Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1966 The Anchor: 1960-1969 10-7-1966 The Anchor, Volume 79.04: October 7, 1966 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1966 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 79.04: October 7, 1966" (1966). The Anchor: 1966. Paper 22. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1966/22 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 79, Issue 4, October 7, 1966. Copyright © 1966 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1960-1969 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1966 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Decreases Required in Liberal Arts Courses Three Different Music Degrees Proposed By John M. Mulder dent must take outside of his de- completely what he calls the "two- pects of having it passed by the vin Vanderbush, chairman of the A controversial proposal which partment. Broadly classified as pronged" or "double-barrel" na- faculty. Technically, it need not political science department, put would enable Hope students to ob- liberal arts courses, these subjects ture of music-theory and perform- be approved by the faculty before it. "This could completely change tain a music degree in three differ- include English, science and for- a nee. it is sent to the Board of Trus the nature of this college." He ent forms will be voted on by the eign languages, and the music de- Dr. Morrette Rider, chairman of tees, but as Dr. Rider explained, quipped, "1 guess on this point I faculty at their meeting Monday paHment proposes to reduce the the music department's curricu- "We considered this matter a sub- become a conservative." night. "core" requirement from 75 hours lum committee, explained that ject for the entire faculty." OUTSIDE OF the political sci- The proposal, if passed, would to 46 or 49 hours, depending on Hope would not be the first col- THE FACULTY is often un- ences there is also opposition. be the first recent broad curricu- the B.Mus. pursued. lege to initiate such a degree. In predictable, and although the mu- Dr. Harry Frissel, chairman of lum change at Hope in approxi- Dr. Robert Cavanaugh, chair- fact, he stated, out of 46 colleges sic department has won wide- the physics department, stated, mately the last 30 years. Up to the man of the music department, ex- comparable to Hope in size and spread support for the proposal, "In the context of a liberal arts present time, all graduates have plained that the new program was stature, 40 of them already offer the opposition is vocal. The oppo- college I'm opposed to it. It would received a bachelor of arts degree necessary because Hope, he said, professional degree in music. sition centers around three main open an entirely new area and 1 regardless of their major. was losing some of its best music DR. RIDER also pointed out aspects of the new program: Its think a number of faculty mem- The new plan would offer stu- students to other colleges because that the proposed curriculum reduction in the number of cours- bers feel this way." dents the opportunity to receive an it did not offer enough training to change is not a hastily conceived es in the liberal arts, a fear of On the other side of the campus A.B. in music literature and his- students who wished to make mu- idea but is the product of five "losing" the music department, and the fence are two members of tory or an A.B. in music theory. sic their profession. years of preparation, with special and increased costs which would the biology department. Dr. Nor- In addition, three new degrees ACCORDING to him, the cur- attention being given to it during enable the department to demand man Norton and Dr. Phillip would be awarded: A bachelor of riculum change would be direct- the last two years. Last year it a greater portion of the college Crook. Dr. Crook served on the music in performance, a H.Mus. ed more toward the pre-profess- was passed unanimously by the budget. Educational Policies Committee in vocal music education, and a ional performer or music teacher. Humanities Council and was later Reduced from the required liber- last year when it approved the H.Mus. in instrumental music edu- A B.Mus. in instrumental or vo- passed with one dissenting vote al arts "core" of the B.Mus. de- program, although at the time he cation. cal music education, for example, by the Educational Policies Com- grees are courses in the social dissented. His opposition was bas- THK NEWEST and most con- would enable a student to teach mittee. sciences. Faculty members in these ed onhis opinionthattheprogram troversial idea contained in the music in all grades through the Faculty members in favor of departments are concerned that should not require more than the proposal is its reduction of the twelfth. Theoretically, he said, the the new program have voiced "this could be only the beginning number of courses which a stu- program aims to realize more quiet optimism about the pros- of many such proposals," as Al- (Continued on Page 7) Homecoming Week Offers OPE COLLEGE Lectures, Debates, Seminars Hope College has completed its the athletic field under the aus- first century as an institution of pices of the city of Holland. 'This higher learning. To commemo- barbecue will be free to all board- rate this milestone, the college has ing students. planned a Centennial Homecom- At 4 p.m. on Friday, Hope's anc or ing Celebration running next soccer and cross country teams Tuesday through Sunday with will compete with Calvin and Al- OLLAND, MICHIGAN the theme of "Education for Re- bion, respectively. sponsible Leadership." 'That night at 8, the annual 79(h ANNIVERSARY - 4 Hope College, Holland, Michigan October 7, 1966 During the entire week of home- Kletz Concert will be presented at coming, there will be a series of the Civic Center. 'The concert, at lectures, debates and seminars on $.50 a student, will feature mys- a variety of topics, all revolving tery conductors, the college band Karl Van Marx: around the general theme. Next and various alumni. Tuesday night, at 8:15 there will SAT U RDAY'S EV E N TS wil 1 be be a debate on I'nited States poli- led by the Homecoming Parade on cy in Vietnam between Kenneth Eighth Street. 'The queen's float, Class Struggles Inevitable Crawford and Norman 'Thomas the floats of the various fraterni- in Dimnent Chapel. ties and sororities and marching "A spectre is haunting the cam- NEXT WEDNESDAY there will bands will highlight the parade. pus — the spectre of the pull." be a reception for Gov. and Mrs. At noon on Saturday the H- 'These words were written by Romney at the President's house Club and the History Club will Karl Van Marx in preparation hold luncheons. 'The H Club for the annual event that will again luncheon will honor the 1934 foot- take place along the banks of the See Page 3 for stories on ball team, Hope's first M1AA Black River this afternoon. 'Time champion. 'The guest speaker will has changed the clash from a sim- speakers, Page 4 for com- be Chicago White Sox president ple contest to a scientific endeavor. plete calendar. Arthur Allyn. The speaker at the 'The philosopher knew nothing History Club luncheon will be Dr. of pits or the full heave. Yet his Robert Peters, assistant professor writings still cut to the heart of the at 7 p.m. followed by an address of history at Hope. matter. by the governor at the Holland THE HOMECOMING foot- "THE HISTORY of all hitherto Civic Center. ball game will pit the Dutchmen existing society" he wrote, "is the The annual Chamber of Com- against the Albion Britons at 2:30 history of class struggles. Free- merce dinner next Thursday at p.m. in Riverview Park. Mr.'Tysse man and slave, lord and serf, 8:15 p.m. will feature Merrill said that there would be unusual sophomore and freshman, in a Mueller, NBC radio and TV com- pre-game and half-time entertain- word; oppressor and oppressed, mentator, who will speak on the ment. stood in constant opposition to topic "Nothing to Fear but Our- At 6 p.m. on Saturday the Cen- one another, carried on an unin- selves." tennial Awards Banquet will be terrupted, now hidden, now open Next Friday there will be a ser- held in Phelps Hall. According to fight." ies of four Centennial seminars. Mr. 'Tysse, this banquet of recog- With this none of us can argue. 1.ester Trimble, former music crit- nition will be a sellout. At the din- The friction between classes has ic of the New York Herald 'Tribune ner the second century master been evident in Kangaroo court, will hold a seminar relating the plan by architect Charles Stade rallies, snake dances and water- fine arts and education. will be unveiled, major gifts will fights since the first preparations DR. MORTIMER ADLER, au- be announced and special alumni for the pull were made three weeks LOCK IN! — Freshman Bob Kidd protects the precious rope with all thor, philosopher, and professor guests will be honored. ago. 'These, however, have only his strength as he and his teammates prepare to battle the sophomores.
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