.., R.I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSOC. 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE, RI 02906 Support Read -By Jewish More Thon Agencies 35,000 With Your People Membership THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEW/SH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . VOLUME LXI, NUMBER 43 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1978 25¢ PER COPY Rabbi Kushner To Speak Hebrew Day School Plans At Emanu-E1 C·.enference Melave Malkas For 1979 The Annual Mid-Winter Teachers' Conference of the Bureau of Jewish Educa­ J n keeping with this year's theme, The second Melave Malka will take tion of Rhode Island will take place on Sun­ "Medieval and Early Modern East Euro­ place, Feb. 3 at 8:30 p.m. It will feature an day, January 14, at 2 p.m. in the foyer of pean Jewry," the Providence Hebrew Day. evening with the Bostoner Rebbe, Rabbi Temple Emanu-El's Meeting House in School is presenting a series of three post­ Levi I. Horowitz. The final event in the Providence. Shabbat dinners. series will occur March 3 at 9 p.m. Guest· The theme of the conference is "How to The first dinner, or Melave Malka, will speaker for the evening will be Dr. Sergio Deal With Children's Questions" and the take place Jan. 6 at 8 p.m. at the Providence Della Pergola, a visiting research associate keynote speaker will be Rabbi Harold S. Hebrew Day School. It will feature Dr. at Brown University. Dr. Della Pergola will Kushner, author of the popular book, Boruch Brody, chairman of the speak on "Strategies for Survivial: A When Children Ask About God. Department of Philosophy at Rice Univer­ Demographic Perspective." Rabbi Kushner is spiritual leader of sity. Dr. Brody will be speaking on "The Tickets for each event are 56 per person Temple Israel of Natick, Massachusetts, a Legacy of the Medieval for the Modern and must be purchased in advance. Tickets position he. has held since the summer of Jew." The evening will also feature for the complete series are 515 per person. 1966. He previously served as Associate traditional songs performed ~Y the In addition, patron, sponsor, benefactor Rabbi of Temple israel, Great Neck, New Providence Hebrew Day School Choir, un­ and pilla~ tickets are available. For reser- York, and was an Army chaplain. der the direction of Cantor Aaron Marcus. , vations call the Day School at 331-5237. He is a graduate of Columbia University and of the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he was ordained a Rabbi in 1960. He R.I. Technion Group holds a Masters' degree in Philosophy of Education from Teachers College, Colum­ bia, and a doctoral degree in Bible from the Plans Ja·n. Meeting Jewish Theological Seminary. He has also st udied at the Hebrew University, The Rhode Island Chapter of the Joan and Abraham Grober, Milton W. Jerusalem, and at Harvard Divfoity School. American Society for Technion, under the Hamolsky, Priscilla and Henry Huser!, Bar­ In addition to his book, Rabbi Kushner is direction of Joan Grober, will hold a bara and William Kates, Seymour the author of The Firs/ Ques!ion and Com- meeting on Jan. 11, at 7:30 p.m., at the Lederberg, Philip Macktez, Samuel 111a11ded 10 Live. two collections of his ser­ various age groupings. The Teacher Jewish Community Center. Reservations Medoff, Ernest ~athan, Dorothy Nelson, mons. Resource Center and the Bureau Library may be obtained b)' calling 274-8890 or 781- J. William Pinkos, Milton Pliner, Marc Teachers will have an opportunity to will have an exhibit of recently acquired 6500, ext. 196. Richman, Robert Riesman, Bea Rosens­ explore the implications of the speaker's books, ga mes, and education materials. Professor Myron Tribus, director of the tein. Louis Rottenberg,Louis Rubenstein. re)Jl arks in buzz sessions arranged for Refreshments will be served. Center for Advanced Engineeri,;g Study at '.'J at<liie and Saul Seigle, Macie and Carroll ( the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Si lver. Dolores and Irwin Silvester, Ella 'White Paper' Considered and former senior vice-president of the Solevechik, Edward Spindell, Jacob Stone, Xerox Corporation, will speak on "Israel Myron Waldman, Jean and Manfred Weil, Technology - Technion." Tribus is also a Alfred Weisberg, Joel Weitman and Robert member of the Academic Board of Gover­ Zametkin. State Department nors at the Technion, in Haifa, Israel. The Rhode Island chapter of the Tech­ Technion, which promotes Israel's in­ nion Society,' which is Israel's oldest univer­ dustries through applied research, consulta­ sity and the largest center for applied tion, product development and testing, Airs Disagreement research in Israel, has named the follpwing adds to the Israeli economy approximately to its board: Bernard Bell, Bertram 1,000 Bachelor of Science graduates, 300 Bernhardt, Phyllis and Jerome Corwin, Master's Degree graduates and almost 100 Karen and Joseph Dannin, Nancy and Lyle Ph .D s and M.D.s every year. With Israel Fain, Shirle)' and Herbert Fanger, Martha Technion also ranks among the 10 largest and Oscar Finger, Dorothy" and Gerald institutes of its kind in the free world, and is WASHINGTON (JT A): The Carter Ad­ related." Reston confirmed that the Israeli Finkelman, Albert Gordon , Doris one of only a few institutes of technology in min :s tration is preparing a formal and Egyptian military and technical teams the world with its own medical school. statement on its disagreements with the that participated in the Blair House peace Graubart, Ruth and Burleigh Greenberg, Israeli government over the factors block­ talks here have left Washington or will be ing an Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, the leaving soon. He pointed out that "the State Department disclosed today. teams are not tied to the remaining Chinese Officials Warn Of Department spokesman Thomas Reston differences in the negotiations." also said the U.S. has been in contact with Meanwhile, against the background of both countries about renewing the peace bitterness between Washington and Soviets' Mid east Strategy treaty talks after Senators prominently in­ Jerusalem over the American support for volved in Middle Eastern affairs called for a Egypt's positions and the impact of the By Joseph Polakoff At the People's Institute of Foreign Af­ renewal of the negotiations. U .S.-China agreement that some observers WASHINGTON,,. (JTA): Chinese of- fairs, then spokesman said, Secretary see as having implications for Israel and the ficials responsible for shaping their coun- General Hsieh Li said, in a brief moment on The Department's acknowledgement that Middle East, Israel had a change of am­ try's foreign policy continue to warn impor­ the Middle East, that China's influence is a statement is in preparation was made bassadors, a day behind schedule. Simcha tant American visitors that the Soviet very limited in that area but he stressed the after a reporter asked if the U.S. is working Dinitz, who has represented Israel here Union's strategy is domination of the Mid­ Soviets seek influence that would be on a "White Paper," the term used to since.March 1973, and his wife, Vivian, left dle East and control of its oil resources, ac­ detrimental to the United States. describe a government's written position on for New Y or~ this morning en route to cording to impressions gained by the latest At the Great Hall of the People, Vice an issue. "I've heard about that," Reston Israel. Due in Washington later today, is Congressional group returning from the Premier Ken Piao, who was described as said, but added that he does not know Israel's new Ambassador, Ephraim Evron People's Republic of China. China's Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and "what stage it is in ." He disclosed that f and h.is wife, Rifka. Five Senators, who were inside China for National Security Affairs Advisor Zbigniew Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and The Carter Administration was criticized 12 days at the Chinese government's invita­ Brzezinski rolled into one, went into a Secretary of State Cyrus Vance have been in yesterday by Sen. Richard Stone (D. Fla.), tion to explore the country and meet its longer response that boiled down to the communication since Vance was in chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations leaders, did not directly ask their hosts in same point - the Soviet's desire to control Jerusalem last Thursday to urge Israel to Committee's subcommittee on the Middle Peking about their feelings toward Israel. the Middle East oil and prevent· deliveries accept Egypt's proposals on the draft treaty East, who appeared on the CBS-TV Instead, they posed the question to two to nations o'\rtside its influence. that were endorsed by the U.S. program "Face the Nation." According to high level authorities in seeking what they The Senators besides Williams were Reston said he did not know just when a transcript of the program, Stone said that could do to assist in bringing peace to the Howard Cannon, (R~Nev.), Henry Dayan and Vance were in communication. "what went wrong" in the latest round of Middle East. In their responses, the Chinese Bellman, (R-Okla.), Dale Bumpers, He said the U.S. is "in touch" with both Israeli-Egyptian negotiations "is that did not discuss Israel. (D-Ark.) and Donald Riegel, (D-Mich.). Israel and Egypt and that American of­ instead of dwelling on the American draft A spokesman for Harrison Williams Jr., They were appointed by President Carter to ficials are "reviewing with them ways on of a peace treaty based on the Camp David (D-N~H.), chairman of the Senatorial group make the visit after the Chinese government where we go from here.
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