MONDAY, OOTOBBR IS, ISSt A Tenfo DrUj Net PiMg Ron iUanrlisBteF lEtr^nittg Iferalb For the Week Ended Thfi WsBtkw OeCeber 21,1881 Foraenat ef D, E. Wsnlhn The pootetr committee for the ~ The ways and means, S t Worry • ! little 'Ihaater of Manchester will Camillua and membership commit­ PTSO W m Meet AboutTown meet tonight at 8 at the home of tee o f the OiUld o f Otir Lady o f S t 13,400 Fair and eeal tsnighf 'la n r'lh Mary 'B<^am , . 85 Am ott Dr. Bartholomew’a parish will meet to­ Wednesday Night Member ot the Audit SO*. Witoiaaday tomMy m t s a i H m IitfMU Jmnu of Pra(u« Posters will be sketched and morrow .at 8:15 pjn. at the rec­ Sllpploy w Irritotiofi? Bureau of Olrcnlntion niUder. High In tia. lUntlww Cbrcio will moot toni(tat at painted for "Bom Testerday" to tory, 741 B. Middle Tpke. Barnard Junior High School’* S at tlw home of Mrs. rredeilok iw presented at Bowers S ^ool uSmsiSviat, Mancheiter-—^A City of'Village Charm BatTStt M Bower* S t Mrs. James Nov. 2, 8 and 4, T he Holy Family Mothers car­ PTSO open house will be held ... r . Barrjr wUl serrs as ee-hosteaa d s will meet at the home of Mrs. Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. at the VOL. LXXXL NO. 20 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Robert Brannlck, 18 Hemlock St., aehool. ' rwaarkable Mue c4 Mded eossfert MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESI^Y, OCTOBER 24, 1961 (OIsMslfied Advertistaig-ou Fag* 14) Ths Garden Club will meet to­ The Past Chiefs’ .Daughter's Wednesday at 8 p.m. Members snd MourtW or boMtaa plats* more PRICE PIVB CENTS Oub will meet at the home of ParenU are requeated toJ)e hj liimlr- Mo smonw, fo w , pasty taste morrow eveaiUu at 7:S0 at the should call the hostess if unable to or f*rtins.Tt’s alsiMn* (aon-eoid). Mrs. Helen Flavell, ^ Ramlin attend. ' their child’s home room at that home et M n. Charles Isaperaace, time. 'Ilie home room teacher will Oet raanprm at any drut eouBter. 47 Battista Rd. A workshop in S t, tomorrow ^at 7 :45 p.m. Phone Rate Hearings M n. Cautord Walker, .76 Phelps present a resume of the student's State News preparation for the flower sroup- work to be covered during the Ing state rules and refulations Miss Mauren Brown, daughter of Rd., is clmlrman for the American Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, 54 Legion Auxiliary rummage sale at coming year. will be held. Jmsen St, and Miss Kathleen B. the Legion Home on Leonard St. Special permission has been ^ Naktenis, daughter of Mr. and Friday at 0 a.m. M em ren are re­ celved ftom the South Methodist R ou n d u p Ilia Manrhsster Rotary Chib, Mrs. Peter Naktenis, 125 Adelaide quested to briitf donations to the IThurch to allow parking for t ^ Soviet Union Gets Backfire MMnson of the ‘South Windsor PUC Questions Rd., received their caps and gowns Legion Home Thursday evening. open house evening in the park­ Rotary Club, will be boat to the at the annual investiture ceremony M n. Walker may be called for ing ares on Hartford Rd. Prison Inmate South Windsor club tomorrow at at Trinity College, Burlington, Vt., pickup of articles. Parents will be given an op­ the K of C Home for the first an­ where they are both members of portunity become PTSO members niversary of the chartering of the the freshman class. Cub Scout Pack 144 met Friday in the home room. Student Coun­ Gets 10 Years , group. There will be a social hour night at the Keeney <^t. School. A cil representatlveB will be on hand at fi o'clock and dinner will be costume pamde yms held and Utility ‘Expert’ For Robbery Mrs.-Albert l^Us, 173 Lydall St, to assist parents. served at aeven. Members of the and Mrs. Paul Thcker, 528 Wood- prises awarded tor the best cos­ South W ^ s o r Lions Club will also tumes, won by Bobby Cobb, Mark Of Fallout from Big Bomb bridge St., will appear on Kathy bo fuests. Naylor, Larry Kingsley Howard Hartford, Oct. 24 {IP)— An Godfrey’s program on WINF to­ Jacobs and Mark Orlowskl. The Hartford, Oct, 24 (/P)— ^Thef hi Stafford Springs to a high of 90 morrow at 1:10 p.m. They will dis­ inmate at Wethersfield State parents attendance award was State Public Utilities Com­ cents in Bridgeport. Prison has been sentenced to cuss the Barbershop Quartet fes­ wmn by Den S. M n. Case wnui in JAYCEE Chairman Loughlin told the tival to be held on Saturday at 8 charge d f 'the games. LECLERC mission today challenged the phone company at Monday’s hear­ 10 years in prison for an |800 pm . at Manchester High School, FUNERAL HOME first witness of Southern New ing that if the PUC codsidered in­ robbery with violence in Adenauer and sponsored by S t Bartholo­ The Junior Pilgrim Vouth Group MEMBERSHIP England Telephone Co. on his flation in computing the com­ Washington earlier this year. Scientists Claim U.S. mew’s Church building fund com­ ot Second Congregational Church qualifications as an “expert” pany’s investment, it would also Thirty-year-old James R. Borum, mittee. , has cancelled its Halloween dance FUNERAL require figures on the original cost New Haven, already 'a serving a scheduled for Saturday. Instead of SMOKER on the effects of inflation on of its investment. seven-to-lO-year term for another Replies to Sunset Council Degree of Ppco- a dance, plans are beug made to SERVICE regulated public utilities. In the approximately 20 years robbery with violence. To Get Most Later hontas, will sponsor a public kitch­ attend the University of Connecti­ Before the PUn heard testimony that he has been on the commis­ In announcing the sentence yes­ en social tonight at 8 at the home cut football game Saturday. The TONIGHT WALTER N. from Dr. Lawrence W. Towle, West sion, he said, the PUC has not de­ terday, U. S; District Court Judge group wdll leave the church at LECLERC Hartford, chairman of the Eco­ P resident of Mrs. Myra Pitsgerald, 12 7:80 rate case on the basis of M. Blumenfeld I-ondon, Oct. 24 {{F)—Defense Minister Harold WatkiiMOB Brainard PI. Members are request­ noon. Information may be ob­ Director nomics Departmenli at Trinity Col­ Investment figured in let Borum serve the iederal term 42nd Anniversary ed to bring a grocery item. Re­ tained by calling Miss Betsy Hyle, Mtm^eeter Country Club lege. Commissioner Wallace A. current dollar value. at the state institution, subject to Washington, Oct. 24 {IPy said today first scientific reports available to Britain inti* 11 Meadow Lane. Brothers Awarded Eagle Badges Call Ml 9-5869 Burke asked: approval by the U.S. Bureau of cate the Soviet Union’s double H-bomb test yielded a. total Sale Continues freshments will be served. He did not say what the PUC Presiiient Kennedy received a,. Scoutmaster James Irvine pins the Eagle Scout award, highest honor in boy scouting, on Stanley AU Young Men 21 to 85 Invited 23 Main Street, Maneheater "Do you consider yourself an ex­ would do in this case, however. Prisons. force of about 30 megatons—equal to 30 million tons <rf TNT. pert on the impact of inflation on message from Chancellor ThrouRh Sat, Oct. 28 Ben Esra Chapter of B’nal ShoUk. His brother, Michael, also received the award at ceremonies Saturday afternoon at Center The PUC has usually allowsd Konrad Adenauer of West The two tests, one in the atmosphere and one under tha B'rith w-111 sponsor a military Springs Lodge. Both members of Explorer Post 47, they are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shollk, regulated induatry?’’ companies applying for rate in­ Police Sergeants Replied Professor Towle, "I Sikoraky Vote Set sea, were made yesterday in the vicinity of the Arctic iaUad- whist and white elephant sale to­ 38 Salem Rd. Mike, 19. a sophomore at the University of Connecticut, completed requirements tor creases earnings designed to pro- Stratford, Oct. 24 (Jf)—The 8.CKX) Germany today outlining the morrow at. 8:15 p.m^ at Temple the Eagle Scout award in June, tnd his brother, 16 and a Manchester Hlgk School Junior, earned don’t know whether I consider my­ German position on the Ber­ of Novaya Zemlya. Going to School self an expert, but know a lot about production and maintenance work­ Beth Sholom. Mrs. Henry Schwarz, requirements in May. (Herald photo by Ofiara.) (Continued on Page Fifteen) ers at . Sikorsky Aircraft here and If such proves to be the case, it may be assumed that tha Thursday It.’’, lin problem. chairman, has requested that each MAIN STm MANCHESTER e OPEN 8 DAYS in Bridgeport will have a chance Ambassador Wilhelm Grewe de­ test of a 50-megaton device mentioned by Nikita KhruaheheT member bring a ^t-wrapped item Two Manchester policemen will Chairman Ehigene S. Loughlin to name ohe of two unions as Specials attend the fourth annual training groups to discuss topics, such as regulations, boating safety, what part can police play in helping asked if he was recognized as an livered it in a on-e-hour confer­ last week is still to come. The Soviet prerniw told tha 22nil for the white elephant sale. Re­ seat belts tor police use, new emd their collective bargaining agent ence at the White House. He said freshments will be served.
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