USE OF CBMS INFORMATION FOR INTEGRATED PROVINCIAL DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES Province of Eastern Samar WHYWHY ADOPTADOPT THETHE CBMSCBMS PROGRAM?PROGRAM? ¾ E. Samar registered the highest poverty incidence in Region 8 at 47.3% comprising 35,067 families in 2000 as compared to the regional poverty incidence at 37.8% and at 28.4% for the country. ¾ While poverty incidence decreased from 45.8% in 2000 to 33.9% in 2003 (per NSCB Report), poverty alleviation efforts still need to be strengthened and sustained. ¾ There is a need for proper targeting of the poor- who, where and what their needs are and how to address them. ¾ CBMS data will be the basis for identifying provincial development priorities. INITIALINITIAL ACTIVITIESACTIVITIES ¾ JUNEJUNE 2828--29,29, 20052005-- FIRSTFIRST CONSULTATIVECONSULTATIVE CONFERENCECONFERENCE ONON INSTITUTIONALIZINGINSTITUTIONALIZING POVERTYPOVERTY ALLEVIATIONALLEVIATION ININ EASTERNEASTERN SAMARSAMAR aimedaimed atat comingcoming upup withwith aa doabledoable planplan toto institutionalizeinstitutionalize PAPA effortsefforts inin thethe provinceprovince andand drawdraw commitmentcommitment fromfrom thethe LCEsLCEs toto provideprovide counterpartcounterpart fundsfunds forfor thethe implementationimplementation ofof thethe CBMSCBMS ¾ ParticipantsParticipants agreedagreed toto organizeorganize themselvesthemselves intointo aa CouncilCouncil –– TheThe ProvincialProvincial PovertyPoverty AlleviationAlleviation CouncilCouncil waswas formedformed ¾ July 29, 2005- 2nd CONSULTATIVE CONFERENCE ON INSTITUTIONALIZING PA INITIATIVES IN EASTERN SAMAR- entailed the spelling out of activities and resources needed for the province-wide implementation of the CBMS ¾ The Provincial Government committed for the allocation of counterpart funds in the amount of P500,000 primarily for the procurement of computer sets to be distributed to the 16 municipalities(2nd batch) ¾ MOA between the CBMS network and the Province and the 16 municipalities ¾¾ MunicipalMunicipal ––levellevel activitiesactivities followedfollowed-- CBMSCBMS orientation/orientation/ AdvocacyAdvocacy forfor thethe allocationallocation ofof fundsfunds forfor thethe conductconduct ofof surveysurvey andand otherother CBMSCBMS relatedrelated activitiesactivities ¾¾ TheThe conductconduct ofof CBMSCBMS EnumeratorsEnumerators TrainingTraining signaledsignaled thethe startstart ofof CBMSCBMS implementationimplementation atat thethe locallocal levellevel CBMSCBMS UPDATESUPDATES ¾ DATABASEDATABASE BUILDINGBUILDING-- OutOut ofof thethe 2323 municipalities,municipalities, oneone municipalitymunicipality hashas finishedfinished theirtheir datadata consolidationconsolidation whilewhile thethe remainingremaining municipalitiesmunicipalities areare stillstill onon thethe encoding,encoding, mapmap digitizingdigitizing andand consolidationconsolidation process.process. ¾ SomeSome municipalitiesmunicipalities (San(San Julian,Julian, CanCan--AvidAvid andand Mercedes)Mercedes) werewere ableable toto accessaccess fundingfunding forfor somesome ofof theirtheir prioritypriority projects.projects. ¾ ProvincialProvincial GovernmentGovernment hashas increasedincreased itsits allocationallocation forfor CBMSCBMS ProgramProgram fromfrom P500,000P500,000 forfor thethe currentcurrent yearyear toto 33 MillionMillion pesospesos forfor 20072007 (per(per approvedapproved AnnualAnnual InvestmentInvestment PlanPlan --20072007 )) STATUS OF CBMS IMPLEMENTATION As of October 31, 2006 MUNICIPALITY No. OF BARANGAYS ENCODED DIGITIZED Arteche 20 20 15 San Policarpo 17 17 10 Oras 42 22 5 Sulat 18 18 11 San Julian 16 16 16 Maydolong 20 19 11 Balangkayan 15 15 14 Llorente 33 32 20 Hernani 13 5 1 Gen. McArthur 30 30 19 Quinapondan 25 1 1 Balangiga 13 13 13 Guiuan 60 43 13 Mercedes 16 16 16 Maslog 12 12 12 Borongan 61 20 2 Can-Avid 28 27 22 Dolores 46 7 1 Lawaan 16 13 5 Salcedo 41 21 1 Jipapad 13 13 13 Giporlos 18 13 1 STATUS OF CBMS IMPLEMENTATION 100 90 80 70 60 Eastern Samar 50 Eastern Samar (ENCODING & DIGITIZING) 40 30 20 as of October 31, 2006 10 0 Arteche Sn. Poli Oras Sulat Sn. Julian Maydolong Balangkayan Llorente Hernani McArthur Quinapondan Balangiga Guiuan Mercedes Maslog Borongan Can-Avid Dolores Encoded Lawaan Salcedo Digitized Giporlos Jipapad NEXTNEXT CBMSCBMS ACTIVITIVIESACTIVITIVIES ¾¾ BarangayBarangay ValidationValidation (done(done afterafter 11 barangaybarangay isis encoded,encoded, digitized,digitized, processedprocessed andand mapped)mapped) ¾¾ Trainer’sTrainer’s trainingtraining onon sociosocio--economiceconomic profilingprofiling andand developmentdevelopment planningplanning ¾¾ TrainingTraining onon SEPDPSEPDP atat barangaybarangay levellevel ¾¾ SEPDPSEPDP PreparationPreparation atat barangaybarangay levellevel USEUSE OFOF CBMSCBMS z Analysis and planning – Upon completion of the Provincial CBMS database (with technical support from the CBMS Network), the Provincial Government will use CBMS as a planning tool such as the formulation of the Provincial Development Plan, Provincial Poverty Reduction Plan, Provincial Development Investment Program and the Provincial Physical Framework Plan. z Plan to integrate the CBMS with other provincial databases, i.e. Provincial Geographic Information System (GIS) z Proper allocation of resources- funding support to barangays, particularly, to the marginalized sectors will be based on CBMS data PROVINCIALPROVINCIAL POVERTYPOVERTY SUMMITSUMMIT ¾¾ PresentationPresentation ofof thethe provincialprovincial developmentdevelopment prioritiespriorities basedbased onon CBMSCBMS datadata toto stakeholdersstakeholders ¾¾ ResourceResource MobilizationMobilization-- drawdraw internalinternal andand externalexternal resourcesresources forfor PAPA projectsprojects ¾¾ BuildingBuilding LinkagesLinkages withwith Networks,Networks, PovertyPoverty CouncilsCouncils ¾¾ ForgeForge PartnershipsPartnerships withwith privateprivate sector,sector, POs,POs, NGOs,NGOs, Academe,Academe, etc.etc. ¾ Thus,Thus, wewe willwill primarilyprimarily useuse CBMSCBMS informationinformation asas ourour tooltool--guideguide inin ourour “fight“fight againstagainst poverty”.poverty”. WeWe alsoalso needneed toto developdevelop mechanismsmechanisms forfor peoplepeople participationparticipation wherewhere POsPOs andand NGOsNGOs areare formallyformally integratedintegrated inin variousvarious dimensionsdimensions ofof locallocal governance.governance. ¾ TheseThese isis stillstill muchmuch toto bebe donedone foremostforemost ofof whichwhich isis aa moremore focusedfocused targetingtargeting ofof ourour povertypoverty alleviationalleviation effortsefforts withwith fullfull supportsupport andand cooperationcooperation ofof allall stakeholdersstakeholders..-- GovernorGovernor EvardoneEvardone THANKTHANK YOUYOU.
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