REGISTER VOLUME 12 J . f « n & NUMBER 55 ¿/anted Washington, Wednesday, March 19,1947 TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE end thereof: “The farm allowance so es­ CONTENTS tablished shall not apply to practices Chapter VII— Production and Mar­ for community benefit performed under Agriculture Department Fa£e keting Administration (Agricultural the provisions of § 701.843 (d).” Proposed rule making: Adjustment) 2. Section 701.843 (j) is amended by Pearsr fresh Bartlett, plums, adding the following at the end of the and Elberta peaches in Cali­ P art 701—N ational Agricultural Con-, introductory paragraph thereof: “The fornia; extension of time to servation P rogram county committee is authorized to estab­ file written data, views or MISCELLANEOUS AMENDMENTS lish closing dates for the performance arguments_________________ 1841 of individual practices provided such Rules and regulations: State Bulletins, issued December 10, closing dates are not later than Decem­ National agricultural conserva­ 1946 (11 F. R. 14339), are hereby ber 31, 1947. tion program; miscellaneous amended as follows: 3. Section 701.843 (j) (32), Payment amendments--------------------- 1831 SUBPART— 1947; ALABAMA rates, is amended to read as follows: Alien Property, Office of 1. Section 701.840 (i) (1) is amended Payment rates: Notices: by increasing the payment rate from (1) Less than 4 inch casing, and flowing Vesting orders, etc.: wells, $1.00 per linear foot. $0.70 to $1.00 per 100 linear feet. (ii) 4 inch casing or more, but less than Klasen, Franz_____________ 1841 2. Section 701.840 (j) (12), Payment 6 inch casing, $2.00 per linear foot. Knorr Food Products Corp_1842 rate, is amended to read as follows: (iii) 6 inch casing or more, $3.00 per linear Kurtz, Max________________ 1843 Payment rate: $0.10 per cubic yard of foot. Rothenbuecher, Theresia__1843 material moved. Taguchi, I_------ ----------------- 1843 4. Section 701.843 (j) (39), Payment Unterweser Reederei, A. G_1842 SUBPART— 1947; ARIZONA rates, is amended to read as follows: Von Brodorotti, Gerald and 1. Section 701.841 (b) is amended by Payment rates: 50% of the cost of stand­ Helene________ ._________ 1844 . adding the following sentence at the ard metal pipe delivered to the farm but Wittorf, John__ ___________ 1844 end thereof: “The farm allowance so not to exceed: (ij $0.09 per linear foot of 1 inch diameter. Civilian Production Administra­ established shall not apply to practices (ii) $0.12 per linear foot of 1% inch diam­ tion for community benefit performed under eter. the provisions of § 701.841 (d).” Notices: (iii) $0.13 per linear foot of 1% inch Consent orders: 2. Section 701.841 (/) is amended by diameter. adding the following at the end of the (iv) $0.19 per linear foot of 2 inch Christensen, Mrs. John_____ 1849 diameter or more. Esposito, Joseph___________ 1849 introductory paragraph thereof: “The Suspension order; Louis and county committee is authorized to es­ 5. Section 701.843 (j) (46), the sen­ Lucy Spinelli______________ 1837^ tablish closing dates for the performance tence immediately preceding the Pay­ of individual practices provided such ment rates and the Payment rates are Federal Communications Com­ closing dates are not later than Decem­ amended to read as follows: mission ber 31, 1947.” Payment will be made for the eradi­ Rules and regulations: 3. Section 701.841 (j) (14) (iv), the cation or control of St. Johnswort only Reports; revision of Annual description of practice, is amended to under subdivisions (iii) (a) (b) and (iv) Report Form R___ ________ 1840 .read as follows: of this subparagraph. Federal Power Commission (iv) Construction or installation of si­ Payment rates: Notices: phons, pipe, flumes, drops, weirs, and■ diver­ (i) $10.00 per acre for continuous culti­ sion structures. Hearings, etc.: vation throughout the entire growing sea­ Cities Service Gas Co___ ____ 1846 SUBPART— 1947; ARKANSAS son except for quack grass. Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line (ii) $5.00 per acre for continuous cultiva­ Section 701.842 (e> (1) is amended to tion of quack grass throughout the entire Co. (2 documents)_______ 1845 read as follows: growing season. Pittsburgh and West Virginia (iii) Approved chemicals: Gas Co. et al__________ 1845 (1) Availability. Ground limestone, (a) $0.02 per pound'of agricultural mesh Republic Light, Heat and superphosphate, winter legume seeds, borax. Power Co., Inc., et al_____ 1845 ryegrass seed, other materials, and serv-. (b) $0.0175 per pound of borax, special ices in connection with stock ponds, ter­ concentrates undried. Federal Trade Commission racing, ditching and other practices may (c) Other chemicals, except 2,4-D—50% Rules and regulations: be furnished by the Field Service Branch of the cost, but not, to exceed $0.10 per Rules of practice; Commission. 1836 to producers for carrying out approved pound. Interior Department practices. (d) 2,4-D applied to Canada Thistle or See also Mines Bureau. bindweed (morning glory)—50% of the SUBPART— 1947; CALIFORNIA cost, but not to exceed $1.00 per pound of Rules and regulations: 2,4-D acid in the preparation. Delegation of authority to Bu­ 1. Section 701.843 (b) is amended by reau of Mines with respect to adding the following sentence at the (Continued on next page) contracts for sale of helium __ 1840 1831 1832 RULES AND REGULATIONS (iv) Cultivation of St. Johnswort (Kla­ CONTENTS— Continued math weed) as often as necessary throughout the growing season to control growth—the War Assets Administration Pa2* cost of the first operation, but not to exceed FERERAL^REGISTER Rules and regulations: $4.00 per acre. V , '»34 Designation of disposal agencies and procedures for reporting SUBPART— 19Î7; COLORADO surplus property located with­ 1. Section 701.844 (b) is amended by in continental U. S., its adding the following sentence at the end Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, territories and possessions; and days following official Federal holidays, thereof: “The farm allowance so estab­ by the Division of the Federal Register, the location of disposal agency lished shall not apply to practices for National Archives, pursuant to the authority offices------------------------------ 1838 community benefit performed under the contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ provisions of § 701.844 (d).” proved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as CODIFICATION GUIDE 2. Section 701.844 (j) is amended by amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B ), under regula­ adding the following sentence at the end tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ A numerical list of the parts of the Code of the introductory paragraph thereof: mittee, approved “by the President. Distribu­ of Federal Regulations affected by docu­ “The county committee is authorized to tion is made only by the Superintendent of ments published in this issue. Proposed Documents, Government Printing Office', rules, as opposed to final actions, are iden­ establish closing dates for the perform­ Washington 25, D. C. tified as such in parentheses. ance of individual practices provided The regulatory material appearing herein is % such closing dates are not later than keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7— Agriculture Pa&e December 31, 1947.” which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Chapter VII — Production and 3. Section 701.844 (j ) -(1 ) is amended to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as by adding the following subdivision:. amended June 19, 1937. Marketing Administration The F ederal R egister will be furnished by (Agricultural Adjustment) : (iii) $0.045 per pound of available phos­ mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Part 701—National agricultural phoric acid contained in liquid phosphoric per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ conservation program______ 1831 acid. vance. The charge for individual copies Chapter IX — Production and 4. Section 701.844 (j) (5) is amended • (minimum 150) varies in proportion to the Marketing Administration size of the issue. Remit check or money by deleting the entire subparagraph and (Marketing Agreements and substituting therefor the following: order, made payable to the Superintendent Orders) : . of Documents, directly to the Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Part 936—Fresh Bartlett pears, . (5) Green manure. Disking or plow­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ plums, and Elberta peaches ing under a good stand and a good tion of material appearing in the F ederal grown in California (pro­ growth of Austrian winter peas, cow- R egister. posed)—_____________ 1 ___ 1841 peas, soybeans", or vetch. Applicable only on irrigated cropland and orchard Title 16— Commercial Practices land. Chapter I—Federal Trade Com­ CONTENTS— Continued mission: Payment rate: $2.25 per acre. International Trade, Office of PaS® Part 2—Rules of practice____i 1836 5. section 701.844 (j) (9) is amended Rules and regulations: Title 30— Mineral Resources by inserting the language “crested wheat- Licenses, g e n e r a l , country Chapter I—Bureau of Mines, De­ grass, slender wheatgrass,” after the groups____________________ 1837 partment of the Interior: language “intermediate wheatgrass,” in Prohibited exportations (5 doc­ Part 01—Organization_______ 1836 the first sentence. uments) _____________ 1836,1837 6. Section 701.844 (j) (22) (vi), the Title 32— National »Defense description of the practice, is amended Interstate Commerce Commission Chapter VIII—Office of Interna­ to read as follows: Notices : tional Trade, Department of Unloading: (vi) Installation of siphons, pipe, flumes, Qommerce: tile lines, weirs, drop boxes, chutes, checks, Cars: Part 801—General regulations. diversion boxes, or the lining of permanent Greenville Piers, N. J_____ 1847 (5 documents)__ ______ 1836,1837 irrigation ditches with concrete. New York, N. Y. (2 docu­ Part 802—General licenses___ 1837 ments) ____________ 1846,1848 Chapter IX—Office of Temporary 7. Section 701.844 (j) (49) is amended Weehawken, N. J______ 1846 Controls, Civilian Production by deleting the word "cropland” where- Commodities at New York, Administration : ever such word appears in the subpara­ graph.
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