The 18 And Their Jailers SEE PAGE 3 — the PUBLISHEDMILITANT IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE VOL. IX—No. 2 NEW YORK, N. Y„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1943' 267 PRICE: FIVE CENTS Labor Leaders Roosevelt Demands Slave Labor Will Speak A t Bill In First Congress Message Meeting For 12 © ' Congress Hoists Its Flag The C ivil Rights Defense Corhmittee this week announced First Act of New a list of distinguished labor and civil liberties leaders who will Calls For Immediate Action participate in the New York ‘‘Welcome Home” Mass Meeting for James P. Cannon, Albert Goldman, Farrell Dobbs and Felix Congress Revives Morrow, 4 of the 12 imprisoned Trotskyists who. are being re­ On Forced Labor Measures leased from federal prison on January 24. The meeting will be Dies Committee held at the Hotel Diplomat, 108 W. 43rd Street, on February Political Agents of Big Business Combine 2, 8 P. M. ®---------------------------------------------- By R. B e ll To Enslave Workers and Paralyze Unions Included among the speakers CRDC Fund Drive The members of the new Con­ who will greet the Minneapolis gress had hardly warmed their Labor Case prisoners are Osmond Goes Over Top By C. Thomas K. Fraenkel, Counsel for the seats when a coalition of Roose­ NEW YORK CITY, Jan. 8— American Civil Liberties Union; velt Democrats and Dewey Re-' Following on the heels of a national campaign A total of $5,500 was con­ James T. Farrell, noted novelist publicans led by poll-tax Ran­ tributed in the $5,000 Christ­ to whip up sentiment for labor conscription, Roose­ and CRDC National Chairman; kin of Mississippi, anti-semite, mas Fund Campaign to aid Benjamin S. McLaurin, Interna­ labor-hater and Negro lynch velt submitted his annual message to the new Con­ the .Minneapolis Labor Case tional Field Organizer, Brother­ prisoners and their families, inciter, pushed through an gress demanding immediate enactment of forced la­ hood of Sleeping Car Porters, the Civil Rights Defense Com­ amendment setting up a perma­ AFL; Benjamin A. Gebiner, As­ bor legislation. Roosevelt’s lengthy message can be mittee National Office an­ nent Committee on Un-Ameri­ sistant General Secretary of the nounced today. can Activities, more commonly boiled down to the following specific proposals: (1) Workmen’s Circle; Henry Fruch- George Novack, CRDC Na­ known as the Dies Committee. ter, Educational Director, CIO a National Service Act to be adopted ‘at the earliest tional Secretary, expressed the United Retail, Wholesale and By establishing the hated'Dies deep appreciation of his or­ Department Store Employes; Committee as a permanent in­ possible moment;’ (2) immediate legislation pro­ ganization and of the im­ George Novack, CRDC National stitution in its first official ac­ prisoned labor leaders for the viding for the conscription of those now classified as Secretary, w ill chair the meeting. tion, the new Congress served generous response from the notice of its aim to surpass the 4-F (3) universal peacetime military training for A big turn-out is anticipated many working class organiza­ viciously anti-labor record of to pay honor to the Socialist tions and the local CRDC com­ American youth; and (4) amendment of the Selec­ Workers Party and Minneapolis its predecessor. mittees which helped put the tive Services Act ‘to pro • > - T ru c k d riv e rs Local 544 - CIO fund campaign over the top. In its six years of existence the his usual deceitful window-dress­ leaders who were railroaded to Dies Committee had become a vide for the induction of ing. A year ago, when he first prison by the Roosevelt ad­ symbol of prejudice, bigotry and proposed a forced labor law, Roos­ ministration because of their reaction. Under the pretext of nurses into the armed evelt made it part of a “5-poijit m ilitant defense of labor’s rights New York Local investigating “un-American" ac­ forces.’ program.” The “program” called and socialist opposition to the tivities it had engaged in unre­ for laws to take “undue profits imperialist war. lenting attacks upon organized These four measures were the out of war*” to place a ceiling only concrete legislative propos­ OTHER MEETINGS Phone Operators labor. Individuals in all walks over food costs, and to re-enact of life who held opinions consid­ als made by Roosevelt. In es­ the “stabilization” statutes. This meeting will be the first ered tainted by “liberalism” be­ sence they embody the domestic “ These five measures taken to­ opportunity for New York work­ Vote to Strike came the objects of smear cam­ program of the fourth term ad­ gether,” declared Roosevelt, ers to hear James P. Cannon, NEW YORK CITY — By an paigns. Organized witch-hunts ministration. These measures “ form a just and equitable whole, SWP National Secretary, Albert overwhelming majority of 9,600 were conducted against those are intended to supplement Roos­ I would not recommend a nation­ Goldman, defense attorney in the against 250, the members of the whose ideas didn’t conform with evelt’s job-freeze decrees, to place al Service law unless -the other Minneapolis trial, Farrell Dobbs, Traffic Employes Association of the violent prejudices of Martin practically the whole working laws were passed to keep down Editor of The Militant, and Felix the New' York Telephone Com­ Dies and his cohorts. So hated population under the control of the cost of living, to share equi­ Morrow, Editor of the Fourth pany, an independent union, last and discredited did the Commit­ a m ilitary caste, to Prussianize tably the burdens of taxation, to International, since they were week voted in favor of a strike tee on Un-American Activities be­ American life, and to straitjaoket hold the stabilization line and to forced behind prison bars on for a $5 weekly pay increase. The come that three, of the,.more rabid the labor movement. prevent undue profits.” iN«w-Year'»-Eve a year ago. vote was takeir in-a'-2-73tty--NDRB, WALL STREET PLAN Ih view of What has occurred A Minneapolis mass meeting poll. defeated in the last election and The plan to conscript labor the 5-point program sounds like on Jan ua ry 27 w ill gre e t the This is the second union of tele­ Martin Dies himself did net dare for work in private industry was a hideous jest. War profits have other released prisoners, Grace phone operators in the New York run for reelection. conceived in Wall Street. It was soared to the highest olevels in Carlson, Vincent Dunne, Max area which has voted to strike in originated by Grenville Clark, a history. An increasing load of Geldman, Carlos Hudson, Emil the past two weeks because of SLAP AT LABOR notorious Wall Street lawyer. It taxes has been burdened on those Hansen, Carl Skoglund, Oscar disgust over the long delay of- the The CIO Political Action Com­ was embraced by Roosevelt and least able to ' pay while the cor­ Coover and Jake Cooper. Albert WLB in granting their wage mittee made the Dies Commit­ is being spearheaded by his brass porations have accumulated bil­ Goldman w ill address a Chicago demands. Over 3,000 members of tee a major issue in the last hats. It was kept hidden during lions in tax reserves and refunds. mass meeting on January 25, at the Federation of Long Line election campaign. The liberals Greek Premier Follows Allied the recent election campaign to The cost of living has continued the Ashland Auditorium, Ashland Telephone Operators had previ­ and labor “statesmen” loudly pro­ enable the treacherous labor bur­ to rise, due largely to skyrocket­ ¡Blvd and Van Buren St., at 8 ously voted for strike action. claimed the electoral defeat of eaucrats to deceive the workers. ing food prices. The only point of P. M. The strike w ill not begin until Dies and his henchmen as a death It is advanced now at a “psycho­ Roosevelt’s “program” that has These mass meetings will be after the 30 day "cooling-off” blow to reaction. James B. Carey, Policy Of Counter-Revolution logical” moment when rumors of been rigidly enforced is the wage­ held not only to honor the period imposed under the Smith- Secretary-Treasurer of the CIO. tremendous casualties are caus­ freezing Little Steel formula. released Trotskyist fighters for Connally Anti-Strike Act. This declared: “ I t w ill be a better By Joseph Hansen heavy artillery proceeded against ing great foreboding. “THE GREAT LIBERAL” workers’ rights, but to rally labor also requires another vote at the Congress without Dies, Starnes, The dance of puppets in the counter-revolutionary govern­ the partisan?. According to latest and progressive forces for the end of the 30 day delay. Both Costello, Dewey, Busby and Ham­ Those solely and directly re­ In his latest proposal for labor reports, the ELAS has now been next steps in the campaign to unions are expected to coordinate ilton Fish.” The CIO News boast­ ment which British imperialism is trying to impose on Greece sponsible for the recent military conscription Roosevelt failed to forced to withdraw from Athens. reverses are attempting to fan repeal the infamous Smith “Gag” their walkouts, which threaten to ed jhat “labor’s contribution to­ continued this week with the spotlight shifting from the new re­ utter “a mumbling word” about The civil war is affecting the Act under which the Trotskyists tie up the hub of the nation’s ward the re-election of President gent, black-robed Archbishop Damaskinos, to his first premier, this alarm into an emotional his abortive 5-point program or were the first labor victims. communications.
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