2802 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 26 INVESTIGATION AND COORDINATION OF ·EXECUTIVE AGENCIEs­ SENATE APPOINTMENT . OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1936 The VICE PRESIDENT, under the terms of Senate Reso­ <Legislative day of Monday, Feb. 24, 1936) lution 217, appointed the Senator from Virginia [Mr. BYRD], the Senator from Arkansas [Mr. RoBINSON], the Senator The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration from Wyoming [Mr. O'MAHONEY], the Senator from Oregon of the recess. [Mr. McNARY], and the Senator from Delaware [Mr. THE JOURNAL TowNSEND J as the members of the Special Committee to · On request of Mr. RoBINSON, and by unanimous consent, Investigate Executive Agencies of the Government with a · the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the cal­ view to coordination. endar day Tuesday. February 25, 1936, was dispensed with, LOANS FOR CROP PRODUCTION-VETO MESSAGE (S. DOC. NO. 179) and the Journal was approved. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a message MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT from the President of the United States, which was read, and, with the accompanying bill, referred to the Committee _A. message in.- writiilg_ from the President. of the United on Agriculture and Forestry and ordered to be printed, as States was communicated to the Senate by Mr. Latta, one follows: of his secretaries. MESSAGE FROM :r'HE HOUSE .To the Senate: , , - -I return herewith, ~ithout my approvai, S. 3612,- a bill en­ , A message from the Hou8e- of Representatives, by Mr. Hal­ titled-"To provide loans to farmers for crop production and tigan, .one of its reading clerks, announced that the ·House harvesting during the year 1936, and for other purposes." had concurred in the concurrent ·resolution (S. Con. Res. This bill authorizes an appropriation of $50,000,000 f~oni . ;32) reque~ting the President of the United States to return .to the Senate the enrolled bill (S. 3227) . to amend section 3 the general fund of the Treasury for loans to farmers during of the act approved May 10, 1928, entitled "An act to ex­ the year 1936 for production of crops-principally seed loans. tend the period .of restriction -in lands of certain members of In approving the bill providing for $40 ..000,000 :(or crop pro­ the Five Civilized Tribes, and ,for other ·purposes", as duction loans for 1934, I stated" that I did so on the theory amended ~ebruary 14, 1931. that-it was proper t<:> taper off the-crop-loan system, which had been initiated on a large scale as early as 1931, rather ENROLLED BILLS . SIGNED than to cut it off abruptly, particularly since such loans The message also announced that the Speaker had affixed would serve a useful purpose in aiding certain farmers unable his . signature to the following enrolled bills, and they were to qualify for crop-production loans through the newly estab­ signed by the Vice President: lished farmers' production credit associations, and that the s. 399. An act to amend sections 416 and 417 of the Re­ 1934 loan by the Government should thus be considered as a vised Statutes relating to the District of Columbia; and tapering-off loan. S. 3035. An act to provide for enforcing the lien of the It is true that I gave my approval to a $60,000,000 crop-pro­ District of Columbia upon real estate bid off in its name duction loan for !935, but this loan was primarily for relief when offered for sale for arrears of taxes and assessments, purposes, principally in the drought-stricken areas; and I and for other purposes. recommended to the Congress that the cost of such loans should properly be defrayed from the appropriation for re­ CALL OF THE ROLL lief purposes. Accordingly, $60,000,000 was reappropriated Mr. ROBINSON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. from unobligated balances under allocations from the appro­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. priation of $525,000,000 for relief in.stricken agricultural areas The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators contained in the Emergency Appropriation Act passed the answered to their names: previous year. _ Adams Connally Keyes Radcliffe In my budget message, transmitting the 1937 Budget, I Ashurst Coolidge· King Reynolds stated: Austin Costigan La Follette Robinson Bachman Couzens Lewis Russell . If the Congress enacts legislation at the coming session which ;Bailey Davis Logan Schwellenbach will impose additional charges upon the Treasury for which pro­ Barbour -· -Dickinson Lonergan Sheppard vision is not already made in this Budget, I strongly urge that addl­ Benson . Donahey Long Smith ~ional taxes be provided to cover such charges. Bilbo Duffy McAdoo Steiwer Black Frazier McGill - Thomas, Okla. No provision was made in the financial program f9r the Bone George McKellar Thomas, Utah fiscal year 1936, or the fiscal y~ar 1937, for additioJlal crop Borah Gerry McNary Townsend Brown Gibson Maloney Trammell loans, and, notwithstanding my Budget statement, quoted Bulkley Glass Metcalf Truman above, the Congress by this bill authorizes an additional Bulow Gore Minton Tydings draft upon the Treasury _for $50,000,000 for new c_rop loans, Burke Guffey · Murray · Vandenberg Byrd Hale ·Neely · Van Nuys without making provision for any revenue to cover such Byrnes Harrison Norbeck _ Wagner loans. Capper Hastings Norris Wheeler ·caraway Hatch "Nye White However, while I am ret:url)ing this _bill_ without my ap­ Carey Hayden O'Mahoney proval, I recognize · that there still exists a: need for crop­ Chavez Holt Overton production loans to farmers whose cash requirements are so C~ark Johnson Pittman small that the operating and supervisory costs, as well as the Mr. LEWIS. I announce that the Senator from Alabama credit risk, make credit unavailable to them at this time [Mr. BANKHEAD] and the Senator from Florida [Mr. through the usual commercial channels, and who, unless FLETCHER] are absent because of illness, and that the Sen­ extended assistance of this character, would no doubt find it ator from Nevada [Mr. McCARRAN], the Senator from New necessary to seek some other form of relief from the Govern­ York [Mr. CoPELAND], the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. ment. This is particularly true with respect to those areas MooRE], the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. WALSH], the in which unusual conditions prevail because of drought, dust Senator from Kentucky [Mr. BARKLEY], the Senator from storms, :floods, rust, and other unforeseen disasters. illinois [Mr. DIETERICH], the Senator from Iowa [Mr. I fully agree with the Congress that provision should be MURPHY], and the Senator from Idaho [Mr. PoPE] are made for such borrowers during the year 1936, but I feel unavoidably detained from the Senate. that other borrowers should seek credit elsewhere. Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that the Senator from Minne­ I am convinced that the immediate and actual needs to sota [Mr. SHIPSTEAD] is necessarily absent. which I have referred can be met during the year 1936 by The_VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five Senators have an­ an expenditure of funds materially less than that proposed swered to their names. A quorum is present. in the bill under discussion. 1936. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 2803 Furthermore, these needs can be met, without the necessity really serious gorge in the Ohio River. The river, as a result of enacting authorizing legislation, through an allocation of of this condition, has .been closed for some weeks, and as a funds by me from the appropriation provided in the Emer­ further result many inen are out of employment both at gency Relief Appropriation Act for 1935, which appropriation, the mines and at the mills. Also, when the gorge moves I am informally adv~sed by the Comptroller General of the out there will undoubtedly be a tremendous loss of property United States, can be utilized for such loans as I might indi­ and great endangerment to life. cate by Executive order to be desirable and necessary as In addition to the Montgomery Dam, which has already relief measures. been constructed, the War Department engineers are now I believe, therefore, that a special appropriation by the constructing another one of the same type at Emsworth, Congress at this time is both inadvisable and unnecessary. about 10 miles below Pittsburgh. That being so, and in the absence of such legislation, I pro­ I ask also that this matter may be referred to the Com­ pose, in order to meet this need, to issue an Executive order mittee on Military Affairs. within the next few days. There being no objection, the editorial was referred to the FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT. Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be printed in THE W:w:ITE HousE, February 26, 1936. the RECORD, as follows: PETITIONS (From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of Feb. 22, 1936] ICE GORGES AND NEW TY·PE! DAM The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a petition It would be regretable, indeed if it should be found, after the of Methodist ministers of Philadelphia, Pa., praying for the considerable amount of money put into it, that the new lift-type enactment of the bill (H. R. 8404) to prohibit the trans­ dam construction started by the Government is not adapted to portation in iilterstate commerce of advertisements of in­ a number of the American rivers, notably those in the Pittsburgh region. Common prudence, however, should. force any recon­ toxicating liquors, and for other purposes, and also House sideration of policy shown to be necessary as soon as possible to bill 8739, to prohibit the liquor traffic in the District of keep the loss resulting from mistakes to the minimum. Columbia, which was referred to the Committee on Inter­ The Montgomery Dam, recently completed, on the Ohio River, near Beaver, is of the new type.
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