from do, arrived 28th, disg; Sarah E Kennedy, Bay, from BOSTON, Dec 20.Arrived. steamer Ncreus, Boar*#?' SAILED. do, arrived Jdth Ho w York ; brig Alice M Putnam, lingers. Malaga; scbr SCHOOL WAR. WEATHER REPORT. r»sued Nov 30, bark Lawrence, Howes, from New York Water Uly (Br), Adams, lurks Island. THE WEST FARMS SHIPPING_NEWS. Hteamships Meaol (Oer), for Bremen; Adriatic (Br), tor Alexandria, K. Cleared.Steamers Seminole, Matthews, Savannahi ol Montreal, do; Angila (Br), Glasgow; HIT Algfclras Dec 1. hark Horace Svudder, Oould, from Mercedita, Marshman, Charleston; Norman. Nlcki-rson, War DEPARTMENT, '1 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool; City for Ulaucus, lieurse, New York; bark Carrie Lady I.veett (Br). Bristol; City ol Mexico, Havana; Malaga Philadelphia. Philadelphia; I' A Office of tuf Chief signal Officer,! Western id no i, Dec 4.Sailed, brig Oualuaka, Wheeler, Balti¬ Wyinan. Eaton, Havana; brigs Small, Bush, llavti; at Clyde, Cohesion, via Key West; Metropolis, more. Java. Roberts, schrs J 8 Lamprey. Mai- Indignation Meeting Fordham.More Washington, Dec. -1.1 A. 11. j PATES OP DEPARTURE FROM NEW YORE TOR TUB New Oi leans: George Cromwell, do; Montgomery, Philadelphia; Baker, M A Charleston: E t; lu port 4th, ship City of Montreal, MudgeU, ding; barks lows, Galveston; Alma Lyons, do; Drurv. probabilities. MONTHS OK DECEMBER ANI> JANUARY. Savannah; M.ign la. do; Champion. Syra. I'cttiiigill, lor New Orleans, ldg; 3 L Huulh, Mar¬ Howes, New Orleans: Addle L Cutler, Ismith, Jackson¬ Troobie Over lite New Sclioolhouse. Knight, Georgetown: Old Lionuiiioii. Richmond, Ac; tin. aud Tueker. ding. ville; Suml Castncr. Lake, Philadelphia. For New England cold northerly to westerly Steamer. ¦SatIk Dnduatxun. Knnita, Nortou ; Benefactor, hiUdelotita; ships Royal Mcillvcry, Dec 20.Arrived, steamer Artlat barks Antolnetta Havana, Dec li.Arrived, brigs Cascatelio, Simmons, BALI IMoKK, Octorara, Rey¬ winds and clear weather will 29 Alice iBr), Liverpool; (Br), do; New York Concord. Pratt, Baltimore; llaruiouy (Br), nolds. New York ; bark Tahti (Runs), Itonnblom, Grimsby; generally prevail, Idaho 1 lee. 24.. I.ivernoi)!.. Broadway C dlali, Oifcraltar; James MeCarty, Marseilles, Will schr Arrow, liaminoud, Cal its. snow in the northern or Java Dec. 24.. I.iverpooi- 4 Bowline (ireen Drusus Cork: Kimiiuiuel (Nor), Queenstown; Inhale, Sydney, CB. Flying Pursuant to a call, a numerously attended and except, probably, portion Trinaeria Dec. 21.. (ilaatfow.... 7 lire.eti ;Aiis', Cork Salleu 12th, steamships Koln (Ger), Ringk (froin New Cleared.Rteumships Berlin (Gerl, Rutscher, Bremen; Bowling Fillippo iltal), Constantinople; Sctli (Aus), Orleans), Bremen ...Una (So). Riestra.Hiestra Galveston; brigs Saragossa, Hooper, Savannah Sea Gull, Hutton, Charles- or Fordham that district. Holieruollern .... Dee. .4 Uren eu .. 2 How lin e Ureen Bremen;'Kitu (hp). entbuamatic meeting of the taxpayers SI or Fannuth: Dana (Aua), Cork; I'asguale AJollo Kuiily T Sheldon, Sheldon, I'ensaeola; Huttie, Cutes, do; ton? bark Consluiitia (Nor), Ratu, Uueenalowu or Fal- New at that Fob the Miodle States decidedlt colp and Pomiiioruniu Dee. 25 Iluuihiirit.. Broad wav. (Itali, Palermo via Oenoa; Breei Dutrovaehi (Aus). Nclirs'White Star Thetis Mll(er, mouth for orders; brie Senorita, 'I ullberg. Pernainbuco; and vicinity was held in Kearus' Hall, City ot New York Dec. 22.. Livernool.. 15 Broad war. Cork or Falun nth Carhone (llal), do or do; Constant!* (Br), Raymond, do; (Br), SNOW IN Dec. 27.. 6'J Oer- sierra Moreno. lohra Wyoming, Pom, Oalveston: >arah Woods. Camp¬ last evening, lor the purpose of expressing TARTLY CLOUDY WEATHER, WITH LlfiHT luiTv tiivernooi.. Broauway. (Nor), do or do; Artacscud (Ans), do or do: I.adv Cleared 11th, Felicia Mobile; 12th, bell. Providence; Lizzie Wilson, Wilson. Port Royal, SC. place, r.itic Dec. <rj Liverpool.. 19 Broad war. trude (Br), Cork; Lnucu Merillo dtul). Londonderry; brig (Sp), Millet, Bailed. Bremen; Sea Charles¬ at the course pursued by Mr. NORTHERN New York and from Pennsylvania I'arthm Dec 27" Liverpool.. 4 Bowl in' Hreen Ar- lark John Griffin. Westburg, New York. Steamers Berlin, Gull, their indignation 27.. 72 Broad Cherokee (Br), Kinot; Mlrago («IrOlhraltar; In port Dec 13. burks j i"llolbrook. Lcavltt, and Edith ton; Saragoata, Savannah; brigs Senortta, Pcruambuco Morris and others in endeavoring to NORTHWARD TO LAKE ONTARIO. Gcoreia Dec. (.U«irow.... way moiua iltal), do; Edward (Oer), 1'hiladel; dlia, brigs' for View lor Gem, Havre. Fordham < . 7 Green Rose, Tobey, York; brig* Goodwin, Craig, do; a liiornia lee. v7.. Glamtow.. Howling Oraee Kelly, Mam ihiin; La l'lata (Br), London; Pueitlc Duisv tor BRISTOL Dec schr B F Woolsey, Installs, the oi the new school building for For the lower lake segton continued cloudy and K u rorn' Dec. 27.. Havre 5S Bronn wnv Palermo: Til A But, Bermuda; -an Juan (Hr), (Br), Essex, Boston, and others, uno. IS.Arrived, cause rejecnou Hermann Dec 27.. Bremen.... 2 Bowline Grceu (Hal), Ja; Halifax, Dec 19.Arrived brigs Hckmb iBr), Wcnzell, Wechawken. and also to concert meas¬ cold weather, with light snow, followed by clear¬ 5.. 19 Vigo; Kortuua (Port), Oporto; Nancy Boss, Kingston. Baltimore: Nancy (Br). McBride, New York. Hailed.-chr Risliur Sun, Jones. Vienna, Md, to winter. educational purposes, Baltic...... Jan. Livernool.. Broadway. l onna (Br), do* Repeal. M Pierre, M irt; Annie Oardiuer, Arrived Bermuda 19th-Sailed, schrs Cbas D Holgdon, Mathewson, May- lor the thereof. Notwith¬ ing weather and variable winds during theater- Kahla: Venture (Br), do; Bosthalter J C Want (Oer), 30th, steamship Alpha (Br), Hunter, Pit; ures speedy opening Almanac lor \rw Vork.'Thu Day. Prentiss ITohbs, Igt'igur, Nov Id.Arrived, burk Oncco, Henry, Pacas- aruez, Arctic, Wbltten. New York. the recent verdict secured by the Board noon and evening. Cork; Angela, Ponce and Arrago; mayo. CHARLESTON, Dec 17.Cleared, schrs Emily Curtis, standing Smyrna : sehrs Ueorgle staple*, Vera Cruz; Jesse Carll, Inauca. Nov 27.In port brigs Cora (Br), Henderson, for Harbour, New York;G W Andrews, Wat.s, tennant'9 of education of West Farms in its suit against For the Southern States, east of the Mississippi, 1 HIGH WATER. San:a Cruz. NS, to sail 28th to Harbor. SON AND MOON. sailed irom barks OW RoseveIt, for Ma- Liverpool, (see Disasters); Home, (iilin, M Lewis G. Morris and others, in the Circuit Court at clear and cold weather, with northwest¬ Sun rises 7 21 Gov. Island....eve 10 00 Quarantine, (Br), Havre; losd lor Huston. 20th.Arrived, bark "Blurke," Lillesaud; schr K generally Hook....eve 0 15 tan/as; Atlantic, Barbados: Weymouth Malaua. Dec 2.Cleared, steamship Assvrla (Br), Smitn, Watts, Port Royal: Vrale, Philadelphia. White Plains, particulars of which Uave already erly to northeasterly winds. Sun sets 4 30 Sandy \estu (Oer). C'ueenstown; llaima tiler), Philadelphia; ork; hark Carlota (llr), Magune, do. Sailed.Steamship Filing, Poster. Boston; hif-ks Chill Moon sets eve 8 31 Hell Gate eve 11 43 Fannie 11 Coring. Cardenas; .lohunucs Rod (Nor), Cork; Montkvioko, Oct 31.Arrived, barks Nueva (Br), McLeod, Liverpool: schrs C C Bcrv, Sea' y, Ports¬ appeared in tnc Herald, the school war has again For the Western (itiir States slowly diminishing Pearl, Smyrna; brigs Hazard (Nor), San under; R McK Borin>|ncn Ml; c W Andrews, Watts, Boston; Cieniu Koluma. Gibraltar; Nellie Ilusted, (Bp). Sala. sun Franciseo; Nov i. Cordon (Br), Crosby. mouth, Emily Curtis, been resumed with all its lormcr intensity of bitter pressure, with a light rise of temperature and in- Spearing, gos; Montreal (and sailed Mb forZardc); 4tb. Emily (Br), Barber, New York B N Hawkins. Wyatt, do. PORT OF NEW VOM, DEC. 20, 1873. Matanzas; Santiago iltal), Mavagucz. PR; Fornax iBr), Seaiirook, do; II E Moller (Her), l'aisleu, do; Cath¬ DAN VERS, Dec IS.Arrived, sehr r J Limlsoy. Smith, hostility. cloudiness. Fultnouih; Nuptiin. Hio Janeiro; Nellie Ware, Cienfue- 7lb, New York. partisan creasing Corunna. erine (Br), do; Edgar Cecil (Br). Anderson, do. It appears that the Board of Education had made t For the upper luke region and the Northwest CLK.UtliD. gus; schr Titania, Suiled Oct 31, barks Pektn, Seymour, Portland; Coro EAST GREENWICH, Doc 19.Sailed, schr American Wind at sunset NW, iresli. net (Br), Bryan, Now Orleans; Canny Scott (Br), Hart Eagle, Shaw. Philadelphia. preparations (or the formal opening of the struc¬ coutinucd cold and generally clear weather, with lett, Rosarfo: Caroline Cs"atherine (3or), Savannah; KEY WEST, Dec 19.Arrived, steamship Geo W Clyde,. ture indicated without that aud winds to easterly and Steam shin Adriatic (Br). I'errv. Liverpool via Queens- Nov 3, prig Walter Smith, New York; 4th. 8th, Curtis New York for Gaiveston (and oroeee led). to-morrow, knowing less pressure, shliting town.J If Spark*. (shipping Notes. bark (iiiillcrma, Brunswick;Smith, loth, Cohstainin- (Br), Sau Sailed.Steamship Unit Stream, Whltehurst ttrom New assistance would be successlullv Invoked during the day, followed by cloudiness Steamship City of Montreal (Br), Mirohouse, Liverpool ot the New Orleans Line, is on t runels 'O; 11th, C P D do; Celeste (Br), Charleston, Orleans and Havana). Baltimore. judicial sontberly via tl l>ale. Steamship Mississippi, Kr), Shaw Carde¬ lrom so An Qi;,vn*lown.John foot ol to In port Nov 18, ships Huttie E Taplev. Taplev, for New- MOBILE, Dec Xti.Cleared, brig (Br), Bell, to restrain them doing. injunction in the Northwest during Sunday night. steam-hip Galley o! l-oruu (Br). Robinson, London.K the mammoth sectional doek Ringers street, York; Pncitle, Fosg, unc; hark* Courser, Marsden, lor nas, has been the means of and E Morgan's Sons. bottom. New lor NEW ORLE ANS. Dec Hi-Arrived, barks Lorclv (Nor), granted by Judge Fancher For the Ohio Valley cold partly cloudy E.E E Mor¬ paint Yo k; Bessie Simpson (Br), (libbs, do; Juno Sti-itinvliip La.lv Lyoett (Br), Eratt, Bristol, Brig Woltvllle (Br).
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