Eighth Edition Estelle Levetin The University of Tulsa Karen McMahon The University of Tulsa lev80044_fm_i-xvi.indd 1 2/26/19 11:53 AM PLANTS & SOCIETY, EIGHTH EDITION Published by McGraw- Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2020 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2016, 2012, and 2008. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid- free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LWI 21 20 19 ISBN 978-1-259-88004-9 (bound edition) MHID 1-259-88004-4 (bound edition) ISBN 978-1-260-81260-2 (loose-leaf edition) MHID 1-260-81260-X (loose-leaf edition) Product Developers: Lora Neyens, Christine Scheid Marketing Manager: Kelly Brown Content Project Managers: Becca Gill, Jeni McAtee Buyer: Laura Fuller Designer: Matt Diamond Content Licensing Specialist: Melissa Homer Cover Image: ©Rodrigo A Torres/Glow Images Compositor: Lumina Datamatics, Inc. All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page. Library of Congress Cataloging- in- Publication Data Names: Levetin, Estelle, author. | McMahon, Karen, editor. Title: Plants & society / Estelle Levetin, The University of Tulsa, Karen McMahon, The University of Tulsa. Other titles: Plants and society Description: Eighth edition. | New York, NY : McGraw-Hill Education, [2020] | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2019001477| ISBN 9781259880049 (alk. paper) | ISBN 9781260812602 (loose-leaf edition) Subjects: LCSH: Botany. | Botany, Economic. | Plants—Social aspects. Classification: LCC QK47 .L48 2020 | DDC 580—dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019001477 The Internet addresses listed in the text were accurate at the time of publication. The inclusion of a website does not indicate an endorsement by the authors or McGraw- Hill Education, and McGraw- Hill Education does not guarantee the accuracy of the information presented at these sites. mheducation.com/highered lev80044_fm_i-xvi.indd 2 2/26/19 11:53 AM In loving memory of our mothers Pauline Levetin & Dorothy Sink McMahon lev80044_fm_i-xvi.indd 3 2/26/19 11:53 AM Contents in Brief UNIT I Plants and Society: The Botanical Connections to Our Lives 1 Plants in Our Lives 1 UNIT II Introduction to Plant Life: Botanical Principles 2 The Plant Cell 16 3 The Plant Body 28 4 Plant Physiology 47 5 Plant Life Cycle: Flowers 69 6 Plant Life Cycle: Fruits and Seeds 85 7 Genetics 101 8 Plant Systematics and Evolution 120 9 Diversity of Plant Life 136 UNIT III Plants as a Source of Food 10 Human Nutrition 152 11 Origins of Agriculture 175 12 The Grasses 187 13 Legumes 210 14 Starchy Staples 224 15 Feeding a Hungry World 241 UNIT IV Commercial Products Derived from Plants 16 Stimulating Beverages 271 17 Herbs and Spices 289 18 Materials: Cloth, Wood, and Paper 308 UNIT V Plants and Human Health 19 Medicinal Plants 337 20 Psychoactive Plants 358 21 Poisonous and Allergy Plants 378 UNIT VI Algae and Fungi: The Impact of Algae and Fungi on Human Affairs 22 The Algae 400 23 Fungi in the Natural Environment 419 24 Beverages and Foods from Fungi 446 25 Fungi That Affect Human Health 469 UNIT VII Plants and the Environment 26 Plant Ecology 486 iv lev80044_fm_i-xvi.indd 4 2/26/19 11:53 AM Contents Preface xii 3 The Plant Body 28 List of Boxed Readings xv Plant Tissues 29 Meristems 29 UNIT I Plants and Society: Dermal Tissue 29 The Botanical Connections Ground Tissue 31 to Our Lives Vascular Tissue 32 Plant Organs 33 Stems 33 1 Plants in Our Lives 1 Roots 35 Plants and Human Society 2 Leaves 37 The Flowering Plants 2 A CLOSER LOOK 3.1 Studying Ancient Tree Rings 37 The Non- Flowering Plants 4 The Algae 4 Vegetables: Edible Plant Organs 41 The Fungi 4 Carrots 41 Plant Sciences 4 A CLOSER LOOK 3.2 Plants That Trap Animals 42 Scientific Method 5 Lettuce 44 A CLOSER LOOK 1.1 Biological Mimics 6 Radishes 44 Fundamental Properties of Life 6 A CLOSER LOOK 3.3 Supermarket Botany 44 Molecules of Life 8 Asparagus 45 Carbohydrates 8 Proteins 9 Lipids 11 4 Plant Physiology 47 Nucleic Acids 12 Plant Transport Systems 48 A CLOSER LOOK 1.2 Perfumes to Poisons: Plants as Transpiration 49 Chemical Factories 14 Absorption of Water from the Soil 49 A CLOSER LOOK 4.1 Mineral Nutrition and the Green Clean 50 UNIT II Introduction to Plant Life: Water Movement in Plants 51 Botanical Principles Translocation of Sugar 51 2 The Plant Cell 16 A CLOSER LOOK 4.2 Sugar and Slavery 53 Metabolism 55 Early Studies of Cells 17 Energy 55 The Cell Wall 19 Redox Reactions 55 The Protoplast 19 Phosphorylation 55 Membranes 19 Enzymes 56 Moving Into and Out of Cells 19 Photosynthesis 56 Organelles 20 Energy from the Sun 56 A CLOSER LOOK 2.1 Origin of Chloroplasts Chloroplasts and Light- Absorbing Pigments 57 and Mitochondria 22 Overview 59 The Nucleus 23 The Light Reactions 59 Cell Division 24 The Calvin Cycle 61 The Cell Cycle 24 Variation to Carbon Fixation 63 Prophase 24 Cellular Respiration 63 Metaphase 25 Glycolysis 64 Anaphase 27 The Krebs Cycle 64 Telophase 27 The Electron Transport System 64 Cytokinesis 27 Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Respiration 67 v lev80044_fm_i-xvi.indd 5 2/26/19 11:53 AM vi Contents 5 Plant Life Cycle: Molecular Genetics 110 Flowers 69 DNA— The Genetic Material 111 A CLOSER LOOK 7.2 Try These Genes On for Size 112 The Flower 70 Floral Organs 70 Genes Control Proteins 114 Transcription and the Genetic Code 114 A CLOSER LOOK 5.1 Mad about Tulips 71 Translation 116 Modified Flowers 72 Other Roles of RNA 116 Meiosis 75 Mutations 117 Stages of Meiosis 75 Epigenetics 118 Meiosis in Flowering Plants 77 Recombinant DNA 118 Male Gametophyte Development 77 A CLOSER LOOK 5.2 Pollen Is More Than Something 8 Plant Systematics to Sneeze At 79 and Evolution 120 Female Gametophyte Development 79 Early History of Classification 121 Pollination and Fertilization 79 Carolus Linnaeus 121 Animal Pollination 80 How Plants Are Named 123 A CLOSER LOOK 5.3 Alluring Scents 82 Common Names 123 Wind Pollination 83 A CLOSER LOOK 8.1 The Language of Flowers 125 Double Fertilization 83 Scientific Names 126 Taxonomic Hierarchy 127 6 Plant Life Cycle: Higher Taxa 127 Fruits and Seeds 85 What Is a Species? 129 Fruit Types 86 Phylocode 130 Simple Fleshy Fruits 86 A CLOSER LOOK 8.2 Saving Species through Dry Dehiscent Fruits 86 Systematics 131 Dry Indehiscent Fruits 86 Barcoding Species 132 Aggregate and Multiple Fruits 86 The Influence of Darwin’s Theory of Seed Structure and Germination 88 Evolution 132 Dicot Seeds 88 The Voyage of the HMS Beagle 133 Monocot Seeds 88 Natural Selection 134 Seed Germination and Development 88 Representative Edible Fruits 88 9 Diversity of Plant Life 136 Tomatoes 90 The Three- Domain System 137 A CLOSER LOOK 6.1 The Influence of Hormones Survey of the Plant Kingdom 137 on Plant Reproductive Cycles 92 A CLOSER LOOK 9.1 Alternation of Apples 94 Generations 139 Oranges and Grapefruits 95 Chestnuts 97 Liverworts, Mosses, and Exotic Fruits 98 Hornworts 141 Lycophytes and Ferns 143 7 Genetics 101 Gymnosperms 146 A CLOSER LOOK 9.2 Amber: A Glimpse Mendelian Genetics 102 into the Past 148 Gregor Mendel and the Garden Pea 102 Angiosperms 151 Monohybrid Cross 103 Dihybrid Cross 105 UNIT III Plants as a Source of Food Beyond Mendelian Genetics 106 Incomplete Dominance 106 10 Human Nutrition 152 A CLOSER LOOK 7.1 Solving Genetics Macronutrients 153 Problems 107 Sugars and Complex Multiple Alleles 109 Carbohydrates 153 Polygenic Inheritance 109 A CLOSER LOOK 10.1 Famine or Linkage 109 Feast 154 lev80044_fm_i-xvi.indd 6 2/26/19 11:54 AM Contents vii Fiber in the Diet 156 Corn Genome 199 Proteins and Essential Amino Acids 156 Value of Corn 199 Gluten and Celiac Disease 158 Rice: Food for Billions 200 Fats and Cholesterol 159 A Plant for Flooded Fields 200 Micronutrients 162 Varieties 201 Vitamins 162 Rice Genome 202 Minerals 167 Flood- Tolerant Rice 202 Dietary Guidelines 169 Other Important Grains 202 Balancing Nutritional Requirements 169 Rye and Triticale 202 Healthier Dietary Guidelines 170 Oats 204 Glycemic Index 171 Barley and Tritordeum 204 Meatless Alternatives 172 Sorghum and Millets 204 A CLOSER LOOK 10.2 Eat Broccoli for Cancer Other Grasses 205 Prevention 172 Forage Grasses 205 Lawn Grasses 205 11 Origins of Bioethanol: Grass to Gas 206 Corn 206 Agriculture 175 Sugarcane 207 Foraging Societies and Their Cellulosic Ethanol 207 Diets 176 Early Foragers 176 Modern Foragers 177 13 Legumes 210 The Paleo Diet 177 Characteristics of the Legume A CLOSER LOOK 11.1 Forensic Botany 178 Family 211 Agriculture: Revolution or A CLOSER LOOK 13.1 The Nitrogen Evolution? 179 Cycle 212 Latitudinal Spread 180 Important Legume Food Crops 214 Early Sites of Agriculture 180 Beans and Peas 214 The Near East 181 Peanuts 215 The Far East 182 Soybeans 217 The New World 183 A CLOSER LOOK 13.2 Harvesting Oil 219 Characteristics of Domesticated Other Legumes of Interest 221 Plants 184 A Supertree for Forestry 221 Centers of Plant Domestication 184 Forage Crops 221 Beans of the Future 222 12 The Grasses 187 Characteristics of the Grass 14 Starchy Staples 224 Family 188 Storage Organs 225 Vegetative Characteristics 188 Modified Stems 225
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