TITANIUM'99: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY USE ·OF ELECTRON BEAM SKULL MELTING WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC STIRRING OF MELT FOR THE TITANIUM ALLOY CASTINGS PRODUCTION Dr. S. LADOKHIN, eng. N. LEVITSKY, p.g. A. KOSHELAP Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 34/1 Vemadsky Ave.,Kiev-142, 252680, Ukraine ANNOTATION A technology of the electron beam skull melting of titanium alloys is discussed. The efficiency of the electromagnetic stirring of melt in the skull crucible at the electron beam melting of titanium alloys (EBSM with EMS) is demonstrated. In particular, the possibility of the reduction of the specific electric energy consumption at the use of electromagnetic stirring systems is shown. · Results of the investigation of highly alloyed titanium alloys melting by means of the'EBSM with the EMS, including alloys based on intermetallic compounds TiAl and TiNi and alloys containing highly volatile component Al, are presented. The possibility of an efficient alloying of melt in the course of melting is shown. Mechanical (including high temperature) properties of alloys produced at the EBSM with the EMS, as well as their chemical content are described. Comparative analysis of the EBMS with the EMS and the vacuum arc skull melting is performed. key words: titanium, electron, beam, skull, melting ' 1. INTRODUCTION Titanium and its alloys are the one of the most long-range among materials used in contemporary machine building. Now, titanium alloys are widely used in aircraft and ship building industries, chemical machine building, aerospace complex and oil and gas industry. During the last 10 ... 20 years titanium stopped to be an exotic material that used only in war industry and so-called "special technologies" area and now has wider use in production of medicine tools, sport implements and many other widespread goods for everyday use. But despite all that was told before the Ti-based materials still remain enough expensive that essentially brakes an increase of their consmnption. ' One of basic reason for high cost of titanium and its alloys is very low product yield (PY) at semifinished items production (cast parts, ingots, roll, forging and die products). It can be possible to increase essentially technical-and-economic indexes of semifinished items production from titanium and its alloys at the expense of wider use of technology of mold casting that permits to obtain an item with a maximum proximity to final product in shape. But use of this technology has some difficulties and the basic of them is the extremely high chemical activity of Ti at high temperatures and especially in liquid ~tate. So, in particular, titanium melt intensely interacts with air oxygen and nitrogen, and reaction products dissolve in liquid; moreover, it is not any refractory material that could be inert to titanium melt. All above mentioned directly determines vacuum skull melting as the only technology suitable for titanium alloys melting for production of cast parts. Now, the vacuum skullmelting (V ASM) is most widely used for production of cast parts from titanium alloys. This technology having obvious advantages, such as relatively low specific energy consumption, simplicity of vacuum and electric equipment used, low loss of alloying elements and metal base, at the same time is being characterized with essential disadvantages, in particular, a dependent heat source, difficulties with remelting of substandard charge, low refining ability, problems with such technological operations as additional alloying at process of melting and modification, and also a low overheat of molten metal. Therefore one can make a conclusion that it would be prospective to develop a melting technology free from above mentioned disadvantages. In our opinion it could be the electron beam skull melting with electromagnetic stirring of molten metal (EBSM-EMS) technology developed in Physico-Technological Institute for Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. 1399 TITANIUM'99: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2.. USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC STIRRING OF MOLTEN METAL AT ELECTRON BEAM MELTING OF TITANIUM ·. An essential disadvantage of classic EBSM is impossibility to obtain a large volwne of molten metal without big evaporation losses of it. It is connected with the fact that depth of molten metal bath obtained at heat of its surface with EB is not more than 100 ... 150 mm and an increase of heat power starting from certain limit does not increase the volwne.of molten metal but intensifies the evaporation process. Use of shields increases a volwne of poured metal ortly a little (15 ... 20% more) but finally cannot be believed to be an effective solution of problem stated. The experience we col~ected showed that a. substantial increase of molten metal volwne in skull crucible is possible oiily at the expense of considerable intensification of convective movement of molten metal in running electromagnetic field. At the same time it is necessary to mark that the development of effective EMS system able to work in EB melting conditions is a far away from trivial problem. The basic difficulty lies in the fact that at interaction of electron beam with electromagnetic field created by stirring system the electron beam becomes to be non­ controlled and is being redirected from crucible to vacuwn chamber walls. To solve the problem the following measures were taken:. - electron beam gun locates coaxially with crucible. So the. electron beam heater cathode is located in direct visibility of molten metal; in such a severe conditions axial EB guns with ~ultistage beam beam guiding system evacuation showed an enough workability; the external surface of electromagnetic coils of stirring system is covered with the magnetic core of electrical-sheet steel that permits both to reduce the leakage field intensity and increase the efficiency of EMS system (EMSS); . it is desirable to keep the molten metal level in crucible under the level of upper coil of EMSS, because it permits a guided movement of beam spot across ihe molten metal bath surface, ~~erwise an electron beam is strictly located ~t the center of the bath. · · The copper. water-cooled crucible with. so-called magnetically transparent walls is used as a melting capacity. The crucible with EMSS used in this work have a capacity'of30 kg of Ti. The vacuwn in melting chamber is created by oil-vapor pwnps of booster type. Numerous investigations we fulfilled showed that the melting of titaniwn at use of above mentioned EB heater can be stably held in vacuum of 1 ... 3 Pa (the vacuwn in block cathode· is about 0,01 Pa). Results of inve.stigations of melting of titaniwn alloy BT20L with (meltings No. I - 5) and without use (melting No:6) ofEMSS are given in table 1. l)tble l Parameters and technical-and-economic in~exes of EBSM of BT2ff alloy. ' . .. Melting Time of Time of heating at Mass of Mass of 'specific energy No. EMSSwork, maximwn power, alwninium poured metal, consumption, min . min alloying, kg kg kW·hlkg 1 14 8 0 13,2 2,87 2 15 9 0 13,7 2,74 3 15 . 9 Q. =13,5 . 2,80 4 14 10 0,3· 13,8 2,82 5 15 11 0,3 13,2 2,88 6 0 IO 0,3 6,8 4,57 Analyzing table 1 data it is necessary to take into account that the niass of poured metal at melting with EMSS application is maximally possible for this crucible. At the same time maximwn·mass we obtained in the crucible of given design is 32 kg. So, application of EMSS permits a more than 4 times increase of the mass of poured metal. Moreover, as it is seen from fig. I, a, specific energy conswnption (SEC) essentially reduces at increase of mass of poured metal and at industrial application of EB SM-EMS technology (when mass of molten metal is about 200 ... 300 kg) one can expect the SEC to·be about 0,8 ... 1,0 kWh/kg (fig. l ,b ). Application of EMSS also permits to make operations of additional alloying of molten metal at melting. In table 2 the chemical composition of BT22L alloy obtained in our experiments is given. As seen from data ·given, an injection of highly volatile component is not effective without EMSS application and results in large loss of itself (melting No.6). Alloys melted with stirring of molten metal and.additionally alloyed at melting have composition complied with standard requirements. As it will be shown later, the 1400 TITANIUM'99: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 10 I .I<: 9 ~ c: \ a0 8 E 7 \ ::J I Cll \ '6 ,, ~ 8 a) >- 5 I. f:> . Cl> ,. c 4 Cl> CJ "'-..;.. I;:: 3 'll ' .... -:---.:.... Cl> ~ enQ. 2 • 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Mills d ixum rrEta ~. kg 7 ~ 6 +------+------+-------II--~"<>---­ ~ ~ ~ 5 +-----~--+------+--~-_,L.-----lf------­ c :s.0 § 4 t-------+------yc..__--;====:=l::===-- b) ~ y=32,:mc+O,a516 8 3 +---~----+--------+--------'---~---__,_ __ e> II ; 2 +-----7"~------+-------1-----­ u ii: ·~a. 1 +---"------+-------+-------f------­ "' 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 1 / M, kg-1 Figure 1. Dependence of specific energy consumotion on mass of poured metal 1401 TITANIUM'99: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY opportwtities of EBSM-EMS technology are the clearest in production of highly alloyed titanium alloys at melting of 13-titanium and intermetallic Ti-based alloys. Table 2 Chemical composition of EB-melted BT20 alloy Melting Melting conditions Al Mo v Zr No. Standard 5,5 ... 7,5 0,5 ... 2,0 0,8 ... 1,8 1,5 ... 2,5 Primarv 6,20 1,60 1,50 2,00 ·,. 1 Without alloying 4,80 1,62 1,40 1,90 2 Without alloying 4,63 1,64 1,32 1,90 3 Without alloying 4,65 1,67 1,36 1,80 4 With alloying -- 6,17 1,62 1,41 2,09 5 With alloying 6,08 1,71 1,62 1,97 6 With alloying 4,95 2,09 2,37 2,12 The investigations fulfilled showed that application ofEMSS at EBSM had high economic effectiveness and essentially increased the technological flexibility.
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