THE CONSERVATION OF AMERICAN WAR MEMORIALS MADE OF ZINC CAROL A. GRISSOM AND RONALD S. HARVEY ABSTRACT-Affordable war memorials featuring Deuxiemement il y a les pretendues statues en bronze soldiers made of zinc were purchased by small blanc, towns qui sont elles aussi coulees piece par piece dans throughout the United States following the des Civilmoules en sable, mais sont assemblies de fagon War, and the practice continued to a lesser discrete extent en utilisant du zinc liquide sur le verso des after the Spanish-American and First World joints. Wars. Ces statues sont ensuite soumises au jet de Such memorials can be generally divided into sable three pour leur donner l'aspect de la pierre et erigees groups defined by fabrication techniques: (1) soit imita- sur des piedestaux de magonnerie, soit sur des tion bronze statues sand-cast in pieces, assembled bases faites by de plusieurs couches de bronze blanc, ce soldering, painted with "bronze" paint, and placedqui cree on dans certains cas d'6normes monuments masonry pedestals or cast-iron fountains; (2) entierementso-called faits de zinc. Troisiemement il y a les white-bronze statues assembled using molten statues zinc tocomposees de feuilles de zinc estamp6es, qui back unobtrusively located joins between sand-cast ont ete soudees ou rivetees ensemble sur des arma- pieces, sandblasted to appear stonelike, and displayedtures en metal et finalement peintes. Les dommages on masonry pedestals or multilayered white-bronze les plus frequents sur ces statues en zinc sont causes bases that in some cases created enormous monu- par la rupture du metal de fonte qui est relativement ments made entirely of zinc; and (3) statues stamped cassant. Les grands monuments en bronze blanc from sheet zinc in sections, which were soldered or pr6sentent souvent des problkmes de deformation riveted together on metal armatures and painted. The dis ia la longue au fluage du metal sous l'action de la most common zinc statue damage is breakage of the gravite. Enfin bien d'autres dommages ont 6te provo- brittle cast metal. Difficult problems are presented by ques par des tentatives inconsiderees de restauration, large white-bronze monuments, which are often particulierement le bouchage avec du beton, au lieu distorted by the metal's tendency to creep. Even more d'installer des renforts internes en acier inoxydable. damage has been caused by ill-informed attempts at Des traitements de surface appropries sont decrits, en amelioration, especially filling interiors with concrete soulignant leur importance. instead of installing stainless steel internal supports. Appropriate surface treatments are emphasized. TITULO-Conservaci6n de monumentos ameri- canos conmemorativos de guerra hechos de zinc. TITRE-La conservation des cenotaphes et autres RESUMEN-Monumentos conmemorativos de monuments aux morts am6ricains faits en zinc. guerra hechos de zinc que representan soldados RASUME-Suivant la guerre civile, des petites villes fueron adquiridos a precios razonables por ciudades dans l'ensemble des Etats-Unis se sont procures des pequefias a traves de los Estados Unidos despu&s de la monuments aux morts comportant des soldats faits Guerra Civil. Esta praictica continu6 en menor en zinc, le prix de ces monuments 6tant relativement medida despues de la guerra Hispano-Americana y peu dispendieux. Cette meme pratique s'est aussi de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Generalmente, estos r6petee, quoiqu'ai un degre moindre, suivant la guerre monumentos conmemorativos pueden dividirse en hispano-ambricaine et la Premiere Guerre Mondiale. tres grupos de acuerdo a su tecnica de fabricaci6n: (1) En general, ces monuments peuvent &tre divis6s en estatuas imitaci6n bronce, fundidas en partes en trois categories d6finies par leurs techniques de fabri- moldes de arena, ensambladas por medio de cation. Premierement il y a les statues en imitation de soldaduras, pintadas con pintura de "bronce," y situa- bronze, qui sont coul6es piece par piece dans des das en pedestales de mamposteria o fuentes de hierro moules en sable et ensuite assembl6es par soudure, de fundici6n; (2) estatuas fabricadas usando el peintes avec de la bronzine et enfin 6rigees sur des llamado "bronce blanco", ensambladas usando zinc piedestaux de magonnerie ou des fontaines en fonte. fundido para reforzar disimuladamente las uniones JAIC 41 (2003):21-38 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Sep 2018 18:44:07 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 22 CAROL A. GRISSOM AND RONALD S. HARVEY entre las diferentes piezas fundidadas en becomingmoldes de longer and more lavish publications in the arena, pulidas por arenado para que parezcan 1870s hechas (Mott 1873; Fiske 1874; Seelig 1876). In 1876 de piedra, y exhibidas en pedestales de mamposteria the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia provided a o en bases de bronce blanco compuestas showcase de varias for zinc, and displays of zinc statuary by the capas que, en algunos casos, creaba monumentos J. L. Mott Iron Works and Wm. Demuth & Co. enormes hechos completamente de zinc; yreceived (3) esta- commendations (Sandhurst et al. 1879; tuas estampadas por partes en liminas Walker de zinc, 1880). Cast-zinc architectural sculptures also soldadas o ribeteadas sobre armaduras de appeared metal y on exhibition buildings, including seven pintadas. El dafio mais comuin en las estatuas colossal de zinc personifications and 16 huge eagles atop es la ruptura del quebradizo metal fundido. Memorial Los Hall (Sellin 1974). A large Gambrinus, the grandes monumentos de bronce blanco presentan king who purportedly first brewed beer, stood over problemas dificiles de resolver por la tendencia the entrance del to Brewers Hall (Harris 2000). Stamped metal a deformarse. Intentos basados en informaci6n sheet-zinc eagles appeared on a Sheet-metal Pavilion incorrecta han causado afin mas dafio, especialmente (Sheet-metal Builder 1876). cuando los interiores se rellenaron con hormig6n en Initially, many zinc statues in the United States lugar de instalar soportes internos de acero inoxi- were copies of antique and other well-known Euro- dable. Se enfatizan los tratamientos superficiales pean statues. American subjects soon dominated the apropiados. market, however, including cigar store-type Indians, a Boy with a Leaking Boot, firemen, and Civil War 1. INTRODUCTION soldiers. At least 100 Union and 25 Confederate soldiers made of zinc have survived. Unlike bronze In the Western world, successful large-scale soldiers, smelting whose price tags could exceed $10,000, of zinc began in the 18th century. Statues soldiers were of first zinc could be purchased for as little as made of zinc in Berlin during the 1830s, $150 promoted (Mott 1890). Most were placed in front of by the influential German architect Karl county Friedrich courthouses in the Midwest, on the public Schinkel (1781-1841). They were modeled commons of byNew England villages, or in small-town famous sculptors and placed in prestigious cemeteries loca- as far west as Carson City, Nevada, or tions-the pediment of the Berlin Opera, Redwood for exam- City, California. Their distribution has had ple, and throughout the gardens and royal ramifications palace of for the present day, as conservation Sans Souci at Potsdam-and they proliferated expertise may in not be readily available in the smaller Central European cities, especially Berlin, communities Munich, where zinc soldiers are located. Dresden,Vienna, and Budapest (V6sgen 1997; Only Kobler 12 soldiers of zinc memorializing later wars 1999; Hierath 2000). Following the revolution have been located, of as the use of zinc for statuary 1848, a few German sculptors immigrated declined to after the 1900, in tandem with the decrease in United States, where they played critical rolespopularity in early of public monuments in general. Still, the zinc production. One such immigrant, founder Moritz of Hershey'sJ. Chocolate, Milton Hershey, Seelig (1809-ca. 1889), produced the first purchased recorded a "bronzed" Rough Rider for $245 (Mott zinc castings in America for the Castle Garden 1913), anFair inexpensive in version of a popular bronze New York in 1852 (Stiles 1884). Among Spanish-Americanthe earliest War Soldier (1904) by Allen George extant statues is a zinc Benjamin Franklin Newman (1858) (1875-1940). World War I soldiers made of purchased with a bronze finish for a niche zinc include on the three copies of a handsome Doughboy Franklin Lyceum in Providence, Rhode sold by Island the J. W Fiske Iron Works. They appeared on (Danielson 1858). A cast-iron fountain memorials decorated within a dozen miles of each other in with zinc statues was installed in Savannah, northern Georgia, New Jersey (Wanaque and Riverdale) and that same year. Trade catalogs featuring southern zinc statues New York (Suffern) during the 1920s. The appeared after the Civil War (Fiske ca. last 1868-69),known installation of a zinc soldier was a copy of JAIC 42 (2003):21-38 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Sep 2018 18:44:07 UTC All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms 23 THE CONSERVATION OF AMERICAN WAR MEMORIALS MADE OF ZINC E. M.Viquesney's (1876-1946) Spirit of the American cast and joined with ordinary lead-tin solder. Before Doughboy dedicated in 1944 in Verona, Pennsylvania. the development of welding at the end of the 19th Its form is similar but not identical to more than century, 100 cast-iron statues had to be laboriously made stamped sheet-copper statues manufactured by bolting by pieces together; alternatively, they could Chicago's Friedley-Voshardt Company (Friedley- be cast whole, which required complex molding or Voshardt 1925). pattern making. Cast iron remained in use for statu- Knowledge of fabrication always underlies ary sound only when its advantages of weight and strength conservation treatment. Since there is so little were important. For instance, Jockey, Chinaman, and published material about the manufacture of zincDarkey hitching posts were made exclusively of cast soldiers, this article provides considerable detail.
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