T hl' ·· Elim E,·:ing:<,] :ind Four~quarc R ev i,·ali:--1., ·• :\l;irc li 2;-lh, ]936. REVIVAL BREAKS OUT AT GLASGOW (see page 200) im~~an ' . AND mr.·£ T icT ~- 1lJARE DJ;',,•' "- ·· -~ Vot XVII:, No. 13 MARCH 27th, 1936 Twopence AMONG TH E SWISS MOUNTAINS " H e makcth me to lie down in p:-i~turcs of tender grass."-Psa. xxiii. 2 (Newberry). I will; 1 too. '>-- Ts1BL l ean11." .' / arK' .. 1 - Cover ii. TI-11'.: ELIM EVANGEL AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST March 27th, 1936. EASTER MONDAY, APRIL 13th, 1936. The Elim Evangel ELEVENTH ANNUAL FOURSQUARE COSPEL AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST (Editor: Pastor E. C. W. Boulton.) Offici~d Org:an of the Elim Foursquare Gospel Allianc•. DEMONSTRATION EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Principal George Jeffreys (President) in the Pa .. 1ors E. J. Philhps {Secret~ry•General), E. C. W. Boulton, P. N. Curry, R. C:. Darragh, W. G. Hathaway, J. McWhirter, J. Smith & R. Tweed. ROYAL ALBERT HALL (London) General Headquarters, when 20, Clarence Raad, Clapham Park, London, s.w.,. Principal GEORGE JEFFREYS Vol. XVII, March 27, 1936 No, 13 WILL PREACH AT THREE GREAT GATHERINGS 11 a.m. Divine Healing; 3 p.m. Baptismal Service; CONTENTS 7 p.m. Communion Service :\atur:d and Supenrntural Physical Healing 193 RESERVED SEATS. Tickets for seats in the BoxPs and Cuslly ,·ersus Cheap Religious Experiences 195 S1:ills are obtainable at the following prices: Morning, 1/-; :vJusic: Tdurnphant Prnisc 196 Afternoon 2/-; Evening 2/-. Those who purchase these tickets Bible Study Helps 196 ensure a good seat, and at the same time help to reduce the \Vorld Fvents and their Significance 197 rent we pay for the hall. These tickets are only obtainable .\ ;-.;ew E'xperir-nn· 198 from the Box Office, Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, Family .\!tar 199 London, S. \V. 7. Enclose stamped addressed envelope. Rc\·iv:d Bn·~Li{s uut al (; lasgow 200 Editorial 202 COME, join the Testimony and share in the Festival! Thr_. Su~L1ining \iisiun 202 .\I '.radt's anJ Knu,,·kdg,_, ... 203 Tlw S,·rnnd (iift ... 204 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL Some Recent Publications 204 Ra<li:in1 Revival Reports ... 205 The Cru,ad,·r l'agP 207 London Easter Convention :\lisst·d it :it L,1st 208 GOOD FRIDAY, April 10th to Friday, April 17th Convention services will be held simultaneously ri.t Kensington, Clapham, Croydon, East Ham :ind Islinf!ton. Terms.---10/- for one _ye:tr or 5/- for 6 rnonths, post free to any address ~\mcri1..·•rn and Canadi:111 sulJscrilwrs may ~end 2 dollt1r Speakers inelude;. Pasto1·s J. J. 11organ, \V. L. Taylor~ H. Entwisle, bills for 10 months. J. A. Vanstone, W. LL B(:-11, J. E. Shaw, Pastor and .r-.frs. G. Kin~ston Printed and Published (•n·ry Friday by tlu• Elirn Publishing Co., :ind ]Hi:-s A. HemiPr!'.oll. Ltd., Park Crescent, Clapham, S.\V.4. Quanlilies.-A dozen or more of each i:-.,.,1..1e rn~y be obtained Ht 1/8 pt>r dozen, post free, monthly payments. Remittances should be addressed to the Elim Pubfo,hing Co., FOR VISITORS TO LONDON Ltd., Park Crescent 1 Clapham, London, S.\V.4, and cheques mad~ payable to Elim Publishing Co., Ltd. Accommodation~ Those requirin~ accommodation at Elim Bible Colle~l'! Manuscripls.-Articlcs ~ubmitted for publication should be typed should write immediatelv to Miss Barbour, Ellm Woodlands, Clarence Road, or written on one side of the paper onlv and addressed to the Clapham Park, London; S.\V.4. Editor, 201 Clarence Road, Clnpham Park, ~London, S.\V.4. Cheap Railway Tickets. Monthly Return Tickets at cheap rates arr! Telephone Nos.-Publishing Dept.: Macaulay 2981. Headquarters now a\"ailable from all statirnis at a single fare and a third for the double and Editori:--.1 Offices; Tuls1: Hill 2227. Elim \Voodlands: Tulse journey. The r~lurn half is a\'ailable for one calendar month. No vouchers Hill 3860. arc rcquin~d. \\There- 8 or more travel together from one station and Telegrams.-Publishing Dept.: 11 Vic press, Clapcom-London. 11 return the !';:1me day they may obtain return tickets at a single fare for­ Headquarters and Editorial Offices: 11 Foursquare, Clapcom- the double jotti-ncy. London. '' Enquiries "Should be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope for reply, and sent to the Conve1ition Secretary, 20. Clarence Road, Clapham Park, London, S. W .4, Easter Conventions in the Provinces BELFAST, April 12-16. City Temple, Ravenhill Road. Sunday 11.39' EAST HAM. .-\pdl .j, Elim TabernaclC', Central Park Road. Visit of a.m. and 7 p.m.; .:\fr,nday J1.30 a.m., :i.S0 and 7 p.m.; Tue:--d:1y 3.30 and Pa~tor E. C. \V. Boul1 on. 7 p.m.; \Vcdnesday and T~ 1 un,day 8 p.m. Speak,:rs i11cluc.lt-: 1':1-.:tors F. ELIM WOODLANDS. Open Saturday, March 28. Speaker: Mrs. Sutton F;1rlo,v, J. Smith, Pastor mi<l :\lrs. R. G. Twr-ed. ~111d .\1iss .\. K,·nn('dy. Reid. 3.30--9 p.m. Come .tnd --,pp the ..,prinJ:! flowe-rs. Tickets 1 '-. Tea Cnnw.'m:•r: Pa.-dor I I. Kitching. inclusive. BIRMINGHAM. April 10-----13. Elim Tabernaclt•, Gralrnm Street. Fridav GRESNOCK. April 4-!J. Elim Tabernac1e, Belville Street. Spring )1 a.m. and 7.30 µ.m.; Saturday 7.30 p.m.; Sunr..l:i_\' ] I .::i.m. :ind fi.30 p.m.; Convention. Spt'cial speakt.·L'> 1 Pastor<, P. Le Tissier and A, J. K. :\·Iag<•c. Monday 11 a.m., 3 and 6.30 p.m. Spf'akers i1H'lud1: Pastor~ 11. \\'. (;rt't'n­ way and P. S. Brewster. Convener: P.istor .\. Longley. KENSINGTON. Kensington Temple1 Kensington Park Road. Five Studies in the Acts of the Apostles by Pastor P. N, Corry. On Wednesdays BOURNEMOUTH. April 10-16. Elim TaUernacle; Victoria Road, Springbourne. Sunday 11 a.m. :md 6.30 p.m.; Monday 11 :i..rn., 3 ;111d 6.3&­ ~farch 25 1 April 1, f!, 22 and 29 at 7.30 p.m. Every morning 11-]2 (noon) World Revival Crusade prayer HH.'t!I in~~- p.m.; Tuesday to Thursday, 7.30 p.m. Elim Tabnnacle, Hawtl1orn Road, Winton. Friday 11 a.m., 3 and (i.::J0 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m. and (i.:iO !Lill.; OTTERY ST. MARY. March 25-29. Special services conducted by Tuesday to Thursdr1y 7.30 p.m. Speakers include Mr. John Leech, K.C. Principal P. l;. Parkt>r. and Pastor L. N. Knipe. PETERSFIELD. Commencing l\lareh 22. Elim Hall, Chapel Street. BRIGHTON. Elim Tabernacle~ Union Street. Spenkers include: P::o;f1H·5- Campai~n by Evangelist E. Jones. E. C. W. Boulton, \V. L. Kemp, and G. Stormont. Convener: Pa~lnr SCARBOROUGH. Arril 10-12. Elim Chun:h, :?-.lurray Street. Spc-cial H. \V. Fielding". Easter Services. Spccinl spPnker'"' expected. CARDIFF. City Tl·rnple1 Cow bridge Road. Speaker!'.! includt~: P,1~h1i-s- SALISBt:RY, ~\pril 4-0. Elim Tabernacle, Scott's Lane. Visit of ]. T. Bradley and A. V. Gorton. Convener: Pastor J. R. :\1oore. P11-.:tor P. N. Corry. CARLISLE. Elim Tabernnde, \Ves1 \Valls. Speakers inclu<l(': :\lc~.sr:-. F. C;1rson and VV. Uprichard. Com·e1H•r: PHstor J. Tetchner. , DOWLAIS. Ap1·il 18-20. Elim Tabernacle, Ivor Street. Saturday Principal George Jeffreys 6.30 p.m. Sunday 2.30 and 6,30 p.m"; Mondny 7 p.m. Spc-ci;il :-:peaken;_ Convener: Pnstor \V. 1- Pattf'fsnn, BLACKPOOL. Jubilr•t" Temple, \Vaterloo Road (near \Vaterloo Road PORTSMOUTH. Eiim Tabernacle, Arundt•l St1"(Tt. Spl..'uk1.,r-. irn.·ludt': Station). Rt·vi, ,d ~111d l-lc;dii1g Camp;1ign by the Principal and Party now Pastore; VV. G. Hathaway and \V. Barton. Co1wener: Pustor S. Gorman. pror-ccdi11g. Sun1..by-.. ;II 11 a.m. ,rn<l h.30 p.m. E,·ery \Veek-nif;?;ht (except VAZON. April fJ--16, Elim Foursq1.1;1rc Co!-pcl Church. Speakt'rs Fri<l.ays) ;1r ;-,:m. \\'i·d111--...1,.\:ty ;iftr.rnvolls at 3. include Pastor T. _-\. Cnrver. Convener: Past(.)!" J. N"ylor. WINTON, BOURNEMOUTH. Elim Tabernacle, Ha,vthorn Road. Good YEOVIL. April 10, 12, )3. Elim Hall, Southdlle. Friday 3 and 6.:Jt Friday, 10th :,pril, at 11 a,m. The Principal will be the speaker at the p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m., 2.30 and 6.30 p.m.: .\londay 3 :ond 6.30 p.m. Corl\ ention nwcting-:; nt 11 n.m,; 9, and 6.30 p.m. on Good Friday. Spenkers include PRstor "\V. N. Branlbleby. MARCH 27th, 1936. The Elim Evangel AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST The Elim Foursqua1'e Gospel Alliance was founded Publications and Supplies, Elim Bible College Cor­ by Principal George Jeffreys, its present leader, respondence School, Elim Crusaders and Cadets, Elim in Ireland, in the year 1915. The Principal's Foreign Missions, and Foursquare Gospel Testimony. campaigns ha'lle filled to O'Verflowing the la1'gest It stands uncompromisingly for the 'Whole· Bible as th, halls in the B1'itish Isles, and have resulted in many inspired Word of God, and contends for THE FAITH thousands of converts to Christ, and notable miracles against all modern thought, Higher Criticism, and of healing. The movement consists of Elim Revival New Theology. It condemns extra'llagances and und Healing Campaigns, Elim Foursquare Gospel fanaticism in every shape and form. It promulgates Churches and Ministers, Elim Bible College, E!im the old-time Gospel in old-time power. VoL XVII., No. 13 MARCH 27, 1936 Fridays, Twopence Natural and Supernatural Physical Healing By HARVEY McALISTER N our examination of the divers ways that restora­ In this particular instance healing is governed and con­ tion to health may come, we shall first note natural trolled entirely by the sovereignty of God, and quite I healing without human co-operation.
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