• flonan gets more votes than Conley 27 nCommunity Newspaper Company www.townonltne.com/allstonbnghtoo FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2002 Vol. 7. No. 10 52 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ 1City craCkirlJ~ down on frats and rats !SD rodent control squad Residents gather to talk takes its war to the streets about 'student ]Jroblem' By Phoebe Sweet wilh studems. r J..'5ing b) dead By Phoebe Sweet STAR' WRiTEll rat<> he called ··L'u"ualtie-; ci"wai," STAFF WRITER "Last weekend, we had oston Inspectional Ser­ ISO officen. Jilted manhole Before there were keg parties. vices hit the screeb of covers to lower in rat poi'iOn, frat hou.es and boarded-up win­ seven kids in togas in B Allston-Brighton again checked trru.h bin tu make .,urc dow . there were families and our jail c:ells." Tue!lday. this time to crad. down chey were propi;• '! . liJdtd and children playing m the .. ~ets of On rat'i instead of frat'i. The "ro­ cited several hou~ 10 1 1n1prope1 All:.ton Lhat have come 10 be BPD Caplain William Evans dent control blitz" inclulled bait­ trash dbposal. ln,pct.10~ al.,o called the "Student Ghetto." And ing and trapping. community sought out ra1 h11rro\\ ., Muflt.."t.I in the wake of ~ent citation~ dle on ii before it's oot of hand," outreach and education and tra.~h poison into them and lh~n um.I condemnations on Gardener pickup enforcement. packed newspaper into the hole, said Paul Berkeley of the Allston Street and Commonwealth Av­ Ci' 1c Associaaon at a Monday "If everyone chip~ in, it make!'. 10 pmrect Lhe rat biu l enue by Boscon lnspectional Ser­ night meeting. the rodent control issue so muth Meanev said th..11 ,1UlJer1b who vices team<;. All ton residents are l11e ACA held a forum Mon­ more manageable.'" 'laid lni..(Jl!c­ are new Lhe ne1p1bl~ and 10 eager to find soluriom, to the da) with neighbors, Boston Uni­ tor John Meaney. uneducared ahmll ~ 1-co11trul 1s­ ·-student problem"' caused hy rhe PHOTO 8' Mlt FLOCK veii,ily anll Bost<?n College rep­ Meany led a five-man team ~ues h~lp to _fet:\J 1t ~11 ~pu!a­ from left, John Meaney and Jack Powers travel the streets looking for push of universitiei. on every side reSl'11latives. Boston District 14 down Gardener Screet through a tion with the11 tm ISD Mob- Jlf'Operties with vlolatlons of such things as Improper garbage of tJ1e city. Pol1l'.e Commander Captain neighborhood heavily populated ctlsposal. which can lead to rat Infestations. Neighbors need 10 "get a han- RATS. age 6 FR.ATS, page 6 Its a police chase Golden vows to do better By Phoebe Sweet ST Aff WRITER Arter fighting for every vote in It primary that ende-0 last v.et ~. <.tate Rep Brian Golden sa) • that he v. ill never again let hi-. opponent come so close.in a n111 for ht<> "eat. " I am going tu make sure J am in a very comm<1nding posilion for lhe next run," said Golden this f)a!>t Tuesday. Whelher he f*ces the same two opponenls, Dave Friedman and Paul Felker, or someone ne\\. Golllen says chat lle wiU use the next lWO years to get bat·~ in touch with hie; con­ !'.lllucncy and ~ ni;ure victory ne\t time around. " I think I will be in much better shar>c in 2004," said Golden, ~ho attribute., the close race to sh months spent away from his corhtituenc), a truncated cam­ paign and weU-financed oppo­ nent with "institutional backing." Golden said that he feels better almut this last race with each pa''tng day. " In retro'>pect. I can appreciate mo": the forces arrayed against me .ind the fact that my organiza­ PW Ill ?AAA fl.\N[V Runners start the 21st annual Boston Police Chase on Sunday. This yaar's race was dedicated t o City Councllor Br1an Honan, who passed away last month. The event tion defeared all of them," he said. raised about $10,000, half of which will be given to t he West End Holse Boys and Girls Club of Allston and Brighton. See page 24 for more photos. Golden\ opponent, Dave Friedman, received the backing CANDIDATES, page 27 lNSl MCAS failures remain high By Phoebe Sweet I L How Boston Ranks Boston MCAS ~>rt'> fell into 1he hot (:rode Stl1lt' \wra~ Statt- tom fifth pt!rccntile ot Massal huscm nm!\ <;(()~ uur-.igc schools this year. despite impro' m~ re­ 4th 288 226.S 238 <>ults O\er lac;1 year. "1th -l8 per .cnt of .. 10th gratlers failing rn.ith and 31 pen:ent 7th (Eftc) 249 234 242 •·, failing English Bo,ton' founh gntde 8th 1Mm111 239 224 232 came in an abv,maJ :!SX out of JOO. 'e\­ 10ttl 246 229 240 emh grade 249 out of !07. eighth grmJe ENTERTAINMENT 239 out of 264 anti I 0th $rade 24h out of 272. Jonathan Polumbo. '.\pok.~1n rn for be mis!>ing abo.,.e-a,erage amounts of Becoming a kid Boslon Public S~hool,, said Ml'nda) that chool anti failing to tal.e ad.,.anrage of with each wave uf re .. u!h. 'chooJ<; J.re Del e'tra help program~ offered b> the ..,chool :.y..,tem. again at the ter able to ident1I) group-. of m-r ,i..: 'tu· dents as well a.s 10 1dennr) mdh idu11l 'lU Polumbo aho said that thb fall Boston Mapparium dents who arc slruggliog with the te,1. schoob arc requiring srudcnts \\ho fail :tn) one pan of lO a "'Plan "The population of ..,tudents .;till not the le'>t create PllOTO 8Y ZAflA TUHEV 1111-SEEPAGE 15 People came together last Saturday to put the finishing touches on the new passing the Lest L'> gettin!, more and more for Succe..;s ·• Since school!. know which questions and which types of question., Baldwln Elementary School playground. Daniel Lestrade (right) and Ole defined.".said Polumbo. Madsen (bottom right) collaborate oo a piece of a play Item. INSIDE Students who failc-d \\i!re more! hl-:el} lO 'l1Jdents rru'"~J a~ well ac; recei' ing their MCAS. page 27 Around the city 25 Commentary 10 MAEL ' <:'-0 .e ~. '11• '"'""" .....,.. SI~1PLY FREE ~'"'\.. ~~ ~, .. ~,.. 41> (I.,.,_,, Cl II f{C • PR.\CTlf: ~~~ ~~& 4J . ~"' toil(l....... Community Notes 3 ~.. • · .... t lCOlt""" r,,,...,, CHECIGNG # !\ II 'l'~(un;( Crime 4 1 Call Customer Sen ice Learn to dance I~ Spo1·1~ for more detail Pnvate and group lessons with or without Ubrary Notes 9 \i Auto partner • weekly dances • low rates ~21. Wedding preparation speoals Shawmut Properties FREE " ""'~ 1-. @'II- q Obttllaries 5 l Work Injuries tf"Merrantile Bank 1~ Trelll()nl Street • Brighton .. ' f l W It T I A Iii • 6l7-566-7850 Polttlcal Notebook t3 .. 23 Washington Street • Brighton D~nceSport Academy four Ntigliborhood Realtor@ 556 Cnmbrid~t ~I •• Jlr~hton 6 I 7-783-3500 l ~ of Net11 En>{latul Schools 7 617-782-3000 www.bankatmercandle.com ~ 384 Hi!Mlld St. Brookltne (6 17) 787·2Ul • (617) 787-8700 331 WashlnglDn st. (Brighton Center) Member FDIC www.DanceSport-NewEngland.com ' Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, September 27, 2002 -- · www.town1inJine.com/allstonbrighton ___!:...__~~~--=:....._~~~~---=:.....__:_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. We want your news! '~! THIS WEEK on townonline •com - Wefcome to the Allsw:>n-Brighton TAB! We The Affsto~Brlghton TAB is publfshed onllne at ~· t1·nline .com/al/stCJnbrfghtoR and·Amerlca are eager to serve as a forum for I.he communi­ 'online Keyword: Town O.nline. Town Online features ne~ m more than 'f'i local publications, pro- ty. PJease send us calendar listings. socml files of more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts commu , and items of l'Pgfonal fhterest. · news and.any other items of community inter­ est Please mail the information to Wayne Braverman, ed.iu.ir. Allston~Brighton TAB. P.O. Box 9I12.. Town Online R:'Port Needham, MA 02492. You may fax matenal New England Patriots Join MetroWest Daily to (781) 433-8202. Our deadline for press News Managing Editor As the Football season ts In full swlng. -------'Weath· release&i s Monday. 5 p.m .. prior to the next Follow The New England Patri­ Joe Dwinell on ·wsss·s 'The Ten er heats up, so too does the Bay Friday's issue. ots as they defend their Super State J>OllUcal scene. Get full O'Clock News.· Joe's Residents are invited to call us with ~tory Bowl championship. Complete cover<tge of congressional, coverage by The Boston Herald. 'Town Online Report' gubemfltorlal, and statewide ideas or reaction to our coverage. Please call covers ttle top news AlJston-Brighcon TAB Editor Wayne www.bostonherald.com/ campall.!n and pohtlcal news patnots.html and feature stories fmm Herald Media. Bravennao at (781) 433-8365 or News appearing Ofl Town Reporter Audici Guha at (781) 433-8333 with Online. http://polltlcs.hlasya.com ydur ideas and suggestions. www.townonllhe.com • . [email protected] • KMl R Coove-1-t-~com Tfle Allslon·Srjg11ton TAB (USPS 14-706) Is published by TAB Com!".n!Y ~~ 2.5A S!IC.Ol1Cl Ava Needhar/I MA 02-494 TOWN ONLINE INDEX weekly. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA. PoSlmasw: Send .ll:lm9.S OClledlor!S IO the 1\l!!ion·Brlgh:on TAB 254 Sec:ond • MetroWest Dally News • Parents and Kids • Town Online Business AV&., Needllam, MA 02"94. TAB Community Newspapers assumet ~I)' Ill' 11'11Sla1,es 111 ~ bul w ft reptlnt www.metrowestdallynews.com www.townonllne.com/ Directory that pan which Is lllCOfrect ii notice IS glVen within lhree W01111ng dar.
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