2/26/2020 Former San Bernardino County Sheriff Floyd Tidwell dies at age 90 – San Bernardino Sun NEWSCRIME + PUBLIC SAFETY Former San Bernardino County Sheriff Floyd Tidwell dies at age 90 Former San Bernardino County Sheriff Floyd Tidwell, shown in an undated file photo, died Feb. 25, 2020, at age 90. (File photo) By BRIAN ROKOS || [email protected] || TheThe Press-EnterprisePress-Enterprise PUBLISHED: February 25, 2020 at 7:01 p.m. || UPDATED:UPDATED: February 26, 2020 at 8:29 a.m. Floyd Tidwell, who helped modernize the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department as sheriff from 1983 to 1991 and remained involved in the community well after his retirement, died Tuesday, Feb. 25, at age 90. https://www.sbsun.com/2020/02/25/sbs-l-obit-tidwell-0226/ 1/5 2/26/2020 Former San Bernardino County Sheriff Floyd Tidwell dies at age 90 – San Bernardino Sun Tidwell died of natural causes at 2:25 p.m. at St. Bernadine Medical Center in San Bernardino, said Gabriel Morales, a San Bernardino County supervising deputy coroner. The sheriff’s department announced Tidwell’s death in a Twitter message. “It is with deep sadness that we report the death of retired Sheriff Floyd Tidwell. Sheriff Tidwell began his law enforcement career in 1950 and served in various capacities throughout his 40-year career. He leaves behind an incredible legacylegacy andand willwill bebe greatlygreatly missed,”missed,” thethe departmentdepartment postpost said.said. Tidwell’s legacy, however, was tarnished by his 2004 guilty plea to concealing stolen property. Prosecutors said at the time that Tidwell had removed firearms fromfrom evidenceevidence roomsrooms whilewhile hehe waswas sheriffsheriff andand givengiven manymany ofof themthem away.away. Tidwell, the son of a Big Bear cattle rancher, was known for his Old West look by frequentlyfrequently wearingwearing cowboycowboy boots.boots. ButBut hehe broughtbrought thethe departmentdepartment intointo thethe currentcurrent age with a number of improvements, current Sheriff John McMahon said. Tidwell participated in the design and construction of the sheriff’s headquarters on 3rd Street in San Bernardino and the West Valley Detention Center in Rancho Cucamonga. He also led the improvement of the radio system — an important development in a massive county with far-flung population centers — and installedinstalled computerscomputers inin patrolpatrol cars.cars. McMahon said Tuesday that his family knew Tidwell even before McMahon became a deputy in 1985. Tidwell attended the victory party when McMahon won election in 2014 after being appointed by the county Board of Supervisors in 2012. “He was the sheriff at a point when a lot of big things happened in the department, whether it be infrastructure or overall the ability of deputies to communicate and modernize what we do today in law enforcement,” McMahon said in a phone interview. “He was what a lot of people described as larger than life.life. HeHe waswas oneone ofof thethe iconsicons inin ourour department.department. AA genuine,genuine, nicenice person.person. ItIt waswas aa pleasure for me to know him professionally and personally.” After Tidwell retired, he helped bring the dormant sheriff’s rodeo back to life, worked with other community endeavors and appeared in local parades. “He was always trying to give back and do whatever he could to make this a county a better place after retirement,” McMahon said. San Bernardino County Sheriff @sbcountysheriff https://www.sbsun.com/2020/02/25/sbs-l-obit-tidwell-0226/ 2/5 2/26/2020 Former San Bernardino County Sheriff Floyd Tidwell dies at age 90 – San Bernardino Sun ItIt isis withwith deepdeep sadnesssadness thatthat wewe reportreport thethe deathdeath ofof RetiredRetired SheriffSheriff Floyd Tidwell. Sheriff Tidwell began his law enforcement career in 1950 and served in various capacities throughout his 40-year career. He leaves behind an incredible legacy and will be greatly missed. 169 3:42 PM - Feb 25, 2020 ·· Hesperia, CA 29 people are talking about this Tidwell also encountered controversy in retirement, however. Investigators lookinglooking intointo allegationsallegations againstagainst thethe bailbail bondbond businessbusiness ownedowned byby Tidwell’sTidwell’s sonssons foundfound gunsguns atat theirtheir homeshomes thatthat thethe menmen saidsaid werewere givengiven toto themthem byby Tidwell.Tidwell. TheThe investigationinvestigation determineddetermined thatthat TidwellTidwell hadhad helpedhelped himselfhimself toto moremore thanthan 500500 firearmsfirearms thatthat thethe departmentdepartment hadhad booked,booked, storingstoring somesome ofof themthem atat hishis PhelanPhelan home. In 2004, Tidwell pleaded guilty to four felony counts of concealing stolen property. He paid a $10,000 fine and did not serve jail time. Tidwell’s attorney said https://www.sbsun.com/2020/02/25/sbs-l-obit-tidwell-0226/ 3/5 2/26/2020 Former San Bernardino County Sheriff Floyd Tidwell dies at age 90 – San Bernardino Sun The charges were reduced to misdemeanors at sentencing after the judge said Tidwell had sufficiently cooperated with the investigation and had returned some of the weapons. District Attorney Mike Ramos said at the time that he disagreed with the reduction of charges. Funeral services had not been announced as of Tuesday night. 2/26/2020 Retired county Sheriff Floyd Tidwell dies, age 90 - News - vvdailypress.com - Victorville, CA Retired county Sherix Floyd Tidwell dies, age 90 By Rene Ray De La Cruz Staff Writer By Matthew Cabe Staff Writer Posted Feb 25, 2020 at 5:23 PM SAN BERNARDINO — Floyd Tidwell, who spent 40 years with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, served as the county’s sheriff for two terms starting in 1983, and pleaded guilty to concealing stolen firearms in 2004, died Tuesday. He was 90 years old. Sheriff John McMahon’s office announced Tidwell’s death Tuesday in an inter-office memo obtained by the Daily Press. The department also posted about his passing on its Facebook and Twitter pages. “Sheriff Tidwell left behind an incredible legacy and will be greatly missed,” said the memo, which included a pending funeral service at Sunset Hills Memorial Park in Apple Valley. Tidwell, a High Desert resident, announced his retirement in 1989 after years of modernizing the Sheriff’s Department. County residents bemoaned the highly respected lawman’s departure as the end of “the era of the cowboy sheriff,” according to a San Bernardino Sun report from that time. In June 1982, Tidwell, who was then undersheriff and a Colton resident, was first elected Sheriff, beating out rival Charles Callahan by a 25% margin, according to a previous Daily Press report. He was endorsed by outgoing Sheriff Frank Bland during that campaign. https://www.vvdailypress.com/news/20200225/retired-county-sheriff-floyd-tidwell-dies-age-90 1/4 2/26/2020 Retired county Sheriff Floyd Tidwell dies, age 90 - News - vvdailypress.com - Victorville, CA He was re-elected in 1986 in a landslide victory that garnered him 80.5% of the total vote. Tidwell’s opponent, Lawrence Henson, a resident of Hesperia, received 19.4%, the Daily Press reported. Tidwell officially turned in his badge Jan. 7, 1991, the same day Richard Williams was sworn in as his successor. His retirement ended a career that started in 1950 when he became a volunteer deputy sheriff. Two years later, he began his first assignment as a deputy sheriff at the Big Bear Station, according to the department’s memo. A promotion to sergeant came in 1957. Tidwell remained at the Big Bear Station until 1960, when he was promoted to captain and first commander of the Glen Helen Rehabilitation Center. In 1962, he was promoted to area inspector in charge of the desert and mountain stations. Tidwell became the area inspector in charge of the Central Patrol Division, the Special Enforcement Detail, the Plans and Training Division and the Sheriff’s Academy in 1967, according to the memo. In 1973, he was promoted to Sheriff’s executive officer and was placed in command of the Bureau of Administration. He was appointed assistant sheriff in 1979. That was followed by an undersheriff appointment in 1981. During his first term as sheriff, Tidwell led the design and construction of the Sheriff’s Headquarters building and the West Valley Detention Center, which opened shortly after his retirement. In the book, “Images of America: San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department,” author M. David DeSoucy said Tidwell also brought changes to the department, including the motto, “Dedicated to Your Safety.” He also officially changed the title of sheriff’s office to sheriff’ department, created the “Career Criminal Division” and introduced new, blue-striped patrol units. https://www.vvdailypress.com/news/20200225/retired-county-sheriff-floyd-tidwell-dies-age-90 2/4 2/26/2020 Retired county Sheriff Floyd Tidwell dies, age 90 - News - vvdailypress.com - Victorville, CA “He was fond of the color blue and a directive was put out that only he could use blue ink, which became his signature trademark,” DeSoucy wrote. A photo in the book shows Tidwell donating blood while being interviewed by members of the media. As sheriff, he also implemented a new blood donor program that remained active throughout his tenure. During his career, Tidwell also served as the Director of the Office of Public Safety for the County of San Bernardino, the memo said. Tidwell brought mobile data terminals to patrol units along with 800 MHz radios. He was also appointed Sheriff emeritus by the Board of Supervisors upon his retirement, the memo said. In March 2004, the Los Angeles Times reported that the county had launched a probe a year earlier into whether Tidwell illegally gave one of his sons dozens of guns that belonged to the Sheriff’s Department. At the time, David Call, Tidwell’s attorney, acknowledged his client was being investigated, telling the Times that Tidwell was “prepared to meet” any charges brought against him. “They should know that (Tidwell) is a hero to this county; he’s bigger than life ..
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