Personal Information Name Designation Address Office Residence Engineer - in - Chief e_mail Blood Group : Compiled By : Bhaskar Computer Center Illness Office of The Engineer In Chief MP PHED, Bhopal Emergency Contact Name & Phone INDEX S.No. Description Page No. 1. Mantralaya 2. E-In-C, Satpura 3. S.W.S.O 4. C h i e f E n g i n e e r s 4.1 Bhopal Zone 4.2 Indore Zone 4.3 Gwalior Zone 4.4 Jabalpur Zone 4.5 Bhopal E&M Zone PHE Officers on Deputa 5. tion 6. Retired PHED Officers 7. CEPHEEO/ RD/New Delhi/ Unicef, Bhopal 8. Important Tel. Nos. at Bhopal 9. Important Tel. Nos. of Chhatisgarh PHED 10. Important Web Sites 11. Emergency Bhopal 12. Transport 13. Rest House/ Hotels 14. Public Utilities at Bhopal 15. Conversion Factors / Table GOVT. OF M.P. PHE DEPARTMENT - MANTRALAYA S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence 1. Kusum Singh Mahdele 0755 2441006 2429698 Mantralaya (Mantr.) 2429863 PERSONAL STAFF of HON'BLE MINISTER 2523154 VIdhan S.No Name/Address Designation STD Office Residence Vidhan:Room No - Mantr:Room No- (Vidha.) 9425166606 1. Shri R.S. Raghuwanshi Special 0755 2429698 9425392553 207 517 Special Assistant Assistant Balaghat 07632 248900 241226 [email protected] 2. Shri Ashwani Kumar Principal Tata 0755 2441406 9425302060 2. Shri K.S. Rajput Personal 0755 429698 9425020088 Rai Secretary [email protected] Secretary Room No. 3. Shri G.C. Choudhary Deputy Tata 0755 4285311 2779823 3. Shri Than Singh Narwaria Personal 0755 429698 8878738675 Assistant F-6, PHE Colony, Secretary 2635 9827049740 Jawahar Chouk Room No. (3) [email protected] 318 D 4. Shri P.K. Thakur Deputy Tata 0755 4285225 2671007 Secretary E-101/21, Shivaji 2172 9425392725 Nagar 5. Shri N.K.Vaidhya Under Tata 0755 2551389 9826489140 133 Fine Avenneu Secretary 2213 Kolar Road Bhopal Room No. 102 C (1) Staff of Secretary Mantralaya S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence 7. Shri Randhir Singh Section 2188 0755 2512188 8989588662 Staff of Additional Secretary (Tech.) B-115,, Prem Nagar Officer 1. Shri Suresh Jasutkar Personal 0755 4285311 9425647871 Colony, (Estt.Sec) H-3, PHE Kolar Colony Assistant Nariyalkheda 102(C) 8. Shri Gopal Section 2215 0755 2512215 9977836679 Staff of Deputy Secretary Mokhariwale Officer 1. Shri Ramesh Sharma Personal 0755 4285225 9826491663 65 Palash Mahendra (Tech.Sec)10 F-77, Kotra Sultanabad Assistant Green Woods 2 C Staff of Under Secretary 1. Shri S.G.Malviya Personal 2213 0755 2551380 9755733590 H-20 PHE Kolar Colony Assistant (4) (2) OFFICE OF THE E-In-C, PHED, BHOPAL Email :- [email protected] Web site :- www.mpphed.gov.in EPABX:- ,2552116,2552130 FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 Office of the Engineer–in-Chief S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence Email :[email protected] E-In-C 1. Shri N.K. Sehra E-in-C 101 0755 2551620 2420434 EPABX:- 2552116, 2552130, FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 D-36, Char Imli [email protected] 4229045 S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence 6. Shri S.A.Khan S.E . (Audit) 106 0755 9827286395 2. Shri G.S. Damor Adviser 301 0755 2551706 2551707 C-6, 74 Bungalow [email protected] 7. Shri S.K. Choubey Biologist 207 0755 -- 2763680 E-100/17, Shivaji [email protected] 3. Shri R.K. Hirodia S.E. (Admin.) 104 0755 4274926 9425104128 Nagar D-122, Vishnu [email protected] 8. Shri O.P.Verma S.E. (Law 205 0755 -- 9425316558 High tech City, P.H.E Colony Jawah Hoshangabad Chouk Road 9 Shri Dinesh Kumar Joint Director 303 0755 9425006252 4. Shri A.K.Jain S.E. (Moni.) 206 0755 2551598 9425306195 Dwivedi Finance 2416331 F-8, PHE Colony, [email protected] 4285224 DK2/142 Danish Kunj Jawahar Chouk Kolar Road 5. Shri R.K.Bisariya S.E. (Design) 108 0755 2551712 9425010132 E-11/11 Char Imli 2701111 (5) Email :[email protected] E-In-C EPABX:-2552116,2552130 Personal Staff of E-in-C/Advisor/S.E.s EPABX:- 2552116,2552130, FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 FAX :-(0755) -2556990/2675469 S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence Email :- [email protected] E-In-C 10. Shri Anurag Shrivastava E.E. (Civil) 105 0755 4270351 2775647 S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence E-11/4 Char Imli 9827239912 1 Shri P.L. Devnath P.A. to E-In-C 100 0755 2551620 9425030109 11. Shri Alok Jain E.E. 208 0755 -- 2779721 DK-3/40, Danish devnathapramatha 4229045 @gmail.com F-3, P.H.E. Colony, 9425171891 Kunj,Kolar Road Jawahar Chouk 2 Shri Balmik Yadav Stenographer 100 0755 2551620 7869799610 12. Shri S.K.Khare E.E(Moni)) 208 0755 -- 9826391962 H-5,PHE Kolar Colony to E-In-c 4229045 B-241, Minal Residency 2688539 3 Shri Ajay Methil Stenographer 302 0755 2551706 9826251616 13. Shri Alok Agrawal E.E(Design) 204 0755 -- 9406934269 M-2/132,’C’ Sector to Adviser T-301 Apurva Lake View Indrapuri Aptt Chuna Bhatti 4 Shri J.P. Kahar P.A. to SE 106 0755 4274926 9827383343 14. Shri R.N.Kariya E.E((Law) 411 0755 -- 9993719101 278-Sevniya (Admin) Goud,Bhadbhada Road 15. Mrs Smriti Babulkar E.E. (Estt.) 305 0755 -- 9893285403 5 Shri Sanjay PA to S.E. 306 0755 2551598 9425647876 A-6, Sarvodaya Colony, (Arajapatrit) Shrivastava (Moni) CTO Bairagarh Jr. MIG 44, Kanaha 15. Shri M.P. Sonkar E.E(D.D.O) 305 0755 -- 942444963 Kunj, Kolar Road 6 Shri Rakesh Shukla PA to Law 306 3259911 G-97/35, Tulsi Nagar Officer 9329880155 (9) 9893103649 (6) Email: - [email protected] E-In-C EPABX:-2552116, 2552130 FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 Email: - [email protected] E-In-C S.No Name/Address Designatio PBX STD Office Residence EPABX:-2552116, 2552130 FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 n S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence 16. Smt Rekha Kadam Chief 305 0755 -- 9893089185 28. Shri S.K. Joshi D.M. 111 0755 -- 2600627 A-50, Adarsh Nagar Hbad Chemist 3297241 14, Rachana Nagar (Purchase) 9826821118 Road 29. Shri Vimla Diwan Office 313 0755 -- 9755502132 17. Shri A.K. Chourasia A.E. 304 0755 -- 2778604 G-87/15, Tulsi Nagar Superintendent G-78/19 S.T.T.Nagar (VIP) 31. Shri R.K. Katare Assistant Gr. II 312 0755 -- 9424306548 18. Shri R.K. Verma A.E 103 0755 -- 2420626 H-19 Kolar Colony E-2/195, Arera Colony (Follow- 8989110750 32. Shri Mahendra khare Assistant 313 0755 -- 9425300622 up) 33 Yashoda Vihar, Gr.III 19. Shri Manoj Awasthi Sub Eng. 203 0755 -- 9425323422 Chuna Bhatti (Budget) PHE Kolar Colony Kolar (Law) 33. Shri Shubhendu Assistant 313 0755 -- 9977997343 Road Chakatbarty Gr.III 20. Shri T.G. Raichandani I/c A.E. 304 0755 -- 2643802 A-104, Bhojpal Estate, (Budget) 285,One Tree Hill Bairagarh (Estt.) 9827382882 Gulmohar 21. Shri M.K. Jain I/c A.E. 411 0755 -- 2577429 34. Shri Dinesh Shrivastav Tracer 401 0755 -- 2421541 F-83/28 Tulsi Nagar (Design) 9424440006 H-18 Kolar Colony PHED (Design) 9425005469 22. Shri Vimal Sharma I/c A.E. 222 0755 -- 2416967 Dept 9- View Point Danish (Store 9425603627 35. Shri C.L. Mathuriya Superintendent 315 0755 -- 2777052 Kunj,K’Road Incharge) I-22/4 North T.T.Nagar (Rokad) 19. Shri S.K. Richhariya I/c A.E. 112 0755 -- 2428051 (13) B-15, Surendra Estate (Law) 8989439507 Chuna Bhatti Email: - [email protected] E-In-C EPABX:-2552116, 2552130 FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 Email: - [email protected] E-In-C S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence EPABX:-2552116, 2552130 FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 23. Shri Mukesh Khare I/c A.E. 200 0755 -- 9425020202 S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence B-42, Priyadarshani (Computer 36. Smt Kunjamma Rajan Superintendent 109 0755 -- 8989095781 Society, Bagh Seveniya Incharge) 78B,Good sheperd,Kolar (Confidential) 24. Shri S.K. Kishaniya I/c A.E. 215 0755 -- 9827365470 38. Shri Sandeep Saxena Assistant Gr-I 115 0755 -- 9424414099 Lily30 Indus Estate (Training) G-96/50, Tulsi Nagar (Gaz, Estt.) Nishatpura 39. Shri Ashok Shandilya Assistant Gr. 222 0755 -- 2773648 25. Shri N.K. Pathak I/c A.E. 402 0755 -- 2424102 Sr.MIG -1, Block II 9981218003 Chinar Woodland , (MIS) 9826388102 No.1,Saraswati Nagar , (Store/CR) Kolar Road Bhopal 26. Shri G.P. Soni D.M. 204 0755 2551598 9425647874 41. Shri C.S. Gajbhiye Superintendent 400 0755 2428139 H-16, PHE, Kolar Clny (Moni.) J-165, Priyank Nagar (Estt Non.Guz./ 8989542695 girdhar_soni@y Kolar Road General) ahoo.com (14) 27. Shri Dinesh Nair D.M 216 0755 -- 9826335388 93 Balaji Nagar,BHEL (Moni) Bhopal (12) Email: - [email protected] E-In-C S.W.S.O. EPABX:-2552116, 2552130 FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 Email: - [email protected] E-In-C S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence EPABX:-2552116, 2552130 FAX :-(0755)-2556990/2675469 42. Shri Govind Khotpal Assistant Gr. I 114 0755 -- 9826954129 S.No Name/Address Designation PBX STD Office Residence C-589-A, Sarvadharam Estt 1. Shri G.S. Damor Director 301 0755 2551706 9425442707 olony., K Road C-6, 74 Bungalow (S.W.S.O) 2551707 43. Shri S.R. Khan Assistant Gr. II 115 0755 -- 9826342669 2. Shri Alok Jain E.E. 412 0755 2551630 2779721 11/1. Islampura Estt F-3, PHE Colony 9425171891 44. Shri B.R.Kulkarni Assistant Gr. II 114 0755 -- 9039891859 4. Shri Tarkeshwar Asstt. Gr 3 410 0755 2551630 9754258361 H-2/149, 1100 Qr.
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