Greek Word Studies Related Resources Hebrew Word Studies = a work in progress! Simple Guide to Greek Verb Tense, Voice, Mood How to Perform a Greek Word Study Using Tools Available on the Web Interpretation - Word Studies are important Inductive Bible Study - Why is it so valuable for growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? GREEK WORD STUDIES INDEX TO ENGLISH WORDS WITH GREEK WORD STUDIES A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Another quick way to see if an English word has a corresponding Greek word study is to search this page by pressing your "Ctrl Key" and the letter "F" which in Chrome or IE pops up a search box in which you can enter your query. 1) Words highlighted in yellow in the commentaries on the website have an associated in depth word study. (Note that the transition from the old site lost the yellow highlighting which has to be added again -- a slow process!) 2) Click the Greek word below for the in depth definition on preceptaustin.org. Using the first entry as an example... Abandon (desert, forsake, leave) (1459) egkataleipo Click on the word egkataleipo for the in depth definition on preceptaustin.org. If you click the Strong's Number (1459 in the example above) it will take you to Studylight.org's definition (which includes Thayer's abbreviated and full definition and Liddell-Scott-Jones' definition). NOTE: If you do not know the Strong's Number click Greek Word Study and go to "STEP 1: DETERMINE STRONG'S NUMBER." Then you can return to this page to see if there is a definition of the word you are studying. To find theS trong's Number on this page use control + F for PC or for Mac use Command + F (use Chrome not Firefox) to bring up the "Find" function. Enter the Strong's number or word. If there is no definition listed, obviously you will not find a Strong's Number on this page. Check back as this page is frequently updated with additional in depth word studies. 3) Are you looking for a Greek word not in this list? There are many Greek words defined on this website that are not in this list. How do you find them? Enter the Strong's number in the Search Preceptaustin box near the top of this page. This will bring up all hits of pages where your Strong's number is found. Then to find the Strong's Number on a specific page use control + F for PC or Command + F for Mac (using Chrome not Firefox) to bring up the "Find function. Enter the Strong's number which should discover the location on that page. Someone has well said that those who shun the study of the original Biblical languages will find themselves at the mercy of the translators. A Abandon (desert, forsake, leave) (1459) egkataleipo Abba (Aramaic for "father") (3962) abba Abide (remain, persevere, stay, tarry) (1961) epimeno Abhor (detest, treat with disgust) (948) bdelusso Abhor (detest, hate) (655) apostugeo Abide (continue, endure, remain, stay) (3306) meno Able (mighty, possible, strong) (1415) dunatos Able (verb) (1414) dunateo Able (can, could) (1410) dunamai Able (can, could) (2480) ischuo Able to judge (discerner, discerning) (2924) kritikos Able to teach (apt to teach) (1317) didaktikos Abolish (Bring to end, do away, nullify, void, cancel, release, KJV = destroy) (2673) katargeo Abominable (unlawful) (111) athemitos Abomination (e.g., of desolation) (946) bdelugma Abound (surpass, overflow, lavish, have abundance, surplus, excel, exceed) (4052) perisseuo Abounded (overflow, abound beyond measure or exceedingly) (5248) huperperisseuo Abounding in riches (become rich)(4147) plouteo Above (upward) (507) ano Above reproach (blameless, unreproveable) (410) anegkletos Above reproach (beyond reproach, blameless, faultless, unblemished) (299) amomos Above reproach (without reproach, unrebukeable) (423) anepileptos Abstain (keep away from, avoid)(568) apechomai or apecho (See another study - apecho) Abstain (depart, desert, fall or draw away, withdraw) (868) aphistemi Abundance (4050) perisseia Abyss (12) abussos Accept (1209) dechomai Accept (receive, take aside) (4355) proslambano Accept (4327) prosdechomai Acceptable (2101) euarestos Acceptable (2144) euprosdektos Acceptable (favorable) (1184) dektos Acceptable (2144) euprosdektos Acceptance (594) apodoche Access (4318) prosagoge Accompany (4870) sunakoloutheo Accomplish (bring about, do, produce) (2716) katergazomai Accomplished (4135) plerophoreo Accomplished (2005) epiteleo Account (1335) diegesis Accountable (5267) hupodikos Accumulate (2002) episoreuo Accurately (199) akribos Accursed (anathema) (331) anathema Accused, accusation (2724) kategoria Accusing (bring charge)(1458) egkaleo Accuse (2723) kategoreo Accuse falsely (defraud)(4811) sukophanteo Accusers (2725) kategoros Accustomed (custom, practice)(4914) sunetheia Acted (4364) prospoiéomai Active (1756) energes Active service (4754) strateuomai Act like men (407) andrizo Act unbecomingly (be rude) (807) aschemoneo Addicted to wine(3943) paroinos Add (2023) epichoregeo Add (increase, proceed) (4369) prostithemi Address (1941) epikaleomai Adequate (2425) hikanos Adequate (739) artios Adequacy (2426) hikanotes Adjure (1775) enorkizo Adjure (3726) horkizo Administration (3622) oikonomia Admonish (3560) noutheteo Admonish (3867) paraineo Adoption as sons (5206) huiothesia Adorn (2885) kosmeo Adulterating (1389) doloo Adulterers (3432) moichos Adulteress (3428) moichalis Adulteries (3430) moicheia Advance (increase, make progress) (4298) prokopto Adversary (476) antidikos Affairs (4230) pragmateia Affection (4698) splagchnon Afflict (crowd, distress, suffer affliction) (2346) thlibo Affliction (2347) thlipsis Afflictions (scourging)(3148) mastix Afraid, be (5399) phobeo Afraid (1169) deilos After (3694) opiso Against (1727) enantios Age (165) aion Agony (74) agonia Agree, agreed together (4856) sumphone Agreed (4934) suntithemi Agreement (4783) sugkatathesis Air (109) aer Alarmed (4426) pturo Alert (1127) gregoreuo Alien (3927) parepidemos Alien (3941) paroikos Alienated (excluded) (526) apallotrioo All (whole, everything)(537) hapas Allegorically speaking (238) allegoreo Allow (permit, let, stop) (1439) eao All time (perpetually, continually) (1336) dienekes Almighty (3841) pantokrator Alms (charity) (1654) eleemosune Already suffered (4310) propascho Always (3842) pantote Altar (2379) thusiasterion Always (constantly) (104) aei Am (1510) eimi (Includes discussion of "ego eimi"), Amazed (1605) ekplesso Amazed (2296) thaumazo Amazed (2284) thambeo Amazed (1568) ekthambeo Amazed (astonished, astounded, besides one's self) (1839) existemi Amazement (2285) thambos Ambassador (be an ambassador) (4243) presbeuo Ambush (1747) enedra Amen (281) amen [OT = Amen (0543) amen] Anchor (45) agkura Angel (messenger)(32) aggelos/angelos Anger (outbursts of) (wrath, rage, indignation) (2372) thumos Anger (wrath) (3709) orge Anger (3950) parorgismos Angry, be (be enraged) (3710) orgizo Angry (very angry)(2371) thumomacheo Angry (4360) prosochthizo Anoint (5548) chrio (See also Messiah - Anointed One) Anoint (218) aleipho Anointing (5545) chrisma Announce (312) anaggello/anangello Announced beforehand (4293) prokataggello Annoyed (disturbed)(1278) diaponeo (or herei) Another, other (2087) heteros Answer back (reply)(470) antapokrinomai Antichrist (500) antichristos Anticipate (spoke first) (4399) prophthano Anxiety(3308) merimna Anxious (3309) (be anxious) merimnao Anxious longing (603) apokaradokia Apart (without) (5565) choris Apostasy (forsake)(646) apostasia Appeal, appealed (1941) epikaleomai Appear (398) anaphaino Appeared (2014) epiphaino Appeared (made manifest, disclosed, revealed) (5319) phaneroo Appearing (appearance) (2015) epiphaneia Applying (3923) pareisphero Appoint (put in charge, made) (2525) kathistemi Appoint (establish, designate, determine) (5021) tasso Appointed (destined) (2749) keimai Appointed (4400) procheirizo Appointed (show)(322) anadeíknumi Appointed (5500) cheirotoneo Apostle (652) apostolos; or here Apostleship (651) apostole Appearance (form, fashion) (4976) schema Approve (1381) dokimazo Approved (1384) dokimos Approve (4909) suneudokeo Aprons (4612) simikinthion Archangel (743) archaggelos Argue heatedly (1264) diamachomai Arise (arose, get/got up, stand/stood) (450) anistemi Arm 3695) hoplizo Arm (1023) brachion Armor (3696) hoplon Aroma (3744) osme Around (surrounding, round about)(2945) (kuklo Arrange beforehand (4294) prokatartizo Arrive (attain) (2658) katantao Arrive (embark, set foot, mount)(1910) epibaino Arrogant (inflated)(5448) phusioo Arrows (956) belos Arrogant (5244) huperephanos Arrogant (5246) huperogkos Art (craft, trade)(5078) techne As, just as (even, even so, so, according)(2531) kathos Ashamed (1870) epaischunomai Ashamed (153) aischunomai Ask (question, request) (2065) erotao Ask (154) aiteo Asps (785) aspis Aspire (make it one's ambition) (5389) philotimeomai Assassins ("dagger men")(4607) sikarios Assembling together (1997) episunagoge Assurance (5287) hupostasis Astonished (1605) ekplesso Astonishment (1611) ekstasis At home (1736) endemeo At once (1824) exautes Attain (arrive, come) (5348) phthano Attempt (inclination)(3730) horme Attend continually (4342) proskartereo Attested (displaying, exhibited, prove)(584) apodeiknumi Auditorium (201) akroaterion Authority (2963) kuriotes Authority (1849) exousia Authority (2003) epitage Author (747) archegos Awake (1326) diegeiro Avenge (take revenge) (1556) ekdikeo Avenger (1558) ekdikos Avoid (1578) ekklino Avoid (4026) periistemi Awake (1127) gregoreuo B Babes (1025) brephos Babe (infant, immature) (3516) nepios Backbiting (2637) katalalos
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