February 2017/1 CIMCIM BULLETIN Comité International des Musées et Collections d’Instruments et de Musique Comité Internacional de Museos y Colecciones de Instrumentos y Música International Committee of Museums and Collections of Instruments and Music CONTENT President‘s Message . 1 President’s message the greatest richness of CIMCIM and of- Farewell Greetings from It has been almost sixty years since a fer a fantastic opportunity for networking Lisbet Torp . 3 group of 31 representatives from fourteen and expanding the discussion about what Report on RIdlM countries met in The Hague and Paris to we do. At the same time it presents chal- Arnold Myers . 3 discuss the goals and tasks of ‘an interna- lenges that CIMCIM needs to take into ac- tional organisation […] for musical instru- count in order to maintain and increase its Report on CIMCIM conference ments and the corresponding collections’. relevance as a professional organisation: Milan and Cremona Its main challenge, at the time, was to heal while the divisions that had to be faced Madeleine Modin . 5 – at least in the world of music museums in the 1960s are now generally resolved, Travel Reports – the deep divisions and wounds left by the focus of music museums has expan- Raffaele Pinelli . 7 the Second World War and to foster pro- ded from a mostly European and North Kathleen Wiens . 8 fessional and knowledge exchange across American perspective to one that includes borders. large parts of the world. In the past few Minutes of the CIMCIM The world, our profession(s) and the ro- years contacts have increased with Rus- General Assembly . 8 le of our Institutions have greatly chan- sia and China, where independent ‘regi- The »MUSICES« Project ged since then and CIMCIM has grown to onal’ associations of music museums are Sebastian Kirsch & al. 13 include 43 countries, 112 institutions and active and represent over a hundred col- almost 200 members in all five continents, lections, altogether, most of which still New Insights by HRCT with a continuous increase over the past unknown to CIMCIM members. The 2018 . 20 Rudolf Hopfner . few years (+15% in 2016). The diversity of CIMCIM meeting in Hubei and Shanghai MINIM UK our approaches, goals and collections are will present a unique opportunity to deve- Richard Martin . 24 International Symposium Prokofiev 21st Century . 26 Interactive Educational Exhibition Project . 27 Museú de Musica, Barcelona Evans Barrel Organ and Musical Clock. 28 Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg: Chinoiserie . 30 Notes . .. 32 New Book Releases . 33 Editor: Heike Fricke Texts should be submitted to: [email protected] Deadline for the next CIMCIM Newsletter: 15.07.2017 The CIMCIM group gathering in front of the MiCo. CIMCIM Bulletin · February 2017 1 President‘s Message lop a close connection with many of the- questions that CIMCIM should be con- two terms. se, as well as the meeting in Russia did cerned about. A new Board was elected for the next in 2015. CIMCIM’s effort towards inclu- All this opens a dazzling array of new per- three years, and includes Frank Bär (Vice siveness and expansion also strongly re- spectives that can be enriching and stimu- President), Christina Linsenmeyer (Secre- lies on close partnerships with wide-en- lating, but also risks to be overwhelming, tary), Patrice Verrier (Treasurer), Alla Bay- compassing projects and associations: the considering that CIMCIM’s activity entirely ramova, Giovanni Paolo Di Stefano, Pana- strongest, in the past years, has been the relies on voluntary work. CIMCIM can rely giotis Poulopoulos, Jen Schnitker, Kathleen one with MIMO – Musical Instrument Mu- on a strong and widely recognised profile Wiens, Zhang Xiang (Advisory Members), seums Online (www.mimo-internatio- in the world of music collections, which and myself (President). Furthermore Eric nal.com), which offers a database of over needs to be maintained and fortified, De Visscher, Nataly Emelina and Arnold 55,000 musical instruments from collec- while at the same time a process of con- Myers were coopted by the Board, to sup- tions. CIMCIM financial and in-kind sup- tinuous discussion and assessment need port specific tasks. Working together on port is being provided in order to further to address what CIMCIM as a professional the development of CIMCIM is a wonder- expand this powerful resource and impro- organisation can offer, and how it can best ful journey whose enjoyment should not ve its usability. Other collaborations inclu- support the work of everyone involved in be limited to the members of the Board: I ded the COST action WookMusICK (www. this field. To start the discussion, a con- hope that many proposal, ideas and sug- woodmusick.org), which involves 25 Eu- sultation process has been developed over gestions will come from extended and ex- ropean countries, RIdIM (the International the past few months and a SurveyMon- tensive discussions over the next few ye- Repertory of Musical Iconography) as well key questionnaire has been distributed ars. as regular contacts with other organolo- among all members and potential mem- To keep in touch with CIMCIM’s activi- gical societies. bers: I hope that it will offer the start for a ties and discussions you can subscri- Expansion is not only geographical, but series of tangible actions that will be im- be on the CIMCIM mailing list (cim- in scope as well: in 2016 the CIMCIM Ge- plemented over the next years. However, [email protected]) or follow our Fa- neral Assembly adopted a new name for nothing is more fruitful and indeed enjoy- cebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ the committee, specifically to include the able than personal discussion: many of groups/131781248269/). whole world of ‘Music Museums’. While these matters — and several others — were musical instruments remain the main fo- enthusiastically discussed among the over Best wishes cus of many of our collections – and a key 70 CIMCIM members who attended the Gabriele Rossi Rognoni concern for CIMCIM – the focus of many ICOM-CIMCIM General Meeting in Milan, displays and exhibitions has been shifting in July last year, and I am greatly looking in the past decade to include a wider va- forward to our 2017 conference in Basel riety of sources to represent both the ma- and Bern, organised by the Hochschule der terial and the immaterial aspect of music Kunste (http://www.hkb-interpretation. traditions, and the chronological focus has ch/cimcim.html) on ‘Presentation, Pre- moved forward to include many musical servation, Interpretation: The Challenges realities of the 20th and 21st century. How- of Musical Instrument Collections in the ever, a new name is only the first step to- 21st Century’. A special thank goes to the wards the deeper revision of our focus, of local organisers and to Panagiotis Poulo- the issues that have taken priority in our poulos who acted as liaison officer bet- profession and where CIMCIM can have an ween the Board and the organisation. impact. The Milan meeting was also the occasi- This is also related to the remarkable on to undertake our Board elections, as change that museum profession(s) have we always do at the General Assembly had over the past decades: while the num- which is held every three years, and seve- ber of curatorial positions in music muse- ral members of the previous Board had to ums seems to be stable or rather shrinking, step down after having served for the ma- the profile of ‘curators’ is changing both ximum time allowed by our By Laws. The in music museums and in the wider mu- General Assembly warmly thanked Lis- seum world and is coming to encompass bet Torp for the energetic and committed new and different competences. At the sa- leadership offered over the past six years me time new specialisations and profes- as CIMCIM President, and Bradley Strau- sional profiles are developing in the wor- chen-Scherer for her innovative work as ld of museums, and are only beginning to CIMCIM Secretary. Special thanks were al- appear in our specialised world, opening so given to Eric De Visscher, Golnaz Golsa- new perspectives for those who want to bahi, and Darcy Kuronen, for having ser- work in this field, but also raising different ved as advisory members of the Board for 2 CIMCIM Bulletin · February 2017 Messages & Reports Farewell greetings from Lisbet Torp, Report on RIdIM ropean collections are delivered to Euro- former CIMCIM President peana, the central access point to the di- RIdIM is the Répertoire International gitised European cultural heritage. Dear friends and colleagues, d‘Iconographie Musicale, set up in 1971 to Today, MIMO displays more than 56,000 In July 2016, I retired from the position of facilitate access to the world‘s music-re- instruments from 29 collections on its President of CIMCIM. After altogether 12 lated images and provide a service to own website and through a thesaurus of years of official engagement in CIMCIM scholars, and most recently reconstituted instrument names both accessible in nine and ICOM during which you entrusted me in 2012. RIdIM has three sister organisa- languages: English, French, Italian, Ger- with 6 years as Vice-president followed tions, RISM, RILM and RIPM. The President man, Dutch, Swedish, Catalan, Polish, and by 6 years as president of CIMCIM, it was of RIdIM has since 2005 been Prof Dr An- Chinese. This quantitative and qualitative time to leave the work to others. tonio Baldassarre of the Lucerne School of enhancement was partly possible thanks The regular — and necessary — “change Music. Association RIdIM maintains part- to a contribution of CIMCIM, which hel- of guards” is wisely stated in the CIMCIM nerships with other international organi- ped to integrate four polish collections Bylaws.
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