<p> EUROPEAN UNION GOVERNMENT OF ROMANIA Structural Instruments 2007-2013 </p><p>Sectoral Operational Programme „Increase of Economic Competitiveness” “Investments for Your Future” </p><p>Extreme <a href="/tags/Light/" rel="tag">Light</a> Infrastructure – <a href="/tags/Nuclear_physics/" rel="tag">Nuclear Physics</a> (ELI-NP) Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Nuclear Physics Experiments with High-Power <a href="/tags/Laser/" rel="tag">Lasers</a> and Brilliant Gamma Beams at the ELI-NP Facility Dimiter L. Balabanski </p><p>Reflections on the <a href="/tags/Atomic_nucleus/" rel="tag">Atomic Nucleus</a>, Liverpool, August 28th-30th, 2015 Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics </p><p>Mission: Nuclear Physics studies with high-intensity lasers and brilliant γ beams </p><p>2 28.07.2015 ELI Road Map </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 3/40 W. Sandner, ELI DC Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) </p><p>Gerard Mourou 1985: Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) Strickland, Mourou, Opt. Commun. 56, 219 (1985) </p><p>I – NP </p><p>28.07.2015 4/40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool June 7th, 2013 </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 5 /40 28.07.2015 6 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 7 /40 current view </p><p>Buildings – one contractor, 33000 m2 total </p><p>• Experimental area building </p><p>• Office building </p><p>• Guest house </p><p>• Canteen </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 8 /40 ELI–NP Building Structure </p><p>A – A </p><p> accelerator bays </p><p>E2 E1 E6 </p><p>A <a href="/tags/Laser/" rel="tag">laser</a> basement anti–vibration rooms mounts </p><p>Platform supported on dampers </p><p>Anti–vibration platform </p><p>±1 mm @ < 10 Hz </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool A 9 /40 ELI-NP High Power Laser System (HPLS) based on the OPCPA principle </p><p>28.07.2015 10 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool ELI–NP HPLS </p><p>2 HPLS up to 10 PW – 6 output lines 2 x 0.1 PW at present the most powerful lasers are 1 PW, 2 x 1 PW e.g. CETAL at Magurele (commissioned in 2015) 2 x 10 PW </p><p>Provided by THALES – France and THALES - Romania </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 11 /40 28.07.2015 12 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool Nuclear <a href="/tags/Isomer/" rel="tag">isomer</a> spectroscopy </p><p> experiment of Florin Negoita @ LULI 90Zr(p,n)90Nb </p><p>28.07.2015 13 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool γ-ray spectra </p><p> courtesy Florin Negoita D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 28.07.2015 14 /40 ELI-NP Experiments Areas </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 15 /40 Laser-induced nuclear studies </p><p>A 192 FL + FL → < Z> ≈ Re </p><p>28.07.2015 16 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool E1 Interaction Chamber (under construction) </p><p> Shape: Rectangular Material: aluminium Volume: 3 4 2 (=24)m3 Vacuum: 10-6 mbar (empty chamber) Pump-down to 5x10-6 mbar: 45 min. Multiple flanges and ports Isolation of optical table Removable roof and side flanges </p><p>Focal length for all parabolas: 1500 mm Access on top for target exchange system Internal crane for heavy equipment (mirrors) manipulation Door for access inside through a cleanroom attached to the chamber (not shown) </p><p>In-flight separator for the ELI-NP laser-driven studies </p><p> concept proposed by H. Geissel (GSI/U Giessen) for separation of nuclei of interest from all other accelerated particles and reaction products </p><p>Measuring basic properties of N~126 nuclei: masses lifetimes decay modes 28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 18/40 ELI-NP Gamma Beam System (GBS) </p><p>Strong forward focusing </p><p>1+ cosq E = 2g 2 × L × E g e 2 4g E L 1+ g q + a2 + e L ( e g ) 0 2 1 mc Dq » ; Dn » 50% g g g = 103 → Dq ~ 1 mrad </p><p>1 qg = 0 sinqg =</p><p> ge</p><p>Compton dE / edge </p><p> dN 2 2 Eg » 4ge EL Eg » 2ge EL 2 ~ 4γ ·EL Laser Compton backscattering (LCB) Narrow bandwidth (≤0.3%) gamma-beams up to 19.5 MeV 28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 19 /40 Gamma Beam System – Layout </p><p> e– beam Interaction Point e– beam Interaction Point Photogun dump High Energy dump Low Energy multi-bunch </p><p> g beam g beam e– beam coll&diag coll&diag dump </p><p>Racks Control Racks Room Room Room </p><p>Interaction Laser e– RF LINAC Interaction Laser e– RF LINAC Photo–gun Laser High Energy High Energy Low Energy Low Energy 720 MeV 300 MeV </p><p>Master clock synchronization @ < 0.5 ps High-Energy Stage: γ rays up to 19.5 MeV Low-Energy Stage: γ rays up to 3.5 MeV 28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 20 /40 The <a href="/tags/Electron/" rel="tag">Electron</a> LINAC </p><p>Factory Acceptance Tests – C–Band structure + Modulator </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 21 /40 A r.t. RF linac vs pulsed laser source </p><p>Electron beam parameter at IP Energy (MeV) 180-750 Bunch charge (pC) 25-400 Bunch length (µm) 100-400 </p><p>εn_x,y (mm-mrad) 0.2-0.6 Bunch Energy spread (%) 0.04-0.1 Yb:Yag Low High Energy Focal spot size (µm) 15-30 Collision Laser Energy Interaction # bunches in the train > 31 Interaction Bunch separation (nsec) 16 Pulse energy (J) 0.2 0.5 energy variation along the train 0.1 % Energy jitter shot-to-shot 0.1 % Wavelength (eV) 2.4 2.4 Emittance dilution due to beam < 10% FWHM pulse length (ps) 2-4 2-4 breakup Repetition Rate (Hz) 100 100 Time arrival jitter (psec) < 0.5 2 Pointing jitter (mm) 1 M ≥ 1.2 ≥ 1.2 </p><p>Focal spot size w0 (µm) > 25 25 Bandwidth (rms) 0.05 % 0.05 % Pointing Stability (µrad) 1 1 Sinchronization to an ext. < 1 psec < 1 psec clock Pulse energy stability 1 % 1 % 28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 22 /40 Gamma Beam Collimation </p><p>Main requirements are: Collimation aperture varies from 20 mm to less • Low transmission of gamma <a href="/tags/Photon/" rel="tag">photons</a> than 1 mm, depending on the beam energy (high density and atomic number) • Continuously adjustable aperture (to adjust the energy bandwidth in the entire energy range) <a href="/tags/Tungsten/" rel="tag">Tungsten</a> slits – 20 mm thick • Avoid contamination of the primary beam with production of secondary Low–energy configuration: radiation 12 independent slits with 30o relative angle </p><p>High – energy configuration: 14 independent slits with 25.7o relative angle </p><p>28.07.2015 23 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool INFN Ferrara Photonuclear Reactions </p><p>Separation ~ 8 MeV threshold Absorption g g´ g´ </p><p> A´Y gs AX Nuclear Resonance <a href="/tags/Fluorescence/" rel="tag">Fluorescence</a> (NRF) Photoactivation Photodesintegration (-activation) <a href="/tags/Photofission/" rel="tag">Photofission</a> </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 24 /40 Nuclear Photonics </p><p>Nuclear structure • Modes of excitation below the GDR Impact on <a href="/tags/Nucleosynthesis/" rel="tag">nucleosynthesis</a> • Gamow window for photo–induced reactions in <a href="/tags/Explosive/" rel="tag">explosive</a> stellar events Understanding exotic nuclei • E1 strength will be shifted to lower energies in <a href="/tags/Neutron/" rel="tag">neutron</a> rich system NRF </p><p> g</p><p>28.07.2015 E1 strength distribution 25 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool γ-ray spectroscopy delivery of 4 Tigress-type Clovers and electronics is underway ELIADE array </p><p>28.07.2015 26 /40 Physics above the neutron threshold 3 30 He, 15 LaBr3 , 15 CeBr3, 20 NE213 detectors and electronics • Studies of GDR and PDR decay • Studies of <a href="/tags/Spin_(physics)/" rel="tag">spin</a>-flip M1 resonances • (γ, n) cross section measurements, e.g. p process related measurements: – the 138La(γ,n) 137La reaction, – the 180mTa(γ,n)179Ta reaction. </p><p>Instrumentation: </p><p>(i) LaBr3(Ce) array, (ii) Fast-neutron detector array (iii) NE213 liquid scintillator array conveners: Hiroaki Utsonumiya and Franco Camera 28.07.2015 liaison: Dan FilipescuD.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 27 /40 <a href="/tags/Nuclear_astrophysics/" rel="tag">Nuclear Astrophysics</a> tender for 20 DSSD Si detectors is open • Molecular states and symmetries in light nuclei • The 16O(γ,α)12C reaction • The 24Mg(γ,α)20Ne reaction • The 22Ne(γ,α)18O reaction • The 19F(γ,p)18O reaction • The 21Ne(γ,α)17O reaction Day One experiment: Instrumentation: 7 (i)TheLarge Li- areacosmological Si DSSD array, problem (ii) eTPC (iii)ELIBubble-NP will-chamber be thedetector ideal cite to study the convener: Moshe7Li(γ Gai, α )3H reaction liaison:28.07.2015 Ovidiu TeselianuD.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 28 /40 Photofission tenders for 5 BICs, 8 Si DSSD, THGEM array, electronics and support infrastructure are open or in preparation </p><p>1. Studies in the 2nd and 3rd minimum of the <a href="/tags/Fission_barrier/" rel="tag">fission barrier</a>: transmission resonances 2. Rare fission modes: ternary fission 3. Structure of neutron-rich nuclei: the rare-earth neutron-rich deformed region </p><p>28.07.2015 29 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool Studies of the 2nd and 3rd minimum </p><p> schematical description of the occurrence of transmission resonances P.G. Thirolf et al., EPJ Web of Conferences 38, 08001 (2012) 28.07.2015 30 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool Transitional Resonances: Status </p><p>238U(γ,f) 232Th(γ,f) </p><p>P. A. Dickey, P. Axel, PRL, 35, 501 (1975) </p><p>J. W. Knowles et al, PLB 116, 315 (1982) </p><p> bandwidth R = 12 – 14 keV 232Th(γ,f) </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 31 /40 Transitional Resonances: Current studies </p><p>(γ,f) experiment at HIγS: Csige et al., Phys. Rev. C 87, 044321 (2013) 28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 32/40 ALTO, ARIEL, etc. </p><p>ELI-NP </p><p>Laser Compton back- scattering </p><p>γ–beam spectrum at the IP (without collimator) 11 ~ 10 γ/s </p><p>28.07.2015 33 /40 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool Photofission cross section for 238U Caldwell et al., Phys. Rev. C 21 (1980) 1215 </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 34 /40 Fragment Yields at the IGISOL-4 facility at JYFL </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 35 /40 Location of the IGISOL beam line </p><p>RFQ </p><p> courtesy28.07.2015 Neil Bliss D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 36 ELI-NP Cryogenic Stopping Cell </p><p>50% efficiency, 5 ms extraction time at a rate of ~ 107 ions/s </p><p> technical design at GSI, Darmstadt </p><p>γ beam He gas @ 70 K pressure 300 mb and 10 mb > 100 V/sm DC field RF carpet 28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 37 /40 Next phases of ELI-NP 2018-2020 beyond 2020 </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 38 /40 Human Resources </p><p>Today </p><p>Attracting the best 250 1 Head of Research Activities (5) competencies: Project Phase A Phase B Phase C Phase D Phase E Phase F integration and Technical Staff (18) • public announcements 200 execution setup Technical Staff – Higher education (18) • international recruitment </p><p>• head–hunting for 150 PhD students (50) management positions • junior researchers 100 specializing in a unique and top-level field of research Junior researchers (107) 50 • PhD students will benefit of </p><p> a very high specialization Senior researchers (20) with enormous possibilities 0 1 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018</p><p> http://www.eli-np.ro/jobs.php 28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 39 /40 Summary </p><p>• The laser-driven and gamma-beam science program at ELI-NP address key problems of present-day research. • ELI-NP provides beyond-state-of-the-art gamma beams in terms of intensity, monochromaticity and polarizability, as well as intense laser pulses at much higher frequencies compared to existing facilities, which define experiments that cannot be done anywhere else. • The facility will push ahead laser-driven research and photonuclear physics and their applications. </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 40 /40 Thank you! </p><p>ELI-NP Team, March 5, 2013 </p><p>28.07.2015 D.L. Balabanski, Liverpool 41 </p>
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