704 2015 Part I

704 2015 Part I

<p> REPORTING INSTRUMENT </p><p>OMB Control Number: 1820-0606 Expiration Date: June 30, 2017 </p><p>UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES REHABILITATION SERVICES ADMINISTRATION </p><p>SECTION 704 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT For STATE INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES PROGRAM (Title VII, Chapter 1, Part B of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended) </p><p>Part I </p><p>INSTRUMENT </p><p>(To be completed by Designated State Units And Statewide Independent Living Councils) </p><p>Reporting Fiscal Year: 2015 ______</p><p>State: <a href="/tags/Colorado/" rel="tag">Colorado</a> ______</p><p>According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 35 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit (P.L. 105-220 Section 410 Workforce Investment Act). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-4536, Attention Timothy Beatty, Rehabilitation Services Administration, PCP Room 5057 or email [email protected] and reference the OMB Control Number 1820-0606. Note: Please do not return the completed 704 Report to this address. SUBPART I – ADMINISTRATIVE DATA </p><p>Section A – Sources and Amounts of Funds and Resources Sections 704(c) and 704(m)(3) and (4) of the Act; 34 CFR 364.35 and 364.36 </p><p>Indicate amount received by the DSU as per each funding source. Enter “0” for none. </p><p>Item 1 - All Federal Funds Received </p><p>(A) Title VII, Ch. 1, Part B $ 149,533 (B) Title VII, Ch. 1, Part C – For 723 states Only $ 0 (C) Title VII, Ch. 2 $ 176,428 (D) Other Federal Funds $ 0 </p><p>Item 2 - Other Government Funds </p><p>(E) State Government Funds $ 1,186,235 </p><p>(F) Local Government Funds $ 43,197 </p><p>Item 3 - Private Resources </p><p>(G) Fees for Service (program income, etc.) $ 770,602 (H) Other resources $ 82,231 </p><p>Item 4 - Total Income </p><p>Total income = (A)+(B)+(C)+(D)+(E)+(F)+(G)+(H) $ 2,408,225 </p><p>Item 5 – Pass-Through Funds </p><p>Amount of other government funds received as pass through funds to consumers (include funds, received on behalf of consumers, that are subsequently passed on to consumers, e.g., personal assistance services, representative payee funds, Medicaid funds, etc.) $ 86,916 </p><p>2 Item 6 - Net Operating Resources </p><p>[Total Income (Section 4) <minus> amount paid out to Consumers (Section 5) = Net Operating Resources $ 2,321,309 </p><p>3 Section B – Distribution of Title VII, Chapter 1, Part B Funds Section 713 of the Act; 34 CFR 364.22, 365.1, 365.20, and 365.21 </p><p>Expenditures for Expenditures of Services Part B Funds for Rendered By What Activities were Services by DSU Grant or Conducted with Part B Funds? Staff Contract (1) Provided resources to the SILC to carry out its functions $ 0 $ 0 (2) Provided IL services to individuals with significant disabilities $ 0 $ 0 (3) Demonstrated ways to expand and improve IL services $ 0 $ 0 (4) Supported the general operation of CILs that are in compliance with the standards and assurances set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section 725 of the Act $ 0 $ 149,533.08 (5) Supported activities to increase capacity to develop approaches or systems for providing IL services $ 0 $ 0 (6) Conducted studies and analyses, gathered information, developed model policies, and presented findings in order to enhance IL services $ 0 $ 0 (7) Provided training regarding the IL philosophy $ 0 $ 0 (8) Provided outreach to unserved or underserved populations, including minority groups and urban and rural populations $ 0 $ 0 </p><p>4 </p><p>Section C – Grants or Contracts Used to Distribute Title VII, Chapter 1, Part B Funds Sections 704(f) and 713 of the Act; 34 CFR 364.43, and 34 CFR 365 Subpart C </p><p>Enter the requested information for all DSU grants or contracts, funded at least in part by Part B funds, in the chart below. If a column is not applicable to a particular grant or contract, enter “N/A.” If there were no non-Part B funds provided to this grantee or contractor for the purpose listed, enter “$0” in that column. Add more rows as necessary. </p><p>Consumer Use of Funds Eligibility CSRs Kept (based on the activities Amount of Determined By With Name of Grantee or listed in Subpart I, Section Amount of Non-Part B DSU or DSU or Contractor B) Part B Funds Funds Provider Provider Atlantis Community Provision of IL Services $11,965.91 $295,785.36 Provider Provider Inc Center for Disabilities Provision of IL Services $56,566.08 $276,367.68 Provider Provider Center for Provision of IL Services $17,404.95 $287,666.56 Provider Provider Independence Center for People With Provision of IL Services $17,404.95 $284,157.24 Provider Provider Disabilities Colorado Springs Independence Center Provision of IL Services $29,008.25 $308,744.96 Provider Provider dba The Independence Center Connections for Provision of IL Services $37,710.72 $316,019.72 Provider Provider Independent Living </p><p>5 </p><p>Disabled Resource Provision of IL Services $43,512.37 $293,473.44 Provider Provider Services Mile High Independent Provision of IL Services $4,351.24 $284,236.00 Provider Provider Living Center North West Colorado Center for Provision of IL Services $43,512.37 $266,545.66 Provider Provider Independence South West Center for Provision of IL Services $43,512.37 $285,449.00 Provider Provider Independence </p><p>Total Amount of Grants and Contracts $ 304,949.21 $ 2,898,445.62 </p><p>6 </p><p>Section D - Grants or Contracts for Purposes Other than Providing IL Services or For the General Operation of Centers Section 713 of the Act; 34 CFR 365.1 and 34 CFR 365.20 </p><p>Describe the objectives, activities and results for each Part B grant or contract awarded for purposes other than IL services or the general operation of centers. </p><p>None </p><p>Section E – Monitoring Title VII, Chapter 1, Part B Funds 34 CFR 80.40(a) </p><p>Provide a summary of the program or fiscal review, evaluation and monitoring conducted by the state of any of the grantees/contractors receiving Part B funds during the reporting year. </p><p>Center For Disabilities (CFD) in Pueblo, CO was reviewed October 2014. CFD completed a corrective action and has been certified as a Center through October 1, 2017. Center For Independence (CFI) was reviewed in February 2015 and was certified as a center through March 1, 2018. Connections for Independent Living was reviewed March 2015 and was certified a Center through April 1, 2018. Atlantis Community Inc was reviewed April 2015 and was certified a Center through June 1, 2018. Colorado Springs Independence Center dba The Independence Center was reviewed May 2015 and was certified a Center through July 1, 2018. The Center for People With Disabilities (CPWD) was reviewed June 2015 and was certified a Center through July 1, 2018. </p><p>Section F – Administrative Support Services and Staffing Section 704(c)(2) and 704 (m)(2) and (4) of the Act; CFR 364.22(a)(2) and 34 CFR 364.31 </p><p>Item 1 – Administrative Support Services </p><p>Describe any administrative support services, including staffing, provided by the DSU to the Part B Program. </p><p>The DSU provides a .50 FTE Independent Living Program Coordinator who monitors compliance, provides TA, and reviews monthly reports and invoices from the Centers and the SILC. This staff also serves as a liaison with the SILC in conjunction with the </p><p>7 </p><p>.50 contract SILC Coordinator. The .50 FTE Administrative Assistant support position remains unfilled. </p><p>Item 2 – Staffing </p><p>Enter requested staff information for the DSU and service providers listed in Section C, above (excluding Part C funded CILs): </p><p>FTEs filled by Total Number Individuals with Type of Staff of FTEs Disabilities Decision-Making Staff 19.05 13.2 Other Staff 39.6 33.8 </p><p>Section G – For Section 723 States ONLY Section 723 of the Act, 34 CFR Part 366, Subpart D </p><p>Item 1 – Distribution of Part C Funds to Centers </p><p>In the chart below, please provide the following information: </p><p>A) name of each center within your state that received Part C funding during the reporting year; B) amount of Part C funding each center received; C) whether the Part C funding included a cost-of-living increase; D) whether the Part C funding included any excess funds remaining after cost-of-living increases were provided; E) whether any of the centers received its Part C funding pursuant to a competition for a new center in the state; and F) whether the center was the subject of an onsite compliance review conducted by the DSU during the reporting year. </p><p>Excess Funds Onsite Amount of Cost of After Cost Compliance Part C Living of Living New Review of Funding Increase? Increase? Center? Center? Name of CIL Received (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) </p><p>8 </p><p>Add additional rows as necessary. </p><p>Item 2 – Administrative Support Services Section 704(c)(2) of the Act; 34 CFR 364.22(a)(2) </p><p>Describe the administrative support services used by the DSU to administer the Part C program. </p><p>Item 3 – Monitoring and Onsite Compliance Reviews Section 723(g), (h), and (i); 34 CFR 366.38, 366.40 – 46 </p><p>Provide a summary of the monitoring activities involving Part C centers conducted by the state during the current reporting year, including the onsite reviews of at least 15% of centers receiving Part C funds under section 723. The summary should include, at least, the following: </p><p>A) centers’ level of compliance with the standards and assurances in Section 725 of the Act; B) any adverse actions taken against centers; C) any corrective action plans entered into with centers; and D) exemplary, replicable or model practices for centers. </p><p>Item 4 – Updates or Issues </p><p>Provide any updates to the administration of the Part C program by the DSU, if any, including any significant changes in the amount of earmarked funds or any changes in the order of priorities in the distribution of Part C funds. Provide a description of any issues of concern addressed by the DSU in its administration of the Part C program. </p><p>9 </p><p>SUBPART II – NUMBER AND TYPES OF INDIVIDUALS WITH SIGNIFICANT DISABILITIES RECEIVING SERVICES Section 704(m)(4) of the Act; 34 CFR 364.53 </p><p>In this section, provide data from all service providers (DSU, grantees, contractors) who received Part B funds and who were listed in Subpart I, Section C of this report, except for the centers that receive Part C funds. Part C centers will provide this data themselves on their annual 704 Reports, Part II. </p><p>Section A – Number of Consumers Served During the Reporting Year </p><p>Include Consumer Service Records (CSRs) for all consumers served during the year. </p><p># of CSRs (1) Enter the number of active CSRs carried over from September 30 of the preceding reporting year 940 (2) Enter the number of CSRs started since October 1 of the reporting year 470 (3) Add lines (1) and (2) to get the total number of consumers served 1410 </p><p>Section B –Number of CSRs Closed by September 30 of the Reporting Year </p><p>Include the number of consumer records closed out of the active CSR files during the reporting year because the individual has: </p><p># of CSRs (1) Moved 41 (2) Withdrawn 148 (3) Died 16 (4) Completed all goals set 166 (5) Other 166 (6) Add lines (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) +(5) to get total CSRs closed 537 </p><p>10 </p><p>Section C –Number of CSRs Active on September 30 of the Reporting Year </p><p>Indicate the number of CSRs active on September 30th of the reporting year. </p><p># of CSRs Section A(3) <minus> Section (B)(6) = Section C 873 </p><p>Section D – IL Plans and Waivers </p><p>Indicate the number of consumers in each category below. </p><p># of Consumers (1) Number of consumers who signed a waiver 317 (2) Number of consumers with whom an ILP was developed 1092 (3) Total number of consumers served during the reporting year 1409 </p><p>Section E – Age </p><p>Indicate the number of consumers in each category below. # of Consumers (1) Under 5 years old 5 (2) Ages 5 – 19 26 (3) Ages 20 – 24 82 (4) Ages 25 – 59 916 (5) Age 60 and Older 345 (6) Age unavailable 36 </p><p>Section F – Sex </p><p>Indicate the number of consumers in each category below. # of Consumers (1) Number of Females served 783 (2) Number of Males served 626 </p><p>11 </p><p>Section G – Race And Ethnicity </p><p>Indicate the number of consumers served in each category below. Each consumer may be counted under ONLY ONE of the following categories in the 704 Report, even if the consumer reported more than one race and/or Hispanic/Latino ethnicity). </p><p>This section reflects a new OMB directive. Please refer to the Instructions before completing. </p><p># of Consumers (1) American Indian or Alaska Native 33 (2) Asian 14 (3) Black or African American 64 (4) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 4 (5) White 1082 (6) Hispanic/Latino of any race or Hispanic/ Latino only 95 (7) Two or more races 46 (8) Race and ethnicity unknown 87 </p><p>Section H – Disability </p><p>Indicate the number of consumers in each category below. </p><p># of Consumers (1) Cognitive 261 (2) Mental/Emotional 145 (3) Physical 500 (4) Hearing 91 (5) Vision 121 (6) Multiple Disabilities 254 (7) Other 30 </p><p>12 </p><p>SUBPART III – INDIVIDUAL SERVICES AND ACHIEVEMENTS FUNDED THROUGH TITLE VII, CHAPTER 1, PART B FUNDS Sections 13 and 704(m)(4); 34 CFR 364.53; Government Performance Results Act (GPRA) Performance Measures </p><p>Subpart III contains new data requests. Please refer to the Instructions before completing. </p><p>Section A – Individual Services and Achievements </p><p>For the reporting year, indicate in the chart below how many consumers requested and received each of the following IL services. Include all consumers who were provided services during the reporting year through Part B funds, either directly by DSU staff or via grants or contracts with other providers. Do not include consumers who were served by any centers that received Part C funds during the reporting year. </p><p>Consumers Consumers Requesting Receiving Services Services Services (A) Advocacy/Legal Services 801 630 (B) Assistive Technology 1015 984 (C) Children’s Services 1 1 (D) Communication Services 92 89 (E) Counseling and Related Services 60 49 (F) Family Services 14 14 (G) Housing, Home Modifications, and Shelter Services 367 330 (H) IL Skills Training and Life Skills Training 540 508 (I) Information and Referral Services 10,271 10,229 (J) Mental Restoration Services 3 3 (K) Mobility Training 17 12 (L) Peer Counseling Services 610 560 (M) Personal Assistance Services 47 29 (N) Physical Restoration Services 4 3 (O) Preventive Services 25 25 </p><p>13 </p><p>Consumers Consumers Requesting Receiving Services Services Services (P) Prostheses, Orthotics, and Other Appliances 1 1 (Q) Recreational Services 89 88 (R) Rehabilitation Technology Services 4 4 (S) Therapeutic Treatment 2 2 (T) Transportation Services 277 260 (U) Youth/Transition Services 38 38 (V) Vocational Services 231 171 (W) Other Services 580 529 </p><p>Section B – Increased Independence and Community Integration </p><p>Item 1 – Goals Related to Increased Independence in a Significant Life Area </p><p>Indicate the number of consumers who set goals related to the following significant life areas, the number whose goals are still in progress, and the number who achieved their goals as a result of the provision of IL services. </p><p>Goals In Significant Life Area Goals Set Achieved Progress (A) Self-Advocacy/Self-Empowerment 349 44 173 (B) Communication 82 16 57 (C) Mobility/Transportation 151 48 84 (D) Community-Based Living 252 87 118 (E) Educational 97 28 49 (F) Vocational 220 33 133 (G) Self-care 151 61 66 (H) Information Access/Technology 112 26 69 (I) Personal Resource Management 125 34 76 (J) Relocation from a Nursing Home or Institution to Community-Based Living 51 11 37 </p><p>14 </p><p>Goals In Significant Life Area Goals Set Achieved Progress (K) Community/Social Participation 90 14 59 (L) Other 890 370 495 </p><p>Item 2 – Improved Access To Transportation, Health Care and Assistive Technology </p><p>(A) Table </p><p>In column one, indicate the number of consumers who required access to previously unavailable transportation, health care services, or assistive technology during the reporting year. Of the consumers listed in column one, indicate in column two, the number of consumers who, as a result of the provision of IL services (including the four core services), achieved access to previously unavailable transportation, health care services, or assistive technology during the reporting year. In column three, list the number of consumers whose access to transportation, health care services or assistive technology is still in progress at the end of the reporting year. </p><p># of Consumers # of Consumers # of Consumers Whose Access is Areas Requiring Access Achieving Access in Progress (A) Transportation 404 311 85 (B) Health Care Services 176 88 83 (C) Assistive Technology 1,196 1,057 132 </p><p>Note: For most IL services, a consumer’s access to previously unavailable transportation, health care and assistive technology is documented through his or her CSR. In some instances, consumers may achieve an outcome solely through information and referral (I&R) services. To document these instances as successful outcomes, providers are not required to create CSRs for these consumers but must be able to document that follow-up contacts with these consumers showed access to previously unavailable transportation, health care and assistive technology. </p><p>(B) I&R Information </p><p>To inform RSA how many service providers engage in I&R follow-up contacts regarding access to transportation, health care services or assistive technology, please indicate the following: </p><p>The service provider did __X_ / did not ___ engage in follow-up contacts with I & R recipients to document access gained to previously unavailable transportation, health care or assistive technology. </p><p>15 </p><p>Section C – Additional Information Concerning Individual Services or Achievements </p><p>Please provide any additional description or explanation concerning individual services or achievements reported in subpart III, including outstanding success stories and/or major obstacles encountered. </p><p>CSIC </p><p>A shortage of accessible and affordable housing, public transportation infrastructure, healthcare accessibility and communication access continue to be barriers in The IC's catchment areas. The IC staff and community organizing groups have spent a substantial amount of hours conducting advocacy efforts in these areas. We have 2 active groups advocating for increased housing and transportation along with 2 FT staff whom are devoted to this area. We received a grant from our local Regional Collaborative Care Organization to conduct disability-competent care assessments to create and provide health disparity and cultural competency training for the RCCO provider network. IC staff advocated for increased communication access for mental health services with a local mental health provider which resulted in a positive outcome for communication access. We had a significant increase in individuals achieving access to transportation services this fiscal year from 14 to 125. Our Peer Support Department has increased it's services this year with increased support groups and social activity participation. We received a grant from NCIL this year to start a spinal cord injury support group. We have been successful in starting a support group and have hosted several recreational activities such as kayaking, dog sledding, adaptive yoga, bowling, wheel chair basketball, pickleball and many more. Success stories: Benefits began working with a consumer in November 2014, who had some very complex disabilities with various mental illness diagnoses. In addition, she had an adrenal disease that was greatly affecting the chemical balance in her brain exacerbating her mental illness to the point of psychosis. Due to these illnesses she had lost almost all forms of support, was living in a hotel, and had only until her credit card was maxed out to pay for the hotel. The application process was very difficult as many times the mental illness controlled our direction. The IC has an MOU with Rocky Mountain Counseling and our partnership the Benefits Coordinator to get a thorough psychological evaluation for this consumer and worked with the consumer and her family to put her story and medical evidence together for Social Security. Her mental illness also became an obstacle for her attendance at her SS appointment, however she eventually did appear at the SS office, her case was decided and she was awarded disability benefits. The stability this brings will enable her to meet her basic needs of food and shelter as well as ongoing medical treatment. CTS recently transitioned a consumer that was in the Nursing Facility for 11 years. The consumer started the transition process about 4 years ago and worked with many Transition Coordinators along the way. Over time, she did face many obstacles while experiencing a decline in her health and day to day fear of the unknown. Despite her various challenges, she did successfully transition from the nursing facility and is now living in her own comfortable and spacious apartment in the community. </p><p>16 </p><p>Peer support had 2 consumers whom met at an IC support group decide to move in together. Both were homeless and felt that sharing an apartment would improve their financial status so they could get off the streets. Peer support is assisting them with roommate boundaries, how to advocate for themselves with their landlord and providing education about traumatic brain injuries. The Assistive Technology department along with partnership from Friends of Man worked together and was able to help a family with the installation of a Bruno Curb-sider. It is a single arm lift that is used to store a scooter inside of a minivan. The installation of the list has enabled the family to be independent and access the community. The partnership between our agencies has grown and increased collaboration to benefit consumers. An IL DVR assessment, diagnosed with Asperger's, was concerned about an upcoming interview. HE expressed his concern about how he would be perceived by someone who did not know him and his disability. Employment offered to assist with a mock interview which he accepted. He arrived at The IC with an appropriate interview attire which he changed into before his appointment. The mock interview was made as authentic as possible and recorded so it could be reviewed with him afterwards. In addition with his observations, he was provided with a critique by employment staff and suggestions to practice and review before his actual interview. At the conclusion of the appointment when he was asked how he felt he would do, he smiled and said "I think I've got this." Two couples whom were planning on getting married joined the cooking classes the IC offers. These two couples came to the class with little or no knowledge of basic cooking skills. IT was always done by their parents. These two couple worked hard and little by little learned to "step into the kitchen" and cook for themselves. Some of the foods they learned to cook were steak and mashed potatoes, baked chicken and spaghetti and meatballs. One of the participants had the confidence to cook for his girlfriend and she loved it! </p><p>NWCCI </p><p>NorthWest Colorado Center for Independence has achieved significant progress in closing Consumer Service Records for individuals who are not actively working with NWCCI staff on current goals during this reporting period. </p><p>SWCI </p><p> During the reporting period Southwest Center for Independence (SWCI) was able to expand to more office space in our current building, giving us space for additional staff and consumer programs. We now have a consumer activity room and office space for our new vocational program as well as our newly hired bookkeeper. We have also installed a pushbutton on our front door enabling independent access for our consumers with mobility disabilities.  We continue to learn how to effectively use our Data base in a way that fully captures the work that our center does. </p><p>17 </p><p> The number of consumers served by SWCI appears to have slightly decreased. We believe that this decrease may be an issue with the manner in which were entering data into MICIL and a need to tease out information in the data base that leads to confusion and individual interpretation.  Staff is receiving ongoing training on effective use of the data base.  While the number of individuals served by SWCI is down slightly, the trend of consumers with more complex goals noted in last year’s report continues. More complex need means that it takes longer for the consumer to reach them. In addition to affordable housing, examples complex goals includes employment services, job coaching, obtaining benefits to name a few.  SWCI continues to partner with the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) as well as the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) however the current relationship is not as healthy as we would like. There seems to be reluctance on behalf of the leadership of these entities to view the ILCs as professional partners. This seems particularly true in the realm of the Colorado Choice Transitions Program and the transition of individuals with significant disabilities from institution to community living.  Colorado is one of the fastest growing areas in the country. The areas served by SWCI are tourist towns, rents are high and pay is low. Finding affordable housing is a tough proposition. If you are low income as so many of our consumers are, finding housing is like locating a needle in a haystack! SWCI currently administers approximately 150 housing vouchers but even with vouchers housing is difficult to locate. For Instance; the current payment standard for a one bedroom unit in Durango is currently $814 however standard rent in the area is $850-$900 per month. For a two bedroom the payment standard is $1013 and standard rent for a two bedroom is $1,200! Currently Colorado has housing vouchers available for those wishing to transition to community living or at risk of nursing home entrance however; a voucher is not always the answer because it is difficult to locate affordable, accessible housing that is within the current payment standard. Without question the lack of appropriate housing is the primary barrier to transitioning to community living.  SWCI continues to conduct outreach activities to youth with disabilities that are preparing to graduate from high school. The center hosts a support/work group for parents of students who are getting ready to transition from high school.  SWCI hosts numerous group activities such as game day, creative writing, crafts and movie day. Groups that have an educational component such as a diabetes education class, nutrition and Medicaid and Medicare forums are also common.  Strong community partnerships insure that SWCI is not only developing and maintaining a consistent and articulate voice for our constituents but moreover </p><p>18 </p><p> that we are known to as a responsive, knowledgeable and valuable resource in terms of disability service provision and education.  Our twice weekly Be Fit. Be Able. class is assisting our consumers in meeting their recreational and fitness goals. The Be Fit. Be Able. class is conducted by a board member who has a disability. </p><p>19 </p><p>SUBPART IV – COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AND COORDINATION Section 704(i), (l), and (m)(4) of the Act; 34 CFR 364.26, 364.27, and 364.32 </p><p>Section A – Community Activities </p><p>Item 1 – Community Activities Table </p><p>In the table below, summarize the community activities involving the DSU, SILC and CILs in the Statewide Network of Centers (excluding Part C fund recipients) during the reporting year. For each activity, identify the primary disability issue(s) addressed as well as the type of activity conducted. Indicate the entity(ies) primarily involved and the time spent. Describe the primary objective(s) and outcome(s) for each activity. Add more rows as necessary. </p><p>Subpart IV contains new data requests. Please refer to the Instructions before completing. </p><p>Hou Prima rs ry Spe Issue Area Activity Type Entity nt Objective(s) Outcomes(s) Attended 4 DARTAC meetings. The Dial-A-Taxi program began providing trip options using Transportatio Collaboration/Net CIL- Monitor transit vouchers for n working DRS 5 services. paratransit users. Bustang (CO Dept. of Transp.) started wheelchair accessible trips from Fort Collins to Union Station (Denver) July 2015. Flex Regional Service expanded accessible bus services from Fort Collins to Loveland, Berthoud & Longmont in January 2015. Community/Syste CIL- 29 Improve transit Advocated for </p><p>20 </p><p> ms Advocacy DRS access. auditory signals at street crossing along bus routes in Fort Collins. Transit training provided to consumers in Fort Collins. Attended 3 Transit Community Forums in Fort Collins. Advocated before Fort Collins City Council to increase funding for wheelchair accessible bus stops. COLT of Loveland improved wheelchair access to bus stops. Coordinated Identify gaps in meetings of deaf services for indigent consumers with our people to get RCCO on providing Community/Syste CIL- accessible medical proper care/sign Health Care ms Advocacy DRS 25 care. language interpreters. VMA55 staff Display & demo low participated in 3 Community CIL- vision equipment & events showcasing Assistive Education & DRS 8 devices. adaptive aids. VMA55 received OOA funding for purchase of adaptive CIL- equipment for Technology Public Information DRS consumers. Discussed housing Advocate for more needs/gaps & gave Community/Syste CIL- accessible, affordable input at various Housing ms Advocacy DRS 10 housing. meetings. Developed a housing Collaboration/Net CIL- Create more housing wait list for Section 8 working DRS 38 options. Choice vouchers. Civil Rights Collaboration/Net CIL- 5 Advise Fort Collins Attended COD </p><p>21 </p><p> working DRS City Council on meetings. disability & access issues. Attended Adult Protection meetings & advocated for Technical CIL- Ensure safety of at- consumers’ Assistance DRS 25 risk disabled people. independence. Advise Loveland City Council on Collaboration/Net CIL- disability & access Attended DAC working DRS 13.5 issues. meetings. Provided on-site services to homeless Collaboration/ people with Networking/ CIL- Reach out to disabilities at Inclusion Outreach Efforts DRS 184 underserved people. Murphy Center. Participated in CIL- Project Homeless DRS 12 Connect. Long term recovery & financial help CIL- Provided post flood provided to disabled DRS 35 disaster relief. flood victims. Community Education & Participated in Corn Public Information Roast Parade & & invited partnering Collaboration/Net CIL- Increase awareness agencies for our Awareness working DRS 48 of DRS in Loveland. ADA entry. Outreach Collaborating and CIL- Related Needs Networking CSIC 0 Donor appreciation. Donor thank-you. Outreach Community and CIL- Related Needs Systems Advocacy CSIC Discussion was had about challenges with billing in the CCT program. Decision to continue with progress To discuss issues towards rectifying Collaborating and CIL- pertaining to CCT billing issues with Education Networking CSIC 1 billing. HCPF and Xerox. </p><p>22 </p><p>Valentine party as had a photographer take photos and we play games. There Increasing were several ASL Access to students learning Community Community and CIL- how to communicate Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 5 with us. Increasing Opportunities for Get to know Affordable, Katherine and invite Heard more of her Accessible CIL- her to come to a story and got an housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 focus group. RSVP from her. chatted with the Outreach CIL- Deaf chat with the presenter at the Deaf Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 4.5 deaf community Chat Support Dave in his process of working Increasing through false reports Wrote a witness ADA Community and CIL- with CCRD and the statement and shared Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 property manager. video evidence. Outreach CIL- Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 0 Outreach CIL- Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 0 Met with City Increasing Council candidate Access to and discussed transit Appropriate Community and CIL- Meet with City needs and issues in Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Council candidate the community. Met with City Increasing COuncil candidate Accessibility and discussed transit to issues and needs Transportatio Community and CIL- Meet with city across the n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 council candidate community. Increasing Access to Appropriate Technical CIL- Health Care Assistance CSIC 0 Emergency Technical CIL- 1) Participate in a 1) Advocated and Management Assistance CSIC 6 community wide projected </p><p>23 </p><p> exercise and provide considerations for AFN SME towards AFN populations planning response during exercise. considerations. To share resources Made new available in the connections for Outreach CIL- Eastern Colorado resources in the out Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2.75 Counties. lying counties. Working together as a team of helping Increasing Networking between CSDB to get well Access to three different known of three Community Collaborating and CIL- programs, The IC, different Programs in Programs Networking CSIC 2 CSDB, and DVR the Community. Increasing Opportunities Updated the group for Build relationships about focus groups Affordable, with consumers and and news story - Accessible CIL- connect them to gained an RSVP for housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 housing advocacy. a focus group. 1) Engage GSID on 1) Finalized details upcoming for upcoming Emergency community based Emergency Collaborating and CIL- Interpreter Training ASL interpreter Management Networking CSIC 1 Workshop training workshop National PACE organization and PA Agreement to LTSS provider in participate in future Philly forming discussions and for campaign to change Katey and Patricia to HHS/CMS rules to meeting March 10 in Increasing allow adults with DC for in-depth Access to disabilities to be discussions on pros Appropriate Collaborating and CIL- served under PACE- and cons of PACE Health Care Networking CSIC 1 like organizations. for PWD. Increasing Access to Appropriate Community and CIL- Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 0 Learn about the Learned about the history of Achilles history and mission and the services they of Achilles. Heard Outreach Collaborating and CIL- offer for recreation testimonials from 3 Related Needs Networking CSIC 2 and exercise for of their athletes. Will </p><p>24 </p><p> persons with a make consumers disability. Network aware of this great with other entities in opportunity to the Colorado Springs participate in area to become aware recreational activities of their resources. through Achilles. Follow up with Increasing individuals and Opportunities organizations who Interest/commitment for are interested in from 13 Affordable, participating in organizations and 7 Accessible CIL- housing focus individuals as of this housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 groups. date. One of our volunteer advocates, Pauline Increasing Learn about SRM went in my place Opportunities programs, build because I was sick. for relationships with She connected with Affordable, staff and advertise staff members and Accessible CIL- housing focus connected them to housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 groups. me. Meeting with Colorado Health Information Exchange about The- IC joining as a member to receive information from Increasing hospitals on Access to discharges of PWD Decision to become a Appropriate Community and CIL- The-IC provides participating member Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 services to. of CORHIO. Increasing Access to Brief Carol about Appropriate Technical CIL- MHBWM meeting Discussed action Health Care Assistance CSIC 1 on Feb 10. steps and strategy. Increasing Meet with Accessibility Community Transit Planned GOTV to Coalition to discuss events and fundraiser Transportatio Community and CIL- fundraiser and for Community n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 GOTV activities. Transit Coalition. To share resources Presentation by ACI Outreach CIL- available in Eastern Counseling they Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 El Paso County. offer Mental Health </p><p>25 </p><p> and Substance Abuse programs, DUI classes Denise Montano, Director of Marketing Presentation by Outreach CIL- Share information Denise Monano from Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 with local agencies ACI Counseling Increasing She will be giving Opportunities me suggestions for for Update Pam on long terms goals, Affordable, progress with community forum Accessible Collaborating and CIL- housing advocacy planning, and FHA housing Units Networking CSIC 2 goals. training resources. To identify any needs Identify potential of in the outlying activities for SLS counties. Vicki consumers discussed Outreach CIL- Duran with Eastern any concerns or Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 Colorado Services. needs. CSDB and DVR to work with us to provide transition students. We all need to work together so it Increasing becomes effective Access to with an Community Collaborating and CIL- understanding what Programs Networking CSIC 2 services we provide. Met with ACT regarding recruiting, planning for Meet with ACT upcoming meetings, regarding recruiting, and gave group Increasing planning for updates regarding the ADA Community and CIL- upcoming meetings, county and city ADA Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 and group updates. advisory boards. Met with mayoral candidate and asked Increasing predetermined Accessibility Meet with mayoral questions about to candidate regarding transit needs and Transportatio Community and CIL- transit needs and vision in the n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 issues. community. Staff Training Technical CIL- 2 Increase knowledge Increased knowledge </p><p>26 </p><p>Assistance CSIC of the Elite system of Elite so I can input and change consumer information. Continue to identify the many challenges with billing and timely To further discuss reimbursement issues pertaining to concerning Xerox Colorado Choice and Health Care Collaborating and CIL- Transition CCT Policy Finance Education Networking CSIC 1 billing. HCPF. Met with HLAA officers as they had a Outreach Community and CIL- meeting for Hard of Related Needs Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 Hearing community. Follow up with Colorado Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, They are looking for a new host home so we need to be aware of it Increasing before the deaf and Access to hard of hearing Community Collaborating and CIL- community so they Programs Networking CSIC 1 have a plan Discussion with legal perspective for communication access with legal team from CU Boulder, the legal team will review Increasing communication Access to policy that effects Community Collaborating and CIL- deaf and hard of Programs Networking CSIC 2 hearing community. Increasing I volunteered to be Opportunities part of the topic for planning committee Affordable, to gain more Accessible Collaborating and CIL- opportunities for Added fair housing housing Units Networking CSIC 1 networking and to the topic list. </p><p>27 </p><p> influence over meeting topics. Next steps were identified to collaborate more with the city and county around ADA Reconnect with Jeff work and PPRBE Greene and Rob development reform; Hernandez; advocate discussed making the Increasing for a representative ADA advisory board ADA Community and CIL- disability advisory joint with city and Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 board. county. 1) Recruit various 1) Recruited new stakeholders to join members and Emergency Community and CIL- AFN emergency stakeholders for AFN Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 working group. working group 1) Priorities include: communicating with FAST stakeholders 1) Determine and inviting to future objectives for second meetings, integration Emergency Technical CIL- QTR AFN with April exercise, Management Assistance CSIC 3 preparedness. assess transpo plan. Met with city council candidate and asked Increasing predetermined Accessibility Meet with City questions about to Council candidate to transit needs and Transportatio Community and CIL- discuss transit issues vision in the n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 and needs. community. 1) Engage Salvation Army officals on 1) Provided accessible feeding at templates of Emergency Community and CIL- disaster shelter accessible feeding Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 locations. procedures. Increasing Opportunities for Talked with people Affordable, from 3 organizations Accessible Collaborating and CIL- Advertise housing about their interest in housing Units Networking CSIC 1 focus groups being involved. Increasing Community and CIL- Meet with Coalition Met with <a href="/tags/Pikes_Peak/" rel="tag">Pikes Peak</a> Accessibility Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 to plan outreach for I Equality Coalition to </p><p>28 </p><p> to Heart Colorado plan for Ii Heart Transportatio Springs photo Colorado Springs n campaign and give photo campaign, transit update to the featuring a transit bus Coalition. driver. Update on Community Transit Coalition strategic plan. Pre-Planning what needs to be done to include discussion when we have a meeting with DVR and CSDB. We need Increasing to clear what type of Access to services to review to Community Collaborating and CIL- support deaf and hard Programs Networking CSIC 1 of hearing transient Planning what needs to be done within deaf and hard of hearing community. The event will be at Rocky Mountain Deaf School and we Community will provide Outreach Education & CIL- workshop on that Related Needs Public Information CSIC 1 day. Introduce the Penrose Hospital The information was Rehabilitation dept. very well-received to the Independence and sparked Center. Inform the discussion. The hospital how our Penrose Hosp. rehab. Independence dept. plans to use Center's support some of our ideas to group systems and develop their own Outreach Collaborating and CIL- peer mentoring "Rehab Buddies" Related Needs Networking CSIC 4 program help people. mentoring program. Types of research Expanding CIL and questions to Professional CIL- capacity through fees begin brainstorming Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 for service fee for services Emergency Technical CIL- 1) Train various 1) Provided a Management Assistance CSIC 3 AFN populations on workshop engaging </p><p>29 </p><p> individual and family various PWDs on preparedness. their own preparedness initiatives. Jo Bell present the changes and updates to the application process for Medicaid. Presentation of Restructuring of the trends and changes DHS adult financial with Medicaid service department application process was explained. through the Questions and Professional CIL- Department of answers were Education Development CSIC 1.5 Human Services. permitted. Outreach Collaborating and CIL- Related Needs Networking CSIC 2 Increasing Opportunities Provide consumer Recruited Denise for and professional Hok for the Affordable, interviews for a story consumer interview Accessible Community and CIL- on accessible and did the staff housing Units Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 housing waiting lists. interview. Learn about state- wide progress in peer Learned about support certification COPA's actions in Increasing from Amanda taking over the Access to Kearney Smith process and Appropriate Technical CIL- (Colorado Mental identified contacts to Health Care Assistance CSIC 2 Wellness Network). reach out to. Review of checklist of items that need to be available to disability community. We need to ask all of disability stakeholders what we Increasing want to be included Access to Community in the checklist to be. Community Education & CIL- Red Cross to check Programs Public Information CSIC 2 it. Presentation of Jo Bell presented the Professional CIL- trends and changes changes and updates Education Development CSIC 1.5 with Medicaid with various </p><p>30 </p><p> application process application processes through the for Medicaid Department of application. Human Services. Restructuring of the DHS adult financial service department was explained. Questions and answers were permitted. 1) Advocate with emergency exercise planners about including people with disabilities in exercise 1) Advocated the development. 2) need to consider Gain certification in PWDs in disaster Emergency Community and CIL- HSEEP exercise exercise planning 2) Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 16 design Gained certification To share care coord. activities that are already occurring in our county, to identify needs and /or gaps in services, to Great networking Increasing coordinate services, and educational Access to and to create a event, group will set Community Collaborating and CIL- network of mutual another meeting to Programs Networking CSIC 2 referrals. share resources. To learn more about Overview of risk the risk factors mitigation process associated with and the ongoing transitions and the review of the best practice for consumers needs Professional CIL- mitigating those before and after Education Development CSIC 2 risks. transition. 1) Provided focus 1) Discuss EM AFN areas and insight into Emergency Community and CIL- promising practices community based Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 with Virgina's OEM. EM AFN planning. Increasing Learn about CONO's Connected with Dave Opportunities mission, activities, Munger, who agreed for CIL- and advertise to let the IC use Affordable, Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 housing advocacy. CONO's space at no </p><p>31 </p><p>Accessible charge for forums housing Units and events. Will sign the IC up to be a CONO member An overview of accessibility, where people with disabilities and technology meet. A Learned about ADA discussion about section 508, Title II what accessibility is, and Title III for Professional CIL- why it's vital, and website being Staff Training Development CSIC 1 applicable laws. accessible. Met with Transit Services Director regarding outreach Meet with Transit and presentation Services Director materials. Discussed Increasing regarding outreach strategic goals for the Accessibility and presentation Coalition and to materials. Discuss received feedback on Transportatio Community and CIL- strategic goals for the presentation n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 CTC. materials. Community 1) Train PWD and 1) Trained Emergency Education & CIL- others with AFN on individuals and Management Public Information CSIC 3 Emergency Prep. PWDs on EM Prep. Technical CIL- Reviewing the Staff Training Assistance CSIC 1 manual of the desk reviewed the manual Increasing Opportunities for Debrief focus groups Affordable, and work on outreach Identified providers Accessible Collaborating and CIL- plan for additional to contact about housing Units Networking CSIC 2 focus groups. focus groups Complete training to become more proficient in responding to mental-health related issues with Professional CIL- consumers and Staff Training Development CSIC 8 advocates. Completed training. Increasing Collaborating and CIL- Meeting with DVR Access to Networking CSIC 2 and CSDB to provide </p><p>32 </p><p>Community a plan to support the Programs community to have awareness of our services as cross training of understanding their core services. Discussed transit needs, challenges, and opportunities in Increasing Colorado Springs. Accessibility Received her to Meet with City answers for our Transportatio Community and CIL- Council Candidate questions that were n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Vickie Tonkins sent to her. To show the Students we were able to and the Staff at answer questions and CSDB the Center and give the staff Outreach CIL- what we have to resources for the Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 offer whole state 10 therapists attended the presentation and were very interactive and inquisitive about disability etiquette. Provide information The members all said for therapists they had learned working with the from the wounded warriors on presentation. I left the dos and don'ts them all with my Community while interacting contact information Education & CIL- with persons with a if they had any future Staff Training Public Information CSIC 2 disability. concerns. Increasing Pinpointed barriers, Opportunities needs and discussed for Discuss barriers, some solutions for Affordable, needs and solutions people accessing Accessible Community and CIL- for affordable housing in Colorado housing Units Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 housing Springs Learn about increased financial Professional CIL- options for people Staff Training Development CSIC 1 with disabilities. </p><p>33 </p><p>Met with mayoral candidate and asked Increasing predetermined Accessibility questions about to Meet with mayoral transit needs and Transportatio Community and CIL- candidate regarding vision in the n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 transit needs. community. Met with mayoral candidate and asked Increasing predetermined Accessibility Meet with mayoral questions about to candidate to discuss transit needs and Transportatio Community and CIL- transit needs and vision in the n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 issues. community. Gained commitments from both to host focus groups at PIH and UP; discussed ways to intersect my Increasing advocacy work with Opportunities Network with May the Continuum of for and Shawna and find Care; i.e. my Affordable, ways to collaborate involvement in Accessible Collaborating and CIL- and promote housing subcommittees and housing Units Networking CSIC 1 advocacy. an upcoming summit 1) Discuss upcoming Emergency Community and CIL- meeting with EM 1) Aligned talking Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 AFN WG. points and priorities. Provide tour to CSDB students and explain our core services. They are more welcome to come back as we Outreach CIL- provide direct Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 services. Increasing Refined the outreach Opportunities Engage Katherine plan for the housing for about housing focus groups, made a Affordable, advocacy and find connection with Accessible Collaborating and CIL- ways to plug her into Springs Rescue housing Units Networking CSIC 1 the outreach process. Mission and CONO Increasing Technical CIL- Developing Revisions to charter Access to Assistance CSIC 2 committee Charter that hopefully lead to </p><p>34 </p><p>Appropriate and Membership greater level of Health Care form for new HCPF consumer Consumer Quality participation in Advisory Committee National Core proposed by LTSS Indicator Survey and community and my Consumer Advisory committee in 2014 Committee Shared resources Outreach CIL- Outreach to seniors with group and Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 55+ in Calhan area individuals in area. Review of updates of what emergency management are changing into new systems including database as provide critical information only if people sign Emergency Collaborating and CIL- up. It only works if Management Networking CSIC 2 people sign up. Meet with Dave to Talked through get caught up on strategy in response Increasing ACT and parking to a property owner's ADA Collaborating and CIL- accessibility false claims against Compliance Networking CSIC 1 advocacy. him. education about Tour, possible Increasing possible support upcoming Access to Community groups and how IC presentations and Community Education & CIL- can support the support group Programs Public Information CSIC 1 provider opportunities The library has a lot of offerings that consumers of the IC would benefit from. At this point, we are Tour the Library and planning on using the Increasing learn of opportunities library for a venue at Access to presented for hosting least once per month Community Collaborating and CIL- groups, crafts and for the Friday Programs Networking CSIC 1.5 other activities. support group. To learn more about Presentation of the 5 the risk factors steps:Identify Risk, Professional CIL- during transition and Assessment, Education Development CSIC 2 presentation of the 5 Documentation and </p><p>35 </p><p> steps to follow and to Communication, decrease the potential Prepare Plan, and risks. Monitor and Evaluate. Reviewed upcoming service changes, received public Increasing Update on feedback on service Accessibility Community Transit changes and needs, to Coalition, receive discussed upcoming Transportatio Community and CIL- updates from Transit technology updates n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Services. to the transit system. Increasing Opportunities Took notes, asked for clarifying questions, Affordable, and helped assimilate Accessible Community and CIL- Support with leading data for housing housing Units Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 housing focus group. focus group. Invited by Chief Medical Officer of Promote LTSS as a Kaiser Permanente cost-effective service Colorado to share for PWD with high information on medical costs, needs Colorado Springs In- among former home Care model Increasing Hospital CEOs, Nurse Practitioner Access to retired teaching job description and to Appropriate Collaborating and CIL- physicians at Brkfst meet to discuss Health Care Networking CSIC 2 Group meeting Integrated Teams. Discussion regarding current unpaid Met with Nicole accounts as well as Storm to discuss billing policy and Technical CIL- billing issues related procedure from this Staff Training Assistance CSIC 1 to transition services. point forward. Increasing Access to learn more about new Community Collaborating and CIL- waiver that is coming Programs Networking CSIC 2.5 our way more knowledgable Received information on what the law says Professional CIL- Gain knowledge of and how it works for Education Development CSIC 1 ABLE Act of 2014 PWD. Education Community CIL- 1 learn about new more knowledgeable </p><p>36 </p><p>Education & CSIC ABLE act to help consumers Public Information and families To Support the CCDHH on continued Work that We as an Increasing they are doing for all organization testified Access to Community people with hearing at the Sunset review Community Education & CIL- loss in the state of in support of the Programs Public Information CSIC 6 Colorado CCDHH Review key changes Updated stakeholders in the Workforce on transition, rule- Professional CIL- Innovation and making process and Education Development CSIC 1.5 Opportunity Act. progress. Learned information about barriers, Increasing particularly with Opportunities housing choice. for Interview Gloria Gloria expressed Affordable, about her experience interest in staying Accessible CIL- with affordable involved with housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 housing. housing advocacy. To discuss issues related to the Transition program.The monthly meeting focuses on providing Discussion of the an opportunity for new revised referral TC's to discuss issues process, required and problem solve training, housing challenges relevant with Chris Roe ,and Professional CIL- to CTS/EBD and upcoming supervisor Education Development CSIC 2 CTS/CCT. meetings. Discussion regarding current unpaid Met with Nicole accounts as well as Storm to discuss billing policy and Technical CIL- billing issues related procedure from this Staff Training Assistance CSIC 1 to transition services. point forward. Increasing Set some short term ADA Community and CIL- Give updates, debrief outreach/recruitment Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 meeting with Mike. goals and next steps. Community CIL- Attended an Education Education & CSIC 1 informational session </p><p>37 </p><p>Public Information on the new ABLE Act and its application to our consumers. There were about 12-15 individuals in the room Gather input from the 8 participants, 2 community about facilitators. Gathered greatest needs and valuable information Increasing barriers with for needs assessment, Opportunities affordable and and all participants for accessible housing. expressed interest in Affordable, Community Hosted by the continued Accessible Education & CIL- Women's Resource involvement with housing Units Public Information CSIC 4 Agency. housing advocacy. Met with Becky Thanked her for Carter Director referral, discussed shared information resources and about resources the Outreach CIL- activities in Lincoln IC can provide for Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 County. her. Learned about emergency Learn about county management, public Professional CIL- government and safety, and economic Staff Training Development CSIC 6 systems. development. Increasing Discussed Medicaid Accessibility ride options, gave to Met with Mobility CTC update, update Transportatio Community and CIL- Coordinating from DriveSmart n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Committee. Colorado. Was recognized as board member of the Increasing GCC and led Accessibility Lead discussion discussion of transit to about potential for advocacy. Also Transportatio Community and CIL- transit advocacy in tabled during the n Systems Advocacy CSIC 5 Colorado Springs. group fair. Preplanning our Increasing testify to Capital Access to which we work with Community Community and CIL- CCDHH. Sunset Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 Review Bill </p><p>38 </p><p>We had 7 participants and identified good themes around needs, Increasing barriers and Opportunities solutions. All for Learn from participants are Affordable, Community community input interested in staying Accessible Education & CIL- about the housing involved with housing Units Public Information CSIC 4 needs and barriers. housing advocacy. Increasing Gain knowledge of Learned about what Access to services that will be ABLE Act is, who it Community Community and CIL- offered to individuals is offered to and how Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 with disabilities I can assist others Complete Citizen's Academy training to Completed half of increase my training; made a Professional CIL- understanding of connection with Staff Training Development CSIC 9 county government. CONO. 1) Formalize MOU 1) Discussed the with American Red way forward and Cross for Accessible gained critical buy-in Emergency Technical CIL- Disaster sheltering from key Management Assistance CSIC 5 Training stakeholders Planned outreach around transit photo Meet with team with photo campaign Increasing regarding photo - I heart Colorado Accessibility campaign - I Heart Springs - and to Colorado Springs - designed outreach Transportatio Community and CIL- and plan for outreach plan for the n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 for project. campaign. Increasing Access to Community Community Education & CIL- State Independent Programs Public Information CSIC 8 Living Counsel Learned about housing, special housing calculation Increase knowledge work sheet and Professional CIL- of special housing keeping files up to Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 and file maintenance date. Outreach CIL- To share information Creating working Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2.5 of resources relationship with </p><p>39 </p><p> available from the IC Lincoln Ct for people in Lincoln community County. Discuss any members. identified needs. We elected officers and delegated Design a plan to responsibilities to all move forward with members. Plan is to marketing, recruiting, meet with CSDB in and fund raising. March to discuss use Increasing Elect board members of their field and Access to to make the board supplying them with Community CIL- official and eligible coaching instruction Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 for 501 3c. and equipment. Will not be Learn about the implemented until recently passed the end of 2015 in ABLE Act which is a Colorado, however, new program -State steps can be taken by to State - which will a disabled financially benefit individual/family/frie Increasing disabled Social nds, to prepare Access to Security beneficiaries saving money for Community Community and CIL- with a special ABLE savings Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 savings account. account. Learned more about Increasing the permanent Opportunities supportive housing for model and goals, Affordable, Learn about the interests and Accessible CIL- housing development challenges within the housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 6 community development industry 1) Established critical partnerships to ensure PWDs are engaged and 1) Develop plan to provided ensure PWDs are opportunities to included in an attend preparedness Emergency Community and CIL- upcoming city trainings prior to Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 evacuation exercise. evacuation exercise. Professional CIL- Information on the Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 value of a guide dog. Increasing Collaborating and CIL- 2 Objective to set up </p><p>40 </p><p>Access to Networking CSIC partnership with Community three agencies to Programs work together, Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and The Independence Center. Prepared talking Increasing Prepared for meeting points and speakers Accessibility with JOhn Suthers, for John Suthers, to debriefed from debriefed from Transportatio Community and CIL- meeting with Mayor meeting with Mayor n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Bach. Bach. Patricia Yeager an I push for greater attention, language relevant to disability Increasing Consider need and community, needs, Access to scope of LTSS Needs treated equally in Community Technical CIL- Assessment, funding, survey tools for Programs Assistance CSIC 5 content, scope. ADRCs/AAAs Discussion of the new referral process, To discuss issues required training, and Professional CIL- related to the CCT upcoming supervisor Education Development CSIC 2 program. meetings. The IC will host a public forum on the Increasing city's housing plan in Opportunities late February; city for Network; share and IC will co-host a Affordable, information and FHA training; city Accessible Community and CIL- resources; establish a requested a disability housing Units Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 positive relationship. etiquette training Planned schedule for upcoming focus Increasing groups, discussed Opportunities long term plan for for forum and advocacy Affordable, team. Also discussed Accessible Collaborating and CIL- Give updates, plan Pauline's personal housing Units Networking CSIC 2 for forum goals and level of </p><p>41 </p><p> involvement in housing advocacy. Introduction and have a better understanding what Increasing we can provide to the Access to Community community and Community Education & CIL- explain what our Programs Public Information CSIC 1 objectives are. To identify needs in Lincoln Ct and share Developing working Outreach CIL- resources available relationships within Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 thur the IC. the county Got support committments in several different Increasing ways from the Accessibility Meeting with Business Alliance to Regional Business towards making a Transportatio Community and CIL- Alliance regarding better transit system n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 transit outreach. in CO Springs. Give updates on Mike agreed to meet ACT, encourage him with ACT; he Increasing to develop a updated me on his ADA Collaborating and CIL- relationship with work with the city Compliance Networking CSIC 1 ACT. transition plan. to have an increase in As a Result we as a collaboration group also want to Community between the include DVR as part Education & CIL- Independence center of this collaboration Education Public Information CSIC 2 and CSDB in the Future Solidified questions Increasing for candidate Accessibility interviews; discussed to Debrief Mayor long term goals and Transportatio Community and CIL- Bach's meeting; give the development of a n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 updates. speaker's bureau. Increasing Access to to educate about Community Community and CIL- DVR to Deaf Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 Community Increase Knowledge 1) Serve as 1) Provided Emergency Community and CIL- community adviser AFN/PWD planning Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 for AFN and PWD guidance 2) </p><p>42 </p><p> related emergency Advertised EMIT planning efforts 2) workshop training Communicate and Accessible upcoming training disaster sheltering opportunities The IC training. is holding. Discussed ongoing progress with ADA evaluation and transition and gave Increasing feedback regarding ADA Community and CIL- Meet with ADA infrastructure needs Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Coordinator. in the community. Learn facilitation techniques, Learned effective Professional CIL- specifically planning and set-up Staff Training Development CSIC 2 redirecting. techniques. Identify and observe signs and symptoms Mental Health First of the most common Aid is a training mental health program on how to problems; know support someone in a where and when to mental health crisis get help; and situation or who is understand what Professional CIL- developing a mental types of help have Education Development CSIC 9 disorder. been effective. To provide Met members of the information about the senior community to IC to Limon share information Outreach CIL- community and resources of the Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2.5 members. IC. Help the group Identified short term Increasing determine goals and goals, allies, and next Access to next steps for peer steps. Connected Appropriate Technical CIL- support certification with the CO Mental Health Care Assistance CSIC 1 goal. Wellness Network. Discussed upcoming opportunities for Meet with SilverKey involvement in the Increasing Outreach municipal elections, Access to Coordinator allowing voters to Community CIL- regarding possible participate more Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 GOTV efforts. freely. </p><p>43 </p><p>Increasing Opportunities Support PIT work for and make Affordable, connections with Walked through the Accessible Collaborating and CIL- other housing surveys and housing Units Networking CSIC 2 providers. locations. Starting transportation network for CC shuttle to Senior Discussion around Coalition then down transportation needs to meet Silver Keys Outreach CIL- in the Teller County for medical Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.25 area. appointments 1) Assess Sabin 1) Identified barriers Elementary for and provided accessibility prior to recommendations to CS evacuation planners. 2) exercise. 2) Develop Discussed AFN Emergency Community and CIL- AFN exercise integration during Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 schematics April exercise. Update to key LTSS funder TCHF on 2014 LTSS Consumer Quality Committee - CLAG Recommendations to Good update Governor and meeting, exchange of implementation publications on Increasing activities planning Disability Care Access to for 2015. Discussed Competency for IHI, Appropriate Collaborating and CIL- progress on grant to and Boston model vs. Health Care Networking CSIC 1 The-IC! PACE To share information and resources the IC has to offer to the Interacted with the Outreach CIL- management of the residents of the Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.25 care facility. assisted living center. Increasing Opportunities for Do a walkthrough of Affordable, the space in Met with Kyleah and Accessible Collaborating and CIL- preparation for planned out focus housing Units Networking CSIC 2 housing focus group. group. </p><p>44 </p><p>Connect with a liaison internal to the city; sustain a Thanked him for the positive relationship transit budget Increasing with the Mayor; learn allotment; Accessibility information from established that Craig to him about what to will be a city liaison Transportatio Community and CIL- expect from the city to CTC going n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 budget. forward. Give an overview of The IC to TESSA TESSA requested a staff and promote disability etiquette community training; information Outreach Collaborating and CIL- organizing about housing focus Related Needs Networking CSIC 4 initiatives. groups was shared. Provided strategic direction for team Increasing Facilitate strategic regarding ongoing Access to discussion at mental and future Mental Appropriate Technical CIL- health advocacy Health care Health Care Assistance CSIC 3 meeting. advocacy. Professional CIL- Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 ADA Training Made connections with Shawna (Urban Increasing Peak) and Mary Opportunities Learn about the (Partners in for supportive housing Housing). Will Affordable, Community initiative and look for follow up with Accessible Education & CIL- advocacy trainers and ask housing Units Public Information CSIC 2 opportunities. about FHA. Increasing Opportunities Learn from Housing for Organizer in Chicago Affordable, about how to work Brock walked me Accessible Collaborating and CIL- with American through how to housing Units Networking CSIC 1 Census Data. navigate the website. Reporon on RCCO Performance Present representing Increasing Improvement Project PWD for future Access to Community training, Treo data committee actions on Appropriate Education & CIL- update, RCCO Duals, RCCO Health Care Public Information CSIC 3 update. metrics Staff Training Professional CIL- 4.5 Learn how to add a </p><p>45 </p><p>Development CSIC new consumer and scan and enter their associated paperwork Increasing Access to To support staff at Many staff increase Community Community and CIL- TESSA to learn their knowledge Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 1.5 about the IC Services about ILC Services Learn how to play visual games and there were several students from Pikes Peak Community College learning Outreach Community and CIL- American Sign Related Needs Systems Advocacy CSIC 5 Language. Discussed grant Increasing needs and timelines, Accessibility procedures and to content for a grant Transportatio Community and CIL- Meet to discuss for the Community n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 grant. Transit Coalition. Learned correct Learn correct procedure for procedure for putting inputting new Professional CIL- new consumers in the consumers in CIL Education Development CSIC 4.5 CIL Suite. suite. hardly any deaf showed up for this event and we are Increasing to have Deaf Chat going to take a break Access to participate with other and re group form Community Collaborating and CIL- disabilities in a fun doing bowling for a Programs Networking CSIC 4 activity while Communications throughout week to reboot discussions with Colorado Access and Progress made in Increasing Trajectory organization Access to Healthcare on LTSS supportive team Appropriate Technical CIL- Illness & Cost process at Colorado Health Care Assistance CSIC 4 burden analysis. Access Increasing Community CIL- Update on work of Laying foundation Access to Education & CSIC 6 Colorado Health for future Legislative </p><p>46 </p><p>Appropriate Public Information Foundation on and Foundation Health Care funding and work on awareness and LTSS Community numbers of people Needs Assessment served, gaps in performed under services in Colorado grant to The LTSS system Colorado Health Institute Facilitated focus and strategy sessions for Facilitate focus the community to groups related to plan on how to make education needs for action on making Outreach Technical CIL- people with education more Related Needs Assistance CSIC 5 disabilities. accessible. Learned some Interview Alyce information about Increasing about her housing barriers and Opportunities experiences with shortages; she for affordable housing, expressed interested Affordable, both as a Housing in staying involved Accessible CIL- Authority employee with housing housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 and as a consumer. advocacy. Shared my personal The Rehabilitation story of brain injury. Dept. at Penrose Explained how the Hospital was very TBI support group at receptive to the the Independence information I shared Center works. about brain injuries Networked with and support systems other brain injury such as the TBI professionals in the support group at the Outreach Collaborating and CIL- Colorado Springs Independence Related Needs Networking CSIC 3 region. Center. Introduction and exposure of the ongoing educational collaboration and opportunities for establishing agency service members to involvement with access Pikes Peak Service Community College Collaborating and CIL- members/families in programs using their Education Networking CSIC 1.5 the community. GI Bill. Technical CIL- To discuss issues and Discussion was had Education Assistance CSIC 2 hurdles as the pertain regarding billing, </p><p>47 </p><p> to the CCT program. DME, and other issues associated with the CCT program. Increasing Opportunities Connected with for Mary Stegner, Affordable, Network and learn Executive Director. Accessible CIL- about PIH programs Scheduled follow up housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 and resources. meeting. Presentation from Gary Sprague (Community of Caring) on " Avoiding Dysfunctional Patterns in the Area agencies to Family". Agencies share information provided information regarding new regarding upcoming Outreach CIL- programs and events in the Teller Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 upcoming events. County area. Meet with bicycle Discussed potential Increasing advocate to discuss ballot initiative and Accessibility future potential current progress to collaboration within the city Transportatio Collaborating and CIL- between our regarding transit n Networking CSIC 2 organizations. advocacy. Determined that the disability citizen's Debrief recent advisory board for changes in ACT's the county and city Increasing membership; of Colorado Springs ADA Community and CIL- redefine vision and would be the group's Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 goals. primary focus. Increasing we were given some Access to To gain knowledge new ideas on funding Community Community and CIL- about funding sources that we could Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 sources tap into Meeting to connect Meeting with The with other local Resource Exchange Colorado Choice and Options for Long Outreach Technical CIL- Transition providers Term Care staff to Related Needs Assistance CSIC 2 to discuss billing re- further discuss and </p><p>48 </p><p> reimbursement attempt to pinpoint issues. the cause of the Xerox coding errors that have been preventing provider's payment 24 consumers attended and had a great time bowling with each other and Create an learning to overcome Increasing opportunity for challenges by using Access to consumers to interact adaptive equipment Community CIL- with others in a and/or each other's Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 recreational setting. assistance. Prepare for meeting Assigned Outreach Increasing with Mayor Bach and priorities, assigned Accessibility review 2014 facilitator for to Accomplishments. meeting with Mayor Transportatio Community and CIL- Overview Outreach Bach and talking n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Plan. points for the group. To have agency collaboration so that as a community we may be able to Increasing increase our services Several agencies Access to provided to all were able to come Community Community and CIL- Coloradoans that together and work on Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 have Hearing loss. issues at hand Continue to review the short and long term plans for SILC to follow up and address. The issue is data collection to have a better Increasing understanding what Access to services the state Community Community and CIL- needs to proved to Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 disability. Increasing Opportunities for Network and stay up Found some ways to Affordable, Collaborating and CIL- to date within the advertise housing Accessible Networking CSIC 2 housing system. focus groups. </p><p>49 </p><p> housing Units Training on how to build relationships Professional CIL- with elected officials Practice lobbying Staff Training Development CSIC 6 and influence policy and strategy skills. 1) Engage county EOC staff members 1) Engaged county and community EOC staff on AFN responders on AFN considerations 2) related Provided information considerations in a on IL based EOC setting 2) initiatives to county Raise awareness and administrators and Emergency Community and CIL- advocate IL county Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 movement initiatives commissioners Learned how to add new consumer into Training on how to system, scan Professional CIL- add new consumer documents into Staff Training Development CSIC 4.5 into CIL Suite. consumer record. 1) Established a way forward for unmet needs committee 1) Discuss PWDs collapse all while and other with AFN continue to provide as unmet needs agency based Emergency Technical CIL- pertains to recovery awareness and Management Assistance CSIC 2 efforts. services. 1) Observe and participate in Denver CERT event to 1) Gained insight identify how PWDs into access and Emergency Technical CIL- and others w/AFN inclusion successes Management Assistance CSIC 4 are included. and short falls. Increasing Planned for Accessibility upcoming meeting to with Mayor Bach and Developed startegic Transportatio Community and CIL- developed startegic plan and talking n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 plan for the quarter. points. Increased my Increase knowledge knowledge of Professional CIL- and navigate through Consumer Records Staff Training Development CSIC 2 CIL suite. tabs. Outreach Technical CIL- 1 Meeting to connect Meeting with The </p><p>50 </p><p>Related Needs Assistance CSIC with other local Resource Exchange Colorado Choice and Options for Long Transition providers Term Care staff to to discuss billing re- further discuss and reimbursement attempt to pinpoint issues. the cause of the Xerox coding errors that have been preventing provider's payment. Jo Bell presented the changes and updates with various application processes Presentation of for Medicaid Long trends and changes Term benefits. with Medicaid Discussion of the application process 2015 Cost of Living through the Adjustments (COLA) Professional CIL- Department of with a variety of Education Development CSIC 1.5 Human Services. benefits. To demonstrate some of the different types of Assistive Increasing the Technology and to Availability/A share the different ccess to Community types of services The Everyone was Assistive Education & CIL- Independence Center pleased to know what Technology Public Information CSIC 1.5 has to offer. we have to offer. Increasing Accessibility Updated Coalition on to Update group on work with Mayoral Transportatio Community and CIL- Transit meeting and strategic n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 accomplishments direction for 2015. 1) Discuss program 1) Communicated initiatives 2) and organized yearly Develop initial initiatives 2) emergency resource Established a Emergency Community and CIL- listing kit baseline emergency Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 information resource kit listing How to input Learned how to input consumer information into CIL Professional CIL- information into CIL suite for a new Staff Training Development CSIC 3.5 Suite consumer. </p><p>51 </p><p>Professional CIL- Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 1) Established 1) Discuss AFN baseline priorities to planning in rural advance AFN Emergency Community and CIL- settings such as lake planning and Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 county. structure. Learned about the Increase knowledge various reports Professional CIL- of reports to run in available in CIL Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 CIL Suite Suite Janet will be Carrie's city contact for all housing activities, including focus groups and Increasing community forums. Opportunities Learn about the city's Discussed the idea of for Fair Housing doing a joint FHA Affordable, program and find training - gap in Accessible Collaborating and CIL- opportunities for accessibility housing Units Networking CSIC 1 housing advocacy. standard. Exchanged organizational Increasing Share resources and resources to share Opportunities opportunities for with our constituents; for collaboration with Deanna offered to Affordable, Deanna. Promote advertise the housing Accessible CIL- housing focus focus groups at Peak housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 groups. View. Shared mental health resources, debriefed Increasing mental health Opportunities advocacy meeting, for Wanted to recruit gained commitment Affordable, Katherine to come to from Katherine to Accessible Collaborating and CIL- a housing focus attend housing focus housing Units Networking CSIC 1 group. group. I visited Healing Practice Counseling. Increasing Establish a referral They offer services Access to for consumers in marriage, couple, Appropriate Collaborating and CIL- needing counseling family and Health Care Networking CSIC 1.5 services. behavioral </p><p>52 </p><p> counseling. This is a good source to refer consumers to that are in need of therapy. Norah Brahe presented program updates, discussed ongoing billing Opportunity for reimbursement Colorado Choice delays, re-balancing Transition providers funds, and in the surrounding difficulties with Pueblo and Colorado having Durable Springs area to Medical equipment Professional CIL- openly discuss CCT in place upon Education Development CSIC 2 issues and updates. resident discharge. Checking out the call center for Emergency Management operations. There are some questions regarding to technology which deaf and hard of Emergency Collaborating and CIL- hearing community Management Networking CSIC 5 uses to communicate Increasing Opportunities Learn from Housing for Organizer in Chicago Affordable, about how to work Brock walked me Accessible Collaborating and CIL- with American through how to housing Units Networking CSIC 1 Census Data. navigate the website. Met with mayor and discussed both transit Increasing needs, solutions and Accessibility Meet with Mayor of challenges for the to Colorado Springs community. Offer to Transportatio Community and CIL- regarding transit continue dialogue in n Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 needs. the future. Presentation of Jo Bell presented the trends and changes changes and updates with Medicaid with various application process application processes Professional CIL- through the for Medicaid Long Education Development CSIC 1.5 Department of Term benefits. </p><p>53 </p><p>Human Services. Discussion of the 2015 Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) with a variety of benefits. Participated in meeting at HCPF on HCPF noted that a results of survey tests national model for of ADA Compliance CMS - multiple state / Disability use on MD Office Increasing Competent Care Tool accessibility is ADA Community and CIL- designed by our emerging out of this Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 workgroup. work!!! 1) Engage various community based disaster organizations about ensuring considerations for 1) Provided verbal PWDs in advocacy and Emergency Community and CIL- preparedness information packets Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 initiatives for utilization Increasing Identified talking Accessibility points and desired to Prepare for meeting outcomes for Transportatio Community and CIL- with Mayor Bach; meeting with Mayor n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 share updates. Bach. Asked about how Increasing improvements would Accessibility Attend public relate to people with to Community meeting to hear about disabilities and their Transportatio Education & CIL- capital needs with n Public Information CSIC 2 improvements. infrastructure. 1) Discussed the 1) Seek unique needs that opportunities to PWDs and other with advocate awareness AFN might need about PWD during during a community Emergency Professional CIL- round table cyber based terrorist Management Development CSIC 2 discussion incident. Overviewed Attend legislative powerpoint training on presentation and Professional CIL- interacting with participated in Education Development CSIC 8 legislators. legislative role play </p><p>54 </p><p> with previous legislators. Discussion of inclusion in LTSS Increasing Assessment tool, Accessibility LTSS Assessment staff to research to meeting at HCPF on consumer direction Transportatio Community and CIL- employment and options in other n Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 transportation issues states Increasing Update group about Access to peer support Connected the group Appropriate Technical CIL- certification with the CO Mental Health Care Assistance CSIC 1.5 movements. Wellness Network. Discussed Fair Housing gaps in Increasing Colorado Springs, Opportunities Learn about the including the lack of for Barrier Removal community resource Affordable, Program and identify and absence of Accessible Collaborating and CIL- opportunities for accountability for housing Units Networking CSIC 1 housing advocacy. property owners. State Independent Living Counsel meeting (formal). State objectives and review SPIL and Increasing make amendments to Access to make it accessible to Community Community and CIL- everyone within the Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 state Action Plan Review of short and Increasing long term goals for Access to Public Policy to Community Community and CIL- follow up with SILC Established action Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 planning plan Met with Sarah Brittain Jack Increasing regarding potential Accessibility ballot initiative and to Meet with the process for Transportatio Community and CIL- Community Transit moving forward with n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Coalition that long-term goal. Emergency Community and CIL- 1) Advocate ESF6 1) Raised Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 related considerations to </p><p>55 </p><p> considerations to various Colorado various conference based organizations call attendees about the considerations for PWDS and post flood recovery. 2) Advertised accessible sheltering training to be held this summer Outcome measures Learning about for Centers for outcome measures, Professional CIL- Independent Living self eval tools and Education Development CSIC 1 (ILRU seminar) standards Explained the issue with videophone as it does not work with reverse call operations when a situation occurs. It an Emergency Collaborating and CIL- technology issue that Management Networking CSIC 3 needs to be fixed. HCPF ACC Quality & Health Improvement Advancing pilot communications process and engaging Increasing regarding use of The-IC P2P Access to Peer-to-Peer disability staff Appropriate Community and CIL- advocates for NCI- engagement (Kevin, Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 AD Survey MD!) Basic understanding This is the weekly of entering a Professional CIL- training call for all consumer of I&R Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 CIL Suite users into CIL Suite Increasing Opportunities for Affordable, Accessible CIL- Participate in PIT Signed up for PIT housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 process. training. Increasing Share resources and Scheduled IC Opportunities opportunities for trainings at TESSA; for collaboration with Michelle shared Affordable, CIL- Michelle; ask for information about Accessible Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 support and housing focus </p><p>56 </p><p> housing Units involvement with groups; made plans housing focus to include a blog groups. about disability issues during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. To increase available Increasing avenues that Access to consumers can use to we work together as Community Community and CIL- obtain one on one a group to increase Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 advocacy services services Met with Lisa at PDI within Ft.Carson Army base. There is an issue with several deaf employees regarding to communication and training. Met with Community the manager and we Employment Education & CIL- were able to develop Information Public Information CSIC 2 an plan. Visited and enjoyed Visit with seniors at time with several Outreach CIL- Paulson Senior residents at the senior Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 Center center Continue debriefing recent changes in Discussed Sharon's Increasing ACT - discuss long- involvement in the ADA Collaborating and CIL- term goals for the county's Citizen's Compliance Networking CSIC 1 group. Advisory Board. Increase awareness and information on the Independence Center monthly Outreach CIL- Cross Disability Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 Support group Presentation from American Cancer Society Tyler Schultz sharing information Share information about the Relay for Outreach CIL- with local area Life fund raising Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.25 agencies. event scheduled for </p><p>57 </p><p>June 5 in Falcon. Represent The IC and education Rep Landgraf about Learned about disability needs in Landgraf's current Southern Colorado, respite care bill; including needs of discussed the people with potential of creating psychiatric a peer specialist field disabilities. Learn in CO; made plans to about her position follow up and Outreach Community and CIL- regarding disability research models in Related Needs Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 issues. other states. Overview of the short and long term planning of SIL include all disabilities. We need Increasing to check to make Access to sure everyone is Community Community and CIL- involved the decision Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 process. 1) Conduct site 1) Set date, time, survey of venue for and location for Emergency emergency Interpreting Training interpreter training Workshop 2) workshop. 2) Relationship building Enhanced relations Emergency CIL- with County OEM with El Paso County Management Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 Staff OEM staff. Eet with the manager To resolve and several employee employment barriers to develop for good because of effective way to effective Employment Community and CIL- communication communication Information Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 access. access. Increasing Met with Courtney Opportunities and Teri to discuss Brainstormed ideas for potential grant for housing project Affordable, opportunities for grants - will do more Accessible Collaborating and CIL- community research and follow housing Units Networking CSIC 1 organizing. up. Outreach Collaborating and CIL- To increase Met with vision Related Needs Networking CSIC 1 awareness of the OIB Occupational </p><p>58 </p><p> program and the IC Therapist Terri in general: to Cassidy at Penrose generate appropriate Hospital to discuss referrals to the OIB the OIB program and program. the AAA grant awarded to OIC and anticipated use of the equipment funds. Debrief with Sharon Increasing about Patrick's ADA Collaborating and CIL- decision to leave Discussed plan for Compliance Networking CSIC 1 ACT. next ACT meeting. Level of Care validate for Intake and Eligibiity Ease of test for IDD Screens for revised and Non-IDD Increasing LTC 100.2 for IDD populations, role play Access to and non-ADD with Single Entry Appropriate Technical CIL- population content Point staff pilots in Health Care Assistance CSIC 0 options discussed. March, 2015 Learned some good ideas for planning a community forum, tips for focus groups, Increasing advice for Opportunities collaborating with for other stakeholders. Affordable, Obtain Pam's She will provide me Accessible Collaborating and CIL- feedback about with a map of the housing Units Networking CSIC 2 housing action plan. housing system. Addressed need for the SIMS $64 M Grant included PWD in behavioral- Opening of medical health discussion/considerat integration planning. ion by this very large Increasing Not mentioned at all grant and workgroup Access to day grant kick-off process but will Appropriate Community and CIL- meeting at Colo require much follow- Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 7 History Museum! up. Increasing Identified strategic Accessibility goals, discussed to Meet with Coalition outreach plans, Transportatio Community and CIL- to close out end-or- discussed timeline n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 year for mayoral elections </p><p>59 </p><p> and plans for meeting with Mayor Bach. Gave update for the Community Transit Coalition and Meet with Transit received updates on Increasing Passenger Advisory Spring service Accessibility Committee and changes from to receive updates Transit, in addition to Transportatio Community and CIL- regarding Transit hearing reports from n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Services. the public. Updated Sharon on internal ACT Increasing Brief Sharon on ACT activities - discussed ADA Collaborating and CIL- activities before ACT items to bring up Compliance Networking CSIC 1 meeting. during ACT meeting. Offered invite Tessa to attend future Increasing meetings; will Opportunities continue going to for meetings, take the Affordable, Represent The IC in training and recruit Accessible Collaborating and CIL- the PIT planning IC staff to participate housing Units Networking CSIC 1 process. in the survey. Recognized drivers from each organization to be Represent the IC at recognized, received Increasing the Mobility updates from other Accessibility Coordinating organizations, update to Committee regarding on Medicaid funding Transportatio Community and CIL- transit and for transportation n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2.5 infrastructure needs. services. Presentation by Tyler Schultz, with American Cancer Society. Shared information regarding upcoming Relay for Life to be Outreach CIL- Share information held in Falcon on Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.25 with local agencies June 5, 2015. Increasing Collaborating and CIL- Learn about housing Opportunities Networking CSIC 2 campaigns at Access </p><p>60 </p><p> for Living and talk about Affordable, ways we can partner. Accessible housing Units Outreach Collaborating and CIL- Outreach and Related Needs Networking CSIC 1.5 collobration Learn the Explain the critical philosophical role of I & R as the approach to I&R gateway to providing before delving into CIL consumers with details about the staff information, skills and policies knowledge, and needed to run an resources in an Professional CIL- exemplary I&R efficient and Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 program. responsive manner. Met with Lisa at PDI within Ft.Carson Army base. There is an issue with several deaf employees regarding to communication and training. Met with Community the manager and we Employment Education & CIL- were able to develop Information Public Information CSIC 2 an plan. Professional CIL- D&OH Community Education Development CSIC 1.5 Awareness Increase knowledge of accessible Professional CIL- affordable integrated Increase knowledge Staff Training Development CSIC 2 housing. in these areas. 1) Establish meeting dates for FY152) Establish framework of advocacy for City 1) Established exercises in April meeting dates for 153) Review notes FY152) Established Emergency Community and CIL- from Mobile CART milestones for Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 training meeting advocacy for April Increasing Review and Defend Patient- Access to discussion of pilot Centered focus on Appropriate Community and CIL- workplan with HCBS revisions to Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 Strategies at HCPF. LTC100.2 Eligibility </p><p>61 </p><p>Assessment tool. Spent time talking with individuals about resources that Outreach to we are able to offer Outreach CIL- community over 55 to 55+ seniors in Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 years old. community. 1) Discuss how to 1) Laid framework better integrate for PWD to be PWDs into an included in April upcoming city exercise2) exercise2) Develop Developed outreach pre-event scheme to engage Emergency Community and CIL- preparedness training PWD living in the Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 initiative Palmer Park Area Information and collaboration with Outreach Collaborating and CIL- joint Independent Related Needs Networking CSIC 1.5 Living activities Debrief with John Increasing about Patrick's ADA Collaborating and CIL- decision to leave the Discussed plan for Compliance Networking CSIC 1 group. next ACT meeting. Develop an agreement who can be part of this professional resource guide. There are some rules to be developed to be on the guide, Including direct Increasing communication Access to access using Community Collaborating and CIL- American Sign Programs Networking CSIC 2 Language. Discussed current efforts regarding Meet with Chris from organizing in our Paraquad to discuss different locations, as possible well as common opportunities for challenges and Outreach CIL- collaborative opportunities to Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 advocacy. collaborate. </p><p>62 </p><p>Role of I&R, strategies, policies, Professional CIL- procedures and Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 follow up I & R understanding Deaf culture and language development with an understanding of our development to Professional CIL- adjust within our Education Development CSIC 4 generation. The WRA will host a housing focus group Increasing in January; Kyleah Opportunities will follow up with for Share resources and dates and Carrie will Affordable, information with make an invitation Accessible CIL- Kyleah; find ways to for her to use to housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 collaborate. invite clients. Discussed outreach to the CCDC and the VFW; debated the timeline for a legal direction with Plan advocacy; planned outreach/partnering for Sharon to reach Increasing strategies and out to Mike ADA Community and CIL- prepare for the Killebrew on behalf Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 transition in my role. of ACT. Increasing Meet with Pikes Peak Accessibility EQuality Coalition - to updated on transit Presented update on Transportatio Community and CIL- and from other transit as a strategic n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 providers goal for 2015. Increasing Processed group ADA Collaborating and CIL- Share updates about dynamics and shared Compliance Networking CSIC 0.5 outreach. updates. Deaf culture and language development with an understanding of our development to Professional CIL- adjust within our Education Development CSIC 4 generation. </p><p>63 </p><p>Deaf culture and language development with an understanding of our development to Professional CIL- adjust within our Education Development CSIC 4 generation. Information was Increasing the shared and different Availability/A platforms that could ccess to Community To gain knowledge be used with this Assistive Education & CIL- and understanding of assistive technology Technology Public Information CSIC 2 CART services. was shown. The subcommittee's recommendation were shared for the disposition of funds to agencies for 2014. Oversee programs Retired outgoing Increasing and ensure services committee member Access to are being received by were honored and Community Collaborating and CIL- seniors in the new member voted Programs Networking CSIC 3 counties. in. Received information Professional CIL- Webinar concerning concerning Education Development CSIC 1.5 ADA compliance requirements. Update City of Cripple Creek Transportation and Outreach CIL- Reviewed RFP's for Cripple Creek/Victor Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 the 5304 grant service report Familiar with the Professional CIL- process, the forms Staff Training Development CSIC 7 DOH training and future training. Increasing Opportunities Learn about how to for effectively Affordable, communicate with Accessible Collaborating and CIL- elected officials; housing Units Networking CSIC 1.5 network Build community The IC gained relations with other visibility within the Outreach CIL- agencies and community by Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 4 individuals to share helping to host the </p><p>64 </p><p> information about the community IC. Christmas Reception. Deaf culture and language development with an understanding of our development to Professional CIL- adjust within our Education Development CSIC 7 generation. To enhance the knowledge of the team for better understanding of all progams and of available resources. We learned how to It taught cooperation enhance our Professional CIL- between team knowledge and team Staff Training Development CSIC 8 members. work Discussed common issues, challenges Increasing and opportunities Opportunities Meet with Access within housing for Living organizers advocacy for CIL's to Affordable, electronically to work together within Accessible Community and CIL- discuss housing the systems change housing Units Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 advocacy campaigns. model. Attend USABA Benefit fundraiser. Over 120 people Proceeds to help fund attended and gave Outreach Collaborating and CIL- athletic opportunities donations to Related Needs Networking CSIC 2 for USABA athletes. USABA. 1) Enhance familiarities of different departments and how the departments work Professional CIL- 1) IL annual team together to achieve Staff Training Development CSIC 6 building exercise goals. Increasing Opportunities Learned about the for PIT objectives and Affordable, Represent the IC in gaps from 2013. Will Accessible Collaborating and CIL- the PIT planning continue to attend housing Units Networking CSIC 2 meetings. meetings. </p><p>65 </p><p>Professional CIL- Staff Training Development CSIC 6 Team Building Discussed talking points related to how mental illness can be Planning for Anti- tied to bullying and Collaborating and CIL- Bullying forum w/ general anti-bullying Education Networking CSIC 2 CSDB Student strategies. Reasonable Understand Professional CIL- Accommodations accommodations and Education Development CSIC 1 (Maripose) reasonableness TC/ICM discussed issues primarily related to billing in Increasing the CCT program Access to To discuss issues and developed a Community Collaborating and CIL- related to the CCT strategy to address Programs Networking CSIC 1.5 program. the issues. opportunity for staff training socialization with co-worker to learn more about Professional CIL- each others jobs at Staff Training Development CSIC 6 annual IC retreat the IC. Discussion of billing issues centering Meet quarterly with around XEROX Transition coding errors that Coordinators and have prevented Intensive Case provider Managers to review reimbursement. issues related to the Members to continue Increasing CTS/CCT to discuss with Access to Community management so that Community Collaborating and CIL- Transition Service transitions may move Programs Networking CSIC 2 program. forward. IL staff was presented with a disability etiquette To learn more about presentation along disability etiquette with the opportunity along with building to brainstorm issues Professional CIL- camaraderie among related to the IL Staff Training Development CSIC 6 the IL Team. team. </p><p>66 </p><p>Develop to have resources within the state of Colorado. It is all about professional services to deaf and hard of hearing community. Increasing Develop a resource Access to website and State of Community Collaborating and CIL- Colorado will Programs Networking CSIC 7 maintain web Discussion of billing issues centering Meet quarterly with around XEROX Transition coding errors that Coordinators and have prevented Intensive Case provider Managers to review reimbursement. issues related to the Members to continue Increasing CTS/CCT to discuss with Access to Community management so that Community Collaborating and CIL- Transition Service transitions may move Programs Networking CSIC 2 program. forward. 1) Discuss emerging vulnerability 1) Learned about solutions with innovative practices industry experts who and engaged in were involved with discourse over Hurricane Katrina. emerging solutions 2) Learn about pertaining to various advocacy safeguarding PWDs Emergency CIL- efforts for PWDs in in Management Outreach Efforts CSIC 5 NO. disasters/hurricanes. Decorate the Aspen Mine Center with The IC gained Christmas Trees for visibility within the the community, a community by tree auction where providing a Giving families in the Christmas Tree for community are given the community the trees and the members to take a Outreach CIL- funds from the piece of clothing to Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 auction. provide warmth. Professional CIL- Deaf culture and Education Development CSIC 4 language </p><p>67 </p><p> development with an understanding of our development to adjust within our generation. Professional CIL- Staff Training Development CSIC 6 Team building event Learned how to work Professional CIL- IL Annual Team together as a team to Staff Training Development CSIC 6 Building Exercise achieve goals. To enhance knowledge of available resources at TIC....understanding Professional CIL- of disabilities....team Education Development CSIC 8 work Good stuff Colorado Public Increasing Utilities Access to Community Commission, Deaf Community Education & CIL- Speech Hearing 911 Programs Public Information CSIC 4 Task force. Planned outcomes of training in January for a SWOT analysis Increasing Support with of their current Access to consulting for organizing Appropriate Community and CIL- Community atmosphere and Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Organizing Training environment. enhance familiarity of different departments, and how the departments Professional CIL- IL annual team work together to Staff Training Development CSIC 6 building exercise achieve goals enhance familiarity of different departments, and how the departments Professional CIL- team building and work together to Staff Training Development CSIC 8 disability awareness achieve goals Increasing Access to Educate the Educated the Community Community and CIL- Community to the community about the Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 5 commission. commission tasks. </p><p>68 </p><p>Aspen Mine Center to identify all the upcoming Christmas Outreach CIL- events and agencies Agency updates were Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.45 involvement. presented. Increasing Opportunities for Community Affordable, organizing for Housing campaign. Accessible Professional CIL- affordable /access. Housing housing Units Development CSIC 1.5 housing opportunities. Professional CIL- Team building Staff Training Development CSIC 7 Retreat. This was a great training that helped to increase our knowledge and understanding of the types of opportunities and To learn more about struggles that Deaf Community and CIL- legal advocacy in the people have in the Staff Training Systems Advocacy CSIC 12 Court room Court room. Training for the process to provide Introduced and reasonable trained on the New Professional CIL- accommodations to IC Accommodation Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 appropriate staff. Process REceived a short training regarding the Increasing options and available Accessibility Attend CHAP opportunities for to meeting re: 501c3 non-profits to lobby Transportatio Community and CIL- advocacy within the political n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 opportunities. sector. Pat in March or April Increasing To identify needs for to meet with outreach ADA CIL- ADA training in the groups to present on Compliance Outreach Efforts CSIC 0.5 Outreach counties. the ADA. The group identified Update ACT about outreach/recruiting/b Increasing the transition in my uilding ADA Community and CIL- role and help prepare collaborations as the Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 them for the change. new immediate </p><p>69 </p><p> goals. This will help them build power before returning to tactics with the county and city. Professional CIL- Staff training and Staff Training Development CSIC 6 development We decided to make some changes to the Take Pauline out to questions and note- Increasing lunch and debrief taking method going Opportunities with her about the forward; we also for focus group - what processed some of Affordable, was effective, and the barriers and Accessible Collaborating and CIL- what can be needs that we heard housing Units Networking CSIC 2 improved. from participants. Strengthening team Professional CIL- IL Annual Team understanding and Staff Training Development CSIC 0 Building Retreat bonding Fine-tuned the housing focus group agenda, questions, Increasing and handouts. We Opportunities also went over both for Met with Pauline to of our roles and Affordable, do final preparations discussed plans for Accessible Collaborating and CIL- for the housing focus outreach and future housing Units Networking CSIC 1.5 groups. focus groups. Professional CIL- IL annual team Staff Training Development CSIC 6 building exercise. To increase our knowledge of the Employment etiquette that we should share with others while trying to we completed the Increasing assist people with training, and also ADA Professional CIL- disabilities gain filled out a SWOT Compliance Development CSIC 6 employment for our Company Increase the Interpreter earn CEU Professional CIL- interpreters educate to maintain their Staff Training Development CSIC 6 for certification certification. Increasing Collaborating and CIL- Red Cross host this ADA Networking CSIC 2 event. All types of </p><p>70 </p><p>Compliance introductions of disabilities was presented to Red Cross with an understanding of a large range of abilities. It was educational for Red Cross to meet everyone. Increasing Call all of the Opportunities consumers who 5 confirmed that they for RSVP'd to the were coming; 5 Affordable, housing focus groups asked me to follow Accessible CIL- to confirm that they up with them in housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 are coming. January 2015. Overview of IL history and philosophy, I&R referral process, Cil Suite, Home Health, Professional CIL- Payroll, and ILS Learned about IL Staff Training Development CSIC 7 basics history Learn the history of Intro to Housing the fair housing act Discrimination Laws and how it connects Professional CIL- for Independent with ADA and Education Development CSIC 1 living center staff section 504 I gained 9 new contacts from Alleen, and she asked me to Network with inform her of Alleen; share upcoming focus Increasing resources, learn groups. I also Opportunities about what her connected Alleen for services are and what with IC resources, Affordable, needs she including our section Accessible CIL- experiences with 8 vouchers and housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 regard to housing. employment support. History of Become more Independence Center familiar with and philosophy, building layout and Orientation of the procedures, as well Professional CIL- building, vehicle as HR procedures. Staff Training Development CSIC 8 procedures, building Introductions to IC </p><p>71 </p><p> alarms, general staff and roles they safety, paylocity, play. Met with HR, completed new hire paperwork, TB test. Promotion of consumer centric Asked to remain and perspective to present HCPB/LTSS Experience of Care provider perspective Survey features and to HCPF Staff focus group pilots for planning meeting development with Lewin Group Advocated bottom- consulting team for Increasing up perspective, from this 4 year LTSS IT Access to Community hospital centric system Appropriate Education & CIL- readmission redevelopment grant Health Care Public Information CSIC 60 perspective. program. To have staff from Colorado Springs Utilities and have a The staff was very vendor from Tobii impressed and took demo the tobii with them communication information about the Increasing the device to see if it is a Tobii to see if it is Availability/A product that could be something that can ccess to Community used to help out a work with system at Assistive Education & CIL- staff member with the Utilities Technology Public Information CSIC 1 her work. company. Understand the IL History and how Professional CIL- things are suppose to Staff Training Development CSIC 7 IL Orientation be done. Identified 3 themes of information: barriers, needs, and Increasing Learn feedback from possible solutions. Opportunities the community about All attendees for affordable and expressed interest in Affordable, accessible housing continued Accessible Community and CIL- needs, and ideas for involvement with housing Units Systems Advocacy CSIC 8 solutions. housing advocacy. Update Michael Learned some Increasing Killebrew about the updates from him ADA Collaborating and CIL- transition in my role about ADA work in Compliance Networking CSIC 0.5 with ACT. the city and Regional </p><p>72 </p><p>Building. Agreed to continue to be a contact person for him and a liaison between him and ACT. Professional CIL- Team building with Staff Training Development CSIC 6 Team building co workers. This training I learned best provides information practices for on how you can gathering, assessing, efficiently and analyzing, and effectively gather implementing feedback and input consumer satisfaction directly from through examples consumers in your and case studies state to improve shared by DSU, Professional CIL- Independent Living SILC and CIL Staff Training Development CSIC 1 programs. members. Increasing Accessibility Learn priorities about Learned an overview to capital improvements of the city's capital Transportatio CIL- in the city and improvement n Outreach Efforts CSIC 0.5 community feedback. projects. IL staff was presented with a disability etiquette To learn more about presentation along disability etiquette with the opportunity along with building to brainstorm issues Professional CIL- camaraderie among related to the IL Staff Training Development CSIC 6 the IL Team. team. Professional CIL- IL annual team Staff Training Development CSIC 6 building exercise. Learned how and To learn what an what surveys outcome is, what a measured and how logic model is and that data was used to how a logic model is determine what useful, as well as direction the CIL lessons learned from would go as far as Professional CIL- NCIL's outcome programs and Staff Training Development CSIC 0.5 measures field test. additional support. Increasing Community CIL- 5 Thanksgiving We all got along </p><p>73 </p><p>Access to Education & CSIC Consumer Potluck, together. New Community Public Information Deaf Chat and Cross- friendships are Programs Disability groups are developed gathered up to eat Thanksgiving dinner together. Increase knowledge of CIL Suite. Professional CIL- To become familiar Received User's Staff Training Development CSIC 5 with CIL Suite Manual. This training provides information on how to efficiently and effectively gather feedback and Learned step-by-step input directly from methods to gather the consumers in your data, analyze it, and state to improve use it to improve IL Professional CIL- Independent Living programs, services, Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 programs. and advocacy. Build community relations with other organization and The IC gained individuals to share visibility within the the services and community by supports provided by helping to host the Outreach CIL- the Independence community Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 4.5 Center. Thanksgiving Meal. Discussed ideas, brainstormed, about how we need to set up a meeting with the City's ADA We were able to Coordinator to talk come with a date and Increasing with how we can get time, where, and ADA Community and CIL- Colorado Springs questions for the Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 ADA Compliant. meeting, Talked with Dina Franklin about her Increasing experiences with Opportunities homelessness, as for Schedule an informal well as problems in Affordable, focus group with the community. Will Accessible CIL- Dina Franklin and reschedule a group housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 0.5 some of her contacts. meeting with her. </p><p>74 </p><p>Increasing Opportunities Called IC consumers for to invite them to Affordable, affordable/accessible Gained 8 RSVP's for Accessible CIL- housing focus December and 4 housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 groups. RSVP's for January Identified goals for December (2 outside meetings/week and 2 focus groups) and Increasing identified potential Opportunities goals for next for Met with Pam quarter, including Affordable, Sawyer to work on election involvement Accessible Collaborating and CIL- housing action plan and a community housing Units Networking CSIC 2 and outreach plan. forum. Met with Angela Berry Options for Long Term Care Program Director to identify community needs and share Developed information of relationship with the Outreach CIL- resources the IC has Colo. Eastern Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.25 to offer. Counties agencies. Provide a Everyone enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal traditional and an opportunity to Thanksgiving meal interact with peers and those who Outreach CIL- and form a network wanted to played Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 4 of support. Bingo afterwards. Training for a better To learn specific Professional CIL- understanding of CIL reports and how to Staff Training Development CSIC 5 Suite filter consumer data. Enjoyed special meal Thanksgiving Meal had opportunity for Outreach CIL- for consumers and socialization and Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 families networking peers. Increasing Learned about Opportunities funding sources, for Met with Paul Spotts process consumers Affordable, to learn about the go through, and Accessible Collaborating and CIL- home modifications city/provider housing Units Networking CSIC 1 program. contacts. </p><p>75 </p><p>Overview of IL history and philosophy, I&R referral process, Cil Suite, Home Health, Professional CIL- Payroll, company Staff Training Development CSIC 8 cars Completed training Much better Becoming familiar understanding of the with the IL History/ IL History/ Philosophy & Philosophy & Professional CIL- Orientation Required Orientation Required Staff Training Development CSIC 6 Training Training Decided to invite Anthony's reporter Met with Anthony, contact to ACT's next Paul and John to meeting; discussed share updates about ideas about using ACT's work with the blogging to engage Increasing county and to hear the disability ADA Community and CIL- Anthony's ideas for community with Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 media involvement. advocacy. Becoming familiar with the IL History/ Philosophy & Professional CIL- Orientation Required Staff Training Development CSIC 6 Training Orientation to the Began the process of Independence Center understanding the including mission, Independence Center Professional CIL- vision and mission and Staff Training Development CSIC 6 philosophy. intention. To gather information on new building sites and to Community make sure they will Education & CIL- be planning for Education Public Information CSIC 1.5 accessibility. Increasing Met with Barb and Shared IC resources Opportunities Karen, two mental with them (bus for health clinicians, to passes, employment Affordable, learn about housing support and peer Accessible CIL- barriers and needs support), and learned housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 they face with their about housing </p><p>76 </p><p> clients who are resources and needs. transitioning out of the prison system. Enjoyed special meal Thanksgiving Meal had opportunity for Outreach CIL- for consumers and socialization and Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 families networking peers. Training with the CIL Suite, report Great understanding generation, and of and experience general familiarity with the CIL Suite, Professional CIL- with the IL mission IL services and Staff Training Development CSIC 5 and services. documentation. We had over 100 people show up and Increasing To prepare and Serve participate in our Access to Thanksgiving Dinner thanks giving meal Community CIL- to our consumers and this year. it was a Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 10 their families. great turn out. Professional CIL- Training with CIL Better understanding Staff Training Development CSIC 5 Suite of system 1) Discuss 1) Opened lines of Accessible Sheltering communication with Emergency Collaborating and CIL- Grant with National potential partners on Management Networking CSIC 1 ARC accessible sheltering Gained RSVP for December and also Increasing set up an informal Opportunities Invited Julie focus group with for (experience with other homeless Affordable, homelessness) to persons to be held at Accessible CIL- attend a housing the downtown housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 focus group. library. Increasing Ideas for innovation Accessibility and community to Community Jim presented his involvement around Transportatio Education & CIL- idea for a transit improving public n Public Information CSIC 3 development contest transit were shared. Attended awards luncheon for To promote and Colorado Cross support agency Disability Coalition Outreach Collaborating and CIL- partners around ADA in Denver to show Related Needs Networking CSIC 3 compliance support or their work </p><p>77 </p><p> and made a donation Presentation by Sally Bloomfield from the American Red Cross Outreach CIL- Share resources with on the Ready Rating Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 local agencies Program Prsentation from UCCS students working on a project Increasing involving Bus Rapid Accessibility Transit, discussed to Attend T-PAC Mtg. upcoming Interactive Transportatio Community and CIL- regarding transit Voice Recognition n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 updates software. We talk about writing letters to city Increasing Community To get Colorado counsel, mayor, and ADA Education & CIL- Spring up to date on county Compliance Public Information CSIC 2 ADA Compliance. commissioner's. Received all grant Increasing applications, Accessibility reviewed timeline to Meet to discuss and scoring process, Transportatio Community and CIL- Grant evaluation determined plans for n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 guidelines future meeitngs. Updated Michael Learned updates Killebrew about the about the city's outcomes from response to curb ACT's meeting with complaints and the county/Regional discussed the Increasing Building possibility of ADA Collaborating and CIL- representatives on Michael meeting Compliance Networking CSIC 1 11/3. with ACT. Discussed the group's desire to file a lawsuit and clarified the need for The IC Support with staff to distance facilitating ACT themselves from meeting; discussing ACT in order to Increasing letter to the County ensure clarity on ADA Community and CIL- and strategic roles between the Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 movement forward. two organizations. Increasing Community and CIL- 3 Facilitate feedback Action steps </p><p>78 </p><p>ADA Systems Advocacy CSIC among ACT determined: the Compliance members, determine group will write strategy for letters to the county responding to county representatives and and initiating city representatives effective work with outlining ACT's the city. expectations; ACT will reach out to the CO Cross Disability Coalition Supported Becky Carter with Colo East Community Action Meet and Greet with Agency to prepare Limon community and serve meal to members to share community member information while making regarding the IC connection with the Outreach CIL- being active in their community Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 community. members. Outreach CIL- Consumer annual Consumer annual Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving dinner. Viewed a 4 part series of the Colorado Choice Transition CCT Presentation (over program. Overview span of 4 days via of the history, goals, webinar) of the and eligibility Colorado Choice requirements of the Transition CCT CCT program. program history, Clarified the role of a Professional CIL- guidelines and Transition Education Development CSIC 4 process. Coordinator. Objectives to meet with all the Short and Long term Emergency action planning to get Emergency Community and CIL- Managers within the everyone work Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 community together. Discussed annual Increasing summit, made plans Accessibility Attend Steering for a join meeting to Committee Mtg. with the Peak Transportatio Community and CIL- regarding Green Sustainable Alliance n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Cities Coalition plans to see how we can </p><p>79 </p><p> partner with them. Discussed involvement in the summit and plans to recruit for working grps Together we developed a strategy for presenting the Met with John to action steps to the brief him on county group and facilitating Increasing and city action steps feedback for group ADA Collaborating and CIL- and to discuss group members during next Compliance Networking CSIC 2 dynamics. ACT meeting. 1) Host and facilitate 4th quarter EMCAG 1) Established Emergency Community and CIL- 2) Establish Meeting meeting for FY15 Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 dates for FY15 and focus areas 1) Communicated 1) Provide lessons areas in which learned pertaining to inclusion were people with exemplified 2) disabilities and Communicated areas others with access in which better and functional needs integration needs to following a City be implemented 3) evacuation exercise. Identified PWDs Emergency Collaborating and CIL- 2) Seek future preparedness training Management Networking CSIC 1 opportunities opportunities Action steps determined: the group will write Facilitate feedback letters to the county among ACT representatives and members, determine city representatives strategy for outlining ACT's responding to county expectations; ACT Increasing and initiating will reach out to the ADA Community and CIL- effective work with CO Cross Disability Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 the city. Coalition HCPF adopted (with P2P Methodology Increasing push from TCHF being developed Access to grant condition) jointly with select Appropriate Technical CIL- "LTSS Consumer advocates from Health Care Assistance CSIC 3 Quality Committee" Seniors and </p><p>80 </p><p> recommendation/de Disability mand to pilot Peer- community (PY and to-Peer quality myself) among 6 experience/Life advocates selected to surveys employed for provide technical all care providers. assistance. This is a huge victory! Share local Connected with information of agencies in Lincoln available resources, and Kit Carson introduce myself and counties,( Outreach CIL- services offered by Burlington, Hugo Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 the IC. and Limon. ) Teach consumers how to play pickle The small group had Increasing ball as a means of a fun and gained Access to recreation exercise as well as Community CIL- opportunity for knowledge of the Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 exercise game. To have Deaf and Increasing HOH chat socialize Access to Community with people that have the community Community Education & CIL- different types of attended and enjoyed Programs Public Information CSIC 4 disabilities bowling 18 consumers and 7 IC staff members Increasing Give consumers an participated in Access to opportunity to bowling and Community CIL- participate in interacted in a fun, Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2.5 community activities. recreational activity. Discussed Thanksgiving Community Dinner Nov 26, seeking volunteer for number of community Outreach CIL- Share resources, Christmas activities Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 agency updates. in December. Gained insight on what will give IL the Determine how to best information for measure outcomes program Professional CIL- for CILs and what to development and Education Development CSIC 1.5 measure. revision. </p><p>81 </p><p>Meet with Luann with Co. East Community Action Agency in Burlington, discussed resource available and what services the Outreach CIL- IC offers. Identified Connected with Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 community needs. Luann with CECAA. The 4 facilities we visited were Briargate, Cottonwood Creek, Garden Ranch, and the Downtown. Nick took notes as Pat and I pointed out issues Pat Going and Tim at all the facilities. Ashley accompanied We also gave Nick Eimer, Safety accolades for the Compliance Officer Briargate and with the PPYMCA, Cottonwood for to 4 of the local being mostly facilities with intent compliant. Nick will Increasing of assessing each include Pat and I ADA Collaborating and CIL- facility for ADA when he submits his Compliance Networking CSIC 4 compliance. report. Presentation by Sally Bloomfield on The American Red Cross Outreach CIL- Share resources with Ready Rating Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 local agencies. Program. Outreach Collaborating and CIL- Related Needs Networking CSIC 2 Attend ADA awards. Community Transition participants enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal and mingled with Luncheon gathering other peers that had to celebrate 2013- transitioned into the Outreach CIL- 2014 Community community over the Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 4 Transitions. past year. Outreach CIL- Luncheon gathering Transition Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 4 to celebrate 2013- participants enjoyed </p><p>82 </p><p>2014 Community a Thanksgiving meal Transitions. and the opportunity to mingle with other transition participants from 2013 and 2014. 18 consumers and 7 IC staff members Increasing Give consumers an participated in Access to opportunity to bowling and Community CIL- participate in interacted in a fun, Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 community activities. recreational activity. Jo Bell presented the changes and updates with various application processes for Medicaid Long Presentation of staff Term benefits. changes and trends Discussion with Medicaid concerning the application process RCCO Regional through the Care Collaboration Professional CIL- Department of Organization Education Development CSIC 1 Human Services. benefits. Together we edited Increasing the question route, Opportunities Met with Pauline to fine-tuned the for plan out the agenda agenda, and made a Affordable, and logistics for the list of materials we Accessible Collaborating and CIL- housing support need for the focus housing Units Networking CSIC 1 groups. groups. To learn more about the guardianship/conserv atorship process in Learned how to self- the court system and file for how to complete guardianship/conserv Professional CIL- necessary atorship without an Education Development CSIC 2 documents. attorney. Suggest LTSS/CILs Dr. collaborate on shared Dickerman/RCCO/C/ Increasing Transportation IT S Fire Dept. Accessibility system to leverage Transport Staff took to community transport note of suggestion to Transportatio Collaborating and CIL- assets to serve more share accessible n Networking CSIC 4 people, across vehicles with Fire </p><p>83 </p><p> agency programs. Dept. program for "Super Utilizers" of HC/Human Service resources across Colo. Sprngs Lee Patke and Kelly Jennings presented the housing and Resource To learn more about Opportunity Center Increasing additional affordable opportunities Opportunities housing opportunities available through for available throughout Greccio Housing. Affordable, Colorado Springs or Our goal is to work Accessible Collaborating and CIL- future CCT together with future housing Units Networking CSIC 1 consumers. CCT participants. Provided orientation To education lobby to Independent agency on Living Centers and Independent Living the state and federal Community and CIL- Centers/Philosophy/S agencies that support Education Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 ervices Centers. 1) Engage a national audience on inclusive emergency management. 2) Exemplify our EM programs efforts. 3) Raise awareness to 1) Presented lessons both emergency learned and methods managers and the for inclusive efforts Emergency Community and CIL- disability in emergency Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 6 community. management. Learn to have fun and get along with other types of People look forward Outreach Community and CIL- disabilities. (Cross- to come back and do Related Needs Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 disabilities) it again. To learn more about Lee Patke and Kelly Increasing additional affordable Jennings presented Opportunities housing opportunities the housing and for available throughout Resource Affordable, Colorado Springs or Opportunity Center Accessible Collaborating and CIL- future CCT opportunities housing Units Networking CSIC 1 consumers. available through </p><p>84 </p><p>Greccio Housing. Our goal is to work together with future CCT participants. Jo Bell presented the changes and updates with various application processes for Medicaid Long Presentation of staff Term benefits. changes and trends Discussion with Medicaid concerning the application process RCCO Regional through the Care Collaboration Professional CIL- Department of Organization Education Development CSIC 1 Human Services. benefits. Decided on strategies for facilitating effective collaboration among ACT members; summarized action Increasing steps based on ADA Collaborating and CIL- Set agenda for next everyone's ideas to Compliance Networking CSIC 2 ACT meeting. present to the group Learned about supervision techniques, were provided with hands on tools for evaluation and feedback, discussed the organizational strengths and Complete Midwest weaknesses of our Academy's respective Community and CIL- Supervising organizations, made Staff Training Systems Advocacy CSIC 40 Organizer's Training contact We reserved a room and had access to webinar. We had discussion how the Resources and Community information would be planning guide to Education & CIL- useful within our address within the Education Public Information CSIC 3 countries in community . </p><p>85 </p><p> regarding to emergency management planning. Overviewed accomplishments to date, gave information on Increasing Meet with Amblicab current political Accessibility ED and interns to climate, girls were to update them on the interested in Transportatio Community and CIL- Community Transit becoming more n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Coalition involved. The IC will look for To determine if The available rooms and Increasing IC can assist NAMI times for meeting Access to with hosting a space to see if we can Community Collaborating and CIL- support group at the accomodate their Programs Networking CSIC 1 Center needs. 1) Sought opportunities to project considerations for PWDs and others 1) Engage in with AFN during academic discourse; focused discussion; exposing AFN and presented new and PWDs concerns valuable concepts to towards localized emergency/disaster Emergency Professional CIL- emergency and practitioners on a Management Development CSIC 30 disaster management global spectrum. Discussion of a variety of barriers (lack of IC's in Denver, The monthly meeting affordable/accessible focuses on providing housing) that the an opportunity for TC's are TC's to discuss issues experiencing when and problem solve working through the challenges relevant steps towards Professional CIL- to CTS/EBD and transition of SNF Education Development CSIC 2.5 CTS/CCT. consumers. Increasing Community and CIL- Was to talk with The County is ADA Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 them about ADA moving along nicely </p><p>86 </p><p>Compliance Compliance in with this issue, but Colorado Springs. there is still a lot to be done. CTS Administrator Nora Brahe presented updates on upcoming CCT web based training, Options Counselor & Aging Disability Presentation of Resource Colorado CCT/CTS program and concerns with Technical CIL- and procedures SNF & Durable Education Assistance CSIC 2 updates. Medical Equipment. Increase access and availability to Increasing community services Access to for Blind and Community Community and CIL- visually Impaired Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 individuals. Outreach Collaborating and CIL- Related Needs Networking CSIC 2 To understand the need for POAs, Professional CIL- Wills, Beneficiary Staff Training Development CSIC 1 Deeds, etc. Increasing To enhance the Access to relationship with Appropriate CIL- Rocky Mountain We met new case Health Care Outreach Efforts CSIC 2.5 Options managers CTS Administrator Nora Brahe presented updates on upcoming CCT web based training, Options Counselor & Aging Disability Presentation of Resource Colorado CCT/CTS program and concerns with Technical CIL- and procedures SNF & Durable Education Assistance CSIC 2 updates. Medical Equipment. To meet Becky Created connections Outreach CIL- Carter of CECAA for Lincoln, Kit Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 7 establish relationship Carson and </p><p>87 </p><p> to provide services in Cheyenne counties. the Limon area. Update Dave on outcomes from Determined action ACT's follow-up steps for county and Increasing meeting with city, including letter ADA Collaborating and CIL- County; learn his writing and filing Compliance Networking CSIC 2 ideas for next steps. complaints. Suggested that HCPF Reform Unit managing Duals Reform Unit Director Demo include acknowledged need LTSS/CIL providers and benefit publicly and PWD in review at meeting and asked of technical (social) Montrose to help and metrics used to identify people to Increasing evaluate RCCO support Dept. over Access to performance, bonus next year of state Appropriate Technical CIL- payments to doctors performance metric Health Care Assistance CSIC 2 and RCCOs. development. Determined that a detailed outreach plan and a framework of an Increasing action plan was Opportunities needed; set deadlines for Meet with Pam for completing the Affordable, Sawyer to discuss plans in December Accessible Collaborating and CIL- housing action plan and a follow up housing Units Networking CSIC 2 and outreach plan. meeting. 1) Engage and present information to Governor's 1) Advocated and Advisory Council on established a systems needed for foundation for future Emergency Community and CIL- people with discussion and Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 disabilities. development. Remind HCPF Special HCPF Quality & Health Workgroup Improvement established to advise Committee; on need Department on Peer- Increasing to involve to-Peer (P2P) survey Access to LTSS/PWD in design for NCI-AD Appropriate Community and CIL- methodologies of all Survey; Colorado Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Department Quality being first state to </p><p>88 </p><p>Surveys pilot this methodology in the nation. Knocked on 150 doors, made contact Increasing with voters to Access to Canvass to remind encourage them to Community Community and CIL- voters to turn in vote in the upcoming Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 ballots of election election. NAMI is teaching a They talked about series of classes on and demonstrated teaching community how hard it can be members how to for someone who work with consumers "hears voices" to and their families actually listen to Collaborating and CIL- who are suffering anyone else outside Education Networking CSIC 3 from mental illness. of their head. Debrief the follow- up meeting with ACT members gave County and plan each other feedback Increasing strategy for and discussed their ADA Collaborating and CIL- advocating in perspectives about Compliance Networking CSIC 3 Colorado Springs. the county meeting. Met with Chris Roe, Innovations in Aging, Greccio housing to discuss Increasing increasing affordable Opportunities and accessible Greccio housing is for housing for able to set aside Affordable, individuals moving project based Accessible Collaborating and CIL- out of institutional housing for the CCT housing Units Networking CSIC 4 care. program In July 2014, Colorado was selected to participate in the National Governors Association's Super- This pilot project is Utilizer Policy in the early stages of Academy. It is a development. It is yearlong program to possible that The IC Community analyze the overuse may see referrals Outreach Education & CIL- of emergency from program Related Needs Public Information CSIC 2 services. participants. </p><p>89 </p><p>Professional CIL- Estate planning Education Development CSIC 1 information Rinformation Knocked on over 100 doors and made contact with voters regarding the Increasing upcoming election, Access to Do GOTV encouraged people to Community Community and CIL- Canvassing in SE CO vote if they hadn't Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 Springs already CTS Administrator Nora Brahe presented updates on upcoming CCT web based training, Options Counselor & Aging Disability Presentation of Resource Colorado CCT/CTS program and concerns with Technical CIL- and procedures SNF & Durable Education Assistance CSIC 2 updates. Medical Equipment. To identify to the Provided Jane Woodland information Workforce the regarding services Outreach CIL- available resources and resources Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 provided by the IC. provided by the IC. Increase access and availability to Increasing community services Access to for Blind and Community Community and CIL- visually Impaired Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 individuals. To network with other agencies offering support groups and other Increasing support services for Access to seniors as well as networked with Community Collaborating and CIL- outreach to seniors in possible consumers Programs Networking CSIC 4 the community and agencies The monthly meeting Discussion of a focuses on providing variety of barriers Professional CIL- an opportunity for (lack of IC's in Education Development CSIC 2.5 TC's to discuss issues Denver, </p><p>90 </p><p> and problem solve affordable/accessible challenges relevant housing) that the to CTS/EBD and TC's are CTS/CCT. experiencing when working through the steps towards transition of SNF consumers. Presented accomplishments of the Community Transit Coalition to Increasing date and made Accessibility Present updates on contact with 3 new to Community Transit representatives who Transportatio Community and CIL- Coalition and may be interested in n Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 network joining the Coalition. 1) Work with state- wide OEMs towards developing TIC as a center for excellence on integrating AFN into emergency 1) Enhanced per- planning.2) Develop established new relationships relationships 2) Emergency Collaborating and CIL- with critical state Developed new and Management Networking CSIC 16 actors and persons. critical relationships NAMI (National alliance for the Mentally Ill) taught a series of classes on teaching community members how to Learned how listen to support consumers people's stories with mental illness, without shutting and how to support down ourselves using Professional CIL- and engage their rapport and listening Education Development CSIC 3 families. skills. Made 125 calls personally and a total Increasing of 450 calls with Access to Community Make phone calls to other volunteers to Community Education & CIL- registered voters to remind registered Programs Public Information CSIC 2 remind them to vote voters to vote. Outreach Collaborating and CIL- 2 The CSDB has asked The CSDB will allow </p><p>91 </p><p>Related Needs Networking CSIC the IC for help in us to practice on their funding beep field and also provide baseball equipment. interested players. The Colorado The practices will Springs Falcon Beep take place on the baseball team has CSDB football field been looking for a once per week after field in which to 3:30 pm starting in practice and play the spring of 2015. games on. Falcons Falcons will supply also need more all the equipment for players. practices and games. To discuss and solve Transportation was barriers to the Super discussed as a Utilizers program barrier, a suggestion Increasing participants to was made to bring Access to decrease healthcare together Appropriate Collaborating and CIL- costs and increase transportation Health Care Networking CSIC 2 health outcomes providers. Attended awards luncheon for Colorado Cross Show of support for Disability Coalition ADA advocacy and in Denver to show Increasing legal activities of support or their ADA Community and CIL- Colorado Cross work. The-IC made Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 Disability Coalition a table donation. Met with and shared To share with the information with community members community members Community the resources and supported to Outreach Education & CIL- available from the make the lunch Related Needs Public Information CSIC 1.5 IC. successful. Increasing Receive information Accessibility regarding process Discussed schedule to and plan for and timeline for grant Transportatio Community and CIL- evaluation transit evaluations, received n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 grants all applications. Received an update on program To oversee programs outcomes from 2 Increasing and ensure service service providers and Access to areas are receiving discussed new Community Collaborating and CIL- the services they membership and Programs Networking CSIC 3 need. possible direction </p><p>92 </p><p> changes. Gradual progress reported to group, and prep for participation in Outlining activities HIPAA Business to obtain claims data Associate from HCPF, CIVHC, Agreements to Colorado Access, provide LTSS/HH Increasing Community Health agency demographic, Access to Partnership utilization, cost data Appropriate Technical CIL- representing 4 of 7 to Trajectory HC, Health Care Assistance CSIC 0.5 RCCOs. LLC in near future Made 145 phone calls to members on a targeted GOTV list Increasing from the least Access to responsive voting Community Community and CIL- Phone Bank w/ populace in the Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 PPEC county. To educate employees at Progressive and to connect with their Increasing HR people to get Connected with ADA Collaborating and CIL- jobs for our Jessica Neil HR Compliance Networking CSIC 3 consumers. consultant Shared information regarding The IC and the resources with To share information Park County Public Outreach CIL- about the IC in Health Dept. and the Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 5 Bailey Park County. Bailey Pubic Library. Presentations from Increasing Comfort Keepers, Access to Community of Community CIL- Cover the agenda Caring, explanation Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 items. of grant applications. Community Transition Luncheon gathering participants enjoyed to celebrate 2013- a Thanksgiving meal Outreach CIL- 2014 Community and mingled with Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 4 Transitions. other peers that had </p><p>93 </p><p> transitioned into the community over the past year. Made 128 calls to Increasing voters from the least Access to responsive voting Community Community and CIL- populace in the Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 Phone Bank county. We were able to This event was to share information promote ADA with the community compliance and also regarding our to introduce our services at The community to all of Independence Center the programs and and we were also activities associated able to connect with Increasing with The Progressive HR so ADA Collaborating and CIL- Independence that we will be able Compliance Networking CSIC 3 Center. to refer jobs. Established a shared Deliver expectations goal for ongoing and learn about the communication county's progress between the county with regard to the and ACT; learned self-evaluation, the about Rob citizens' disability Hernandez's (ADA advisory board, and Coordinator) accountability progress with site Increasing concerns with Pikes surveys; learned ADA Community and CIL- Peak Regional updates about the Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Building. CAC and PPRBD. Agreed that county should be ACT's primary focus; also agreed that group issues need to involve every member; reached Increasing Reach consensus shared understanding ADA Community and CIL- about ACT's primary about personal Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 focus and strategy perspectives If there is a situation I learned several that calls for De- different methods to Emergency Professional CIL- escalation for one of DE-escalate a Management Development CSIC 1.5 our Consumers we as situation with a </p><p>94 </p><p> staff should be able consumer if to handle the necessary. situation in a professional manner. 1) Articulated the need for public 1) Engage planning information officers members on to holistically community based consider PWD and information and alert others with AFN in Community information their emergency Emergency Education & CIL- pertaining to PWD communication Management Public Information CSIC 8 and others with AFN planning efforts. Education on rural Professional CIL- independent living Education Development CSIC 8 across the states. Set agenda for Increasing meeting, decided on ADA Collaborating and CIL- Prepare for follow-up roles and materials Compliance Networking CSIC 2 meeting with County needed. NAMI held classes to I attended the class teach community for professional members how to help development but also consumer's and spoke often about Professional CIL- families living with how and what the IC Education Development CSIC 3 severe mental illness. does. 1) Engage VOAD 1) Engaged VOAD members on NGO and OEM related representatives on Emergency Collaborating and CIL- considerations for AFN/PWD Management Networking CSIC 5 AFN/PWD inclusion measures. Rally was attended by 50 people and received media coverage from the Increasing Gazette and News5. Accessibility 3 Speakers presented to about the importance Transportatio Community and CIL- Host Transit Matters of transit, video was n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Rally taken of the rally. Outreach Collaborating and CIL- Related Needs Networking CSIC 2 Increasing Community and CIL- Attend Inside/Out Met new potential Access to Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 Fundraising transit advocates and </p><p>95 </p><p>Community Breakfast made connections Programs with other Pikes Peak Equality Coalition representatives. We built a coffin and had 26 participants in Give our consumers the parade. The race an opportunity to was manned by one compete and interact staff member, 3 Outreach CIL- with others in the consumers and one Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 community. non-consumer. Discussed CTC movement forward and the process to become State Increasing Ceritfied to received Accessibility Medicaid dollars for to non-emergent Transportatio Community and CIL- Attend MCC medical n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Meeting transportation. Meet with community leaders of Colorado Springs that provide services Increasing to the whole Access to Community community. This Community Education & CIL- includes some of the Exchanged some Programs Public Information CSIC 2 government leaders. contacts. 7 out of 12 speakers for the budget hearing were Increasing Support CTC speaking for the need Accessibility members speak at for transit, received to City Council headline media Transportatio Community and CIL- regarding transit coverage, all n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 budget. speakers did well. Highlight Increased awareness opportunities to of providers that expand PACE for could partner on under 55 PWD at PACE-like models National PACE w/ culturally Increasing Association meeting sensitive LTSS / CIL Access to in San Diego, providers in system Appropriate Collaborating and CIL- expanding awareness development, Health Care Networking CSIC 16 of opportunities to encouraging Sr. Staff </p><p>96 </p><p> serve PWD. on Legislation Have a better Increasing understanding of Access to Community Community Community and CIL- Organizing including Resources to use Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Actions and tactics over a period of time Outreach to community over 55 years old. Informed Talked with a couple group of new Cross of people about Disabilities Support resources they are Group being held needing and set up Outreach CIL- here in Calhan next tentative Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 month. appointments. Successful forum that went smoothly, representation from candidate with a Support CP with disability, questions preparing/running regarding Increasing Election Forum, transportation and Access to Community educate voters on discussion with Community Education & CIL- candidate thoughts candidates after the Programs Public Information CSIC 2 and issues forum. 1) Established a way 1) Discuss moving forward for FY15 Community our CAG and AFN and gained valuable Emergency Education & CIL- WG to City/County by in from City Management Public Information CSIC 2 oversight. emergency officials. Processed follow-up meeting with county together and decided Increasing Plan next ACT on some action steps ADA Collaborating and CIL- meeting agenda with to present to the Compliance Networking CSIC 2 Sharon. group. Presentation from Rocky Mountain Human Services Military and Veteran Outreach CIL- To share resources in resources for Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1.5 the area. homeless vets. Increasing Educated about the Accessibility Community and CIL- Attend T-PAC rally, heard updates to Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Meeting about the City budget </p><p>97 </p><p>Transportatio process and n directions and initiatives for 2015. Finalized group bylaws Education on rural Professional CIL- independent living Education Development CSIC 3 across the states. To integrate the Deaf community in with Increasing the Cross disability Access to Community groups that we have Community Education & CIL- here at the Center in we all had a great Programs Public Information CSIC 4 a public Venue time bowling Increasing the Availability/A Demo of different Several people would ccess to Community technology to have able to download and Assistive Education & CIL- effective use the software to Technology Public Information CSIC 5 communication communicate Update attendees on current research, projects, history, and Updated on current findings in the area trends with research of brain injury. and work with brain Speculated on where injury, as well as in research will the next five years. possibly go in the Networking with Professional CIL- next five years. providers, learned of Education Development CSIC 12 Networking. services for TBI. Invited to attend the Met the Marketing Broadmoor Court Director Jan Walters Assisted Living open of Broadmoor Court house to become and toured the newly Increasing more knowledgeable updated facility. Met Opportunities of the housing other professionals in for opportunities the field of Assisted Affordable, available to Living and set up Accessible Collaborating and CIL- individuals leaving future tours at other housing Units Networking CSIC 1 the nursing home. sites. Acquired information and education To gain knowledge regarding the impact Professional CIL- and awareness of of brain injuries on Education Development CSIC 12 brain injuries. individuals, families, </p><p>98 </p><p> and the community. Presentation by Rocky Mountain Human Services, Military & Veteran Programs. RMHS provides care for Share resources and veterans who are information in struggling to find or Outreach CIL- Calhan and keep a roof over their Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 surrounding areas. heads. I connected with Pauline in one of the Cross Disability Groups; she Pauline volunteered expressed interest in to help me plan and Increasing getting involved with recruit for the Opportunities housing advocacy, so housing focus for I wanted to invite her groups; she also Affordable, to help me facilitate agreed to be a note- Accessible Collaborating and CIL- housing focus taker during the housing Units Networking CSIC 2 groups. groups. 1) Oversee and inject PWDs into a city evacuation drill2) Engage 1) PWDs were community about included in all ensuring they include aspects of the communities who evacuation 2) live with AFN into community members their personal plans were engaged by 3) Engage and PWD3) First Emergency Community and CIL- expose PWDs to responders were Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 6 respond engaged by PWD Crisis management within the community. All Increasing direct providers Learned what other Access to Community within the state that providers do which is Community Education & CIL- provide services to a good cross Programs Public Information CSIC 3 disability community disability training. Approve updated Identified Increasing business cards and divergences in vision ADA Community and CIL- letterhead, decide on and goals among Compliance Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 facilitator roles, ACT members. </p><p>99 </p><p> provide updates on regional building progress. I connected with Mary Elizabeth at Learned some of her Increasing one of the Cross story about Opportunities Disability support accessible and for groups and wanted to affordable housing; Affordable, invite her to gained a commitment Accessible CIL- participate in housing from her to attend a housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 advocacy. housing focus group. Education on Rural Professional CIL- Independent Living Education Development CSIC 8 across the states. introductions and new connections to Increasing Connection to professionals that Access to Community professional services serve deaf and hard Community Education & CIL- to deaf and hard of of hearing Programs Public Information CSIC 8 hearing community. community. Processed group dynamics with ACT and decided on a new Increasing Work with Sharon on approach for meeting ADA Collaborating and CIL- group facilitation agendas and note- Compliance Networking CSIC 3 skills and techniques. taking. The fees are larger for services now. There are new forms To gain knowledge that we have to use in Employment Professional CIL- on new billing for order to bill for Information Development CSIC 3 DVR services. shared information networking with Mat about the Outreach Collaborating and CIL- Simpson from Independence Center Related Needs Networking CSIC 1 USABA and USABA Increasing Access to Community Community and CIL- had dinner and Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 9 Benefiting to DOVE supporting DOVE To share information Shared a number of to the community items with the Outreach CIL- regarding resources community from the Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 4.5 offered by the accessibility store </p><p>100 </p><p>Independence and provided Center. information on services. Visited one on one with several people about different resources available to help them to continue Introduce myself and to live independently the Independence in their homes. Set Center to seniors in up appointments to Outreach CIL- the Simla and eastern meet with possible Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 Elbert County area. consumers. Increasing Decide on group Decided on group ADA Collaborating and CIL- vision, goals, and vision, goals, tasks Compliance Networking CSIC 4 tasks and timeline Increasing Opportunities for Learn outcomes and Gained 2 contacts Affordable, recommendations and posed question Accessible CIL- from city's housing about accessible housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 assessment. housing. Develop a plan to support Deaf Interpreters/ Certified Deaf Interpreters within the state. We have 6 in process as Increasing we only have one Access to Legal Certified Deaf Community Collaborating and CIL- Interpreter for the Programs Networking CSIC 4 state. Presentations Dee Funkhouser Outreach for Co. Dept. of Labor, Angie Trelstad Tessa Awareness, Kathy Pilcher Christmas events, Steve Community Share information Jeroslow Woodland Outreach Education & CIL- with the resources in Aquatics Center vote Related Needs Public Information CSIC 2 the Teller Park area. in Nov. Outreach Collaborating and CIL- 3 Recap of 2014 Brainstormed many </p><p>101 </p><p>Related Needs Networking CSIC Health & Education ideas on how to get Fair. Went over stats more vendors from H&E Fair. involved in order to Talked about how to reach out to more make next years community members event better in areas for resourses. of concern. Obtain information on current trends in nonprofit board and staff leadership; Professional CIL- fundraising/develop Education Development CSIC 8 ment. Consult with Pat Pat confirmed that Going about ACT's our assessment of the Increasing complaint process site being ADA Collaborating and CIL- with CO Civil Rights inaccessible was Compliance Networking CSIC 2 Division. correct. To show that with Increasing the the help Assistive Availability/A Technology people ccess to Community with Cognitive Assistive Education & CIL- Disabilities can live Received information Technology Public Information CSIC 8 on there own. about those devices Met several community members who may be interested in getting involved with the Increasing Transit Coalition. Accessibility Referred some to potential advocates Transportatio Collaborating and CIL- Attend WRA to the mental health n Networking CSIC 1 fundraising breakfast campaign. 1) Outlined the 1) Engage joint states lack of budget commission consideration and on emergency financial backing for Emergency Community and CIL- management and PWDs in disaster Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 PWDs needs. scenarios. 1) Engage CAG 1) CAG agreed to about merging AFN move AFN working Emergency CIL- working group with group to city/county Management Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 city/county oversight oversight as long as </p><p>102 </p><p>2) Rehearse TIC has a seat and upcoming city PWDs are included evacuation drill and in FY15 initiatives. AFN inclusion 2) Roles were assigned/rehearsed for city evacuation drill. To design a no Increasing wrong door system Met to work on Access to with community structure and Community Collaborating and CIL- partners in Colorado delineation of duties Programs Networking CSIC 2 springs area for flow chart. We made connections with potential future We did networking employers. We were with employers and able to encourage our supported the consumers to go to consumers who certain employers Employment Collaborating and CIL- attended during their that we knew were Information Networking CSIC 3 job search. ADA friendly. To share information to the soldiers and their families of Provided families resources offered by with written Outreach CIL- the Independence information of Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 Center. services. Talked about Cognitive Community Disabilities and the Education & CIL- different types of Education Public Information CSIC 9 Assistive devices. Received information Increasing Opportunities Represent the IC, for make contacts with Listened to Affordable, housing providers, presentation by Accessible CIL- learn about housing Homeless Out Loud housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 issues Denver Learned about Title I as it relates to people with psychiatric Professional CIL- Increase knowledge disabilities and other Staff Training Development CSIC 5.5 of the ADA disabilities. Employment Collaborating and CIL- 3 To assist our Found perspective </p><p>103 </p><p>Information Networking CSIC consumers with job employers and search...and to assisted consumers network with with job searches. employers Increasing Opportunities for Follow up with Affordable, community Recruited 6 Accessible CIL- organizing consumers for one- housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 recruitment on-ones. Preview of planning for emergency management for Denver and the surrounding areas. The areas that are stakeholders are addressed are important to have communication feedback to confirm Emergency Collaborating and CIL- outreach when the system is Management Networking CSIC 5 emergency occurs working and updated. Encouraged students to vote, talked about Present to high accessible voting, Increasing school class at discussed reasons for Access to Community Colorado School for voting, walked them Community Education & CIL- the Deaf and Blind through the Programs Public Information CSIC 2 regarding voting registration process Met with an Independent Living Specialist Kyle from To learn more about Atlantis and received the history and a tour and was services provided by presented the history another Center For and movement of Professional CIL- Independent Living events for people Education Development CSIC 2 in Colorado. with disabilities. To support the community in the We attended the Outreach Collaborating and CIL- loss of a deaf funeral of a Deaf Related Needs Networking CSIC 4 Consumer Consumer Increasing Continued planning Accessibility Meet with rally, signed up for to Community and CIL- Community Transit outreach roles, Transportatio Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Coalition discussed </p><p>104 </p><p> n memorandum of understanding, prepared for meeting with the Stormwater campaign. Processed good Develop more feedback for group cohesion between dynamics and Increasing Dave and Sharon procedures, came to ADA Collaborating and CIL- about group goals agreement about Compliance Networking CSIC 3 and expectations. goals. Received information concerning reasonable accommodations, Increasing Increase knowledge ADA regulations, ADA Professional CIL- of ADA regulations and requirements Compliance Development CSIC 1 and requirements. under the law. Received update from Options Counselor and 211 To bring community Advisory council as Increasing partners together to to what kind of calls Access to increase timely they are receiving Community Collaborating and CIL- services by removing and what the need is Programs Networking CSIC 2 community barriers in the community. Connected with several community advocates who work in healthcare and mental health. Was invited to offer Increasing community Access to Attend Aspen Pointe organizing training to Appropriate Collaborating and CIL- Mental Health mental health Health Care Networking CSIC 2 Luncheon advocacy group. Judy's found that the majority of the records that she Review results of reviewed are consumer service accurate with good record audits notes with a few Professional CIL- performed by Judy minor corrections Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 Neal needed. </p><p>105 </p><p>Obtain information Obtained information on current trends in on current trends in nonprofit board and nonprofit staff leadership; organization Professional CIL- fundraising/develop governance and Education Development CSIC 8 ment. board leadership. Heard Commissioners Lathen's thoughts on the issues surrounding transportation and her goals to create at regional Increasing transportation district Accessibility that would better to Meet with serve the transit Transportatio Community and CIL- Commissioner Amy needs of the n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Lathen community 1) Discussed the 1) Engage the need for ARC to national American integrate ADA Red Cross Chief compliance language Emergency Technical CIL- Operations Officer into shelter Management Assistance CSIC 1 on accessible shelters identification criteria. Left a message with another worker. Will to connect with a hair call tomorrow and try cutter willing to to connect. Will pass Employment CIL- donate haircuts to card to employment Information Outreach Efforts CSIC 0.15 non-profits for free. department. A consumer of the IC had given us about 8 men's suits. I knew about an event happening at ESM. After discussing with ESM was called and colleagues, we asked that we donate Outreach Collaborating and CIL- decided to share the the suits and thanked Related Needs Networking CSIC 0.15 suits with this event. us for contribution. To learn more about Met with an the history and Independent Living services provided by Specialist Kyle from Outreach Collaborating and CIL- another Center For Atlantis and received Related Needs Networking CSIC 2 Independent Living a tour and was </p><p>106 </p><p> in Colorado. presented the history and movement of events for people with disabilities. Show support to Deaf Community and confirm that the services would provide accessible Outreach CIL- services to the deaf Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 3 community. Increasing Received information Accessibility Meet with on the Stormwater to Stormwater initiative and how it Transportatio Community and CIL- Campaign ties to and relates to n Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 representatives transit. 5 members and allies of the Community Transit Coalition Increasing Promote the "transit spoke; Accessibility matters" rally and Councilmembers to show support for were recognized for Transportatio Community and CIL- Mayor Bach's budget showing support for n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 allotment for transit. transit advocacy. Megan received a tour of the center, had lunch with IL To educate JBC staff staff to learn what about Independent they do and what Living Centers, the their struggles are work and impact they met with Dixie and have and share some Patricia to learn more Community and CIL- of the struggles about IL struggles all Education Systems Advocacy CSIC 5 centers face. centers have Increasing Opportunities Gained commitment for Establish from Duane to help Affordable, relationship, learn set up focus groups Accessible CIL- about Crawford for veterans and/or housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 House. providers. Increasing Identified agenda ADA Collaborating and CIL- Prepare for follow up items and points for Compliance Networking CSIC 2 meeting with county. further research. Staff Training Professional CIL- 1 Ways to save money Attendees learned a </p><p>107 </p><p>Development CSIC on a food budget by wealth of the use of various information on types of coupons that coupons, websites, are available. and other information about how to save money on food and other areas of your budget as well. The information learned will be a great enhancement to learning how to eat with diabetes, if we get this grant. Catch up, provide Increasing updates on housing Opportunities work, ask for advice for about involving Affordable, providers and Accessible Professional CIL- planning the housing Units Development CSIC 2 community forum. Met with Lisa Pickruhn Property Manager of Silvercrest and Increasing received a tour of the Opportunities Learn more about the property and as well for Salvation Army's as information of the Affordable, affordable Senior services and Accessible Collaborating and CIL- Housing amenities available housing Units Networking CSIC 1 opportunities. for seniors. Increasing Decide on group Decided on group ADA Collaborating and CIL- vision, goals, and vision, goals, tasks Compliance Networking CSIC 4 tasks. and timeline. Professional CIL- Staff Training Development CSIC 1 Processed good Develop more feedback for group cohesion between dynamics and Increasing Dave and Sharon procedures, came to ADA Collaborating and CIL- about group goals agreement about Compliance Networking CSIC 3 and expectations. goals. Outreach Outreach Efforts CIL- 1 Outreach efforts to Talked with residents </p><p>108 </p><p>Related Needs CSIC individuals 55 and 55 and over in over in the Calhan community about community OIB program. Scheduled individual appts. for possible OIB consumers in area. Give Judy a tour of the IC and find ways to plug her into volunteer work/employment (Mary from Partners She is going to get Outreach CIL- in Housing referred involved with peer Related Needs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 her to me) support. 1) Ensure PWDs and vulnerable populations where 1) Engaged industry included during experts on various academic discourse aspects pertaining to pertaining to inclusion planning emergency/disaster and systems management pertaining to PWDs Emergency Community and CIL- discussion and during emergencies Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 50 discovery. and disasters. Made 350 phone calls to registered Increasing voters to educate Access to Community Work GOTV phone about the upcoming Community Education & CIL- bank with Pikes Peak election and remind Programs Public Information CSIC 2 Equality Coalition them to vote. Increasing Identified agenda ADA Collaborating and CIL- Prepare for follow up items and points for Compliance Networking CSIC 2 meeting with county. further research. 1) Provide insight into AFN needs 1) Worked with during a national various SMEs and scenario exercise2) ensured PWD and Advocate the needs others with AFN of PWDs and help where included into others to understand national scenario Emergency Community and CIL- regulatory based plan Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 16 requirements developments. Education Professional CIL- 1 Michelle West Participants learned </p><p>109 </p><p>Development CSIC presented the many more information on ways to save money coupons, websites, while on a budget and other through the use of information about various types of how to save money coupons for food, on groceries, dinning travel and out and traveling. entertainment. Learned how to "stack" coupons for a single item. Familiarization of ADA - Fair Housing Act - Titles I through IV. Q&A. Enhance Information gathered knowledge of issues through pertaining to the presentation/staff ADA in order share input plus relevant with web sites. overall Professional CIL- Consumers/Commun refresher to enhance Education Development CSIC 1.5 ity etc. existing knowledge. 1) Discuss potential transition plan opportunities within Colorado 2) 1) Established Increasing Advocate needs of relations and ADA Collaborating and CIL- AFN populations to discussed potential Compliance Networking CSIC 2 disaster contractors opportunities. Increasing Listened to more of Opportunities her story, talked for about her interest in Affordable, Recruit Jillian to get publically sharing Accessible CIL- involved with her story at the housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 1 Housing Advocacy. community forum. Awareness by Acute Care Quality community of need Establishing 2015 to address LTSS Committee operating quality issues and to objectives, including included consumers, awareness of LTSS stakeholders (even if Increasing Consumer Quality they lack technical Access to Advisory Group survey research Appropriate Community and CIL- formation, skills. They can be Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 objectives. training! Increasing the Professional CIL- 8 How to integrate Good information </p><p>110 </p><p>Availability/A Development CSIC smart technology was provided. ccess to into Special Needs Assistive and Education. Technology Made a plan for the Increasing forum and developed Opportunities trust between Pauline for Identify desired and Katherine - they Affordable, outcomes for housing both have a desire to Accessible Collaborating and CIL- program and make a work long with me housing Units Networking CSIC 2 plan for the program. on housing. Increasing Opportunities for Learn about CoC and Voted to approve Affordable, represent the charter and Accessible CIL- Independence governing board. housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 Center. Made 3 contacts. Work group role play with paper version of Intake Screen to Numerous minor obtain feedback revisions made to about flow of the tool Intake tool, flow Increasing and obtain feedback improvements with Access to about the paper HCBS Consulting Appropriate Community and CIL- versions of the team and HCPF Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 4 modules. team. 1) 1) Engage city EOC Advocated/Highlight staff about ed the need contracts considerations for for alternative PWDs and AFN transportation during Emergency Community and CIL- during a localized a community wide Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 EF1-5 tornado incident. 1) Engage American 1) Established Red Cross formalizing Emergency Community and CIL- Accessible Sheltering relationship and way Management Systems Advocacy CSIC 1 Partners ahead. Presentation by Agreement to meet to Chief Medical understand the Officer of CMS unique LTSS Increasing Region 9 on Federal population needs for Access to Govt. movement data on medical Appropriate Community and CIL- away from volume to treatments, shortfalls, Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 value-based accessibility </p><p>111 </p><p> purchasing. I gave problems, utilization example of work in patters of those C/S on LTSS managed by LTSS population. providers vs. not. Community Worked on the ASL Education & CIL- Work on some ASL Presentation with Education Public Information CSIC 2 with Dove Dove Company needs support in order to be To support DVR able to place other Employment Collaborating and CIL- Vender site with consumers on this Information Networking CSIC 2.5 employee job site Increasing Shared about ACT's ADA Collaborating and CIL- Catch up and give progress with the Compliance Networking CSIC 1 ACT updates county Professional CIL- hr paper work Staff Training Development CSIC 1.5 orientation with hr complete I, Nikki, Janet and Dixe met with Jane and Patty from the Mile High Independence Center in Denver to support It was a great them with their networking understanding of, opportunity, plus we navigation of & shared understanding Collaborating and CIL- otherwise utilization of and expertise with Staff Training Networking CSIC 3 of the CIL Suite. the CIL Suite. Professional CIL- Staff Training Development CSIC 4 new hire orientation went over procedures Presentation of Rocky Mountain's Learned about the new "BrainCare" vast array of program including individualized and and all their supports specialized (day and & services offered residential) services for people who have available for people Professional CIL- experienced a brain who have acquired a Staff Training Development CSIC 1 injury. brain injury. Increasing Increased knowledge Access to To increase of Brain Care and Community Professional CIL- knowledge about what they have to Programs Development CSIC 1 Brian Care offer </p><p>112 </p><p>Increasing Prepare for roll along ADA Collaborating and CIL- tour with Gazette Planned out stops Compliance Networking CSIC 1 reporter. and route Learned about BrainCare and their services and how can To learn about the The IC and Professional CIL- Brain Care program BrainCare can work Staff Training Development CSIC 1 and their services together Learn more about brain injuries and Professional CIL- how to be Staff Training Development CSIC 1 independent. Presented to the ARC advocacy group about transit and how they could get more involved with Increasing advocacy. Invited Accessibility their members to join to Present to ARC us and educated Transportatio Community and CIL- advocacy group re: about the benefits of n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 transit. transit. Learned about Learn about services services offered by offered by RMHCS - RMHCS - Brain Care Professional CIL- Brain Care for people for people with brain Staff Training Development CSIC 1 with brain injuries. injuries. Professional CIL- To learn more about Staff Training Development CSIC 1 brain injuries Learned about the To gain knowledge services BrainCare Professional CIL- about BrainCare and offers on their Staff Training Development CSIC 1 their services. continuum of care. Determined timeline for fundraising Increasing Meet with CTC efforts, discussed Accessibility regarding upcoming needs for ballot to ballot initiative and initiative, determined Transportatio Community and CIL- plans for fundraising continued focus on n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 efforts. community outreach. Increasing Community Testified that we Access to Education & CIL- provide direct Community Public Information CSIC 8 services to Deaf and </p><p>113 </p><p>Programs Hard of Hearing community. There is a demand of the following type of services within the state of Colorado as we work with CCDHH. Understanding the Better informed services offered about various aspects through the Brain of brain injury and Injury Waiver as services available to implemented by move forward as a Professional CIL- Rocky Mtn. Health person who has Staff Training Development CSIC 1 Services. received a TBI. The staff from the BrainCare organization presented their information regarding what is available for people who have experienced brain We will know how trauma or brain and why to refer Professional CIL- injury. We learned people to this Staff Training Development CSIC 1 about variety of care. organization. Increasing Access to Do GOTV Postcard Completed writing Community CIL- writing with 500 GOTV postcards Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 volunteers. for the community. Spoke in front of the PPRTA CAC Increasing Speak in front of regarding transit Accessibility PPRTA CAC maintenance of effort to regarding transit and the need to Transportatio Community and CIL- Maitnenance of increase transit n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 Effort. funding. Learned about Learn about services services offered by offered by RMHCS - RMHCS - Brain Care Professional CIL- Brain Care for people for people with brain Staff Training Development CSIC 1 with brain injuries. injuries. Staff Training Professional CIL- 1 Brain care learn about brain care </p><p>114 </p><p>Development CSIC presemtation Presentation of Rocky Mountain's Learned about the new "BrainCare" vast array of program including individualized and and all their supports specialized (day and & services offered residential) services for people who have available for people Professional CIL- experienced a brain who have acquired a Staff Training Development CSIC 1 injury. brain injury. Increasing I met Princella at the Opportunities Midwest training and Learned about some for wanted to learn some of her campaigns - Affordable, best practices in will connect with Accessible Collaborating and CIL- housing organizing some of her staff housing Units Networking CSIC 1 from her. people. Partnered with NAMI to offer a presentation to Colorado Springs School students who Increasing wanted to learn about Engaged 25-30 Opportunities homelessness and students. The for mental illness - raise teachers also Affordable, Community awareness about expressed interest in Accessible Education & CIL- housing advocacy taking students to the housing Units Public Information CSIC 3 efforts at the IC. IC in the future. Increasing Access to Community Collaborating and CIL- Programs Networking CSIC 0 Professional CIL- Staff Training Development CSIC 3 new hire orientation went over procedures Skype Meeting with Met and discussed community our current working organizers nationally initiatives and to discuss possible potential partnerships partnerships and in the future with Outreach Community and CIL- working together on community Related Needs Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 common goals. organizing. Presentation of Learned about the Rocky Mountain's vast array of Professional CIL- new "BrainCare" individualized and Staff Training Development CSIC 1 program including specialized (day and </p><p>115 </p><p> and all their supports residential) services & services offered available for people for people who have who have acquired a experienced a brain brain injury. injury. Increasing Accessibility to Transportatio CIL- n Outreach Efforts CSIC 0 Increasing To support CCDHH Access to Community to achieve their goal Community Education & CIL- of sunset review for Continue advocacy Programs Public Information CSIC 4.5 the next 9 years. efforts Professional CIL- Staff Training Development CSIC 4 new hire orientation cil suite Development of 2nd quarter 2015 goals Professional CIL- and long term Education Development CSIC 6 objectives. Increasing Opportunities for Affordable, Accessible CIL- housing Units Outreach Efforts CSIC 0 Increasing Access to Write GOTV Wrote 400 GOTV Community CIL- postcards to remind postcards to remind Programs Outreach Efforts CSIC 2 people to vote. people to vote. During this meeting we will review and obtain feedback about the paper versions of the Increasing Employment and Role play on content Access to Self-direction and flow of draft Community Community and CIL- modules for use by Employment and Programs Systems Advocacy CSIC 3 SEPs/CCBs. Self-direction tool. Increasing Meet with ED of Accessibility COPIRG to discuss Gathered information to potential ballot issue related to a ballot Transportatio Community and CIL- and raise awareness initiative regarding n Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 of transit needs. transit. </p><p>116 </p><p>Agenda to be Increasing established and Access to Community review of data Community Education & CIL- collection within all Programs Public Information CSIC 1 the centers. Increasing Access to Community Collaborating and CIL- Programs Networking CSIC 0 Increasing Community ADA Education & CIL- Compliance Public Information CSIC 0 Review of HCPF Stated need to follow CMS status of RCOO contract to Implementation implement Progress with Update Medicare/Medicaid to this and other Program (Duals) Duals, and Quality enrollment and Committees on Increasing attribution to Primary program status,, Access to Care Physicians. challanges with Appropriate Community and CIL- Great discussion by community input to Health Care Systems Advocacy CSIC 2 staff, myself. Department Meet to improve Access to positive influences in Groups met and Social/Recreat CIL- Youth Lives through discussed ideas and ional Collaborating and NWC lowered drug and concerns in Opportunities Networking CI 3 alcohol dependence community Met with Lion's CLub to request home mod funds and Access to to work as partners Social/Recreat CIL- for home mod repairs ional NWC with labor through Partnerships created. Opportunities Outreach Efforts CI 2 Lion's Club. Funds not secured. Access to Social/Recreat CIL- ional Collaborating and NWC Attended ISST Opportunities Networking CI 3 Attend ISST meeting meeting Increasing Opportunities for CIL- Discuss next steps to Discussed next steps Affordable, Collaborating and NWC take to increase to take to increase Accessible Networking CI 3 accessibility in Craig accessibility in Craig </p><p>117 </p><p> housing Units To gather and facility all agencies involved Networking with all Community CIL- in the heath and agencies and Access to Education & NWC safety of our community Benefits Public Information CI 8 community. members. Families will learn Parents of youth with the timelines disabilities will be necessary to gain invited to participate access to supportive in a networking event services in school, Feb 11th, 4:30pm to new agencies 6:30pm. The goal is (NWCCI) and how to Access to to introduce what take advantage of Social/Recreat Community CIL- Youth in Transition these services that ional Education & NWC will be to support GC assist their child to Opportunities Public Information CI 3 families. transition. Connect with Special Connected with Education Special Education Increasing department and department and Accessibility youth about starting youth about starting to CIL- work on transition work on transition Transportatio Collaborating and NWC planning in high planning in high n Networking CI 3 school school Access to Social/Recreat CIL- Attended IEP ional Collaborating and NWC Attend IEP meeting meeting for Opportunities Networking CI 5 for consumer consumer Increasing Accessibility to CIL- Take Haven residents Transportatio NWC to Craig for lunch Went to lunch and n Outreach Efforts CI 4 and shopping. shopping.l Increasing Access to CIL- Appropriate Community and NWC Health Care Systems Advocacy CI 1 Access to Social/Recreat CIL- Attended IEP ional Collaborating and NWC Attend IEP meeting meeting for Opportunities Networking CI 1 for consumer consumer Increasing CIL- Attend Health Equity Attended Health Access to Collaborating and NWC Meeting run by the Equity Meeting run Appropriate Networking CI 2 VNA by the VNA </p><p>118 </p><p>Health Care Increasing Access to CIL- Attend the ISST Attended the ISST Appropriate Collaborating and NWC strategic planning strategic planning Health Care Networking CI 4 meeting meeting Increasing Opportunities Attend meetings with Attended meetings for students at Soroco with students at Affordable, CIL- High School and Soroco High School Accessible Collaborating and NWC discuss transition and discussed housing Units Networking CI 2.5 planning transition planning Increasing Accessibility to CIL- take Haven residents Transportatio NWC to Sunset Meadows n Outreach Efforts CI 3 for potluck. went to potluck. Access to Transportation of Social/Recreat CIL- Haven residents to ional NWC Big House Burgers Opportunities Outreach Efforts CI 3 for lunch. CIL- Access to Technical NWC Attend SOAR Attended SOAR Benefits Assistance CI 8 training training Access to Volunteered with Social/Recreat CIL- students at RRR to ional NWC outreach and fund- Opportunities Outreach Efforts CI 5 raise for RCYSC. complete Increasing Meet with Have scheduled a Accessibility Community leaders meeting on 10/28 for to Community CIL- in Hayden to discuss leaders to meet and Transportatio Education & NWC needs in trail and discuss how to n Public Information CI 3 road modifications approach the needs Attended Attend coordination coordination meeting meeting with Yampa with Yampa Valley Valley Autism and Autism and Horizons Horizons to identify to identify everyone's Increasing everyone's role in role in getting Access to CIL- getting supports and supports and services Appropriate Collaborating and NWC services in place for in place for Jack and Health Care Networking CI 2 Jack and his family his family Access to Collaborating and CIL- Meet with DVR and I met with DVR and Social/Recreat Networking NWC 3 potential consumer to a potential consumer </p><p>119 </p><p> ional CI discuss setting up to discuss setting up Opportunities personal adjustment personal adjustment training training Increasing the Availability/A ccess to CIL- Attended Assistive Community and NWC Attend Accessibility Accessibility Technology Systems Advocacy CI 2 Meeting in Craig Meeting in Craig Increasing Access to CIL- Appropriate Collaborating and NWC Attend the ISST Attended the ISST Health Care Networking CI 2 Meeting Meeting Attend IEP for Attended IEP for consumer who is consumer who is Increasing transitioning from transitioning from Accessibility high school to high school to to CIL- provide updates on provide updates on Transportatio Collaborating and NWC work done and work work done and work n Networking CI 6 planned. planned. IOG met to talk about the strategic plan for IOG. Rep Access to from Denver was Social/Recreat CIL- there to talk about ional Collaborating and NWC planning and moving Opportunities Networking CI 2.5 forward. Tasks accomplished To better involve consumers, and activity group/community group was started by Carlos in partnership with Avalanche Access to Physical Therapy Social/Recreat Community CIL- that will meet once a ional Education & NWC month, specifically Opportunities Public Information CI 0 TBI survivors. Increasing Accessibility to CIL- Transportatio Community and NWC n Systems Advocacy CI 2 Increasing the Community CIL- To present low vision Presented how to use Availability/A Education & NWC 4 technology and how low vision </p><p>120 </p><p> ccess to Public Information CI to use it. Also to technology and how Assistive connect people with to pursue getting a Technology Erin from AAA magnifier for people about getting interested in one. equipment Collaboration meeting between youth serving Access to agencies in Routt Social/Recreat CIL- County to enhance ional Collaborating and NWC the lives of youth in Opportunities Networking CI 3 the area Increasing Provided Accessibility transportation to to CIL- Haven residents to Transportatio NWC Craig for lunch and n Outreach Efforts CI 4 shopping. Went to Craig. CIL- Access to Technical NWC Attend SOAR Attend SOAR Benefits Assistance CI 8 Training Training Network with Networked with community community businesses to businesses to Access to promote youth in promote youth in Social/Recreat CIL- transition volunteer transition volunteer ional NWC and employment and employment Opportunities Outreach Efforts CI 2 needs needs Meet with Kia and Access to her client at Met with Kia and her Social/Recreat Community CIL- Mindsprings to client at Mindsprings ional Education & NWC discuss options for a to discuss options for Opportunities Public Information CI 2 service dog a service dog Attended ISST Attend ISST meeting meeting and assisted Increasing to assist with with planning for Access to CIL- planning for family family to attend Appropriate Collaborating and NWC to attend Children's Children's Hospital Health Care Networking CI 2 Hospital in Denver in Denver Increasing Opportunities for Affordable, CIL- Meet to discuss plans Met to discuss plans Accessible Collaborating and NWC for accessibility for accessibility housing Units Networking CI 2 event event </p><p>121 </p><p>Increasing Access to CIL- Appropriate Community and NWC Health Care Systems Advocacy CI 1 Increasing Access to CIL- Appropriate Community and NWC Health Care Systems Advocacy CI 7 Assist with and assisted with and Increasing attend Brain Injury attended Brain Injury Access to Community CIL- conference as local conference as the Appropriate Education & NWC brain injury support local brain injury Health Care Public Information CI 7 group support group Had a booth at back to school night to outreach and advertise services Access to through NWCCI. Social/Recreat CIL- ALso met with sped ional NWC staff for school year Opportunities Outreach Efforts CI 3 referrals. Tasks completed Increasing Access to CIL- Appropriate Collaborating and NWC Attended ISST Health Care Networking CI 2 Attend ISST meeting meeting Meet with Donna Met with Donna Access to Weinman and a Weinman and a Social/Recreat CIL- student to start student to start ional Collaborating and NWC discussion on youth discussion on youth Opportunities Networking CI 2.5 transition for him transition for him Increasing Access to CIL- Appropriate Community and NWC Health Care Systems Advocacy CI 5 Attend the DVR Attended the DVR Community CIL- round table training round table training Access to Education & NWC for the changes to for the changes to Benefits Public Information CI 8 DVR DVR Increasing Go around Craig went around Craig Opportunities with Freedom from with Freedom from for Isolation group and Isolation group and Affordable, CIL- talk with businesses talked with Accessible Community and NWC about increasing businesses about housing Units Systems Advocacy CI 7 accessibility increasing </p><p>122 </p><p> accessibility Increasing Access to CIL- Attend the Brain Attended the Brain Appropriate Collaborating and NWC Injury Alliance Injury Alliance Health Care Networking CI 1 Phone conference Phone conference Attend business Attended business Increasing the outreach meeting outreach meeting Availability/A with DVR, Horizons, with DVR, Horizons, ccess to CIL- Workforce, and Workforce, and Assistive Collaborating and NWC Yampa Valley Yampa Valley Technology Networking CI 2 Autism Autism Access to Met to collaborate Social/Recreat CIL- with other agencies Collaboration ional Collaborating and NWC on students referred happened to support Opportunities Networking CI 2 to ISST. the referred student. Attend accessibility Attended Access to meeting at Sunset accessibility meeting Social/Recreat CIL- Meadows to plan at Sunset Meadows ional Collaborating and NWC upcoming event in to plan upcoming Opportunities Networking CI 2.5 Craig event in Craig. Access to Social/Recreat CIL- ional Collaborating and NWC Attend Horizons Attended Horizons Opportunities Networking CI 2 luncheon luncheon Access to Social/Recreat CIL- Transported Haven ional NWC residents to Sunset Opportunities Outreach Efforts CI 3 Meadows for lunch. Attend youth Attended youth transition meeting to transition meeting Access to discuss building a and discussed Social/Recreat CIL- youth transition building a youth ional Collaborating and NWC program in Routt transition program in Opportunities Networking CI 2 County Routt County Increasing Accessibility to CIL- Transportatio Community and NWC n Systems Advocacy CI 2 Increasing Attend Area Agency Attended Area Access to CIL- on Aging meeting to Agency on Aging Appropriate Collaborating and NWC provide input about meeting and Health Care Networking CI 1.5 needs in the area. provided input about </p><p>123 </p><p> needs in the area. Presentations about Assistive Community CIL- general AT & AT La Plata County Technology Education SWCI 75 Displays Commissioners Towaoc Health Fair Pagosa Springs 9Health Fair Mancos 9Health Fair Dove Creek 9Health Fair Silverton 9Health Fair Bayfield 9Health Fair CIL- Low Vision Durango Lion’s SWCI 50 Presentations Club Durango Low Vision Expo AAA grant to CIL- advertise and provide SWCI 120 Provision of AT equipment Community Community CIL- Training in Specific Medicaid Trusts Services Education SWCI 20 Issues & ABLE Accounts Advance Directives 2x/mo to about 600 people in 5 counties & the Southern Ute and Ute CIL- Mountain Ute SWCI 150 Email newsletter Reservations Adult Protection Teams in Community CIL- Montezuma & La Involvement SWCI 200 Work Groups Plata Counties Emergency Preparedness Teams in Cortez & Durango ADRC </p><p>124 </p><p>Advisory Council (Secretary) Long Term Care Coalition Coalition of Caring Communities Montezuma County Options for Long Term Care ACCIL CCB CIL- Anniversary SWCI 40 Open Houses Celebration SW Colo AHEC Anniversary Celebration San Juan Basin Health Department Regional Housing Alliance CIL- Senator Scott Networking SWCI 15 Coffee Tipton’s Office Workforce Lifeline Evenings Porch AL Training Advantage Comfort Keepers Med Boxes Veterans’ Homestead Project Blueprints of Hope Givin Home Health Volunteers of America CIL- SWCI 20 Linkage Meetings Piñon Project </p><p>125 </p><p>Senior Employment Resources Colorado Fund for People with Disabilities San Juan Basin AAA Meet w/ DVR CIL- and discuss Other Services SWCI Vocational contracting CIL- Circuit Rider Office Outreach SWCI 400 Hours Towaoc Systems Advocacy Ignacio Bayfield Mancos Silverton Allison CIL- Increase capacity to Transition Class SWCI 30 serve Youth office tour Parent Presentation Brainstorm with CCB Vocational Program Transition Class Talent Show SILC Youth Committee CIL- Underserved Deaf & HOH SWCI 250 Populations meeting in Denver AmeriCorps Youth Services Coordinator CIL- Towaoc Health SWCI 220 Booths Fair Pagosa Springs 9Health Fair Mancos 9Health Fair </p><p>126 </p><p>Cortez Transition Fair Dove Creek 9Health Fair Silverton 9Health Fair Bayfield 9Health Fair Veterans Stand Down La Plata County Caregiver Conference Montezuma County Caregiver Conference Pagosa Springs Caregiver Conference CIL- Anschutz Rural SWCI 250 ADA Access Access Grant Durango Accessible Community Team ADA Consults Protest at Durango Post Office CIL- Cortez SWCI 2 Presentations Transition Fair CIL- CDHS SWCI 170 Public Comment Listening Tour SILC HCPF - Jed Ziegenhagen, Office of Community Living No Wrong Door SEP/ADRC CIL- Nursing Homes & meetings to teach SWCI 700 Transition about CCT Provide </p><p>127 </p><p>Ombudsman to 2 SNFs and several AL facilities Meetings with Options Counselors Hosted CCT Regional Meeting Community CIL- Health Care Involvement SWCI 20 Work Groups RCCO CIL- Rivergate Networking SWCI 3 Coffee Pharmacy - Diabetes CIL- Medicaid Systems Advocacy SWCI 50 Improve Access Feedback Forums Community CIL- Durango Housing Involvement SWCI 20 Homelessness Homeless Coalition Affordable CIL- Appropriate Housing Networking SWCI 20 Accessible Housing Breakfasts </p><p>Provide Fair Hearing Officer for CIL- Fair Housing/Section Housing Authority SWCI 20 8 case involving ADA Fair Housing Attorney Art Jacobs Veterans Housing (VASH) Housing CIL- Solutions of the SWCI 2 Coffee Southwest Letter to Editor CIL- Fair Housing/Section re medical marijuana Systems Advocacy SWCI 10 8 & HUD Presentation to City of Durango Administer 130 Housing Choice and Supportive Housing, CIL- 208 and Project Access Other Services SWCI 0 Housing Vouchers Vouchers for CDOH Transportatio Community CIL- 5 Presentations Durango Lion’s </p><p>128 </p><p> n Education SWCI Club La Plata County CIL- Community Durango Transit Systems Advocacy SWCI 70 Involvement celebration La Plata County Fiscal Sustainability Commission Local Transportation Advisory Council </p><p>Item 2 – Description of Community Activities </p><p>For the community activities mentioned above, provide any additional details such as the role of the DSU, SILC, CIL, and/or consumers, names of any partner organizations and further descriptions of the specific activities, services and benefits. </p><p>NWCCI staff members take a lead in implementing the community activities described above, the activities documented above are merely a small portion of the total of the community activities in which NWCCI staff are engaged. Partner organizations include, but are not limited too, the following - Horizons, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Workforce Center, Steamboat Adaptive Recreation and Sports, the Rotary Club of Steamboat Springs, Routt County United Way and Human Resource Coallition, Moffat County United Way and Human Resource Coalition, MindSprings Health, school districts, Yampa Valley Autism Society, Routt County Council on Aging, Alpine Area Agency on Aging, Nothwest Colorado Visiting Nurses Association, City and County governments, etc. The Independence Center in Colorado Springs is fully committed to engaging with the wider community and expresses this through their Community Activities. Their Community Activities align with the Issue Areas and Activity Types of most importance to the work. Thirty Three staff members are engaged in the Community Activity and they have expended approximately 3,844 hours of service while reaching over 35,500 unique or repeat attendees. The data review of our Community Activities indicate that the top four issues areas by number of attendees are Education, Outreach, Access to Community Programs and Housing. A few examples of community activities are around disability etiquette and awareness trainings. We receive numerous requests to present trainings at college classes, Boy Scouts, public school classes, city and county offices and private businesses. The transit organizing group hosted a “Rolling Office Hours” with city Council Members so they could speak directly to transit users and hear needs and concerns from the community. Our Emergency preparedness staff conducted cross disability emergency preparedness training to several groups in the Colorado Springs community as well as Cripple Creek and Calhan. These groups consisted of senior organizations, support groups, low vision groups and HOA communities. Staff also participated with city and county planners to offer feedback from a disability perspective in disaster exercise trainings. In an example of one exercise the community Advisory Group (CAG) met for a collective 8 hours, most of their effort was directed at the Pulpit Rock Evacuation Drill. The city included members of the CAG during exercise </p><p>129 </p><p> design, execution and post exercise assessments. People who use oxygen tanks, wheelchairs, and hard of hearing, deaf, blind, youth and seniors were all included in the actual exercise. These same folks interfaced with first responders and disaster relief organizations ranging from American Red Cross to recovery focused groups. We were successful in signing a formal joint MOU between The Independence Center and the local Red Cross. The MOU highlights how both agencies are excited to work together to conduct accessible disaster sheltering training. We hosted an Emergency Interpreter Workshop where ASL interpreters will be exposed to FEMA/EM basics and additional credentialing. This will help interpreters be prepared for interpreting in emergency situations. The County is partnering with The IC on this project, interpreters from across the state attended the workshop last March. The IC received 2 grants this year; one to produce a sheltering video for agencies such as Red Cross to include information about accessible shelters. This involves visiting Red Cross agencies across Colorado to provide training with the video. The second grant involved purchasing items that individuals with disabilities may need at a shelter site during a disaster. These “kits” are valued at approximately $1300.00 and are being delivered to Red Cross to be used during disasters and also distributed to other disability organizations for use. The kits include items such as a wheelchair, crutches, hearing aid batteries, toilet risers, canes, walkers, transfer board, colored tape for the floor just to mention a few. We conducted extensive focus groups with various disability and senior communities to define the issues and look for coalition members who want to advocate for affordable accessible housing. We had considerable input in the local housing plan and the City which will call for more affordable, accessible housing and increased transit. Our increased advocacy efforts this year landed us in the press either through TV news interviews or in the local newspaper numerous times which helps our advocacy efforts. The attendee and hours spent data by Activity Types reinforce The Independence Center’s emphasis on professional development, community and system advocacy as well as collaboration and networking. </p><p>DRS </p><p>Transportation: -The MAX service has been in operation over a year and has addressed some of the safety issues for low vision/blind consumers such as consistently announcing route stops, boarding and disembarking safety and accessible travel routes to/from bus stops. Attending community forums, city council meetings, DARTAC meetings, etc. to present these concerns were successful. -DRS joined forces with the ARC of Larimer County, the Commission on Disability, people with disabilities and others to request Fort Collins City Council allocate more funds to accelerate retro fitting current bus stops’ accessibility for wheelchair users. With over 330 stops and budgeting only $20K a year, it will take 17 years to complete the project. The protest resulted in the Council adding $275K towards reducing the completion time. Health Care: -Rocky Mountain Health Plans, our area’s RCCO, sought community participation about the Medicaid Accountable Care Collaborative, especially the barriers people with disabilities face getting healthcare. </p><p>130 </p><p>-Our local RCCO, along with CO Cross Disabilities Coalition and DRS held two listening meetings and one town hall meeting with Dead/Hard of Hearing consumers on Medicare/Medicaid regarding the lack of ADA accommodations, particularly interpreters at medical appointments and for treatment, therapy and surgeries. A post card was developed that will be mass produced for consumers to use that will help monitor how deaf people are treated by medical providers. Assistive Technology: -Our Vision Matters After 55 (VMA55) program staff demonstrated adaptive aids to consumers and service providers at three events that showcased ways to improve performing daily living skills independently. Two of them were held in Walden and Wellington, both rural communities in our catchment area. VMA55 was also a recipient of two grants from Larimer County Office on Aging and one from the Alpine Area Agency on Aging to put adaptive equipment into the hands of seniors over 60 in need of equipment but unable to afford them. Housing: -DRS staff participated in the Loveland and Fort Collins Consolidated Plans, the Community Conversation on Homelessness and the Fort Collins Homeless Coalition meetings to ensure that the voices of people with disabilities were heard concerning developing more affordable and accessible housing. -In March 2015, our center established a wait list for people wanting Section 8 housing vouchers that we manage for the Division of Housing. By doing so, vouchers will remain in Larimer County when they are relinquished and reissued to people from our list. Civil Rights: -A staff member attends the City of Fort Collins Commission on Disability meetings to ensure inclusion of people with disabilities in our community. -Two DRS employees attend monthly Larimer County Human Services’ Adult Protection Team meetings to educate, inform and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities who are at-risk of nursing home placement. We are among 25 service providers who attend these meetings. -A staff member attends the City of Loveland’s Disability Advisory Commission meetings to maintain a collaborative working relationship with them, inform members of important issues and work in partnership to resolve them. Inclusion: -The Murphy Center is a day facility for homeless people to access support services and resources. Local agencies have an onsite presence. DRS has been a participant since the agency opened in March 2009. We serve an underserved segment of our target population in a collaborative setting where people can receive help from multiple agencies at one location. -Both Fort Collins and Loveland staff attended the annual Project Homeless Connect events in these communities to help homeless people living with disabilities access services and get the support they needed. -Loveland was severely hit by the September 2013 flood. Today there are still residents who have not recovered from it. Together with United Way of Larimer County and many other agencies, we are providing long term recovery assistance and people with disabilities are rebuilding their lives. Awareness: -In August, DRS participated in Loveland’s Corn Roast Parade carrying banners to increase public awareness of our CIL and its services. Because this year was the 25th anniversary of the ADA, our entry celebrated this historic event and ARC of Larimer County joined us. </p><p>131 </p><p>A consumer’s initial contact with SWCI often begins as a result of immediate need for assistance with the very basic of needs such as shelter, food, or medical care. SWCI staff devotes substantial amount of time assisting these consumers to access the supports and services necessary to meet these immediate needs. It is only after meeting the “hierarchy of needs” that a consumer can really begin to unfold and relax and begin the process of dreaming of possibilities and then working with the ILS to set goals and develop a plan for achieving them. We explain to people that our independent living program has several parts. Very often people come in for the first time needing food, shelter, and medical care. We spend a lot of time helping people get supports and services to meet their immediate needs, and then work on dreaming and goal setting. Some people have open cases and concrete goals where we report progress. Some people participate in projects or support groups. Others participate in community activities and training. SWCI collaborates with a myriad of agencies in our catchment areas. Comprehensive service provision for our consumers is dependent on a strong collaborative process with our community partners. We are involved in several local coalitions developed to address architectural and attitudinal barriers. These groups include, Accessible Communities Team, See it Stop It, Long Term Care Committee to name just a few. The number of collaborations that we participate in is truly endless because comprehensive service to our consumers dictates collaboration. It is as natural as breathing! Agencies partnered with include:  Axis Health Systems - shared clients and referrals  Community Connections - Community collaboration and Referrals  County Human Services – referrals both to and from  Social Security Administration - referrals both to SWCI and from SSI. SWCI is receiving more requests from consumers for benefits assistance and several of our staff have received benefits training.  Division of Vocational Rehabilitation - as noted previously in the report, SWCI is receiving more requests for assistance with employment and employment related tasks i.e. resume writing, interviewing skills etc.  Our work with San Juan Basin Health relates predominately to nursing home transition and brokering of services intended to assist individuals with disabilities in maintaining their desired level of independence.  Women’s Resource Center - referrals and collaboration.  La Plata Family Centers - Shared referrals and collaboration.  Manna Soup Kitchen & Durango Food Bank – Referrals and collaboration  VOA Shelters- Shared referrals and collaboration to address food, clothing and basic need insecurities.  Piñon Project – Referrals & Collaboration </p><p>132 </p><p> We continue to work with Housing Solutions for the Southwest and the Regional Housing Alliance to address the aforementioned abysmal housing crisis that exists for those we serve.  We conduct workshops, consultation, fee for service and advocate with local organizations regarding disability issues and trends. </p><p>We work the closest with Axis Health Systems, Community Connections, Human Services, Social Security, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, San Juan Basin Health Department’s Home & Community-Based Services Medicaid Waiver programs, the Women’s Resource Center, the Family Centers, the soup kitchen and shelters, and Housing Solutions for the Southwest. The list is endless because disability issues are the same issues that affect everyone else. We are involved in several local coalitions developed for specific issues such as the Local Transportation Coordinating Council through Region 9, the homeless Vulnerability Index through the regional Housing Alliance, and Adult Resources for Care and Help. We also do formal and informal workshops, consultation, and advocacy with local organizations on disability issues – Parks & Rec, subsidized housing, AmeriCorps, the judicial system, medical doctors, the schools, senior centers, nursing homes, etc. </p><p>Section B – Working Relationships Among Various Entities </p><p>Describe DSU and SILC activities to maximize the cooperation, coordination, and working relationships among the independent living program, the SILC, and CILs; and the DSU, other state agencies represented on the SILC, other councils that address the needs of specific disability populations and issues, and other public and private entities. Describe the expected or actual outcomes of these activities. </p><p>This year the SILC completed a survey of consumers asking a variety of questions related to their needs and the services they are receiving in their area with their local Center for Independent Living (CIL). This was a concerted effort between the SILC, the DSU, and the CILs. The SILC developed the survey in the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) committee, the DSU had the surveys printed and mailed to the various CILs, the CILs distributed copies to their consumers, had them available on their website, and referred people to the survey online at Survey Monkey. The outcome of this activity provided data for the SPIL committee to utilize in developing the upcoming SPIL and the CILs received data specific to their areas to help them coordinate and target needed services. </p><p>133 </p><p>The SILC supported a Deaf and Hard of Hearing (HOH) CIL providers meeting this year. The group was organized by one of the providers at a CIL and brought together Deaf and HOH providers from CILs across the State of Colorado. The SILC provided the support for interpreters at the meeting and a CIL in the Denver area provided the meeting space. This effort was to coordinate Deaf and HOH services in Colorado and to discuss service delivery in specific areas of the State to share resources and work to outreach to under and unserved areas of the State. The SILC anticipates continuing this support. </p><p>The SILC held Weekly Admin meetings between SILC Coordinator, SILC Chair, DSU IL Program Coordinator, and DSU Unit Manager to plan for the upcoming week and any pending events. The meeting was also to answer questions from both sides and to provide information to enhance the working relationship. </p><p>A SILC member attended site certifications and reviews to learn about operations at the different CILs in the State with the DSU. </p><p>The SILC had presentations from organizations that provide assistance to individuals with disabilities at SILC meetings. This year the SILC reviewed a presentation by Sheila Roberts from SocialServe.com and the ColoradoHousingSearch.com website on how to find open accessible rentals properties in Colorado online. Beth Forbes from the Home Builders Foundation came and presented on their program where they are able to build ramps for homeowners who need the accessibility at no cost. Robin Bauknecht provided a presentation on the ASPIRE grant for Youth which works with students aged 14-16 who are receiving Social Security funds to increase their transition opportunities and decrease their dependence on benefits. </p><p>The SILC has a representative on the Colorado State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) and shares information with the SRC at their meetings on the activities of the SILC and notifies the SILC of the SRC activities. </p><p>134 </p><p>The SILC has a representative on the Peak Parent Council increasing coordination between the two groups. </p><p>The SILC has a representative from the ASPIRE project in Colorado on the Youth Council and a member of the SILC sits on the advisory board of the ASPIRE project increasing coordination between the two groups. </p><p>Guests at SILC included Dixie Herring, the Executive Director of the Colorado Springs Independence Center dba The Independence Center; Elaine DeSmedt, State plan program evaluator for DVR; Sonya Baker and Wanda Baker; Beth Danielson, Executive Director Connections for Independent Living; Ian Engle, Executive Director from North West Colorado Center for Independence; Rob Buzogany, DVR; Aaron Pasterz: IL advisor for Center for People With Disabilities; Cleo Por Cezar Innovage PACE program (501c3); Larry Williams, Executive Director, Center For Disabilities; Joan LaBelle, Center for People With Disabilities; David Robinson Executive Director, Center for People With Disabilities; Karly Lindell Rocky Mountain RCCO; Bodil Holstein from the Durango community; James Jones, South West Center for Independence Board of Directors; Jack Wickam South West Center for Independence Board of Directors; Patricia Ziegler, Assistant Director South West Center for Independence </p><p>135 </p><p>SUBPART V – STATEWIDE INDEPENDENT LIVING COUNCIL (SILC) Section 705 of the Act; 34 CFR 364.21 </p><p>Section A - Composition and Appointment </p><p>Item 1 – Current SILC Composition </p><p>In the chart below, provide the requested information for each SILC member. The category in which the member was appointed can be described, for example, as ex-officio state agency representative, other state agency representative, center representative, person with a disability not employed by a center or state agency, section 121 funded project director, parent of person with a disability, community advocate, other service provider, etc. Include current vacancies, along with the corresponding appointment category for each. Add more rows as necessary. </p><p>Employed by CIL, State Name of SILC Agency or Appointment Voting or Term Start Term End member Neither Category Non-Voting Date Date </p><p>Neither Ind. Voting 4/23/13 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Buna Dahal 10/1/15 </p><p>Neither Ind. Voting 3/6/14 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Mario Rocha 10/1/15 </p><p>Neither Ind. Voting 3/6/14 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Lori Sommers 10/1/15 </p><p>136 </p><p>Employed by CIL, State Name of SILC Agency or Appointment Voting or Term Start Term End member Neither Category Non-Voting Date Date </p><p>Neither Ind. Voting 3/6/14 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Joe Anzures 10/1/16 10/1/16 Neither Ind. Voting 3/6/14 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Jerry Michel 10/1/17 Neither Ind. Voting 10/24/14 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Jason Eaton </p><p>CIL Ind. Voting 10/24/14 10/1/17 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Martha Mason </p><p>CIL Ind. Voting 10/24/14 10/1/16 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Matthew Ruggles </p><p>137 </p><p>Employed by CIL, State Name of SILC Agency or Appointment Voting or Term Start Term End member Neither Category Non-Voting Date Date </p><p>CIL Center Voting 10-24-14 Directors Nancy Jackson Rep 10/1/16 </p><p>Neither Voting 4/2/14 </p><p>Travis Morgan 121 Rep 10/1/17 Member @ Neither large Voting 3/6/14 10/1/16 Jean Hammes Member @ Neither large Voting 10/24/14 10/1/17 Jennifer Silva </p><p>Neither Ind. Voting 4/23/13 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Buna Dahal 10/1/15 </p><p>Neither Ind. Voting 3/6/14 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Mario Rocha 10/1/15 </p><p>Neither Ind. Voting 3/6/14 w/Disability not Employed by State or CIL </p><p>Lori Sommers 10/1/15 </p><p>138 </p><p>Item 2 – SILC Composition Requirements </p><p>Please provide the information requested in the chart below. Include any current vacancies in a particular appointment category. </p><p># of SILC SILC Composition members (A) How many members are on the SILC? 15 (B) How many members of the SILC are individuals with disabilities not employed by a state agency or a center for independent living? 6 (C) How many members of the SILC are voting members? 12 (D) How many of the voting members of the SILC are individuals with disabilities not employed by a state agency or a center for independent living? 7 </p><p>Section B – SILC Membership Qualifications Section 705(b)(4) of the Act; 34 CFR 364.21(c) </p><p>Item 1 – Statewide Representation </p><p>Describe how the SILC is composed of members who provide statewide representation. </p><p>The SILC is comprised of members from across the State of Colorado. 7 members, or 46.67%, are from the Denver Metropolitan area with a population of 2.9 million. 1 is from the mountainous region, or 6.67%. 1 is from the north area of Colorado, or 6.67%. 1 is from the Northeast, 6.67% and 1 is from the Western slope, 6.67%. The remaining 3 members are from the southwest part of the state, 20% of the Council. </p><p>Nine Colorado counties have a population in excess of 250,000 each, while eight Colorado counties have a population of less than 2,500 each. The ten most populous Colorado counties are all located in the Front Range Urban Corridor. </p><p>40% of the Council members identify as coming from a rural area and 60% are from urban areas. </p><p>Item 2 – Broad Range of Individuals with Disabilities from Diverse Backgrounds </p><p>139 </p><p>Describe how the SILC members represent a board range of individuals with disabilities from diverse backgrounds. </p><p>Ten members of the SILC identify as Caucasian, or 66.67%. Three identify as Hispanic at 20% of the Board. One reports being Native American, 6.67% and 1 is Nepalese, 6.67%. According to the 2010 United States Census, Colorado had a population of 5,029,196. Racial composition of the state's population was: </p><p> 81.3% White American (70.0% Non-Hispanic White, 11.3% Hispanic white)  20.7% Hispanic and Latino American (of any race made) heritage  7.2% Some Other Race  4.0% Black or African American  3.4% Multiracial American  2.8% Asian American  1.1% American Indian and Alaska Native  0.1% Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander </p><p>The SILC members have a range of disability types. There is one member who is Blind, one who is Deaf, one who has Muscular Dystrophy, one who has Cerebral Palsy, one who has Anxiety, one who has a Spinal Cord Injury, one who has Paraplegia, and one who has HLA B27 which is an inflammatory illness. </p><p>Item 3 – Knowledgeable about IL </p><p>Describe how SILC members are knowledgeable about centers for independent living and independent living services. </p><p>This year the SILC traveled to cities in areas that had a Center for Independent Living to have their bi-monthly meetings. At the end of each of these meetings the SILC members visited the local CIL. Each meeting a CIL spotlight is done and highlights of the different centers are provided with success stories of their consumers. </p><p>SILC members complete the Smooth as SILC training. This year, ten members completed the training. </p><p>140 </p><p>SILC members are invited to participate on site reviews in an advisory, educational fashion providing them the opportunity to learn about CIL processes, procedures, and services offered. </p><p>There are three members of the SILC working at CILs and they provide information on CIL issues and services. </p><p>141 </p><p>Section C – SILC Staffing and Support </p><p>Item 1 – SILC Staff </p><p>Please provide the name and contact information for the SILC executive director. Indicate the number and titles of any other SILC staff, if applicable. Also indicate whether any SILC staff is also a state agency employee. </p><p>The SILC contracted with an independent contractor through the DSU to have a part time Coordinator. Priscilla Carlson, 1053 W. Century Dr., Unit 208, Louisville, CO 80027, 303-902-5897 </p><p>Item 2 – SILC Support </p><p>Describe the administrative support services provided by the DSU, if any. </p><p>The .5 FTE Independent Living Coordinator provides additional support to the SILC for all aspects that involve state funds. </p><p>Section D – SILC Duties Section 705(c); 34 CFR 364.21(g) </p><p>Item 1 – SILC Duties </p><p>Provide a summary of SILC activities conducted during the reporting year related to the SILC’s duties listed below: </p><p>(A) State Plan Development </p><p>Describe any activities related to the joint development of the state plan. Include any activities in preparation for developing the state plan, such as needs assessments, evaluations of consumer satisfaction, hearings and forums. </p><p>CO SILC completed a survey of CIL consumers this summer to determine the services that are readily accessible to consumers and to uncover un and underserved areas within Colorado. </p><p>142 </p><p>CO SILC worked with other Stage agencies and the mapping project was completed and the website launched at the beginning of the Fiscal Year. The mapping project provides visual data on the number of people in an area or county who have disabilities. </p><p>The CILS provided a report at the SILC meetings regarding activities, success, and difficulties. </p><p>There is an open Public comment every SILC meeting which has been used every meeting by a member of the public. </p><p>(B) Monitor, Review and Evaluate the Implementation of the State Plan </p><p>Describe any activities related to the monitoring, review and evaluation of the implementation of the state plan. </p><p>Monthly the current SPIL is reviewed by the SPIL committee and goals and processes are monitored regularly. The SPIL committee then shares their findings with the SILC at the full meetings. </p><p>(C) Coordination With Other Disability Councils </p><p>Describe the SILC’s coordination of activities with the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) established under section 105, if the state has such a Council, or the commission described in section 101(a)(21)(A), if the state has such a commission, and councils that address the needs of specific disability populations and issues under other Federal law. Please state whether the SILC has at least one representative serving as a member of the SRC and whether the SILC has any members serving on other councils, boards or commissions in the state. </p><p>The SILC has a representative on the SRC who provides information from the SILC to the SRC and from the SRC to the SILC. Nearly all SILC members are active on other boards, councils, and commissions. These are not formal appointments for SILC representation, but offer great information and opportunities for joint activities. These organizations include: Colorado Advisory Council for Persons with Disabilities, National Federation of the Blind, Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, Long Term Care </p><p>143 </p><p>Advisory Committee, Olmstead Housing Coalition, Community Choice Transitions (CO’s Money Follows the Person Grant), Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council, Denver Council on Aging, Project 8 Youth Transition, Pueblo Workforce Board, VSA of Colorado, Littleton Immigrant Integration Initiative, the ARC, the ADA Leadership Network, the Northwest Colorado Council of Governments, Colorado University Center for Excellence on Disability, and the Assistive Technology Coalition. </p><p>(D) Public Meeting Requirements </p><p>Describe how the SILC has ensured that all regularly scheduled meetings and other public hearings and forums hosted by the SILC are open to the public and sufficient advance notice is provided. </p><p>SILC meetings are posted on the website at the beginning of the year. As each meeting comes closer the meetings are posted on Craigslist and on the website. There is an announcements distributed via email two weeks in advance of the meeting to CILs to advertise meetings and share flyers at their Center. </p><p>Item 2 – Other Activities </p><p>Describe any other SILC activities funded by non-Part B funds. </p><p>CO SILC does not receive any Part B funds and was sponsored solely by DVR 110 Innovation and Expansion funds. Therefore, all activities of the CO SILC are completed with non-Part B funds. </p><p>In July the CO SILC attended and had a booth at the 25th Anniversary of the ADA presentation and celebration in Denver. </p><p>CO SILC provided an interpreter for Deaf and HOH providers work group in Denver this year. They are planning on supporting the group by providing an interpreter again in the upcoming Fiscal Year. </p><p>144 </p><p>Section E – Training and Technical Assistance Needs Section 721(b)(3) of the Act </p><p>Please identify the SILC’s training and technical assistance needs. The needs identified in this chart will guide the priorities set by RSA for the training and technical assistance provided to CILs and SILCs. </p><p>Choose up to 10 Priority Needs — Rate items 1-10 with 1 being most Training and Technical Assistance Needs important Advocacy/Leadership Development General Overview 2 Community/Grassroots Organizing 4 Individual Empowerment 5 Systems Advocacy 1 Legislative Process 3 Applicable Laws General overview and promulgation of various disability laws 1 Americans with Disabilities Act 2 Air-Carrier’s Access Act 10 Fair Housing Act 7 Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act 6 Medicaid/Medicare/PAS/waivers/long-term care 5 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended 4 Social Security Act 9 Workforce Investment Act of 1998 3 Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 8 Government Performance Results Act of 1993 11 Assistive Technologies General Overview 1 Data Collecting and Reporting General Overview 1 704 Reports 2 Performance Measures contained in 704 Report 3 Dual Reporting Requirements 5 Case Service Record Documentation 4 </p><p>145 </p><p>Choose up to 10 Priority Needs — Rate items 1-10 with 1 being most Training and Technical Assistance Needs important Disability Awareness and Information Specific Issues 1 Evaluation General Overview 1 CIL Standards and Indicators 5 Community Needs Assessment 4 Consumer Satisfaction Surveys 2 Focus Groups 3 Outcome Measures 6 Financial: Grant Management General Overview 1 Federal Regulations 3 Budgeting 2 Fund Accounting 4 Financial: Resource Development General Overview 1 Diversification of Funding Base 2 Fee-for-Service Approaches 3 For Profit Subsidiaries 6 Fund-Raising Events of Statewide Campaigns 4 Grant Writing 5 Independent Living Philosophy General Overview 1 Innovative Programs Best Practices 1 Specific Examples 2 Management Information Systems Computer Skills 1 Software 2 </p><p>146 </p><p>Choose up to 10 Priority Needs — Rate items 1-10 with 1 being most Training and Technical Assistance Needs important Marketing and Public Relations General Overview 3 Presentation/Workshop Skills 2 Community Awareness 1 Networking Strategies General Overview 4 Electronic 3 Among CILs & SILCs 1 Community Partners 2 Program Planning General Overview of Program Management and Staff Development 1 CIL Executive Directorship Skills Building 9 Conflict Management and Alternative Dispute Resolution 3 First-Line CIL Supervisor Skills Building 8 IL Skills Modules 5 Peer Mentoring 7 Program Design 4 Time Management 6 Team Building 2 Outreach to Unserved/Underserved Populations General Overview 6 Disability 2 Minority 3 Institutionalized Potential Consumers 4 Rural 1 Urban 5 </p><p>147 </p><p>Choose up to 10 Priority Needs — Rate items 1-10 with 1 being most Training and Technical Assistance Needs important SILC Roles/Relationship to CILs General Overview 6 Development of State Plan for Independent Living 1 Implementation (monitor & review) of SPIL 2 Public Meetings 5 Role and Responsibilities of Executive Board 7 Role and Responsibilities of General Members 3 Collaborations with In-State Stakeholders 4 CIL Board of Directors General Overview 1 Roles and Responsibilities 4 Policy Development 3 Recruiting/Increasing Involvement 2 Volunteer Programs General Overview 1 Optional Areas and/or Comments (write-in) </p><p>148 </p><p>SUBPART VI – SPIL COMPARISON AND UPDATES, OTHER ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CHALLENGES OF THE REPORTING YEAR Section 704(m)(4) of the Act; 34 CFR 76.140 </p><p>Section A – Comparison of Reporting Year Activities with the SPIL </p><p>Item 1 – Progress in Achieving Objectives and Goals </p><p>Describe progress made in achieving the objectives and goals outlined in the most recently approved SPIL. Discuss goals achieved and/or in progress as well as barriers encountered. </p><p>Goal 1: Identify Disability Population Hubs </p><p>A: Gather information to create an understanding of service areas. YEAR ONE: - status complete </p><p>B: Identify the service needs of underserved populations. YEAR ONE – status completed SILC survey in 2015 </p><p>C: Create a targeted outreach plan. YEAR ONE – status Disability Maps project was completed in 2014. </p><p>Goal 2: Increase Capacity of Center to provide services </p><p>A: Staff Development. The CO SILC had plans to budget for 2 online trainings per center, per year, after consultation with the Administration of Community Living (ACL) it was determined that the role of the SILC is not administrative in nature to the CILs and that the CILs are responsible for their own training. However, the SILC did purchase an ILRU training for all of the ten Centers this year. The SILC had plan to coordinate with the DSU and CILs to host a statewide conference for IL staff, however there was not funding available to complete this task. Additionally what would be provided at the conference and who would bear the costs is unclear. The SILC had plans to determine which of the ILRU training modules will be required for IL staff to complete to meet Title VII qualified staff requirements. This is not an area that the SILC has the authority to operate it. The CILs should be determining ILRU training modules for their staff. The SILC planned to create networking opportunities, including continuation of the SILC IL Staff committee. There is not an IL staff committee on the SILC. The SILC is assisting with coordination across the State with specialty services by providing support for interpreters. The SILC had plans to make available training on: Collaboration techniques for CILs to work with community organizations, and using volunteers in a way that is meaningful to the CIL and </p><p>149 </p><p> the volunteer. After discussion with ACL it was determined that the SILC does not have the authority to provide training to CILs and CIL staff and training requests were referred to ILRU. SILC had an initiative planned to collect information from each center about staff turnover and compare to IL staff listed at the beginning of this SPIL. The collection of data at the beginning of the SPIL did not occur therefore this initiative cannot be completed. It is unclear what the SILC was attempting to discover when the SPIL was created. </p><p>B: Support Resource Development on statewide basis The SILC had an initiative to solicit information from CIL Directors about subscriptions to aid fundraising that can be shared Purchase subscriptions. The CIL directors have an organized coalition that contains all the CILS in Colorado except for two. The CIL directors work well together in the State of Colorado and share resources and information that is appropriate to the setting. The DSU and SILC will explore the opportunity of hiring a VISTA or other service agency staff to work with all Colorado CILs. The DSU and the SILC do not have the authority or funding to hire staff for CILs. C: Explore the use of technology and non-traditional methods for service delivery. The SPIL contains an objective to use 704 reports to determine percentage of consumers served outside of primary CIL office location by the DSU. The DSU only received reports from the Part B Centers. Centers that receive Part C provide their 704 report directly to the Federal government. Any attempt to make assumptions about services based on the 704 would be flawed due to lack of full information. The SPIL contains an objective for the DSU to gather information about current service delivery outside main CIL offices. The IL Program Coordinator has visited all the CILs in the State of Colorado and discussed with them their service delivery models. While many provide services from the main CIL office, they have satellite offices and work diligently to outreach to un and underserved areas of their catchment areas. Each CIL is committed to expanding and providing services to individuals with disabilities in the State of Colorado. Survey consumers staff involved in services outside main office – STATUS COMPLETE. </p><p>D: Develop a team to write an annual report on the progress and accomplishments of the IL Network. The SPIL contains an initiative to develop a team to write an annual report on the progress and accomplishments of the IL Network. The CILs in Colorado are working together to increase communication and coordination between CILs and to develop an IL network in Colorado. There is currently the Association of Colorado Center for Independent Living (ACCIL) which has eight of the ten Centers in the State. The CILs received a large increase in State General Funds this fiscal year and are exploring the option of using some of their funds to develop a Division of Office of Independent Living in State government. </p><p>Goal 3: Increase Involvement of Youth in Independent Living </p><p>A: Educate ourselves about reaching out to youth in meaningful ways. CO SILC has been collaborating with the Colorado ASPIRE program and there are SILC members on Denver Metro Commission for People with Disabilities, Youth Committee. </p><p>150 </p><p>B: Developing Youth leadership. The SILC has a youth serving on the Council and have created a Youth Committee to focus on youth issues and transition. </p><p>C: Involve youth at IL Centers. The Youth Committee was developed and 1 staff member from each CIL is involved to address issues with youth. Each CIL is addressing youth needs that match the needs in their community and </p><p>Item 2 – SPIL Information Updates </p><p>If applicable, describe any changes to the information contained in the SPIL that occurred during the reporting year, including the placement, legal status, membership or autonomy of the SILC; the SILC resource plan, the design of the statewide network of centers; and the DSU administration of the SILS program. </p><p>As the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA) placed a 5% cap on administrative costs for the DSU there was not a way to pay for the salaries of the Independent Living Program Coordinator and the SILC Coordinator. The Administration of Community Living stated they were not enforcing the cap but they could not provide a waiver. The State of Colorado enforced the cap and there had to be new ways to pay salaries found. The IL Program Coordinator salary was transferred to Social Security Cost Reimbursement funds as DVR Basic Support 110 Innovation and Expansion funds cannot be used for any salary unless that person is working directly with DVR consumers in a direct or support fashion. The SILC Coordinator salary is an independent contractor for the SILC and DVR cannot provide funds for that salary for the same reason. In addition, DVR has no additional funds to grant to the SILC as the State of Colorado has applied restrictions on the way that DVR may handle their budget. The SILC had to use their own budgetary funds to cover the salary of the SILC Coordinator from July 1 to September 30 for this Fiscal Year. Funds were also dedicated for the next Fiscal Year of October 1 to December 31, however the Coordinator resigned the end of October. Reviewing the budget for the remaining State Fiscal Year it was determined that the SILC did not have the funds to pay for a Coordinator. The IL Program Coordinator is providing support to the SILC for administrative tasks. </p><p>151 </p><p>The CO SILC learned that their membership was out of compliance with the directives of the Rehab Act. While there was enough members with disabilities there were two who were employed by a CIL that negated the majority of members with a disability who are not employed by a State agency or CIL. The SILC was fully constituted so that meant that 2 people would need to resign to allow for replacement with individuals not employed by a State agency or CIL. After much discussion, it was decided that the two at-large members who did not have disabilities would resign and the 2 who were employed by CILs would move into the at-large positions opening up 2 spots for people with individuals not employed by a State agency or CIL. With the 3 members who terms were expiring that left five vacancies to fill. The membership committee was able to find 5 qualified candidates and the SILC is fully constituted and compliant </p><p>Section B– Significant Activities and Accomplishments </p><p>If applicable, describe any significant activities and accomplishments achieved by the DSU and SILC not included elsewhere in the report, e.g. brief summaries of innovative practices, improved service delivery to consumers, etc. </p><p>Section C – Substantial Challenges </p><p>If applicable, describe any substantial problems encountered by the DSU and SILC, not included elsewhere in this report, and discuss resolutions/attempted resolutions, e.g., difficulty in outreach efforts; disagreements between the SILC and the DSU; complications recruiting SILC members; complications working with other state agencies or organizations within the state. </p><p>The SILC works in competing fiscal years and coordination between the State and Federal Fiscal Years are at times difficult to manage. The budget of the SILC operates on the State Fiscal Year and the SPIL and member terms operate on a Federal Fiscal Year. The officers were elected to a State Fiscal Year but this year the SILC changed the terms to complement the Federal Fiscal year and member terms. </p><p>Section D – Additional Information </p><p>Include any additional information, suggestions, comments or explanations not included elsewhere in the report. </p><p>152 </p><p>SUBPART VII - SIGNATURES </p><p>Please sign and print the names, titles and telephone numbers of the DSU directors(s) and SILC chairperson. </p><p>12/29/2015 </p><p>SIGNATURE OF SILC CHAIRPERSON DATE </p><p>Joe Anzures, SILC Chair </p><p>NAME AND TITLE OF SILC CHAIRPERSON PHONE NUMBER </p><p>SIGNATURE OF DSU DIRECTOR DATE </p><p>Steve Anton, Interim Director Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 303-866-4889 </p><p>NAME AND TITLE OF DSU DIRECTOR PHONE NUMBER </p><p>NA SIGNATURE OF DSU DIRECTOR (Older Blind Program) DATE </p><p>NAME AND TITLE OF DSU DIRECTOR (Older Blind Program) PHONE NUMBER </p><p>153 </p>

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