A NEWSLETTER FOR TAYANA OWNERS VOLUME VI NUMBER 50 SPRING 1991 First Some Background ate and that they would sponsor such interesting duel with the lead chang- a race. ing hands and the outcome uncer- It all started in the fall of '89 In the April '90 issue Brooks tain until the very end." when your editor wrote a TOG pro- accepted the challenge while point- According to Brooks the T-37 motional piece for the popular west ing out that the "first five finishers didn't have a roller furling jib, while coast sailing publication, Latitude (of the Colin Archer race) were HC- the HC-38 did. "To make it fair and 38. In the article TOG was credited 43's- longer, more modern boats with eliminate sail changes, the rules re- in helping to upgrade the quality of cutaway keels and big pricey sails quired the HC folks to roll out only the early hulls by feeding back and that a fair race would need to be as much headsail as would equal our problem information to the dealers between a traditional HC-38 against working jibs. And that is the way the and builder. One of the owners of an a T-37 "In the same issue Scala also race started. The T-37 ran away from early T-37, Brooks Townes, accepted the challenge. The grudge the HC on the first leg and was Lysistrata, reacted negatively to the race was set for July 21. widening the gap on the second article since it seemed to infer that (Meanwhile, in May the Colin Ar- downwind leg. The HC sailors, a the early hulls were inferior which cher race was held with HC-38's bunch of gung-ho young veteran could affect the value of these boats. taking first and fourth places, and racers, all of a sudden unrolled all of I wrote Brooks a clarifying statement Tayanas taking second, third and their jib so they were then flying a and he subsequently wrote an article fifth) 130 to 150% lapper, and they poled for the Dec.'89 issue Latitude 38 to it out. End of race. They cheated!" help correct any misconceptions. The Big Day (Editors note- Brooks confided in In the March '90 issue James me that he believes anybody who'd Scala, President of the Hans Chris- After several postponements, pay an extra $30,000 for their boat Association, havingtian Owner's the grudge race took place on August just to get a little light that goes on read Brook's article, wrote, among 18th when Leslie Stone and when they open their underwear other choice remarks, that, " Each her three year old T-37 , Charisma, (PHRF 174) drawer has to be a bit off) year the Colin Archer Race allows squared off against a 13 year old cruising boats to do their stuff. Very HC-38 (PHRF 192) on a 10 mile few Tayanas enter, although I know course designed by Latitude 38. they aren't all off cruising because (Initially the race was supposed to be you do see lots of them around San two HC-38's vs. two T-37's, but Francisco Bay. But Tayanas finished then it was cut down to one each and so poorly compared to the Hans Brooks allowed Leslie to carry the What's Inside Christians that the folks aboard the flag) The Sept. issue of Latitude 38 ....................... first 5 finishers, all Hans Christians, had a 3 page text and photo spread of Cruising Equipped V-42 34 TOG NEWS Index........................... 35-38 needed excellent binoculars to look the race. "The Hans Christian, Cruising Bits.......................................... 39 back and see the first Tayana." Halcyone, took the checkered flag This n' That............................................40 The Latitude 38 editor, famil- 2.5 minutes ahead of the T-37, hav- iar with such pi—ing contests, sug- ing covered the course in one hour, gested that a race would be appropri- 45 minutes. It had been a close an TOG NEWS Cruising Equipped V-42 Index Kim & Dot Parks chose a V-42 heater for cold climes. We have a aft cockpit over the Slocum 43, Signet SL310 system (largely to get Trevor & Lesley Hodgson, Mason 43, Crealock 37 and Passport true wind data and the RS-232 out- owners of T-37 Symphony, spent 40. Reading all the TOG newsletter put to the computer) with two dis- several months of their sparse spare back issues helped them make up plays at the helm and one at the nav time to create the newsletter index their mind They are very pleased station as a backup for helm unit shown on pages 35 to 39. They with the boat and feel that they have failure. There is an Autohelm 6000 volunteered to create an index for received much more value than they below deck autopilot directly con- Volumes 4 & 5 (issues 30 through paid. In 1992 they plan to begin a nected to the rudder post providing 45) to continue the indexes prepared circumnavigation. What follows is a backup for a steering cable failure. by Don Rock, Auf Wiedersehen, summary of some of the equipment There are two autopilot control heads, which were published in issue no. and modifications made to prepare one at the helm and a backup at the 31. They did this and then decided Talaria for the voyage (for further nav station: both of the control heads that for their own benefit they would details contact the Parks): are extendible to inside the dodger or prepare a consolidated index of is- companionway steps in sloppy sues 1 through 49. While the con- "The engine was upgraded to a weather.Electronics include Vigil solidated index has somewhat less 55hp Yanmar. A 30 gallon collaps- radar, Icom radios (including ham), detail than the separate indexes by ible tank will be put inside the holding SEA weather fax, Micrologic Ex- volume, it's more convenient to work tank when offshore for extra fuel. plorer Loran and two IBM PC- with and therefore was chosen for Extra sails include a 135% and compatible computers for navigation , publication herein. The numerical 90% roller furling headsails, a weather planning, travel writing and reference following each subject cruising spinnaker(Spanker), a storm software development. entry shows the issue number and trysail, and a storm staysail. There is page number for each citation. an Avon liferaft and an Avon R.I.B. In addition to the time spent 310 with an Bhp Yamaha. There is researching the above decisions, we Aside from having to read and 400 feet of 3/8HT chain on a CQR 45 also used our Generic CADD com- reread all the issues, arriving at an and 400 feet of 3/4" rope rode for- puter-aided-design software to re- appropriate set of index headings is ward on a Bruce 33 with a Lighthouse design the interior. This gave us such an arduous task. On behalf of the windlass in the anchor well. Also things as a stand up combination nav TOG, I want to express my thanks to another 200 feet of rope rode aft for station/workbench/medical station Trevor & Lesley for a great job. our Danforth Deepset T-3000 and a with lots of drawers for up to 200 30" GaleriderDrogue. There are four charts, medical supplies plus me- 220 amp hour Prevailer gel cells and chanical & electrical tools and parts. a Balmar AquaPac diesel generator Forward of the nav station on the which generates 100+ amps plus 15- port side is an "office" (in lieu of the water per hour 20 gals/hrdesalinated standard settee) with two swivel using about a pint of diesel fuel. chairs and a 30" x 30" desk. The Refrigeration is one 4 cubic foot and shower has a FRP sole with a drain one 8 cubic foot box, each with its and a high, step over bulkhead sill so own water cooled Adler-Barbour that it serves as a laundry tub." Super Cold Machine. These can be used as one reefer plus cool storage, or reefer plus freezer or even as two freezers. The boat can be left for up to five days with the reefer system on Editor/Publisher: Norm Demain batteries - even when it is hauled. TOG NEWS is published 4 times a year by the Tayana Owners Group, 1348 Nonchalant Drive, Hot water includes the Ta-Yang Simi Valley, CA 93065, (805) 582-1437. supplied 110 AC and engine heated Subscription rates (in U.S. dollars)$20 U.S., $21 Canada,$25 elsewhere. TOG NEWS editor aboard 'The Chance" on tank plus a Wolter hot water heater Reproduction in part or total only with Chesapeake Bay, Fall 1990 which also supplies a Wolter hot air permission from the editor. TOG NEWS 34 SPRING 1991 TOG NEWS INDEX, ISSUES 1-49 (Prepared by Trevor Lesley Hodgson, Symphony) ANCHORS.......................... 6:8 29:6 29:13 35:8 49:26 Cleaning........................................... 42:83 Anchor rollers . 25:10 26:10 27:8 44:100 44:102 44:104 Delamination................................. 13:11 42:90 Anchoring hints . 8:12 9:15 18:5 21:9 21:14 23:7 42:75 Lifelines.......................................... 43:94 Bruce............ 19:12 23:6 28:7 31:15 31:16 37:14 43:96 Mast guards.........................................31:4 Chain, chain lockers ................................48:17 Molding ............................................. 31:4 Plough................... 6:8 11:11 13:5 19:12 21:9 21:14 Nonskid............................................ 40:50 23:6 25:9 26:10 28:7 37:15 Paint removal....................................... 33:7 Danforth . 11:11 13:5 21:9 26:9 28:7 31:15 31:16 Pilot House Skylight..............................44:102 Luke................................................
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