(1'1 trl :x:: ~ 0 0 "".......0 IIIltt. ::J • ltt.o:lRo '0'- o::J(J'l "" C. 0 rt-I\)::J • "" CI' '< Z.- • mItt Nnt~<-~ 't 1Rttnrb WAYNE COUNTY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER ... ESTABLISHED 1869 PubUeaUon Num)e, USPS 3968tlO Vol. 114, No. 48, Three sections, 36 Pages, Plus Supplements WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8,I983-NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN , CENTS ·Voters to elect two for school board pO~\a-o Voters heading to the polls In Mon- Patrick Coyne - both making their se- percent of Northville's registerd voters has offered the community an op- contributions can you bring to it? (2) Do cept, Whitaker also said he believes the day'S school board election will be cond bid for the board - and elected Incumbents Karen Wilkinson portunity to hear the candidates face you support a bond Issue for the renova- district will have to take a stronger look casting ballots from a slate of six can- newcomers James Petrie, Robert Blan- and Glenna Davis to four-year terms. the Issues. tion of Northville High SChool? If so, at the community education program. didates. ton, II, and Robert Bondy. Coupled with the customary low voter In interviews conducted by The what reasons would you give the com- "From now until Fall, 1985, we have a Those seeking election to the two If past elections are any indication, turnout Is this year's absence of a Record, candidates were asked to ad- munity for supporting that bond Issue? chance to see how real the need for four-year board seats are Incumbent voter turnout will be light. In last League of Women Voters candidates' 'dress the following questions: (l) Why (3) Do you agree with the components community education is," Whitaker Douglas Whitaker, Russell Dore and June's election, little more than five forum. The LWV forum traditionally are you running for the board and what of Superintendent George Bell's long noted. "The task now Is to see hoVi range plan approved last October and much academic content we can get into ...----------------------------------------. what do you think are the most crucial the program." things facing the district in the future? In making his second bid for the . Incumbent Doug Whitaker, who Is board, Russell Dore, manager of Train- From Cooke t.o Chrysler - seeking election to hIs third term, said ing and Education for Freubauf Cor- he felt he has "been a responsible and poration, said he believes his "18 years contributing board member" during his in training and consulting In industry student talks to Iacocca years on the board. will be helpful to the board" as well as "I wouldn't run again if I hadn't enjoy his "experience in running an organiza- tion." Anyone who has worked in a cor- students' donation to the right person. It," he said, "I have been in the tren- A member of the Citizens' Advisory porate structure likely has experienced This is where Eddie comes in. ches taking the shot and shell - and Committee for the Northville High frustration when attempting to get Knowing that Chrysler Corporation most criticism has been deserved ...n School Renovation Feasabillty StUdy, through to the boss. Chairman Lee lacocca was heading the seems a shame to bow out when we Dore has lived in the community since If you're among those who have been project to renovate the Statue of Liber· have a chance of achieving our goals." • Whitaker also mentioned that "hav- 1975 and has three children attending left waiting for hours at the secretary's ty and Ellis Island, Mrs. Bach sug- Northville Public Schools. desk or who suffer telephone elbow gested Eddie and Kelly contact ing a perspective on problems can be In addition to his work at Freubauf, from being placed on hold, maybe the Chrysler to find out where to send the helpful in the next four years." he also teaches evening courses in next time you try to reach the top hon- funds. Deputy Director of the Wayne- masters and administration programs cho you should consult with Eddie According to Eddie, getting the in- Oakland Library Federation, Whitaker at Madonna College. Walsh. formation took some doing. After ex- has lived in the community 15years. He Having worked on the high school No, he Is not a corporate trouble- plalnlng the story to the switchboard was first elected to a two-year term on renovation feasabillty study, Dore saId shooter, company account exec or high- operator at Chrysler's corporate head- the board in 1977 and was elected to a he Is a strong supporter of a bond issue. powered CEO. Believe it or not, Eddie quarters, he was transferred to three 'full four-year term in 1979. Noting that the district "needs a is a Cooke Junior High School seventh different departments - all to no avail. Prior to serving on the board of quality facility to support qUality pro- grader who just happened to get Finally, in exasperation, the swit- education, Whitaker was president of grams," he cited a need for improVed through to Lee Iacocca while doing chboard operator told Eddie she would the Northville High School PTSO and science labs, a forum-type room, better • research for a class project. , ' put him "through to Mr. Iacocca's of- served on the committee working on the computer space and physical education According to Eddie and his telephone fice." Amerman Elementary SChool addition. facilities and,improved energy efficien- collaborator Kelly Byam, the whole Though Eddie received little more Acknowledging his support of a bond cy. ' thing started with Arthur Miller's story than a friendly greeting from the issue for the renovation of Northville He said he supported the idea of br- "Grandpa and the Statue." Chrysler chairman before his secretary High School, Whitaker noted there "are inging the ninth graders into the high After reading the story of the Statue Intercepted, the seventh grader said he tangible and intangible" reasons for school and said he believed "sixth of Liberty in teacher Dorothea Bach's "was shocked" to be talking to Lee renovating the 25-year-old facility. "We've made surface im- graders are ready for something more class, students decided to pool their lacocca. than the elementary leveL" money to assist in the face-11ft of the According to Kelly, who was standing provements," he noted, "and it looks Noting that he "views the high school statue, which is pegged for restoration by with pencil and paper, "Eddie kept better - but we can't patch and mend as a focus for community pride," he beginning next year. saying, 'I'm talking to Lee Iacocca. '" anymore." said he hopes the district will conduct After raising some $25 In their own The two seventh graders succeeded He noted that "It's not only how the • community feels about the building, but open houses of the facility before the classroom, Mrs. Bach's students took in getting their information and sent bond issue campaIgn. their fundraising to the entire seventh Cooke's donation off to Chrysler, c/o how the students feel about it. In seeking his second bid for election grade. Their fundraising efforts proved Lee Iacocca. "We have to pay attention to what goes on inside the building, "he said. to the board, Patrick Coyne, owner of successful with seventh graders As for Eddie, he said the only disap- Master Guard of America, Inc., said ht' donating $65.62 [or the face-lift oqhe poilltm.en;~\·as"myl"!lomdidn'tbelleve "Choosing a principal will be a key move." . believes the district needs "more pea- famous statue. " me when-l tOld her .... " "pie on the board with more business , • , - • " • Recortl photo by STEVE FECHT With the fundraiser conipll~ted, the . ~ . • ' In supporting the superintendent's background. only thing left to ,do was send the -MlcheleMcElmurry long range plan, Whitaker noted that 'Tel.~Phonecb\l~riit6~,Eddie W~sh andKelly Byam ~ the plan "gave us direction." " A supporter of the mlddie SChoolcon- Continued on 2 ·E~panded.'"" . downtown. use planned Ambitious plans to expand the Suggesting that similar attractions SChoolcraft College groups often per- number of special events dpwntown should be included in future events, form in Livonia and that Northville were revealed to city council Monday councilmember Paul Folino noted that could also stage events around them. night. Mayor Pro Tem G. Dewey Gardner told council the merchants hope to e;ponsor at least one special event mon- thly in the downtown area with hopes that some will become annual events on the model of the Christmas Walk and Sidewalk Sale. Gardner said he had been asked to seek preliminary council approval for use of sidewalk right-of-way for the first event - called Summersong (see story below right). At least two other downtown attrac- tions are in the planning stages for this .<;ummer, Gardner related, with the aim aeing to "schedule something monthly, maybe even weekly." "The point Is; the downtown looks good and they want to use the facility," Gardner said. The success of the recent Garage Sale and merchant participation in it were discussed, with Gardner noting that It was only last year that merchants op- posed use of downtown streets for the sale. • '.'Now, they all want to be a part of It," he said. "It was helped, I think, this year with the school choirs singing In the town square for Michigan Week." ." .' NEWS BRIEFS . ,Police vote alters union affiliation FARMER'S MARKET wlll license from Tin Fu, In- City police patrol officers voted to open at 8 a.m. this Thursday at corporated. change union affiliations last week.
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