourth grade. In the bottom photo Mrs. Phyllis -Rinaldi 67 MERIDEN ID. NAU6. VAU1Y MAIL 131 Davis Street, Oakville "explains the card file to Janie Caulfield. left, and Tom,' P'edane, also of the fourth grade". Volunteers work at libraries in both 274-2538 0»d THE MOTERY. MWMM Stunt. MwMw Op«n: Monday Thiu Saturday Baldwin. and-Judson Schools. Many books are donated by the PTA. 7 a.m. •• 6 p.m. 9. And to, 'he ange/ of fh« lord come upon them, and fhe glory of (tie lord ' shone around1 them; and thty were sore afraid. 10.. And the angel saia1 unte Ihm, <Fwr nof; for, behold I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11. For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord, Joyful Christmas 12. And this shall be a sign unto you: "Ye shall find fhe babe wrapped' in swaddling1 doles, tying in a monger." 13. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude Celebration Nears of the heavenly host .praising God!, and saying: 5 Watertown prepares ior the .foservance oi Christmas •» Open Meeting Slated To aturday, a spirit of peace ana no wship seldom, evident during Disoive Locai Red Cross ne rest of the year pervaaes the \ special meeting » ill general membership meeting for "hose wno sponsored "Jie 'members of the Watertown Red -.lie vote, the Charter proviaes 3cumenical Christmas #alk on Cress Chapter to vote an nat dissolving of a. Chapter can Sunday evening were surprised dissolving tie Chapter will be ,ie aone only 'iirougn :he •na delighted with the response held Monday, Jan. 10, at 8 p.m. in •nemoership vote, .ana not by a o this first venture with such an Red Cross headquarters at the "rote oi the Board. -jiair. Some SW 'persons turned Munson House. 'Effective immediately ul mi to suig and worsnip together, vny resident who has aonated. unctions of 'the Chapter nave ma to enjoy some oi the joy ot $1 or more to the Bed Cross is xen suspended. This Till "Sis time «i year, not as considered, a member n Jie nciude transportation ana any Episcopal ians, Jatnoiics, Chapter and Is eligible to attend 3iae.r services with the exception Methodists or wnatever, out as the meeting and vote. i disaster and aid to military :hnsuans, ail children of God, The Chapter's 3 oar a -it ramifies, which mil be handled 'When ChnstUias first 'began to 14. Glory to God "m fhe highest, and on earth peace, good Directors, at a. meeting last •n a temporary, oasts ay the '* ooserved » Dec... 25. will toward men. Thursday, voted to call the ontinuedonPage32> nurcfimen welcomed, t'he idea of xorporaung ceremonies and 15.. And it came to pan;, as the angefs wen gone away (torn -amt ions from earlier beliefs them into' heaven, fhe shepherds said one lo another. Let Ecumenical Christmas ira the celebration. They us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which xwgnt that people would feel i$ come to pas*, which the lordhalh madm known lo us, .•loser to the new religion if Walk Draws ®0§ Persons inner ways ana rituals were' in estimated *00 jeopie barrels for Westbury House. »i aDolistied, tat. .'instead united' 16. And they went with hasft and found Mary and Joseph, participated in the lignly it the First Congregational and the Babe lying in the manger. nth. the new rites to honor tie 11 c c e s s f u 1 E c o m e n i c a f Church the Handbell Choir lirth of Christ. Christmas Wall, last Sunday 17. And when they hod seen il, (hey mode Inown abroad the played several. Christmas Today, seariy everyone evening. '"elections and. 'the Rev. William laying which was fold them concerning fhis child. celebrates Christmas because' The' program, began at 'Christ Zito read a collage of Christmas Christmas belongs 'to everyone. 18. And all they that heard il. wondered at those things Episcopal Church with carol •.noughts. Going down the hill to ror the Christian believer, which was fold fhem by (he ihepherak singing and a reading from te the United Methodist Church the Christmas is cnenshed as a Scriptures by the Rev. Jackson. group was again greeted by 'the •eiigious hoiday of paramount WINE 19. But Mary ktpt all thtu things, and pondmwd them Foiey. From there the crowd carolers. The Rev. Richard mpo nance, .ana as a time meant in her heart. talked to Trinity Lutheran Purnell offered a Christmas for joy and festivity, too. Chapel 'where the Carolers, a 20. And fhe inepherds mlwrmd glorifying and praising Prayer, following an anihem by For people of many different kigji. school group, sang carols as the Youth ,Cboir. 'The group God for of fhe things that ilny had hea'rd and teen as it- faiths, Christmas is beloved as a CASE LOT DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE FOR THAT CHRISTMAS GIFT OF DISTINCTIVE LIQUORS presents were collected in Continued on Pa ge 31 'i was fold unto them. Continued on Page 181 Page 2-Town Times (Watertown, Conn.), December 22n-1971 State' National Bridge Results Picturing Nativity Property of the Watertown Historical Society Groups Decorate 'The Christinas crib or pre- Lists Executive Library In. Spirit Results in, the Ttoesday. .Dec. sepio Is an especially treas- 1,4. session of the Ashwvtb ured'part of the Portuguese Promotions ' . " Of Christmas Duplicate Bridge dob are as holiday celebration. Every watertownhistoricalsociety.org "He promotion of 11 officers to follows. North... and South: Bin. home and church, seems to higher rank and the election of The Watertown Library has Russell Chase and Mrs. John have one, and some of those seven new officers by the board .been decorated appropriately for Noyes, 77%; Stephen, Earl and, to the churches are master- of directors of the State National Christmas, with the help of local James Strauss, 70%; John, de pieces of .art.. Bank Connecticut was groups and individuals. Ketschendorf and, Konstanti announced yesterday by "- The Watertown High. School Achmato'wicx, 65; and Dr. James. Benjamin Blackford, president, .American Field Service Chapter Lawfar and Phillip Pail, 61%. after a meeting of the board. decorated the stairwell. 'East and West: Staiiton Fell and MERRY Among them 'were John N.
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