Six Mile Post The Student Voice April 21, 2009 www.Sixmilepost.com Vol. 38, #7 Photo by Chiara VanTubbergen Students on the Floyd campus take time out their day to enjoy an indoor Spring Fling. Capital Punishment Douglas/ Paulding Update Can the Braves make it? A GHC professor gives GHC is moving ahead SMP columnists discuss his account as a state’s with building and aca- whether or not the Braves witness. demic plans for two new make it to the playoffs. Page 3 sites. Page 19 Page 4 Georgia Highlands College - Rome, Georgia Page 2, SIX MILE POST, April 21, 2009 News Chancellor Erroll B. Davis Jr. to speak at Friday night graduation ceremony By Tyler Ashley to hold the ceremony on Fri- Davis is the chancellor for the awards that reflect Davis’s Assistant Editor day. University System of Georgia. track record are “100 Most The nursing penning cer- “I think it’s always a great Influential Georgians,” “100 Georgia Highlands Col- emony will be held at 7 p.m. on opportunity when we have him Most Influential Atlantans,” lege’s graduation ceremony will May 14, also in the Forum. here to speak to students,” said “75 Most Powerful Blacks in be held on Friday, May 15. During the graduation cer- Pierce. Corporate America,” “Top 50 The evening will start at 7 emony, there will be two high- Since 2006, Davis has been Blacks in Technology” and “50 p.m. at the Forum behind Broad lighted events: students gradu- in charge of the 35 public col- Most Powerful Black Execu- Street in downtown Rome. ating and remarks by the guest lege and universities in Geor- tives in America.” Davis also The ceremony is typically speaker, Chancellor Erroll B. gia. Davis maintains these won a bronze medal in Finan- held on Saturdays, but accord- Davis Jr. colleges and their 283,000 stu- cial World’s “CEO of the Year” Photo by Tyler Ashley ing to Dr. Randy Pierce, presi- Each year, the graduation dents and 40,000 faculty and competition and was honored dent of GHC, the Forum had a ceremony has a guest speaker staff members, according to the as “Black Engineer of the Year” Chancellor Erroll B. Da- conflicting event on Saturday that is influential to students Chancellor’s website. by U.S. Black Engineer maga- vis Jr. is selected to be this this year and asked the college or to the college as a whole. Various achievements and zine. year’s graduation speaker. HOPE may be some students’ only way to pay for tuition in tough economic times By LaTonya Burrell concerned about it. I have nev- for consideration for HOPE ful that HOPE ends at 127 determining what a family can Editor er received a loan from a bank. at 30, 60 and 90 hour check- attempted hours. This means afford to pay for their college All of my loans came from the points. that if a student withdraws education,” said Jones. Considering the difficult Department of Education,” said A student must have a 3.0 from a class, that class will fac- The deadline to complete economic times, many students Jedonia Cooper, an early child- GPA at these checkpoints to be tor into the consideration for and send a FAFSA from is July may be concerned about the hood major also at the Floyd considered for this academic HOPE. 1 for the 2009-10 academic prospect of taking out a student campus. scholarship. The first step for students year. loan to pay for college. While taking out a student “It covers full tuition and who are trying to find out the “The best advice for stu- “I don’t want to feel like loan from the bank may seem any fees that were in place best financial aid plan for them dents is when you get your I’m in debt and have to pay the like the only way to pay for col- through the year 2000. It does is to fill out a FAFSA form. taxes done, turn around and do loan back,” said Lynn Vaughn, lege, there are other options. not include room and board or “FAFSA is an application your FAFSA,” said Jones. an early childhood major at the One way to pay for college any fees that have been added for students to be screened for For more information about Floyd campus. is through the HOPE scholar- since 2001,” said Todd Jones, financial aid such as grants, FAFSA, HOPE and various “I know I’m going to take ship. director of admissions. loans and scholarships. It is ba- types of loans, go to www.gacol- out another loan, but I’m not Students may be evaluated Students should be mind- sically the government’s way of lege411.org. Food may be coming soon to GHC By Lesley Mathis ville),” said Parker. which one would be best for the Staff Writer Following that process, college. Parker said that a committee of “The awarded vendor will The students at Geor- be asked to start immediately,” gia Highlands have gone Parker said. a whole year without food “It was really Parker said that the food available for them on cam- service at the Cartersville cam- pus, but if everything goes pus may be handled different- according to plan, they may inconvenient to ly, and it may have a different be able to stay on school vendor than the Floyd campus. property for lunch next not have food on News of food on campus has year. most of the students at Geor- Cynthia Parker, pro- campus.” gia Highlands feeling relieved curement officer at GHC, that the school could have done has said that she is hoping -Mandy Bracket something sooner. to have a request for pro- “It really was inconvenient posals posted before the fall Student to not have food on campus. If semester of next year. you get hungry between class- “Once the request for pro- staff from GHC will pick two to es, there are limited options as posals is posted, food service three of the vendors. to what you should do. I hope vendors of all types and sizes Later, she and Rob Whitak- this new food will work out well may present their proposal for er, vice president of finance and for our school,” said Mandy providing food service to GHC Administration, will interview Bracket, a business adminis- Campuses (Floyd and Carters- those companies and decide tration major from Rome. News April 21, 2009, SIX MILE POST, Page 3 Sumner witnesses capital punishment firsthand By Will Floyd charged with murder. surprise, Sumner assumes that Staff Writer After being convicted and it was because of his contacts at on death row for 23 years, New- the state level after a career in In any line of work, a per- land was executed by lethal in- law enforcement. son can occasionally be asked jection last month at Jackson As for the experience, Sum- to go beyond the call of duty State Prison, an hour south of ner said that he approached it and do something that can be Atlanta. Sumner was in atten- as an opportunity to expand his described as “not in the job dance at that execution. knowledge and pass that on to description.” For Dr. Greg When Sumner was asked his students at GHC. Sumner, associate professor to act as a state’s witness for He said, “It was an educa- of criminal justice at Georgia the execution of Newland, he tional experience. I took it as Highlands, being asked to view had mixed feelings about the an opportunity to educate my- a capital punishment execution situation. He said, “I was hon- self. I wanted to show a whole was one of those things. ored because I knew that very different layer to my students. Shortly before midnight few people get asked to serve They can now clearly have this on May 30, 1986, Robert New- as a state’s witness. At the picture in their mind of what land, a resident of St. Simon’s same time, though, I couldn’t really happens and form their Island on the coast of Georgia, say, ‘Let’s celebrate’ because own informed decisions.” approached his neighbor and someone is going to die. You’re Although the whole expe- friend Carol Beatty and tried to almost honored on one side, rience was a very new one for Photo by Jordan Penson solicit sex. Beatty refused, and but then on the other side, for Sumner, the only thing that Dr. Greg Sumner, sitting in his office, recalls his experi- Newland attacked her. Within what?” surprised him in particular ence as a state’s witness for the execution of Robert New- a day, Beatty was dead from Although being asked to was the level of security. “It land, a convicted murderer. blood loss, and Newland was serve as a witness came as a was very serious,” he said. Spranza brings home 2009 adviser of the year award By Nick Godfrey performers who perform on tainers who are eager to start leadership development, differ- Assistant Editor campuses and to advisers and performing from college to col- ent campus activities to look members of the association. lege a chance to show what into and student promotional Out of 200 college advisers Members of the association they can do. tips,” said Spranza. in competition, John Spranza, are nominated by one another Spranza said it’s exhaust- On the final night of its con- director of student life, won and are voted on by everyone in ing going all day, but he got to ference, the APCA held its an- the 2009 Adviser of the Year the committee.
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