Queen of the Universe Parish 2443 Trenton Road Levittown, PA 19056 MASS SCHEDULE: Parish Website: Rectory: 215-945-8750 Saturdays: www.QUparish.com 8:30 AM Fax: 215-945-0413 Parish App: 4:00 PM (Vigil) Parish Email: [email protected] MyParishApp.com Sundays: Facebook: PREP Email: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM www.facebook.com/quparish [email protected] 1:00 PM (Spanish Mass) 5:00 PM Daily: 8:30 AM Holy Days: 5:00 PM (Vigil) 8:30 AM, Noon, & 7:00 PM RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays: 3:00 to 3:45 PM REGISTRATION: All Catholics are requested to be registered in a parish. If you live within the boundaries of Q.U. Parish, please stop by the Rectory Office to register. Rectory Office hours are: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. For registration on Saturday or Sunday, please call 215-945-8750 or stop by the Welcome Office on Sunday. MOVING: If you are moving out of the parish, please notify the Rectory immediately so that we may discontinue your envelope mailings. BAPTISMS: Baptism is celebrated on the First and Third Saturdays of each month. Parents are required to complete the Baptism preparation program prior to scheduling the Baptism. An interview with the Director of Faith Formation is necessary before beginning the Baptism sessions. MARRIAGES: Archdiocesan Regulations require that notice of intended marriage be made six months prior to the date of the marriage. Pre-nuptial instructions are required for marriage. Contact the Rectory for location. CARE OF THE SICK: Communion to the sick and Anointing of the Sick will be given upon request of Parish Mission Statement: “We GATHER as the church someone who is ill, having surgery, or family, we GROW in faith, and we GO forth with the preparing for death. Emergency sick calls for the dying may be made at any time. Grace of God, to share in a life of love and service.” PRAYER & WORSHIP TODAY'S READINGS First Reading -- We are the clay and you, O LORD, are the potter: we are the work of your hands (Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7). First Sunday of Advent Dec 3 Psalm -- Lord, make us turn to you; let us see your face and 4:00 PM John M. Fitzgerald we shall be saved (Psalm 80). 7:30 AM Ivy O’Connor (1st Anniv) Second Reading -- God is faithful; by God you were called 9:30 AM Robert H. Underwood (17th Anv) to fellowship with the Son (1 Corinthians 1:3-9). 11:30 AM George Roswell 1:00 PM La Misa en Espanol Gospel -- Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the 5:00 PM Parishioners of QU time will come. (Mark 13:33-37). Monday St. John Damascene Dec 4 8:30 AM Michael Fitzpatrick READINGS FOR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10 Tuesday Advent Weekday Dec 5 8:30 AM Nicholas Simon First Reading -- The rugged land shall be made a plain; the rough country, a broad valley (Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11). Wednesday St. Nicholas, bishop Dec 6 8:30 AM Virginia Tonrey-Caldwell Psalm -- Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation (Psalm 85). Thursday St. Ambrose, bishop Dec 7 8:30 AM Joseph Eppolito Second Reading -- Conduct yourselves in holiness, hasten- 5:00 PM Frank & Lena Haneman ing the coming of the day of God (2 Peter 3:8-14). Gospel -- I have baptized you with water; he will baptize Friday The Immaculate Conception of the BVM Dec 8 you with the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:1-8). 8:30 AM Robert Devlin, Jr. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION 12:00 PM Thomas Welsh 7:00 PM Walter Swartz, Jr. Many people think that Saint Francis originated the Christmas crèche, but its origins go far back. The Basilica of St. Mary Saturday Weekday Dec 9 Major in Rome has housed what is said to be relics of the cradle of Jesus since the seventh century. In time, every year 8:30 AM John & Marie Mohan during the Christmas season the reliquary (container for rel- 4:00 PM Joe & Jean Farry ics) was surrounded by an increasingly grand three- Second Sunday of Advent Dec 10 dimensional scene of the place of Jesus' birth. Rocks and 7:30 AM James & Martha Butler trees, houses, streams, figurines of villagers going about their 9:30 AM Kathryn Griffen daily tasks were all included. It was a very dramatic presenta- 11:30 AM Isabel Molino (1st Anniv) tion. If you've ever seen an elaborate model train installation, 1:00 PM La Misa en Espanol you get the idea. The proper term for this depiction is prese- pio, from the Latin word for "surround" or "hedge." 5:00 PM Ruth O’Brien Over the centuries, the custom spread first to churches, and then to aristocratic homes. In Italy, whole chapels are often set aside for the presepio, and it is not unusual to have hun- Vigil Lights dreds of figures. It can sometimes be a challenge to locate the Week of Dec 3 - Dec 9 Holy Family amid the crowd, almost like a Where's Waldo? children's book. The oldest surviving presepio is in St. Mary Church Chapel Major and dates from the thirteenth century, although many In Loving Memory of : Living Birthday pieces have been broken or lost. Saint Francis of Assisi took a Remembrance: Anthony Fiore decidedly creative step in 1233 in the village of Greccio, Kayla when he directed his followers to fill a manger with hay and tether an ox and ass nearby. He then invited the villagers to Please pray for those who have died, members of our family attend Mass outdoors near the crib, the worshipers themselves and friends and in particular: becoming a living presepio. By the seventeenth century, the tradition was well-established, particularly in Naples, and had Charles "Denny" Denning a firm hold in Portugal, Spain, and in the Provence region of Jonathan Henshaw France. Today, it is not unusual to find presepios with five Margaret Kneeshaw hundred figures, a vivid reminder of Emmanuel, God-with- Larry Marterella us! --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. STEWARDSHIP PARISH NEWS “Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when The Festival of Lessons and Carols is a service of Scrip- the time will come.” - MARK 13:33 ture and song that dates to the late 19th century. In this We all take things for granted. In particular, we take time service, we listen to Scripture lessons which recount the fall for granted. Our lives are so busy, many of us are planning of Adam and Eve, the promise of a Messiah, the Incarna- our time - our days, weeks, months, even years in advance. tion, and the Great Commission to preach the Good News. Remember, our time on earth is a gift. None of us knows Each lesson is followed by a song that reflects on the les- how long we will be here. Start today and begin thanking son's message. God for each and every day. Take time in silence, every- Queen’s 6th Annual Advent Lessons and day, and listen to what God is saying to you. Carols Service will be held on Wednesday, December 6 at 7pm in church. In preparation for the great feast of Sunday, November 12, 2017................................$16,281.60 Christ’s incarnation, come gather to hear the poetry of the Envelopes 614 ancient prophets and listen to the story of Christ’s coming Electronic Giving November 12, 2017…......…….$2,190.50 retold through Scripture and song! Refreshments will be Electronic 93 served in the Parish Center following the service. Sunday, November 19, 2017………....................$16,601.94 Envelopes 610 Electronic Giving November 19, 2017….........….$2,200.50 Electronic 96 As always, thank you for your ongoing support and generosity to Queen of the Universe Parish! YOUTH GROUP NEWS Amira Desai WINTER FESTIVAL HELP AT WOOD SERVICES! Nicholas Lohkemper All teens in grades 6 – 12 are invited to come with us to Baptized on Saturday, November 4, 2017 Wood Services to do volunteer work at their new Winter Welcome to the QU Family! Festival. We will be helping out on Saturday, December 9th from 2 p.m. until 6 p.m. YOUTH GROUP RECYCLING FUNDRAISER Please let Mrs. Raffin know if you are available to help. Help our youth groups by donating. We recycle old cell Contact her at phones, iPods, MP3 players, digital cameras, empty ink car- [email protected] tridges (from personal printers - small cartridges), iPads and tablets, and receive money for our group. If you would like to donate your old electronics, please put them in a bag/box labeled "youth group recycling" and leave it in the church entrance or drop it at the Rectory. MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS PARISH NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS During the Advent and Christmas seasons, we will begin Football Mania Winners to sing the Communion Antiphon. Historically, the com- Week #11 Week #12 munion antiphon was a chant sung by a soloist, the choir, or Bob Mitchell $400 Edwin F Lutz $25 the congregation during the distribution of Holy Commun- J & B Lewars $25 S.Merchiore $25 ion. The General Instructions to the Roman Missal (GIRM) Leo Spadaccino $25 Mike Wilson $25 have this to say regarding the Communion Antiphon: 86. While the priest is receiving the Sacrament, the Com- munion chant is begun. Its purpose is to express the com- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament municants’ union in spirit by means of the unity of their The Blessed Sacrament is exposed in voices, to show joy of heart, and to highlight more clearly Church every Thursday following daily the “communitarian” nature of the procession to receive Mass at 8:30 a.m.
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