5 Day Forecast 5/21 a.m 5/21 p.m. 5/22 a.m. 5/22 p.m. 5/23 a.m. 5/23 p.m 5/24 The Madill Record ‘In the Arms of Lake TTexoma’exoma’ Vol. 125 — Number 48 Madill, Marshall CountyCounty,, OK 73446 — ThursdayThursday,, May 21, 2020 14 Pages in 2 Sections — $1 EARLY DEADLINES Parade helps Madill residents wish MPS seniors farewell Memorial Day By Matt Caban early deadline [email protected] May 15 was the original date for Because of the MemorialDay the Madill High School Class of 2020’s holiday, The Madill Recordwill graduation ceremony. However, the be closed Monday,May 25. outbreak of the coronavirus caused Early deadlines for the May schools across the state to reshuffl e 28 issue of The Madill Record their calendars. are as follows: submitted news, Although graduation has been correspondence, real estate, rescheduled for Saturday, June 6, classifi ed, display advertising, the administrators at MPS and the and legal notices are due by 3 city at large wanted to celebrate the p.m. Friday, May 22. seniors with a parade May 15. The printed edition The Ma- Even bad weather couldn’t prevent dill Record will be available for the Wildcat faithful from showing sale on Wednesday afternoon, their appreciation for this group of as usual. seniors. We caught up with a pair of seniors asmembers of the Class of 2020 gath- SORD SCHEDULE ered in the Oakview Baptist Church parking lot to prepare for the parade. First up was senior Rayne Adams, SORD memorial who was driving his Papa’s white Jeep. holiday schedule With the rain hitting on and off all day, Adams thought he may not From Staff Reports take the Jeep after all. Matt Caban The Madill Record [email protected] “I mean since my original thoughts were, ‘oh it’ll be a sunny day.’ I didn’t Members of the Madill High School Class of 2020 gather in the parking lot of Oakview Baptist Church for a parade SORD will be closed in obser- think not having doors on a Jeep and in their honor May 15. Both the students participating in the parade and those helping organize it had to contend vance of Memorial Day. We will half of the roof gone, I didn’t think with heavy rain that evening. be closed Monday, May 25th and it’d be a problem. So we’re trying to resume normal business hours fi gureout if it would work and waiting honestly I just made these today. It “Whenever I originally heard about really cool despite mother nature on Tuesday, May 26th. If you for the weather to clear up.” was kinda last minute.” the parade though I thought it would wanting us to not do it.” have any further questions, you Adams had some signs on the Jeep. Adams said he was glad to have replace graduation,” he said with a Adams said he is very excited for can look us up on sordlandfi ll. “I thought about [doing] thank a celebration for the seniors on the slight laugh. “But I’m very thankful the graduation ceremony slated for org or, we now have a facebook you posters and stuff,” he said. “But original graduation date. that’s not the case and so I think it’s (See PARADE, page 5A) page,SORD. Thanks and have a great holiday! Madill City Council: discusses changes to employee insurance CANDIDATE FORUM By Matt Caban Marshall County [email protected] After holding their prior meeting GOP set to host using Zoom (a videoconferencing app) the Madill City Council was sheriff candiates back in person at the Fred Stanley Center, Library Room for their May By Matt Caban 12 meeting. [email protected] The council members in atten- dance were Travis Williams, Terry The Marshall County Repub- Rushing, Bobby Davis and Mary lican Party will host its monthly Ann Hale. The fi fth council member, meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, May Shaunda Stanley, was not present. 21 at La Grande Restaruant in Three City of Madill staff members Madill. The group meets at 6 attended the meeting as part of its p.m. on the third Thursday of proceedings: James Fullingim (city each month. manager), Cindy Minor and Cindy Marshall County Republican Burchfi eld. Party Chair David G. Barnes, Also, in attendance were Madill said the two Repulican candi- Police Chief Donald Yow, Madill dates for Marshall County Sher- Emergency and Manger Donny iff, Danny Cryer and Donald Yow, Raley. will be in attendance. Davis (Place #2) and Williams He added that the meeting is (Place #3) took the oath of offi ce for open to voters that are registered their terms. Repubulicans. Hale made a motion on the next Cryer was elected sheriff in agenda item to keep Williams and November 2016. Yow has been Davis in their current roles as may- Matt Caban The Madill Record the Chief of Police for the Madill or and vice mayor respectively. The Madill City Attorney Kristen Speer (left) administers the Oath of Offi ce to Madill city council member Bobby Davis Police Department since June motion was seconded by Rushing. It (second from left) as fellow council members, Travis Williams, (center) and Terry Rushing (right) look on. 2018. passed 4-0. No other candidates fi led for The group then passed the consent the position of county sheriff, agenda before moving on to a set of Fullingim presented information to go with is going to save us 2.39% $5,400.” said LaRue Wilhite, Marshall items related to insurance. to the council about the insurance annually or $7862.40.” Fullingim closed his report by County Election Board secretary. The fi rst insurance related item policies. Fullingim said the changes to the saying the deductibles are going up As a result, the two candidates was to retain BlueCross Blue Shield “Just so you know, Delta and Hart- BCBS plan were minimal. every year. will meet in a June 30 Primary (BCBS), Delta and Hartford for ford stay the same as what we had,” “The deductible is currently $1,500 “That’s something that if you know Election. health, dental and life insurance he said. “The cost is zero increase or and it will go up to $1,800 [for indi- much about insurance is happening provided to city employees. decrease. The Blue Cross Blue Shield viduals],” he said. “For families it’s all over and it’s something that we is actually, the plan that we want currently $4,500 and will go up to (See CITY, page 2A) State Pays Millions for COVID-19 Hospital Beds, But, to Offi cials’ Relief, They Stay Empty By Paul Monies for 245 surge-capacity beds under of the hospital surge-capacity con- April at a time when infection models Oklahoma Watch contracts renewable for up to three tracts after fi ling an Open Records Actused by the state were showing hos- months. That could total more than request with the health department. pitalizations reaching between 2,170 Alarmed by warnings of hospital $33 million for each hospital through Jerome Loughridge, Oklahoma’s and 3,941 by the end of the month. wards fi lling up as COVID-19 cases mid-summer. secretary of health and mental health, The state developed its own model surged, Oklahoma offi cials last month The additional capacity was a key said health offi cials at the time were and used iterations of modeling done agreed to contracts worth millions of part of the state’s COVID-19 hospital looking at the COVID-19 situation in by the Institute for Health Metrics dollars with hospitals in Oklahoma surge plan announced by Gov. Kevin states like New York and Louisiana and Evaluation at the University of City and Tulsa to reserve bed capacity. Stitt and the Oklahoma Hospital and didn’t want Oklahoma hospitals Washington. Now, as the state embarks on the Association at an April 10 news con-to be overrun. The latest COVID-19 report shows fi rst phase of a reopening plan after ference in Tulsa. “If you were going to accommodate Oklahoma had 236 patients hospital- six weeks of lockdown, those beds will Offi cials said the state’s costs to the medium or high cases on what we ized with confi rmed or suspected cases likely be empty for now as the most reserve the hospital beds would be re- were predicting, it was a given you of the disease on Friday. To date, more dire warnings haven’t materialized. imbursed by the federal government, had to have more beds,” Loughridge than 730 people in Oklahoma have The Oklahoma State Department which under the CARES Act has sent said. “I would just say it would have been hospitalized with COVID-19. of Health is paying Oklahoma State more than $1.25 billion in funding for been the height of irresponsibility if Thestate’s hospital surge plan had University Medical Center-Tulsa COVID-19 expenses. The state is also we had said, ‘We’re just not going to three phases, with existing hospitals and Integris-Baptist Medical Cen- looking at federal grants to help pay believe the model.’ That would have ter-Portland Avenue in Oklahoma for the bed reservations. been malfeasance.” (See BEDS, page 3A) City each more than $330,000 a day Oklahoma Watch obtained copies The contracts were signed in mid- Deadlines Contact Us A Section B Section News: 12 noon, Monday News: 580-795-3355 Community 3A Community 1B Display Ads: 12 noon, Monday [email protected] Opinion 4A Classifi eds 4B • Classifi eds: 12 noon, Monday Advertising: 580-795-3355 or Obits 5A Kids Korner 6B Legal Ads: 12 noon, Monday [email protected] Marshall County’s News Source for More than 120 Years — www.madillrecord.net Page 2A – The Madill Record – Thursday, May 21, 2020 The Madill Record LOCAL AND AREA Police Blotter: Assault, Theft and other crimes By Shalene White rested on May 16 for Larceny of Possession of CDS with the Intoxication.
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