E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1995 No. 98 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Fowler Kildee Neal Fox Kim Nethercutt called to order by the Speaker pro tem- question is on the Chair's approval of Frank (MA) King Neumann pore [Mr. TORKILDSEN]. the Journal. Franks (CT) Kingston Ney f The question was taken; and the Franks (NJ) Klink Norwood Speaker pro tempore announced that Frelinghuysen Klug Nussle DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Frisa Knollenberg Obey the ayes appeared to have it. Frost Kolbe Olver TEMPORE Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, I object Furse LaHood Ortiz The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- to the vote on the ground that a Gallegly Lantos Orton fore the House the following commu- quorum is not present and make the Ganske Largent Owens Gejdenson Latham Oxley nication from the Speaker: point of order that a quorum is not Gekas LaTourette Packard WASHINGTON, DC, present. Gilchrest Laughlin Pallone June 15, 1995. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- Gilman Lazio Parker I hereby designate the Honorable PETER G. dently a quorum is not present. Gonzalez Lewis (CA) Pastor Goodlatte Lewis (KY) Paxon TORKILDSEN to act as Speaker pro tempore The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Goodling Lightfoot Payne (NJ) on this day. sent Members. Gordon Lincoln Payne (VA) NEWT GINGRICH, Goss Linder Pelosi Speaker of the House of Representatives. The vote was taken by electronic de- vice, and there wereÐyeas 356, nays 49, Graham Lipinski Peterson (FL) f Green Livingston Peterson (MN) answered ``present'' 2, not voting 27, as Greenwood LoBiondo Petri PRAYER follows: Gunderson Lofgren Porter [Roll No. 380] Hall (OH) Longley Portman The Chaplain, Rev. James David Hall (TX) Lowey Poshard Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- YEASÐ356 Hamilton Lucas Pryce er: Ackerman Browder Cunningham Hancock Luther Quillen Help us, O gracious God, to translate Allard Brown (FL) Danner Hansen Manton Quinn Andrews Brown (OH) Davis Hastert Manzullo Radanovich the blessed hopes and dreams that are Archer Brownback de la Garza Hastings (WA) Markey Rahall Your gift to us into our daily lives. Armey Bryant (TN) Deal Hayes Martini Ramstad May we be inspired and encouraged to Bachus Bunn DeLauro Hayworth Mascara Rangel Hefner Matsui Reed live lives that are worthy in Your sight Baesler Bunning DeLay Baker (CA) Burr Dellums Heineman McCarthy Regula and do such good deeds that reflect the Baker (LA) Burton Deutsch Hilleary McCollum Rivers trust we have in Your providence. May Baldacci Buyer Diaz-Balart Hinchey McCrery Roberts the expressions of faith that we profess Ballenger Callahan Dicks Hobson McDade Roemer Barcia Calvert Dingell Hoekstra McDermott Rogers not be limited to the words we say, but Barr Camp Doggett Hoke McHale Rohrabacher may find a living reality in our actions Barrett (NE) Canady Dooley Holden McHugh Ros-Lehtinen and in our deeds, and may the comfort Barrett (WI) Cardin Doolittle Horn McInnis Rose and peace and assurance that Your Bartlett Castle Dornan Hostettler McKeon Roth Barton Chabot Doyle Houghton McNulty Roukema word proclaims be found alive in our Bass Chambliss Dreier Hoyer Meehan Royce hearts and souls. In Your name we Becerra Chenoweth Duncan Hunter Meek Sanders pray. Amen. Beilenson Christensen Dunn Hutchinson Metcalf Sanford Bentsen Chrysler Edwards Hyde Meyers Sawyer f Bereuter Clayton Ehlers Inglis Mica Saxton Berman Clement Ehrlich Istook Miller (FL) Scarborough THE JOURNAL Bevill Clinger Emerson Jackson-Lee Mineta Schaefer Bilbray Coble English Jefferson Minge Schiff The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Bilirakis Coburn Ensign Johnson (CT) Mink Schumer Chair has examined the Journal of the Bishop Collins (GA) Eshoo Johnson (SD) Moakley Scott last day's proceedings and announces Bliley Collins (IL) Evans Johnson, E. B. Molinari Seastrand to the House his approval thereof. Blute Combest Everett Johnston Mollohan Sensenbrenner Boehlert Condit Ewing Jones Montgomery Serrano Pursuant to clause 1 of rule I, the Boehner Conyers Fawell Kanjorski Moorhead Shadegg Journal stands approved. Bonilla Cooley Fields (LA) Kaptur Moran Shaw Ms. DELAURO. Mr. Speaker, pursu- Bonior Cox Flake Kasich Morella Shays ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote Bono Coyne Flanagan Kelly Murtha Shuster Borski Cramer Foley Kennedy (MA) Myers Sisisky on agreeing to the Chair's approval of Boucher Crapo Forbes Kennedy (RI) Myrick Skeen the Journal. Brewster Cremeans Ford Kennelly Nadler Skelton b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H 5985 H 5986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 15, 1995 Smith (MI) Taylor (NC) Wamp just like our country has shown. THE PRESIDENT'S BUDGET- Smith (NJ) Tejeda Ward Hakeem Olajuwon, the most valuable BALANCING PROPOSAL Smith (TX) Thomas Watt (NC) Solomon Thornberry Watts (OK) player in the finals for 2 consecutive (Mr. MINGE asked and was given per- Souder Thurman Weldon (FL) years, was a teammate of Clyde mission to address the House for 1 Spence Tiahrt Weldon (PA) Drexler, and they both played at the Spratt Torkildsen minute and to revise and extend his re- Weller University of Houston during the Stark Torres White marks.) Stearns Torricelli Whitfield 1980's. They can now share the world Stenholm Towns Mr. MINGE. Mr. Speaker, when I Wicker championship. Stokes Traficant first ran for office in 1992, I did so in Williams The Houston Rockets are coached by Studds Upton large part because I was concerned Wilson Rudy Tomjanovich. Their outstanding Stump Velazquez about our growing budget deficit. I am Stupak Visclosky Wolf players include, Robert Horry from Wyden pleased that the debate in the beltway Talent Vucanovich Alabama, Sam Cassell from Baltimore, Tanner Waldholtz Wynn has finally caught up with the demands Kenny Smith, who played college bas- Tate Walker Young (FL) of the people back home. We are now Tauzin Walsh Zeliff ketball at North Carolina, and, again, properly debating how to balance the Clyde Drexler, a Houstonian and grad- NAYSÐ49 budget, not whether we should balance uate of Sterling High School in Hous- Abercrombie Gutknecht Rush the budget. ton, and Hakeem Olajwon, who was Brown (CA) Hastings (FL) Sabo I applaud the President for joining Clay Hefley Schroeder born in Nigeria, joined by our team this historic effort. His proposal this Coleman Hilliard Skaggs owner, Les Alexander, who is actually Costello Jacobs week greatly improves the chances for Slaughter from Florida. DeFazio LaFalce Stockman us to find consensus on a plan to bal- Durbin Levin They have shown each of us what Taylor (MS) ance the budget. Farr Lewis (GA) Thompson hard work and teamwork and pride can Fazio Maloney Vento The Democratic Party cannot expect Filner Martinez do. They also demonstrated that espe- Volkmer to regain the majority if its Members Foglietta McKinney cially immigrants have a great deal to Waters are content to sit on the sidelines and Funderburk Menendez offer to our society. Because, my fellow Waxman Gephardt Miller (CA) Members, as Americans we all come snipe while the Republicans pass a plan Geren Oberstar Wise to put our fiscal house in order. Repub- Woolsey from somewhere but we also are all in Gibbons Pickett licans and Democrats ought to support Gillmor Pomeroy Zimmer this together. the President's decision. Gutierrez Reynolds Our congratulations to the 1995 Hous- The American people want us to put ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð2 ton Rockets, again, back-to-back champions. pretty partisan politics aside and ad- Harman Salmon dress the critical issues that confront NOT VOTINGÐ27 f this country. Bateman Engel Pombo WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT'S NEW Nothing is more of a concern than Bryant (TX) Fattah Richardson our budget deficit. Chapman Fields (TX) Riggs BUDGET? The American people are willing to Clyburn Herger Roybal-Allard (Mr. SCHIFF asked and was given Collins (MI) Johnson, Sam Smith (WA) accept cuts in programs that are im- permission to address the House for 1 Crane Kleczka Thornton portant to them if they are convinced Cubin Leach Tucker minute and to revise and extend his re- that everyone is being asked to sac- Dickey McIntosh Yates marks.) Dixon Mfume Young (AK) rifice for the good of the country. Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I certainly The President put politics aside and b 1023 welcome the fact that the President of did the right and responsible thing. we the United States has joined the Con- So the Journal was approved. need to balance the budget. We need gress in calling for a balanced budget. The result of the vote was announced the President's leadership. We should I have noticed that the media has al- as above recorded. welcome his participation and work to- ready begun a comparison of the Presi- f gether. dent's new budget with the House and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Senate budget resolutions. But there is f a problem. The problem is there is no The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. CLINTON BUDGET NO. 2 TORKILDSEN). Today the Pledge of Alle- new Presidential budget, at least not giance will be led by the gentleman yet. (Mr. JONES asked and was given per- mission to address the House for 1 from Washington [Mr. WHITE]. Now, this is a budget, in fact, this is Mr. WHITE led the Pledge of Alle- the President's budget that the Presi- minute and to revise and extend his re- giance as follows: dent submitted to the Congress in Feb- marks.) Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I am glad I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ruary of this year.
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