T•M0MMMM m TBAJDEMARKED BY THE SPORTING LIFE PITS. CO. ENTE&B0 AT PHILA. P.O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTEB VOLUME 25, NO. 20. PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST 10, 1895. PRICE, TEN CENTS. LIFE. is pursuing the proper course. It would Schoenhut, of Ohambersburg, to finish wit the be folly to purchase worn-out "hai*ks.'' season with the Phillies, but it was also de­ Young blood i« what is needed, and must clined. SPORTING LIFE be had if St. Louis is .ambitious £o again la th« Western League, August 8, Detroit beat • see the pennant float from the flagstaff at Indianapolis 6 to 2, Terre Haute beat Grand , A WEEKLY JOURNAL. Rapids 5 to 4 aod Minneapolis beat St. Paul Sportsman's Park. 10 to 2. Devoted to THE IRREPRESSIBLE ARRANGING A The Pittsburg Ciub has signed short stop Stewart, the young man who has been playing BASEBALL, BICYCLING, SHOOT, REPAIRING BREACHES. such a sensational game *or the Franklin Club, FOREIGN TOUR, of the Iron and Qj.1 League. ING, GENERAL SPORTS Three Minor Leagues Mending The Pittsburg Club has offered Kansas City AND PASTIMES. Broken Circuits. ?2000 for pitcher Hastings and catcher Bergen. Now in England Arranging Dates For The players not to be used until after the Special to "Sporting Life:" Western League season closes. Published by Jackson, Mich., Aug. 8. -A meeting of In the New England League, August 8, Fall the Michigan League directors was held an Amateur Base Ball Team Which Rirer beat Augusta 13 to 1, Pawtucket beat THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO, here Monday to fill the vacancy caused by Lewiston 27 to 6, Portland beat Brockton 8 to the withdrawal of the Btttle Creek Club is to Sail on the 10th Inst, For 4 and New Bedford beat Bangor 4 to 3. 34 South Third St., on the 5th inst. It was decided to admit In the Eastern League, August 8, Springfield Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. Jaekson to take Battle Creek's place, and beat Syracuse 11 to 10, Wilkesbarre in 14 in­ to transfer the Battle Creek team here. Merry Old England. nings beat Buffalo 7 to 6, Toronto beat Scraiir The team will be greatly strengthened for ton 11 to 5 and Providence beat Rochester 12 SUBSCRIPTION BATES: the twenty-one games yet to be played. London, Aug. 7. A. W. Lawson, acting to 6. *4.OO on behalf of the Boston Base Ball Club, has In the Pennsylvania League, August 8 Car- One Tear.............................................. Springfield, III., Aug. 8. W. W. Kent, bondale beat Lancaster 4 to 3 and Hazleton ..................... 2.25 made arrangements for a tour of England. Six Months....................... president of the Western Association, said The Boetonians will play their first game beat Allentown 13 to 3. The Allentown team Three Months....................................... 1-25 yesterday that the Jacksonville Club would has been transferred to Reading under Milri- on October 20, at Liverpool. On October Au­ Single Copy........................................... lOc. be transferred to Bloomington, as the club 22 they will play at Derby, on October 23 gan's management, opening with. Carbondale PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. was losing money, owiug to a lack of at Middlesborough, on Oct. 24, at Stockton, gust 10. patronage. Jacob Schaefer, the "little wlzzard" of bil­ Foreign Postage, S1.O4 Extra per Annum. and oa Oot. 26, 27 and 28, they will meet liards, is about again, carrying his broken right three clubs in the Newcastle district. Then arm in splints and a sling. He still suffers a Houston, Tex., Aug. 8. The League of the visitors will play three ,,ames in the great deal of pain, and the physicians will not Those readers of SPORTING LIFE who this city disbanded yesterday, owing to Cleveland district, and afterwards will be able to determine for two weeks just what have not facilities for reaching news- poor patronage. This is the first break this meet the Preston team at that town. From effect the injury will have upon his billiard d^lers should by all means subscribe, season in the Texas League's circuit, and Preston they will come to London, and future. coming so late may cause the breakup of they will go to Paris with an Rowing Association at thus assuring themselves regular and the League. afterwards The Mississippi Valley prompt delivery by mail direct from all-England team. Mr. Lawson is very Hs annual meeting at Harbor Point, Mich., much pleased with the arraagenants he has August 8, elected the following oflScers: Charles this office. made. Mr. Knowles, manager of the Lon­ McQuewan, Grand Rapids, president; William JOHNJARNES' PLANS. don Club, hopes to have Mr. Bayard, the Winand, Chicago, vice president; Charles Catliu, United States Ambassador, and the Lord Chicago, commodore; W. C. Jupp, Detroit, vice INDEX TO CONTENTS. Has Gone Into That Pacific Coast Mayor of London present at the game commodore; D. R. Martin, Pullman, Hi., secre­ here. tary and treasurer. Base Ball News.......... Pages 3 to IS Deal in Earnest. Special to "Sporting Life:" SAN ANTONIO SATISFIED. Shooting News........... Pages 19 to 21 St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 9. Asked to-day if Boston, Aug. S. The story about the Cycling News.............. Pages 22 to 24 he had completed arrangements for taking Bostons going to England after the close a hand in the winter baseball deal on the of the present sea&on turns out to be a The Texas Lieague Proving a Paying bid on +he part of an organization in this Institution This Year. coast, John S. Barnes reached into his in­ "The Boston Amateur Associa­ side pocket and hauled forth a formidable city called San Antonio, Ten., Aug. 4. Editor "Sporting document, saying as he did so: "Here is tion," an organization formed at Young's Life:" Here we are near the beginning of the lease to Central Park, San Francisco." Hotel OH the lOth inst. This association August and no sign of a break in the Texas LATE NEWS BY WIRE. It is hardly likely that John S. will de­ intends to s«nd a team of amateurs abroad Southern League. From last accounts the mand any exorbitant price from the man­ and has taken the name of Boston. League was as solid as in the opening day, agers of the other four teams which will rhe party will consist of the following: and unless all signs fail this will be the first this Pitchers, A. W. Lawson, who is uow in successful base bull season Texas has yet experi­ LEAGUE CLUBS STILL SEEKING TO take part in the tournament, because England, and who will manage the team, enced. All the clubs are drawing well and are evening he closed a deal with Comiskey, and M. E. Paltzer, of New York; catchers, making expenses. Several of the weaker clubs, STRENGTHEN. who wouldn't have closed had any "squeez­ C. Audercon, of Providence, and Pantzer however, have been put to extra expense in ing" process been applied. He has, he says, as change catcher; B. Mark, first base, strengthening their teams. a lease of all the parks in Los Angeles, Harlowe, Most noteworthy of these is the San Antonio and has an option on the ball park at Oak­ Brooklyn; second base. P. R. Club. We have had players from all parts of More Comment Anent the Temple Gup land. He will pick a team from the West­ Brooklyn; third base, S. R. Rothschilds, the country, but they were not fast enough ern and National Leagues and locate in New York; short stop, W. W. Clark, Ayer, for this League, and they had to be let go San Francisco. Comiskey and his team will Mass.; left field, H. L. Gardner, Troy; for better ones. The team has gradually been Question Minor Leagues Repairing locate at Oakland, and Manning very prob­ centre field, W. D. L. James, New Bedford; strengthened, until now It can win a game oc­ ably at Los Angeles. Manning and Barnes right field, T. J. Crowley, of Boston, or casionally, but still at the present writing will confer to-day, and settle their part of Walter Clarkson, of Cambridge; substitute, it is not strong enough to cope with any Circuit Breaks Barnes on That it one way or the other. Barnes is also F. E. Damgett, Boston. team in the League!. negotiating to take two teams to England The party wifl report at the Hotel Rey- Manager Ford has come to terms with second California Winter Trip, Etc. one of white men and the other team n»lds, in this city, to-morrow morning, at baseman Frank Weikart, of the Pennsylvania colored. 10 o'clock, and will leave for Philadelphia League, and he is expected to join the team in the evening by the Fall River line, at any time. We are also weak at third, and whence passage will be taken on an Amer­ a good man for that position is being negotiated TEMPLE CUP ECHOES. ican Liner for Liverpool. The managers with. QUESTIONS ANSWERED. claim to have purchased round-trip tickets Had San Antonio opened the season with a good Opinion Still Divided on Byrne's team, as the other cities, the management L. Kahn, Shreveport, La. B wins. and say they will be gone two months. would have been at least a thousand dollars Stand Ward's Little Bull. The Boston professional club has no idea ahead at this time. Our troubles are apparently Special to "Sporting Life." B. W. S., Indianapolis (1) Professional 9m. of going to England and the matter has about over, at least it is hoped so, and it looka New York, Aug.
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