University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1974 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 10-30-1974 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 078, No 48, 10/ 30/1974 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1974 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 078, No 48, 10/30/1974." 78, 48 (1974). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1974/128 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1974 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .,.... , .-,: - ...... -......... ~··· - - " . ~. ~- . 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CitfJS 'CrOnyisiri'; ·nI ~ ·• , .~:·~·~, ... lt,;~ ..ffi'II.Beturn Fuilds :RJJ~kEU> · --·: 'h'~ -~dvoc~ted ·returning rancher h~·suggest'ed a one :W~at-:b~Jabels. ·:Oloney to the taxpayer. · cent reduction of the sales -~e ·;·p~ ·!'f · , 'Skeen bas persistently tax, elimination. of sales tax '~~~:n~J.:Jn · criticized the Democrats for on food and elimination of a "''!1..~.... -l'!'.·ul>Jl(fln ,···Rot returning at le~t part of "tax on misery"---taxes on ;~~~~Ul1tt<ilD.al; · . _ _,-~oe _4be -s~te's huge gene~ fund 4r\tgs and medical supplies. for-P.t•Vi,~ting ·. totbetaxpayers. "The ·sales tax is a ""''-"""~;y. :in :Ne'\V . - In ·a . detailed· plan. for r~gressive tax-," said Skeen. ·and, -,-·economic action, the Picacho ·''It hurts the poor much. ~~~-- more than the rich." A m.ajor portion of .. Skeen's economic plan would -be to reinvest $25 million of' -. .... the general fund (most Qf· which is invested in Wall · Gonzales: ,I Street and actually. declining I in value) in ·New Mexico .to ReBgan Might ..• . stimulate the construction industry~ Skeen would not · set up a separate agency to dispense the thoney, saying GoA/Pin76 that "the last thing we need By GEORGE JOHNSON the .AlP ticket on a possible . ·is to create more Gene Gonzales, the deal he made with Wallace at bureaucratic structures in American Independent Party the Democratic convention this state. We should use the . candidate for Governor, said in 1972. existing loan insitutions. yesterday that Ronald Reagan "Wallace called his . · "New Mexico is a iarge is sending out feelers for a delegates and asked them tO public land state, but our Wallace-Reagan ticket in . vote to seat the Daley · i; ·~~ ~ .Republican major problem is that ,we 1976. delegation," Gonzales said. 1 think he made a deal with r ;" . • · ' Candida,te don't circulate capital. If you And he thinks Chicago "I ( •••. ./CHI money out of state, Mayor I_Uchard Daley might Wallace." ~- s*~tHf iq.y~t Possible- Upset ~.~1~·· ; .. ·: '·i~-;, ...~~ .. -· ~·~ · -··.¥o~ ;~onJy btig.g. .J.be.. ~terest · s!l~port 1t. Gonzales said that despite· t [''•·.- • · _.,: ·. · ·· <~ ·• "-~6aek~to1ilew<Mexico:". ·. · -'·I'¥e received several !Continped onJJD11e is) ~uesti <>naires from. an the Apodaca lead in the l l--. ·. .. · · poJis; he thinks Skeen is gaining fast and there could \ \).. .'~·· Apo·. Ja__: ,._··._·A_-._--'-_._8_.:~ .... ·e·. ·e~~ ·_·rJu,,.~··o·n ~~g-~~:::nd:Sr:Jn_ gph~~~~,: be a "definite upset." \ r!- .. ·. '(C._~~:.-~. ~ .:=u~ "U&Ii feel.about R_eagan as a "Apodaca hasn't t ., ... • . - - . · · · ~· _- • -~ • ·,: . -. · runmng mate for Wallace," gained-he's stayed. in the same p1ace for months," ·-,:·As C.tll11PIIigil ,~Priority' ~~~~~"it~~dw~= Gonzales said. "Skeen is picking ~P fast." · ~:. :,.,~· By'IOS~PH-~ONAH~·::,.;.;:~~Jerty Apodaca insurance and stud,y Committee arid is "I. wouldn't be at all "I keep remembering .. .•• . Jerry Ap~·~aca, a ·:~.fs · Jerry• :Apo.daca Realty, both presently the chairman of the surpn~ed ~ see them on the when the Gallup . poll said · . Ctucetf s~f::e~:.~l\tg,r·:'·~,. ;!fije ,.:··at which are located in )As s en a t e J u d i c i a r y- AlP t1cket m 76. Reagan has Demo_ca·atllo ;!·JUbematorial·· ,Cruces. · . · · C ommi ttee-tbe first the support of 50 per cent Dewey would beat Harry ~f Truman. The fint edition of ··candid~~ in tllis. .. ·":' . Apodaca is a board non-lawyer to bave that post. the Republican party-and ~- elect.1on .: , ;_-,is -·member of Citizens· Bank in Apodaca also served as New Wallace has 30 percent of the some of th-e newspapers . uf·:::tas- Cruces. the state Mexico. Democratic state Democrats. They'd be actually said Dewey won. ·~_::.~- 4~-y-~d In 'lben when they counted the ~.:_the·· · ~48·t:ielat.teh'eserveduchairrnan chairman during 1969 and unbeatable." · .•~he· Leglalativ.e School 1970.. , Gonzales said he based this , votes they had to retract the Apodaca graduated from· theory on Daley supporting (~ontinu~d on page.13} UNM in '1957 with a Bachelor of Science degree in lndefJe!ldent · education.. He then taught Candidate - history at Valley High School from 1957-1960. Apodaca defeated five Democratic opponents in the .June primary election to gain· ··~··-· .. -.;·-~--"·:_.~.-. .. ' t"' • ~·" ~~' his party's nomination. His . 'clOHSt challenger was State ' ,. ......... - Sen. Tibo Chavez who. •- .. ' '1'..' · Apodaca beat by more than : I ' '.~· J 10,000 VQtes. ... Apodaca has spent close to .... $180,000 since the pri-mary· election. He has set a ~.,, spending ceiling of $200;000. One third of his budget has gone to media. ,. flb' · Stresses Education r Apodaca· stressed education as "top priority" in his ~ampaign for governor.. ' HEducation is the key t6 our future. With it we will have (continued on page 13) • • I - - . ... - --· .,Ja-.. - -~- ·~ b"' :;p 1" ~ .~ * * * * * i . * * * * * ~ ·Corporation Comm.·Candidates Explain Job\ f. §· ·. • Congressional Race Goes To Wire By LYNDA. SPARBER ·Jones said he has "read a lot and equitable decisions." Arts . he received at ·Highlands "proper rate structure to continue 1:1 ._1 'lbe two candidates runninll for · about .it," and "If the corporation He said his positions as security University, his attendance in Law to help students." !: .. o By JOSEPH MONAHAN 197 2, and by 24,000 in 1972. gambling in the form of slot •ma<:hlnes, . state corporation co~J~mlssioner h~ anythinll to do with it, ·I'll manager for ACF Industries and School in Washington, D.C., and Republican candidate Jones '< ' '8 The race for New Mexico's . The ·congressional campaign has ·. · · haw . more · problems that jUst look into it." Kennecott'Copper Corporation, as his experience in state government advised that students look to the §: 4 ..:I northern congressional district been the most controversial of the Mondragon countered the cha~ge saying, "The mol}ey gained · ·lettm11 the people know who they· Rudolph, 33, who claims to be· a labor coat accountant and (he also served as executive Corporate Commission as. a 0 r ~ seat may go down to the wire. contests this fall. Both sides have director of .the Human Rights "consumer advocate," a place • ... • .~ Accordin~ to the·polls, most of accused the other of "dirty by thEl bill would have been used. are: the:V have to inform the · · the YOUIJIIC&t penon seeking a criminal investi11ator as well as to finimce education." He asked public what a •tate corporation state. office, satd as s corporation preaent owner of Bo·Mar, In,c. in Commission) "•mply qualifies" . where people "look after your S'i ,) 0 · the miiJOr races this fall are . politics,". commissioner ia. · . c.ommissioner,. he . would· "b- Gallup (a· busineu which consiatl him interests an·d prevent you f ·• ·" runaways, but three term M. ondragon sa1'd h1's.statements Lujan if "he h115 found' a pattern SbJdents Have Phones being ehargedexcessiwly."· rom ( .5 S Republican Congressm;m Manuel are inten~itmll}ly bcing taken out . in my voting record· inclined. : 'lbe ~tion 'Ia' beint soulht by decision on facts in the record. · of a· Taco Bell and a Baskin towar!l gamhlfng?" · · · . I .RepubUcan. ·Robert; F.· Jones of . ·· "I won't promise tllis or &bat. I Robbins) haw provided him with Asked how the Corporation Both candid11tes will establish a ~ L.ujan .has a battle on his hands. of context and miscronstrued." ! Gallup and .Democrat· Cbule• will be as fair as 1 know how. I a varied backtround. Commission· can directly affect 'first' if they win the election. ~ . :, :.- ·Lujan's.challenger, Democratii: Lt. But the Lujan people s;~id their Morid~;agon h<1s called Lujan's Rudolph of Santa Fe. · · . .don't believe in promises if I don't He said he does not profeu "to and benefit the students of UNM, Democrat Rudolph, 33, would be .. "':.······ ·' ~ Gov' Roberto Mondragon was charges were "based on truth." term in office, "Lujan's legacy. of. ; neglect.'! He sald Lujan has been Within the stat.e 0 &be lmowillcankeepthem:" be expert on telephone• Rudolph replied that "students the YOUnllest .eo.rp.orate•:S (· · ~trailing by six points in a poll They sai.d Mondragon is a who have apartments have a commissioner in the history of the • "' released Monday· supporter of legalized gambling . 'absent on 25 per cent of the Corporation .Commillion h._ the · . · Varied Background · •.. insurance .•. (or) freight,"· 'i House votes. Lujan denied this po:wer to., replate ehaqea and · Jones· taid he felt' the but he doe• feeriae lias, as a put a»hone" arid students usually state,andJoneswouldbethefirst ~· Lujan,47,wonby10,000votes and cited a 1967 vote by require paying some sort of Re pu bliean corporatio'n P" }n 1968, and 20,000 votes in Mondragon favoring legalized saying, "My voting record is 80 .
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