E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2011 No. 186 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was endured 125 years of change, growth, day, December 4, New York Times enti- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- and service. Today, Consumers Energy tled, ‘‘How the Food Industry Eats pore (Ms. FOXX). delivers electricity and natural gas to Your Kids’ Lunch.’’ This has serious f 6.8 million of Michigan’s 10 million consequences for the 32 million chil- residents in all 68 counties of the dren who rely on school lunches, and DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO State’s Lower Peninsula. often the breakfast program as well. TEMPORE For the past 125 years, Consumer En- Unfortunately, when one-third of our The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- ergy has operated under the timeless children of school age, 6 to 19, are over- fore the House the following commu- principle: provide customers with safe, weight or obese, this matters. nication from the Speaker: reliable, and affordable energy service. There’s no denying that the institu- WASHINGTON, DC, This principle has played an integral tional and political forces combine to December 6, 2011. role of improving the quality of life for favor giving our kids unhealthy food. It I hereby appoint the Honorable VIRGINIA generations of Michigan residents. It doesn’t just shortchange the children FOXX to act as Speaker pro tempore on this also has been responsible for the and their families with huge medical day. growth of businesses and industries costs in the future from obesity, from JOHN A. BOEHNER, which provide jobs for millions of the diabetes and other problems. It also Speaker of the House of Representatives. State’s residents. poses problems for local farmers and f Since its beginning in 1886, the goal the local economy. The good news is that we know how MORNING-HOUR DEBATE of Consumers Energy was to deliver power to homes and businesses in cit- to fix this. Without help from the Fed- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ies, towns, villages and even the most eral Government—or despite the Fed- ant to the order of the House of Janu- rural areas. In 1927, the company in- eral Government—there are areas ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- stalled Michigan’s first rural power where the local governments are lead- nize Members from lists submitted by line, the 7-mile Mason-Dansville line, ing. In 2001, there were only six pro- the majority and minority leaders for thereby bringing power to rural farms grams that were farm-to-school, pro- morning-hour debate. for the first time. viding healthy produce and fruit that The Chair will alternate recognition Today, Consumers Energy continues found its way into the schools. There between the parties, with each party a proud tradition as an industry and are now more than 2,300 programs in- limited to 1 hour and each Member community leader. In celebration of its volving more than 10,000 schools across other than the majority and minority milestone anniversary, the company the country. leaders and the minority whip limited will award $125,000 each to 10 commu- On this House floor, I have referenced to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall nities for a total of $1.25 million for a pilot project that I think is a model debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. programs and services that will in Abernathy School in Portland, Or- f strengthen those communities and egon, which I am privileged to rep- touch the lives of thousands of our citi- resent, but there are dozens more in CONGRATULATING CONSUMERS zens. my community. There are 160 edible ENERGY COMPANY ON ITS 125TH Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues gardens around Oregon. California led ANNIVERSARY to join me in recognizing Consumers the way with special payments that are The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Energy’s 125th anniversary and wishing made to local school districts to pro- Chair recognizes the gentleman from them continued growth and success in vide opportunities to purchase local Michigan (Mr. WALBERG) for 5 minutes. the future. fruits and vegetables. It’s been followed Mr. WALBERG. Madam Speaker, it’s f by similar programs in D.C. and Maine. my great honor to recognize and con- Now, this doesn’t just deal with the gratulate Consumers Energy Company FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR health of kids. It also deals with the on its 125th anniversary. On this day SCHOOL CHILDREN health of local economies. When you 125 years ago, Consumers Energy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The are able to buy fresh fruits and vegeta- founders William A. Foote and Samuel Chair recognizes the gentleman from bles locally and put them into the Jarvis secured a street lighting fran- Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- schools, it has a significant multiplier chise agreement with the city of Jack- utes. effect. Each dollar there actually has son, Michigan. What began as the illu- Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, more economic impact than a dollar mination of a dozen streetlights has there was a tough article in the Sun- spent on infrastructure or a dollar that b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8137 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:42 Dec 07, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06DE7.000 H06DEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H8138 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 6, 2011 would be spent on food stamps. It’s one throughout the world, and it’s a project ning and getting these cards from of the most valuable economic impact that we are involved in in southeast throughout southeast Texas. generators, almost $2 of economic im- Texas through the Red Cross and Oper- Every year the number of cards that pact for each dollar invested, according ation Interdependence. are either taken or shipped gets to be more. The first year, it was 6,000. The to a study from Ecotrust. b 1010 Let’s accept the challenge to try to next year, 10,000 Christmas cards were help improve this process. There are And here’s how it works. It’s a way of shipped overseas. The third year, 16,000 some additional steps that can be having young school-age children con- cards. And, Madam Speaker, this year taken locally—don’t build or remodel nect with troops not only in our war kids from southeast Texas are shipping schools that don’t have kitchens. It’s zone, but other places in the world to our troops overseas 35,000 handmade simple, but it’s more cost effective to where our troops are serving America. cards, wishing them well, giving them do it when you’re constructing or re- It started several years ago when I Christmas greetings, saying some of modeling than to have to come back had the opportunity to go see our the most awesome things that only later. troops in the Middle East about this third-, fourth-, and fifth-graders could Let’s hold Members of Congress ac- time of the year. Before I left, my staff say. countable. Last month, we once again came up with the idea that maybe I So I want to thank those kids. I want on the floor of the House reaffirmed should take some Christmas cards and to thank Rikki Wheeler and the cham- the fact that pizza dough with a little holiday cards to our troops that were ber of commerce in Baytown. I want to bit of tomato sauce is a vegetable. serving overseas. And so they did all thank Ross Sterling High School, Hor- Maybe people in the course of this next the work and they were able to get ace Mann Junior High, Highlands Ele- year, when politicians are going to be schoolteachers to get their kids to vol- mentary, and I want to thank those out campaigning, may be able to pin unteer to make handmade Christmas teachers. God bless our teachers who them down on whether or not they be- cards. I took about 6,000 of those hand- work to have these kids volunteer to lieve pizza is a vegetable and whether made cards by third-, fourth-, and fifth- make cards for our volunteers overseas they will act to override that outrage. graders overseas. who won’t be home for Christmas, be- It’s also important to expand the On my way back from the Middle cause there’s an empty chair at the USDA pilot project that’s going to be East, I stopped off at the Landstuhl Christmas table where that soldier, starting next month in Florida and military base. That’s the place in Ger- that warrior, that sailor, that airman Michigan. Let’s see if we can give other many where our wounded warriors are is not there because they’re rep- States the opportunity for cash instead taken before they’re brought back to resenting the United States in lands of commodities, to be able to purchase the United States. I distributed those far, far away. And that’s just the way it is. these local products. This will give op- cards not only in the Middle East but portunities for our school districts to to our troops, and even our NATO f strengthen the local partnerships; to be troops, at Landstuhl.
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