You Think of Eight Issues Per Year THE AGGIE NEWS VOLUME VI BROOKINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA-NOVEMBER 18, 1929 - NUMBER 2 I "‘Dad" Scarbro 1A Bird in The I Horn PROJECTS 1929 PROGRAM GRANGE FRAT Hand is Worth Directs Orchestra TWO in The ~uahQF AG STUDENTS Again This Year OUTLINED 'BY PRES. SHULTZ AGGIE QADE'S' I AS^ Ruben, He Knows. I ARE ? 0 P U LAR me Amie Symphony Orchestra met in Old North Chapel, Monday Many Educational Activities are ' junior bebollPuttinn id0 practice what one Grange *(embers Elect officer. This evening, October 28 for &he pur-- planned for ~~~i~ student ~~d~ for ,929-30 school year.-Take himself on a pheasant hunt, and learns at school. I pose of organizing for 6he school Including Movies and Organiza- Oath of office d Last Meeting ,captured a hiding bird by hand* The home furnished the kind of I 1 y,r 1929-30. tion l'ro~rams. "dear ' a,,d swornto uphold Grange , which You will laboratory be& adapted to the The oncihedh will considt of ~er"to be a bit of luck. Not Principles. school, the objeots are to learn the from fifteen to twenty piecm. T.,~ (Frank Schultz) ing to kill the beautiful bird* which 1 importance of the following facts: students reportinR so far are: The Students Association be a cock* he *ucked BY Frank SchulC. Master. To know the best kinds mim Jenny Smith, Pipestone, Minn., headed by a pnsi<lent and the and thougM to ~h~ Mool of ~gricultureStu- it under his to be gMlwn in Your coma nun it^^ piano; Marvin Kjergaard, Irene; group representing the four classes that if he dent G~~~~~ is aniin holding its to know the best varieties of these Floyd Falconer Lake Prmton; Isaac of the school, constituting a board meetinm rwlarly after a few he would simply And on the feet grains. Sandro, Hendricks, Minn.; Morris of control which carries on the of the captured and shoot months vacation. of the various types of Oien, Renner; Paul Ruby, Strod; business of the student body. Of sev- 'the one on wing- Well to make a Through the soils. Richad, Habeger Ramona; Violins. This year as in the past the eral last yeam officers, new ap- long story Rehfield of good seed bed Prepam- Orin Peterson, Centenrille; Rich- business of the board has been as f01- missed the next bird he scared UP, pointmentr have bwn tion. ard McKibben, White; Zeis Haynes, divided into several heads who are lows-Master, ~~~k J. sChulh; and in the excitement stepped off Best depth of planting. Scotlancl; Coronets. Jacob Preheim, to budget and supervise their re- Overseer, Tavert Iverson; k-of the bird underto* and having hper time of planting. Freeman, melaphone; Ralph Mc- spective positions in an efficient turrr, Hen$y Rillam; SecretaW. a piwe-- Te become acquainted the (Continued on page Four) and businesslike manner. stanley Conkey; Treasurer, Jack I best harvesting methods. The '~oupmpreserdtingthe school M~~~~;Chaplain, Ward Groseclose; Control of inseots and diseases. and different activities, ~saror- Become familiar with markets Lady assisbant steward, .Edith ' (bPP()RmTIEs OFFICER MESS wich, Sulphur, College board of Dank; Steward, Leonard Neil; , , and marketing. Control and Assistant Editor of court, Inez Blank, Beulah C-S, , me keeping of -curah records- ! UNDER WAY FOR the Aggie News; Lawrence &- Marie Michaelsm STmY OF What has been .stated above Haan Geddes. College Board of The fundamental purpose of the deals with small grain, but as much Control and Livestock Judging Grange is rural leadewhip train- ' can be said of the value of Live- ANOTHER YEAR contests; Ralph Hampton, Maurine, ing. 16 also affords wonderful OP- I The School of Agriculture offers stock h."jects, ih which stude* Military at the School of Agri- oollege Board of Control and become acquainted with the pohifies in debatin& I a splendid opportunity for those culture has started with a bang Basketball; Senior Class-Paul bf livestock sanita~.n public speaking, Program work and students who think they have mu- ithis year. Every student has been Ruby, Zeona. Debating Contest..; other social activities. I sical ability to develop their dl- The of purebred : putting in every possible effort to Ted Larson, Platte, Military; Jun- Te become a member, a student ,ts. Making a pedigree mean. cooperate with the officers rto make ior Class-Kenneth Helsel, Rum- must be of clean character, good ) There are music clssses and I something. 1 this year the best in the history of ford, business mananer Ag*e scholastic standing and be willing Glee .club, b& directed by Miss Best methods of feeding to meet the sohool. News and Memory Book; Ed~r to uphold the Grange principles. 1 Ruppel, Aggie Orchestra, directed different requirements. I The junior unit is divideil into Dickerson, Irene, Aggie Day. A committee of three has the power ! by ~~d scarbro, and Gmw In- Ohining definite by two divisions this year. The entire Sophomore Class-Melvin Breese, to check upon the qualifications ! ,tuction. ~hbgroup instruction well planned feeding. 1 battalion meets on Wednesday at Danforth, Assistant business man- of an applicant and thereby deter-, is in ad wind insbmenb manage livestock to khe the regular 10 o'clock hour for ager of Aggie News. Freshman best advantlige. mine whether or not he or she in piano lessans. The cia-es 1 mass drill. There are three platoons Class-Wilbur Goehring, High- shall become a member. 1 are taught by regular college Marketing livestock. I in Company G and two in Company more, Grain Judging contests. The experience gained The first and 4hird Wodne3day 1 teachers and the fee is only ten do- H. The companies are under tem- The student association receives evening are to be taken dollars for the whole term of five ing Home Project Work makes porary commanders at present. sixty pm cent of a sum paid the up in ritualistic work. The second months. Your education, gained at the State ' Company G is in commad of Cap college by each Schobl of Agricul- and fourth Fridays in social enter- ~11of you who cantafford to A@cuhture far more bin Ralph Hampton, Maurine, '30 tUre student upon enrollment. practical. There are from one to (Continued On page ltake private lessons would get a and company H is in command of This amount is budgeted by the I great deal out of the Gmup In- eight credits given On your Pf0-i Captain Theodore qLarson, Platte, (Continued on Page Four) Gold A Club struction classes. ject work, depending of course, 30. The first lieutenants for Com- upon the actual amount of work G -are paul ~uby,Frank At sometime during the year Students Parti~i- and care given it. Man@ ,the Orchestra and Glee Club get i Schultz and Stanley Conkey; for 6t is too early in the season to c~,,,~~~~H, L~~~~~ D~ Haan pate On Grain land for Membership a ohance to perform before assem- give any, results of last summers I and ~lbi~~Yearous. -bly. They also get a chance to project as the mcords have Livestock Teams !broadcast over the mlio at State The real pep and enthusiasm was mt summed up. Reports are that there will be college station. shown November 8th at the first GRAIN JUDJING TEAM.- a large number of new members 1 1, the spring the orchestra IIornehjects cover everything Officers' Mess at the Justamere mis team is chosen in the latter elifible for membership to the , plays at the Senior play and the done on tihe fam, small mi%'Tea Room, when a definite pro- of the year from the highest livedck, tractor faming, dairy-'gram was discussed for the year. Gold A. Club this Year. Last year Glee club is on the promm Bat- hnding individuds & the s& fifty new members were qualified calaureate Sunday and is also on in% and poultry for the boys; and An interesting speaking program identification ,,lasses. for membership in this club, and the commencement p-m. gardening canning, POU~~and was taken up. One of the most in- team ha an opm-itg home making for the girls. me of from all appearances the number me A~@~~are going to have teresting things brought UP was competing wrah other of new I?If3II'tbers this Year will their 0- Dance Orchestra this that the Mess voted lthere would llSchoo~s of ~gric~l~~~~,,of the exceed bhat of last. 'year. They will play for the Aggie Debate Club be no in the Mess Northwest, for a silver loving cup, The qualifications far member- dances put on by the school of On. Bergan was at the Red River V@ley shows &hip are: that he or she shall have ~*~~l*. elected to act assecretary of the held each year at Crookston, attended the School of Agricul- This club was organized in Jan-, Mess while AIbion Yearous was ~i~~~d~. ture at least one year and has per- I ALUMNI PAPER IS POPULAR. wiry, 1927, by "Dad" Scarbm and ' chosen as repohr. The seed idenitification classes suaded at least one new member a group of students in the Sehool 1 This is a new feature in the Mess have homequite populm the to attend the School of Agricul- school of ~gri~~lt~~~alumni and of Agriculture. Its purpose is to I that we hope will work very year, and no doubt very keen ture, and to thereafter use their I, tome, students have made possible furnish its members, by meam of euccessfully. It is also our plan comptition will result bdore the influence to persuade worthy, the eight issues per year ~~~i~ frequent praotice, in forensic dis- 1 from time (o time to invite Pm- team going is seld young people h avail themselves News thmolh their and putation, an oppoltonity to culti- ' inent men of 'military hndiw in ed.
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