VOLUME XXII NUMBER 4/FOURTH OUARTER 1982 MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION Spaceship Earth: Gateway to Tomorrow Steel- Healthy Approach to a New Market For World-famous Hospital, Diagnosis was Steel Pyramidal Truss Key to Clear-span System Steel "Reflects" an Architect's Choice Rehabbing Steel Bridges in Maine DECK DESIGN DATA SHEET NO.1 ~==~::!:::iI POUR STOP SELECTION CIIIlRT The chart shows the thickness (gage) of the steel pour stop angle recommended by Nicholas J. Bouras, Inc. for the various slab thickness and overhang combinations. Two inches of bearing and one inch long welds at 12" O .C. are required. In determining these recommendations the steel stress was limited to 20000 psi and the deflection to ~ ". OVERHANG INCHES 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 4.5 5 ~ ' . "'. ' . J:SLABTHICKNESS of, • 5.5 COMPOSITE FLOOR iEh--j DeCK BY UNITED 6VERHANG STeEL DECK, INC 6 6 .5 <f) w 7 1: 0 ". 7.5 Any time you need infor­ <f) <f) w mation on deck design, z 8 delivery, budget pricing, 0" or bidding- cali on us, ~ 8.5 your deckhands. Reprints '\'" of this chart are available <f) 9 on request. 9.5 Gage Metal Thickness 10 * Retum lip available on 20 0.036" (0.91 mm) order. 10.5 18 0.047" (1 .20mm) 16 0.060" (1 .52 mm) 11 14 0.075"(1 .91 mm) 11 .5 12 0.105" (2.67 mm) 12 10 0.135" (3.43 mm) • ..........,..... , \-L...~'-'I)l-'L...=;,.=.L....J NICHOLAS J. BOURAS, INC. I p.o. BOX 662, 475 SPRINGrIELDAVE., SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY 0790112011277·1617 .. 2 MODERN STEEL CONSTRUCTION • When it comes to constructional plate steels, plate in applications such as fabricated bridge • we wrote the book. This current edition features girders. Produced in lengths from 120" to 1080;' Lukens' capabilities with regard to: widths 12" t048" and thicknesses 11." to 12:' Sizes. Standard specification plates available in Lukens-Conshohocken. A rolling mIll and ship­ widths to 195;' lengths to 1080" (longer in certain ping complex designed to meet your needs for sizes) and thicknesses to 25 :' A size card shows light-to-medium thickness carbon plate and our details. Sure-Foot safety floor plate. Specifications. Mechanical properties and Lukens Fineline: A family of low-sulfur construc­ chemistry of the various grades of steel most tional steels particularly effective when used In frequently found in bridges and buildings. fracture critical applications. Displayed in chart form. For your copy of this brochure, illus- Heat Treating. Many types of treatment offered trated with photos of our facilities and our on plates up to 600" long. Even longer by special products in use, just fill out the coupon below. arrangement. Stripped plate. An alternative to universal mill ~UKENSSTEE~ LUKENS STEEL COMPANY • Write •r------------------~ 586 Services BUIlding • Coalesville, PA 19320 • • Please send me a copy of your brochure. LUKENS CONSTRUCTIONAL • right • PLATE STEELS • • NAM. __ • • TITLE • no\\[ • COMPANY • ADDRESS _____ L __________________ ~ • I CIlY STATE lIP- . 41h OuarlCf 1982 3 MODERN CONSTRUCTION VOLUME XXII NUMBER 41FOUR TH OUARTER 1982 PublIShed by • CONTENTS American Institute Spaceship Earth EPCOT Center's of Steel Construction Gateway to Tomorrow 5 The Wrigley BUilding Steel-Healthy Approach to New Markets 10 400 North Michigan Avenue At Second Glance, Staggered Trusses Fill the Bill 12 Chicago. IIImols 60611 For World-famous Children's Hospital, OFFICERS Diagnosis was Steel 16 Phillip 0 Elbert. Chairman Steel Reflects Architect's Choice for John H Busch , First Vice Chairman Hillier Headquarters 18 Werner H Quasebarth. At Amherst Campus. Pyramidal Truss Key to Second Vice Chairman Clear-span System 20 Oscar W Stewart . Jr Treasurer Rehabbing Steel Bridges in Maine 23 Richard G Altmann. PreSident Wilham W _ LanIgan. Secretary & General Counsel 1983 ENGINEERING CONFERENCE MEETS MARCH 3-4 Wilham A Mdek. The 35th annual AtSC NEC tn MemphIs, Tenn . will meet around the Vice PreSident. Engmeenng theme 'Deslgntng tn Steet lor EffIcIency and Economy.' Over 500 engineers are expected to attend the streamlmed two-day conference. LewIs Brunner I whIch WIll meet tn the lamous. and newly renovated. Peabody Hotet, Vice PreSident Markellng now listed m the National Register of HistOriC Places. For the first time. an exhibit area Will be open to demonstrate products and services of speCial mterest to structural engmeers. EDITORIAL STAFF Matn attractIon of NEC IS the presentatIon of techntcat papers. Daniel Farb, D,rector of Publications which make the conference a major SOurce of mformatlOn on state-of· the-art structural steel englneermg. Plus, a full program for spouses George E Harper. Editor gives an overview of cultural, SOCial and economic forces of MemphiS Amy Kragnes. EditOrial ASSistant both yesterday and today. Registration IS already underway. WIth substantial savmgs for early reglstratlon - SI60 for those postmarked on or before Jan. 28.1983. SIOO for professlonat members Alter Jan. 28 S200 and 5125. For REGIONAL OFFICES further tnformatlon and or regIstration forms. contact A/SC Conven­ NORTHEAST REGION tIon Semces, 400 N MIchIgan A ve. ChIcago, IL 60611 312.670-2400. New York. NY (Hdq.) 212/695-4291 Bosl0n, MA 617/329-7417 STILL TIME TO APPLY FOR 1983 FELLOWSHIP AWARDS Philadelphia. PA 609.858-9354 A maxImum of eIght graduate study FellowshIps of 54.750 wilt be Pittsburgh, PA 412/443- 8840 awarded tn 1983. Awards go to graduate CIVIl or archItectural NORTH CENTRAL REGION englneertng students who propose study toward an advanced degree Chicago. IL (Hdq .) 312/372-8957 related to fabricated structural steel. The awards are deSIgned to DetrOit, MI 313/352-5558 encourage expertise In the Imagmatlve use of structural steel for Mmneapolis. MN 612/888-3791 bridges and buildmgs, and to motivate reCipients to pursue new Ideas SOUTHEAST REGION that Improve the technology of steel construct,on. Atlanta. GA (Hdq ) 404 /458- 7679 Awards are made on the baSIS of student's proposed course of Charlotte, NC 704 /375-6547 a Tampa. FL 813/879-{)429 study. achievement and recommendation by college faculty. ApplI­ catIons are available from .· AISC EducatIon FoundatIon. 400 N SOUTHWEST REGION Dallas. TX (Hdq ) 214 '630- 5236 Mi chIgan Ave., ChIcago. IL 60611 Deadltne IS Feb . 1 1983. Houston. TX 713/529-5564 St LoUts. MO 314721-1332 WESTERN REGION LOS Angeles. CA (Hdq) 2131444- 4519 Denver, CO 303/631-4622 San Francisco. CA 415/495-3550 Seattle. WA 206/624-5460 AISC HEADQUARTERS Chlcago, IL 31 2/6702400 • MO:1I"RN ~~E l .;.lNSTAUCT ON Spaceship Earth: . ~~Sr~! Center's Gateway to Tomorrow and Glenn R. Bell PCOT Center IS Dlsney's newest enter­ comptex. the exterior deSign tends towards Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc (SGH), E tainment world at Watt Disney Wortd In a "show" facade while slmulfaneously pre­ structural engineers. and Wallace. Floyd Ftorlda Developed by WED Enterprises. the sen ling Disney'S vISion of the technology of ASSOCiates Inc (WFA). architects. to develop design arm of the Disney organIZation. It has the future the deSign of the Spaceship Earth pavlhon two parts Future World, a collection of ex· "We wanted to create an atmosphere for Irom WED's conceot sketches h,b,ts of the new Ideas and technologies our guests that raises their SPIrit and klndtes Through many studies over several years. which are emerging from the creative centers an excitement for the human expenence In WED's concept deSigners had determined of America. and World Showcase. a meet­ the future, stated Gordon Hoopes, WEDs the sIZe of sphere they wanled at the entry Ing ptace to dlsptay the cuttures of many prolect deSigner for Spaceship Earth 'We 10 EPCOT Center They had also established nallons The focus of the entry courtyard IS knew that haVing the enllre sphere raised the concept lor a support system that would a 160-ft diameter geodesIc sphere, raised above the ground would cause substantial be aesthetically deSirable and which could t 4 ~ above ground and covered with faceted engineering problems but the psychological be Integrated Into the surrounding facilities aluminum panels. Conceived as a symbol uphlt for our guests would be worth It." Their early sketches showed three pairs 01 of EPCOT Center and the gtoballmpact of Underneath Ihe geodesic-patterned me­ legs riSing from ground level to support a Ihe technoloy of the future. the sphere was talhc skin of Spaceship Earth IS a complex patterned sphere of approximately 160·1t appropriately named Spaceship Earth Be­ steel slructure carefully lallored to sallsfy diameter cause EPCOT Center IS an entertainment the varied reqUiremenls of WED's show deSigners and engineered to transfer the Development of Sphere Enclosure various loads to the foundatIOns with the Because Spaceship Earth was Intended as grealest economy consistent with the other John P Grossmann IS an associate of Wallace program requirements Sleek monorail clfcles pavll.Jns 01 F U(Ufe Floyd ASSOCiates. Inc World Spaceship Earth looms /lIgh abOve Glenn R Bell IS a sentor siall englneel al Early WED Concepts EPCOT Cenrer, kindles excitement for vIsion 01 future PhD/OS Courtesy walt • Simpson Gumpertz and Heger Inc In early t 979, WED Enterprises retained Disney Productions 4th Quaner 1982 5 ........ .. _ ,M ' .. _.- =: _2.,--,-_~....-- ~ , N rn sOlJth S 'IJ" Ilr gh Spheft! Ihe main local pOlnl and Ihe 'logo' pavilion The double-skin solullon ,olved anolher legs. Mosl of Ihe mechanical equlpmenl of EPCOT Cenler, appearance of Ihe sphere problem excessive runoff of rainwater to space from Elevalton 28 10 Elevallon 52 was of extreme Imporlance WED's design­ the pedestnan circulation below By means was available for Ih,s purpose. bul a malor ers Initially Indicated a preference for a geo· of open slols between facets of the outer penetration for the rtde entrance to tho des Ie pattern Similar to thai used for the cosmetic panels, rainwater percolates to sphere (Ihe Ride Tubel allowed only I,m,led Expo 67 dome In Monlreal 8uI a Iinal pallem the mner waterproof skin where II IS col­ space belween Elevallon 52 and Elevalron for the extenor CQuid nol be determined until lecled and carned away by a hidden guller 64 al Ihe soulhern pari 01 Ihe sphere The a preliminary s(ruclural deSign lor Ihe sphere syslem al Ihe spheres equalor structure provided In thiS space.
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