Y lil A A me GY Product: Doryanthes, Gymea lily, Giant lily Botanical name: Doryanthes excelsa Quality specifications for Australian wildflowers Product: Product: Botanical name: name: Botanical Gymea lily plants are grown both for In the wild, plants often grow at high densities, and Doryanthes, Gymea lily, Giant lily Giant lily, Gymea Doryanthes, their huge, spectacular flower heads intensive management, such as providing water and fertiliser, will improve quality. and for their large, flat green leaves. Other Doryanthes species are less suitable for the Each globular flower head can be up to 70 cm cut-flower market. across. It is composed of a mass of red flowers Doryanthes excelsa Doryanthes each 10 cm across and characterised by green Growing conditions are important in pollen on the anthers. The undeveloped flower determining flower and leaf quality. spikes are also in demand for the floristry Quality is usually greatly improved by market. light shade, fertiliser and irrigation. The stem grows up to 4 m long, making these massive flowers popular for corporate displays. The large flower head is easily bruised. The sword-shaped leaves may be up to 2 m long and are very versatile for floristry. Those grown under shade are of better quality. Flowering season Sydney region: Although native to the Sydney region, the Mostly June to September, with some gymea lily will grow successfully in a range of spikes from April and late flowers to coastal climates from Brisbane to Perth. It will February. Leaves available all year round. grow in cooler environments, but the flowers and foliage are susceptible to heavy frost. While it is relatively resistant to pest and diseases, mealy bugs can be a problem on the stems and Typical vase life: flowers. Flowers up to 4 weeks. Leaves have a The plant is extremely tough and tolerant of vase life of over 2 weeks. Export can drought, although watering is needed at the reduce the vase life, especially if the early establishment stage and for good growth transport conditions are not cold, the rates. The plants are gross feeders requiring product dries out or transport takes too regular fertilising. long. A plant can take 5 to 20 years to develop, but a system of burning to simulate bushfires can encourage synchronised flowering. Harvest spikes before tepals (the botanical term for sepals and petals which are alike or fused) split to avoid copious nectar production, pollen escape and entry of insects. The latter is especially important for export markets. This specification applies to both wild-grown and cultivated plants. Consult your state’s native flora management plans to determine whether approval to grow or sell gymea lily is required. Close up of floret showing open flower (the petal-like segments are called tepals). Also shows an unopened bud with tepals extending beyond the bracts (left), and clasping bracts enclosing centre flowers. Note the bright green stamens – the pollen is easily rubbed off onto other parts and can stain clothing. Also note the pool of gel-like nectar in the centre of the flower. Gymea leaf and flower Product: Gymea lily STAGES OF OPENING The stages shown apply to the product at market entry. Pay attention to the weather, time of year, and mode and duration of transport, because the flowers will continue to open during transport. You must consult with your target market to ensure that the flowers arrive at the desired stage. Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Immature stage, Spear stage, preferred Prime stage for domestic and unacceptable to markets. by selected markets, e.g. export markets: tepals emerged export markets: bracts red, from bracts but not yet split open. tepals not emerged. CMND OM O EFECTS Common defects to avoid at market entry – flowers n T oo many individual flowers open n W ater damage on bracts n S unburn (bract browning) on flowers or flower stem n G ravity response of flowers Water damage on Early-stage bract browning Overmature and wilting bracts – do not – do not market flowers with bract browning n M ealy bugs on leaves and flowers, market – do not market particularly at base of sheathing leaves along stem n B ruised flowers Common defects to avoid at market entry – leaves n S unburn n I mmaturity (manifests as physiological breakdown) n L eaves dried out n I nsects such as mealy bug on leaves, particularly at base of sheathing leaves along stem Left: leaf too immature (mature Physiological breakdown InsectMechanically damage leaf on right); light green of leaf – discardweak poor-quality leaf (bent) – do not market foliage– discard Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Later stage, unaccepted by many Overmature stage: many tepals split. Very overmature stage: most tepals markets but suitable for some Not accepted by most markets, but have split. Do not market. domestic markets: a few tepals may suit local markets or immediate have split. end users. Overmature and wilting Gravity response of flower Browning of Sunburn on leaves Mechanical damage flowers (but no bract (caused by flower being stored sheathing leaves on – discard (to tip) – trim before browning) – do not market on side) – avoid by holding stem – do not market marketing or discard if stems upright if severe severe Mechanically weak leaf (bent) Top: curled leaf Mealybug on leaves Insect webbing Blackening of cut end – discard (normal leaf at bottom) – disinfest before – clean before – do not market – do not market marketing marketing Product: Gymea lily FLOWERS Contamination Free of grit and soil, live insects or spiders, webbing. Appearance Clear vibrant red. Some white and pink variants exist. RECOMMENDED HANDLING AT HARVEST Flower head fully formed and at final size; symmetrical. Size (diameter) and length must be proportional to stem Flowers Minimise drying out and exposure to heat – pick when it is length. cool, preferably straight into buckets of clean potable water, and hold in the shade. Flower head follows in a straight line from the stem (and is not offset from the stem at >15°). Move cut stems promptly to a cool, shaded packing area. When to Spear: Flower head undeveloped; no tepals showing. Bracts Leaves Minimise exposure to heat – pick when it is cool, preferably are reddish. straight into buckets of clean potable water, and hold in the harvest shade. Mature flower head:Flower head fully formed. Tepals emerging from the bracts but no individual flowers opened, Do not leave in sun, as this can cause leaf blackening. as nectar and pollen can cause serious transport problems. Move cut leaves promptly to a cool, shaded packing area. Avoid harvesting when flower is wet. GR ADING AND BUNCHING – flowers Flower length About 1.8 m (from cut end to top). Grading Reject any contaminated stems. Damage No asymmetrical, deformed or damaged blooms. No folding, creasing or ripping of bracts. Individual flowers Bunching Flowers are marketed as single stems. not blemished, bruised or broken. No wilting. Stem length Marketed in 4 categories depending on diameter and Minimal noticeable bract browning. maturity of inflorescence (ignore outlying clusters of flowers in measurements – see photos). No chilling injury (apparent as discoloration and watery breakdown of the bracts; critical temperature unknown but likely to be <0 °C). Category Description Contamination Product free of grit and soil, weeds or weed seeds, living Spear Undeveloped flower (tepals not or dead insects, and signs of insects or spiders, such as emerged) with red developing on webbing. bracts. Usually <11 cm in diameter Pests and No apparent pest or disease damage. The very large and Mature 11–25 cm diameter complex flower head makes insect disinfestation difficult. inflorescence with 25–35 cm diameter diseases tepals emerging Discard any poor-quality product or stems with insects or 35+ cm diameter fungal infections. GR ADING AND BUNCHING – leAVES Stems Straight. Free of disfiguring marks, pest injury or other blemishes (e.g. sunburn, frost damage). Generally marketed in 3 lengths: Neatly cut end. Grading • Short (minis): up to 60 cm No live or dead insects or other animals present (e.g. mealy bugs in the base of the sheathing leaves along the stem). • Regular: 60–140 cm • Tall: >140 cm leVS A E These are a separate product from the blooms. Bunching The number of leaves per bunch varies, and is determined Appearance Crisp and medium to dark green. Not dull or wilted. by their size and by market and buyer requirements. Smaller leaves (minis) are marketed in bunches of 7. At harvest Fully mature, not soft. Other sizes are sold in bunches of 5. Straight and relatively flat (not curled); clean. Cut straight across base. Damage No evidence of pests, disease or blemishes such as sunburn, frost damage or mechanical damage. Leaves entire (no insect feeding damage). Minimum discoloration (<2% by area and affecting <10% of leaves); no yellowing Free of visible chemical residues. No black or rubbery areas, which indicate drying out or overheating. Leaves are commonly trimmed at Brown tips and slight margin damage can be trimmed to the tips to remove dead material: remove blemish. Trim tip to a tapering point, not straight untrimmed (left) and trimmed (right) across (see photo opposite). HOLDING AND STORAGE L ABELLING AND DOCUMENTATION Cooling Effective cooling soon after harvest is important to Label boxes and buckets as recommended in Postharvest Manual* retaining quality and maximising vase life. or as required by customer. The recommended option is to cool as soon as possible Ensure box contents are exactly the same as specified in the documentation after harvest and hold in clean potable water. This will stop and on the end of the box. the flowers from continuing to open. Aim to store in a high-humidity cool room (95%) at 2–4 °C TR ANSPORT Sydney ScienceScape Matthew Editing, by Stevens, • Edited Design Poppy Wild by JN: 9784 • Layout within 45 minutes of cutting to remove field heat.
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