student bi-weekly the uaker newspaper "OL. 60, NO. 3 SALEM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SALEM, omo FRI., NOV. 15, 1974 Potpourri North Central Evaluation 'What's Bappenin?" of Ohio by Frank Berg Stapleton, Dion Treleven, and Tim by Vic Watterson Tears were flowing from the Cope. yes of many of the senior bands- Leaders Club is holding a bake For those of you who did not sale on November 30 at Perskeys. 1en as they marched in their last notice, there were a few new faces The sale will be held fll'om 10:00- walking around Salem High l'Otball game Friday night. Led 4:00. The gym aides are in the pro­ School's halls and sitting in sev­ y senior drum majOlr Mike Mil­ cess of learning gymnastics so they oan, the band performed Basin can teach them to the gym classes, eral classrooms. These twenty-four 1lreet Blues, a favorite of the sen­ and possibly entertain at an assem­ people were members of the North bly later on in the year. The White >rs. On November 8 parents of Cent\ral Evaluation staff who were Christmas Committee has been assigned to our school last Tues­ alem football players were intro­ hard at work preparing for the day and Wednesday to observe dif­ uced in a p1:e-game show. Basket­ dance. They held a workshop for ferent classes in all departments all season gets under way Nov­ decorations. According to a mem­ and make sure these subjects mber 22. Oooch Hardman will be ber of the committee things are stand up to the North Central Cred- iaking his de'but with the Quakers. starting to fall in place for the POStOrOI Counseling it Standards. If any school does eniOll' letterman playing this year gala event. The juniors are busy not meet with the required re Jeff Foust, Paul Shivers, and thinking of themes for the prom. The following is a schedule when Above is a picture o.f five of the~ standards of the N.C.E., the school ohn "Pinky" Sheets. Expected to "Jailhouse Rock" might be ap you can see a Pastor fotr counsel­ available pastors for counseling. will not be highly recommended. ee considerable actlion are Mike propriate. Just kidding girls. ing. You may see a Pastor during They are (left to right) Charles The school system will be disap­ any of your study hall periods. You Hartzell of the Emmanuel Luth- proved. Four of these evaluators must get a pass from the Pastor eran Church, Father John Zapp of are from the State Dei;>artment, )HS Exchange Students Chosen you would like to Sjpeak with. HOJW­ the St. Paul's Roman Catholic five are from different colleges Approximately three weeks ago, ever, no pass is needed for the last Church, Jack Austin of the First and universities while the rest are :Iaine Eskay, 17, daughter of Mr. half hour which is especially for Christian Chllll'ch, Tom Blank of from area high schools, In charge nd Mrs. Paul Eskay, and Mike Al­ those without an afternoon study the First United Methodist Church, of the North Central Evaluators .son, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. hall. The Pastoral Counseling room and Jim Eldridge of the First Bap- of Ohio is Olyn Boyle, director of llison, were chosen by the Salem is near the main office. The coun­ tist Church. Not pict)ured are Vic Capital Services. hapter of AFS as exchange stu­ seling sessions are every ThUII's­ Jacobs - First United Methodist Every seven years, twenlly-four ent candidates. Theirr names, al­ day 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. Church, Dave Hoag - Episcopal more men and women, chosen ng ·with thousands of others from November 21 - Rev. John Zapp Church, and Fran Henderson - from the committee, will return to ll over the United States, will be December 5 - Rev. Jack Austin First Presbyterian Church. observe our school. ent to New York, where 2,000 ex­ hange students will be picked. After eleven applicants from Sa­ l(ey Club Sponsors Halloween Party ~m were interviewed, an AFS ommittee made up of the parents by "Fly" Leininger, and Doug Holroyd made sponsoring a dance after the bas. f former exchange stJUdents call­ Fun, laughter, excitement, and up the Tarzan family. Flly was ketball game with Chaney. The d some back, questioned them spooky costumes were at the Mem- TaTZan, Pinky was Jane and Jump­ group featured at the dance will irther, talked to their friends and 01rial Building on the 29th of Octo­ ing Doug Holroyd was the monkey. be RUSH. This groUJP is composed elatives, and finally chose Elaine ber. This was done by the Salem Following "Gitarzen" Fly Leining­ of Jim Langley, Tom Carter, Paul nd Mike as the candidates. High Key Club. They had their an er, Doug, and Iron-Man Mike Ar­ Hylton, Al Arens, and Dave Holb. Next spring, Elaine and Mike nual Halloween party for the meni put together another act. This The dance will be from 10:00 until >:ill find out if they have been ac­ under-privileged children. one was "Bridget the Midget." 12:30. Tickets may be purchased epted. If accepted, in a few mon· Over 40 children showed up for As the party came to an end, from any Key Club member for 1s they will learn where they are the party. Games started off the each child was given a trick-or­ $1.50. If you wait until dance time, 01ing and what family they will event as the children dunked for treat bag of candy and a pump­ it will cost you $1. 75~ So buy in ad­ ve with. As a summer exchange apples and broke balloons. Then kin and then they were taken home. vance and save a quarter. tudent, Elaine would like to go as a special treat, four Key Club The Key Club would like tlo thank This year's officers are Paul > a Spanish-speaking country. members put on their own act of the Memorial Building for the use Shivers, President; Doug Holroyd, Iike, a full-year candidate, hopes "Gitarzen." John Pridon was slick­ of the room and th.e super-dynam­ Vice-President; John Pridon, Trea­ > go to a German-speaking coun­ ed up in his Sunday best and did ic girls. The girls always show up surer; Pinky Sheets, Secretiary; :y. the announcing. Pinky Sheets, Fly when they are needed. and Fly Leininger, Se:vgeant-At­ On November 22, Key Club is Arms. Mr. Stirauss is their advisor. Majorettes Busy by Jayne Bozich 3-4:30 p.m. each day after school. Old routfues are taught to the new Around SBS The majorettes finished the fall The senior officers and the White of shaving cream foaming around girls, getting them ready for sum­ ~ason with warm memoi'ies as Christmas club members have on the junior class fately. iey twirled fire to "Scorpio." Ev­ mer camp. Starting the week been busy planning and working hapepned to a group of the junior on the dance for this winter. Do ry night the girls practiced .to­ school is let out, morning practice girls at Riely Field last week? ether with the fire batons for the begins at 8:30-11:30 a.m. every­ you know what tJhe theme is? The nding pe.rforamnce and also with day except Saturdays and Sun­ seniors have been trying to raise ie entire band. Every giril took a days. At the end of June. a four money for the class, one project A lot of the sophomores are fin­ art in making the last show a to five day camp is scheduled was a concession stand at one of ally turning 16 and learning how iccess! for the majorettes to learn all the the football games. The senior to drive - hopefully. Getting up With the season over, each maj­ routines used for football games. band members, majorettes, play­ at .5:30 for drivers ed is no fun, rette must put down her baton They attend S'mith-Walbridge ers, cheerleaders, and the whole ask any upper classman, but it's nd pick up her instrument to Camp at Marietta College, Ohio. senior class were honored at the all really worth it. Buzzing will Lay in the concert band. Soon, This is some pressure! They are last fo glbto mia .et ay Be ayw, h be in store for the new driver-­ ~outs will begin for 1975-76 maj­ in coII11Petlition with other schools last football game. By the way, so BEWARE! The sophomores had rettes ! All girls who will be Soph­ - group and individual success what happened to most of the sen­ a dance after the last football mores, Juniors, or Seniors next in learning these numbers. The iors after the last football game? game. The group was Insanity. ear and have marched a full majorettes buy a record when they ear in the band unit, can par­ go to camp to practice with that The juniors have been having The freshman have finally gotten cipate in the competition. Each contains all the songs to fit their class meetings and working on settled around SHS'. No one really 11e must have ready a routine that routines. The camp supplies. mus­ money making schemes. The prom notices them any more except for ie makes up on her own,· learn a ic fOII' the band and director. When is coming up fast so the juniors the few squashed ones in the halls. >Utine that the Senior majorettes August comes rolling around, the are p,Janning a big meeting to de­ They are doing a good job at the !ach, and must be able to march band works out the music and the cide on the theme and committees pep assemblies and are supporting 1 rhythm.
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