PHILIP MORRIS challenges any other brand to suggest this test ttat PWUP MORRIS is ^^^ ^ „„,_ — ^ ....._« PH\UP MORRIS- . ,, ^ *e .hroogt. yo.r nose. Eosy, , „„j Do exactly the /; •v« 2U,h. up you- P--';',„''::: Notice that b-„e thot sting? Quite b«t PH."->""";? -.v-<: ;. PHIUP MORRIS »S A ^^ , ro i^SP" NO CIGARETTE S'.u^V >;s;Sft«iK>.i HANGOVER means MORE SMOKING PLEASURE! PHILIP MORRIS t m The Scholastic Hours Approved Man! She's just mad It was with a deep sense of apprecia­ tion that I read the notice today on the about plaid! Main Library's door, announcing- that henceforward the building would be open evenings between the hours of 6:00 and 7:30 for "Reader Service." "While there have always been many characteristics of Notre Dame that I have praised highly, it has always pre­ viously seemed to nie that the brief hours the library remained opened at night served as a handicap to those students who relied heavily on library facilities. Let us hope that students who have shared similar sentiments relative to li­ brary hours may avail themselves of this service that the administration may realize the students' need for this time extension. It is a worthy step forward! Sincerely yours, W1L1.A.IM KLEE. Sorin Hall. VanHeusen HEG. T. M. An Open Letter- To Underclassmen sportcheck shirts \S'ith the advent of Spring, you Be a bonnie winner with the lassies . wear Van the student body of next year Heiisen Sportcheck shirts in bright plaid! With their should begin considering very seri­ bold, virile colors they're cheerleaders in everj' crowd ously the coming class and Student —completely washable and easy-wearing. Sport 'em in a Council elections. There once was wide range of plaid combinations.. .long or short sleeves. a time when class officers, particu­ larly the president and vice-president, Cotton—$4.50 & $5.50 Rayon-$5.50 & $6.50. had very little to do. This situation however, does not exist today as these officers now take their place on 9 the Student Council when elected—to represent you. Van Heusen People get very tired of hearing others urging them to vote wisely, 'the world's smartest" shirts but in any democratic society this PHILLIPS-JOXES CORP., ^EW YORK 1, N. Y. constant prodding is necessary in or­ der to insure the society's chance of success. It is through the judicious exercise of your constitutional pre­ rogative that you can best further the aims of student government here at Notre Dame. Make GILBERTS Therefore, we of the Student Council urge you to begin consider­ ing seriously the business of elect­ your VAN HEUSEN headquarters ing class officers and Council mem­ bers. Elections should no longer be popularity contests—but a process of selecting the most capable and effi­ cient. In this regard therefore, we Implore only you who arc willing to work to seek office. And to you who will be voting—use discretion—as it ^ will be you—as an individual and as a class, who in the end, will be GILBERT'S benefited or harmed. 813-817 MICHIGAN STREET WILLIAM ANHUT, President, Student Council. Open evenings until 9 o'clock Apr. 13, 1951 .joo^'h-^js^n)^ HEAWH SPOT TTHT 209 West Colfax Avenue Paul Whalen, Mgr- BLOCK BROS. Comer Michigan & Washington Jewelers to Notre Dome \or more than a Brooks Brothers' exclusive 25 years. OUR GABARDINE SUIT FOR UNDERGRADUATES Our gabardine suit, cut on our own pat­ terns and made to our exacting specifica­ tions of 100% worsted gabardine, is typical of the good-looking sport and dress clothes in our "346" Shop. It is in an attractive tan shade dyed especially for us, and has patch pockets with flaps, double-stitched seams, and center back vent. $80 The Scholastic to win a pennant, they'll do so without our insistence and predictiors and since "Happy" Chandler is gone from the diamond scene, we have no idea as to the future of the game for 19-51. We do have some comments baseball- A\-ise about a local diamond nine called bsi JJM^^ JAM^W^Mi affectionately, "Kline's Kiddies." The ND squad looks good in practice and if Bob Nemes can avoid getting his long legs wrapped up during his windups, the Top of the Week What Happened ? team should be imp*-e=sive. If the" sea­ son is disastrous, remember it's not w^ho MacArthur gets "canned." . There's no feasible explanation for all won that counts, it's Hoiv ymi played the i-oom we have for this column this the game. week other than the kind hearts of our The Show Goes On advertising editors—one old and one Webster Supplement Starting Monday, if you have not new. We were looking through our diction­ already heard, the student musical goes The new one, G. M. McArthur replace;! ary the other day and suddenly realized on the Washington Hall boards for a M. A. Alexander at the turn of the that many of the terms used around three day run. This limited engagement week, for better or worse, licher or Notre Dame are either not represented may be too short to accommodate the poorer, etc. We can do nothing but ex­ in the book or not up to date in mean­ throngs expected, or on the other hand tend greetings and bid fond farewell to ing. be just long enough to avoid the embar­ the new and the old, in that order. Here are some handy definitions you rassment of empty houses. might like to paste somewhere between Personally, we think the show should A and Zymurgy. Student Council—a be good fare for those that like their Morris Windows body of students surrounded on three dramatic presentations a. la campus. sides by budgets. Class—50 minutes de­ No official communique has been is­ But then we were once believing that voted to the development of sitting sued concerning the windows of the new the Korean war was just a police ac­ muscles. Morris Inn and the possibility of their tion, too. being broken at least threa times per From the looks of this week's cover, day by self-styled ND Hogans and Bottom of the Week the cast for Mr. and Mrs. B w-ill be am­ Sneads. he'll probably run for President ply filled with local frauleiyis. This should If you'll notice carefully, the Morris now givQ the usual audiences in Washington Inn offers no natural defenses against Hall plenty of chances for whistling, golf ball attack and is situated some­ howling, drooling, and guffawing when­ what like the 38th parallel. The ques­ Beginners' Specialisf ever a female graces the usually bache­ tion of the week is: "Who has the win­ lor stage. Come what may, we sincerely af Arthur Murray's dow glass contract for Morris?" hope the girls won't wear those hideous slacks. We had a little trouble picking We intend to play 18 or so, Morris Iim out the girls from the boys on the cover, or no Morris Inn, if we can find that but we found out that the boys don't new putter we received last Christmas. have the "Tonis." It has a felt tip and is shaped like a billiards cue and has a concealed chalk We visited a short rehearsal session compartment. When using the new put­ some time ago and got a big kick out ter indoors, we found bank shots the of the "angel" with the German accent most effective. and a charming young British Miss On the course, we can always bank a whose name eludes us now and we're few "birdie" threes off an unsuspecting sorry. Everybody seemed to be getting gopher or Commerce major. Ths latter a big kick out of the whole thing and affords a little more resiliency due to as far as that is concerned, what else their elongated torsos. They are also matters? more numerous than gophers and easier We have not heard any of the music to replace. from the pen of Messrs. Marshall and Carey, (No relation to Sister) but we wait with bated breath. (We've been Take Me Out holding back on that cliche "bated Well, it won't be long now before the breath" long enough, so we used it and Major League seasons get under way Lola Arnaux is grand with beginners may our English teachers all recoil and and from the looks of the Grapefruit wince quietly for 17 seconds.) league standings the Chicago Gold Dust because she inspires them with confi­ This year's musical is a step. Whether Twins or Cellar Chums, the Cubs and dence and enthusiasm right off. "How or not it's one giant step we trust you the White Sox, should both win pen­ can people get thtot^h life not dancing will be the judge. It Ain't Hay and Meet nants. when it's so easy to become a good the Missus of the bygone Ed Cashman There is one thing that most sports dancer the Arthur Murray Way." era will be hard to beat in our estima­ writers do about this time and that is tion, but we have gotten used to seeing to tell you or hope to tell ycu who the Phone 2-3339 — 10 a.m.'10p.m. champions dethroned. Good luck, Mr. champs will be come next Fall. We are 120 E. Wayne South Bend and Mrs. B. not going to do this. If any team wants Apr.
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