CORPORATE MAGAZINE №4 (31) December 2020 HappY NEW YEAR! DBNP 2020: operation PROFESSIONALS HobbY Year’S WITH ACCURACY THE RESULT IS RECEIVED BY on RESULTS TO ONE METRE THE TEAMWORK thE TOP СONTENT 33 W NE ECO-PROJECTS OF the CPC T HANKS to CPC 34 STRONG heLPING hand 8 38 ON THE ROAD WITH SONGS IN the FIRST PERSON O PERATION M EMORY 1 W NE Year’S greetingS 8 ACCOUNTING AND 42 MAN OF HIS WORD AND FROM the cpc generaL MONITORING ACTION DIRECTOR 10 AT THE MAIN STATION OF THE CENTRAL REGION ThrouGH the lens of historY DBNP: step BY step 14 WITH ACCURACY 44 BLITZKRIEG FOR 2 DBNP 2020: YEAR’S reSULTS TO ONE METRE CAUCASIAN OIL InterVIEW SRE VICE L EIFESTYL 4 REA SON TO BECOME STRONGER 18 CONTROL, MEASUREMENT, 47 -QPOST UARANTINE-2020 AUTOMATION L ABOR manaGEMENT 14 21 RIBP FO beginnerS S AFETY and SECURITY 26 DRILLS WENT WITH FLYING COLOURS 48 PROFESSIONALS TRA VELLING 28 THE RESULT IS RECEIVED BY THE TEAMWORK 48 I LOOK INTO THE BLUE LAKES ELOYCO G HOBBY 32 THREE-WHEELED HELPERS OF OIL PIPELINERS 54 ON THE TOP 1 IN THE FIRST PERSON CORPORATE MAGAZINE «CPC PANORAMA» installation works. In 2023, the pipeline transmission ca- pacity should reach about 80 million tons of oil. In the coming year, the Consortium will start imple- mentation of the three-year production program. This is an important stage in strategic planning, characterized by a new and comprehensive approach to our pipeline sys- DEAR COLLEAGUES, tem reliability. Concerns of expiring year did not limit the implemen- DEAR FRIENDS! tation of our initiatives for social support of the CPC pres- ence territories. In total, the company allocated over half Please accept my sincere and heartfelt congratulations a billion rubles for charitable projects for the regions of on the upcoming year 2021! Russia and about 1.3 billion tenge for Kazakhstan in 2020. The expiring year was uniquely complicated for us, for We focused on supporting the healthcare sector, purchas- Russia, Kazakhstan and the whole world. The Covid-19 ep- ing modern medical equipment, and I am sure, it will help idemic has affected people’s lives, the work of industrial to fight against Covid-19 shedding effectively. enterprises, and the oil transportation industry. Caspian 2021 will be replete with anniversary dates for the Com- Pipeline Consortium has weathered this global storm with pany and new achievements. It will be intense and ardu- honor, which once again proves the team professionalism, ous in terms of meeting current and new challenges. I wish high resilience, richest experience of our specialists and you health and happiness, peace of mind and confidence the ability to respond to any situational challenges flex- in the new year. Remember that together we are a team ibly and rapidly. that can handle any challenge and hardship. In an objectively difficult period for everyone, we have Happy New Year! once again confirmed and enhanced the reputation of the company of strategic importance in Russia, Eurasia and N. N. GORBAN, worldwide. In 2020 the Novorossiysk Marine Terminal GENERAL DIRECTOR, became the leader among Russian ports in terms of the CASPIAN PIPELINE cargo transshipment volume. We rose beyond 700 mil- CONSORTIUM lion tons of oil shipped to tankers since the start of work, the 20th anniversary of which is planned to celebrate in the coming year. The results of the expiring year also in- cluded 20 million hours of work with no incidents with disability for the CPC team and 65 million km of mileage without recorded accidents for the company’s vehicles. Our goals and priorities remained the same. The Debottlenecking Program, which implementation will optimize transportation volumes through the Tengiz — Novorossiysk pipeline, is on track. We managed the design scope in full, received state permits for the modernization of facilities in Russia and Kazakhstan and approval of shareholders for construction and 2 DBNP: STEP BY STEP CORPORATE MAGAZINE «CPC PANORAMA» Nо 4 (31) DECEMBER 2020 D BNP: STEP BY STEP 3 Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Feder- ation, four sanitary-epidemiologi- AUTHOR cal expertise for two projects were IGOR LISIN, passed. The development of the four CPC ’S TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, DBNP MANAGER remaining projects is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. The preparatory work for the ­DBNP implementation is also in full swing. Due to the fact that the existing com- DBNP 2020: YEAR’S RESULTS munications partially pass at the fu- ture DBNP facilities construction site at the Atyrau PS and the Astra- DESPITE THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC khanskaya PS, the necessary mea- AND RELATED RESTRICTIVE MEASURES AROUND sures were taken to ensure 100% readiness for the main construction THE WORLD, THE CASPIAN PIPELINE CONSORTIUM and installation works. A work con- IS IMPLEMENTING THE DEBOTTLENECKING tract for the project “Atyrau PS. Dis- mantling of the diesel fuel pumping Russian Federation and the Republic 3D- MODELING of the PROGRAM IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE station“ was signed in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Contracts for the pro- ASTRAKHANSKAYA PS neW OUTLINED PLAN of Kazakhstan, and a work contract vision of the field engineering super- BUILDINGS for the project “Astrakhanskaya PS. vision services at the DBNP facilities Major overhaul. Changing the rout- were concluded in September 2020. the implementation of work on the ing of existing cables“ was signed In October-November 2020, the ten- modernization of local control sys- in the Russian Federation. Thanks der procedures were completed and tems, fire and gas detection systems, or facilities located in the Construction of 2 Vertical Steel the development of nine of the 13 to the efforts of our colleagues from the approval of the company’s share- for the provision of supervision ser- R epublic of Kazakhstan, all T anks with floating roof with an area projects planned for development the Construction Headquarters of the F projects which were planned of 20,000 m3, PS and related struc- in 2020 has been completed. In the Eastern and Central Regions, the work to develop in 2020 have been tures“ is at the final approval stage course of the approval of these proj- under both contracts has been com- developed in accordance with the time in the comprehensive independent ects, two state expertises (as a result pleted in full, including work that can T ENDER procedures and WERE schedule. Three of four projects have expertise authority of the Republic of which the final positive conclusions be performed only if the oil pipeline passed all the necessary examinations of Kazakhstan and will also be ready of the Glavgosexpertiza of the Russian is stopped. COMPLETED and approVAL from with the receipt of final positive con- for implementation by the construc- Federation were obtained) and sev- The sheduled work on obtaining THE COMPANY’S shareholders clusions and are ready to be imple- tion services contractor after receiv- en examinations of industrial safety building permits was also completed mented by the construction services ing a positive conclusion. of facilities were successfully passed. in full. This year, two key stages signif- TO CONCLUDE contracts for contractor. “CPC Oil Pipeline System. For facilities located on the ter- T wo special technical specifications icant for the DBNP implementation THE IMPLEMENTATION of keY T engiz PS. Project documentation. ritory of the Russian Federation, were developed and approved by the were completed: through the help of our colleagues from the Depart- CONSTRUCTION and installation ment of Government Relations, per- WORKS WITHIN the DBNP frameWORK mits for the construction of the As- trakhanskaya PS and the construction WAS obtained of the LACT at the Marine Terminal Shore Facilities were obtained in time. The Strategy and Planning Group holders for the conclusion of con- vices for installation monitoring and performed a tremendous work in terms tracts for the implementation of key commissioning of the key equipment of timely preparation for the DBNP construction and installation works and other related works and services implementation: during 2020, in addi- within the DBNP framework in the is underway. tion to contracts for preparatory work Russian Federation and the Republic Consequently, summing up the inter- at the Atyrau PS and Astrakhanskaya of Kazakhstan was obtained. Currently, im results of 2020, it is safe to say that PS, the Strategy and Planning Group these contracts are under company’s the DBNP team has passed the pan- held negotiations and concluded internal approval. In addition, the ten- demic test and the challenges associ- contracts for technical moderniza- der procedures for the scope of works ated with it with flying colors. Further tion of the LACT 21-RK-A004 at the for the SCADA system modernization we are awaited by the “blast“ 2021, PS Tengiz (Republic of Kazakhstan), in the Russian Federation and the Re- which means new challenges ahead, and for the design engineering for public of Kazakhstan have been com- which will allow us to express ourselves the design equipment of LCN in the pleted, conclusion of contracts for even better and lead the charge. 4 INTERVIEW CORPORATE MAGAZINE «CPC PANORAMA» Nо 4 (31) DECEMBER 2020 I NTERVIEW 5 Kairgeldy Maksutovich, the Covid-19 I would like to emphasize that dur- and state of health, they were pro- The only obstacle in our team AUTHOR pandemic, unfortunately, has not ing the pandemic, unprecedented vided with everything they needed, work during the pandemic was the in- AIN A ZHETPISBAEVA spared Kazakhstan. Please tell us measures were taken to ensure un- including medicines that we have troduction of restrictive measures how the work with the the Repub- interrupted oil transportation and additionally purchased in Russia. at the Tengiz production field.
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