Ramsbottom Heritage Society Magazine Index Issues 1 - 25 Description Title Magazine/Pages Acre Bottom see Ramsbottom Cricket Club Acre House, Edenfield 4\10-11, 14\13 Ada Street 10\8 Adderstone Mansions Market Place 20\5 Ainsworth family dyers, Higher House, Holcombe, 1930s 3\9, 16\12 aircraft, RAF Summerseat mystery 12\16, 13\8 Aitken and Lord millowners, Chatterton, 1826 15\3 Aitken family millowners, philanthropists 10\11, 15\3-5, 18\10, 23\20 Aitken Hospital see Ramsbottom Cottage Hospital Aitken Sanitorium 18\15, 25\2 Albert Street 8\11, 8\16, 11\4, 20\23-24 Alderbottom 1\7, 2\13, 19\15 Aldous, Barry 20\5 Alferoff, Mrs Marjorie (b early 19c) Stockdale family 5\6, 7/2, 17\11 Allen and Todd Aladdin's Cave (shop) 23\1 Allen, Miss teacher, Stubbins Primary School, c1950 22\14 allotments 1\8 Altey, George millowner, 1920s 14\12 Altham, Rev Don curate, St Paul's Church, 1992-3 22\9 Amazon Lancers 12\8 ambulance (horse drawn) 3\9, 18\13 Anderton, Colin motor cycle memories 24\15-17, 25\12 Anderton, James builder, 1870 20\24 Andertons Stores grocers, 72, Bridge Street e-m 20th century 10\3-4 Annie Street Ramsbottom 9\9 apprentice houses 23\14-15 Arcus, Rev Jeff St Paul's Church, 1993- 22\9 Armstrong, Rev E T St Mary's Hawkshaw, 1935 11\15 Ashton Brothers, Samuel and Thomas 19\12, 20\15, 22\7&10, 23\15-16, Ramsbottom Mill, est 1802 23\19-20, 25\8 Ashton Lodge 9\6-8, 10\9 Ashworth, Edna memories, Ramsbottom (from 1900) 8\16 Ashworth, George Holcombe Hunt, c1867 14\12 Page 1 of 86 Ramsbottom Heritage Society Magazine Index Issues 1 - 25 Description Title Magazine/Pages Ashworth, George, (1902-94) memories, 1910-20 18\13-15, 20\11&22, 21\5-8 Ashworth, Giles engraver, c1841 3\15 Ashworth, H Turnbull family, m Isobel Turnbull 7\4 Ashworth, James Turnbull family, m Mary Turnbull 7\4 Ashworth, John Kay Barn. Shuttleworth Road Dispute, 1836-9 2\15 Athenaeum School, Crow Lane 9\6 Athol Street 22\7 Atkinson, Lieut Archie 1939-45 13\15 Aurora Borealis 19\4 Australian connections 4\2, 5\4, 8\13, 11\9-11, 18\16 badminton 24\19 Bailey, Margaret Bailey Collection, c1990 6\2-4 Baldingstone 12\6 Ballantyne Place Market Place 22\11 Bank House Edenfield 14\12 Bank House Bolton Street 11\4 Bank Lane Baptist Chapel Whalley Road 18\6, 18\9&10, 19\6 Baptist Chapel 20\5 Barber-Lomax, Jack W (d 1998) 17\1 Barcroft family 9\6-7, 10\3-4 Barker, Donald Shuttleworth 19\4 Barlow, Alexander Bridge Mills, Edenfield, 1894 11\5 Barlow, Arthur Peel Brow School, 1920s &30s 13\3 Barlow, Arthur (killed 1917) gravestone, St Paul's Church 22\9 Barlow, John W Chairman, Ramsbottom Local Board 19\13 Barlow, June Summerseat, 1930s 18\16 Barlow, Len 1940s 12\16 Barlow, Miss Polly baker & confectioner, 14, Bridge St, 1920s-30s 14\15 Barlow, Mr manager, Brooksbottom Mill, 1930s 18\16 Barlow, Richard postman, diarist 12\10, 13\13 Barlow, Simon and James (b 1821) Simon's Farm 11\13 Barlow, Thomas Deardengate, Haslingden, c1917 5\14 Barlow's Mill see Bridge Mills Page 2 of 86 Ramsbottom Heritage Society Magazine Index Issues 1 - 25 Description Title Magazine/Pages Barnes, Gordon pupil, St Paul's School, c1935 24\12 Barnes, Jan and Ken Boardmans, Hawkshaw, c1991 9\11, 10\9&14 Barnes, John, Florrie and son John Pebble Beach, 1940s 25\16 Barr, John (d 1854) tailor, gravestone St Paul's Church 22\11 Barrett, Hilda (c1924-97) memories, Chatterton Weaving Company 7\6-7, 16\1 Barrett, Mr trainer, boys' football, St Joseph's School 7\9 Barrett, Tom employee, Turnbull & Stockdale 7\3 Barsley, Rev R St Paul's Church, 1977-88 22\9 Barwood Mill/House 8\7-8 Bass Lane/House 10\8, 23\4&5 Baxter, Lois (nee Blundell) weaver, Brooksbottom Mill 10\5 Bay Horse hotel, Nuttall Lane 23\13 Bealey, Mr Dearden Clough Mill 4\11 beerhouses Ramsbottom (list 1887) 9\16 Beetson, Ken printer, local historian 12\11 Bell, Thomas H council surveyor, diaries 1899-1928 4\3 Bennett, Tom bricklayer 12\4 Bentley, H S St Andrew's, Dundee 1907 22\3 Beswick, John clerk, trolley buses, 1913 4\14 Binex Works datestone 10\8 Birch, Mr policeman, 1920s-30s 13\4-5 Birchall, J Eric ARPS photographer, Crawshawbooth 3\4 blacksmith shop Paradise Street 24\13 Blaine, Geoffrey and Alan Crow Lane, 1930s 24\12 Blakeborough Ltd Empire Cinema, 1910-62 5\15, 16\6 Bleachers and Dyers Association 24\19-20 Blinkhorn, Nathaniel hosier, Broughton, c1700 11\13 Blomfield, William occupier, Printers' Society, Holcombe, c1827 1\10 Blundell, Lois see Baxter, Lois Boardman, Arthur Headmaster, St Andrew's School, 1930s 15\13, 17\14&15, 18\4 Boardmans Farm Hawkshaw 9\10-13, 10\9&12-15, 11\16, 13\11-12 Bolton Road North 17\10 Bolton Road West 7\13-16, 8\13, 10\8, 20\25 Page 3 of 86 Ramsbottom Heritage Society Magazine Index Issues 1 - 25 Description Title Magazine/Pages Bolton Street 5\13, 7\10, 11\2&6, 11\15, 12\5, 12\13-15, 22\5-6, 21\6, 25\9 Bone family Acre House 4\10-11 Bone, George employee, Stubbin's Vale Mill, 1930s 24\18 bonfire night 24\13-14 Booth and Wolstenholme funeral directors, Crow Lane 22\8 Booth, (Vincent?) Dinky headmaster, Peel Brow School, 1920s-30s 13\3, 23\7 Booth, Arnold, brother, sons Alan & Peter Pebble Beach, 1940s 25\16 Booth, Robert, Zilpah and family (d1839-1903) gravestone, St Paul's Church 22\12 Booth, Steve heating engineer 1993 12\13 Booth, Thomas Dearden Clough Mill, 1833 4\11 boundaries (and boundary stones) 1\2, 3\12, 6\8-9, 9\8-10, 11\11-12 Bowers, Doreen pupil, St Paul's School, c1935 24\12 Bracegirdle, Tony National Rose Champion, 1989 1\8, 20\5 Bracewell, Hetty Turnbull family, m Capt Wm Turnbull (1880-1951) 7\4 Bracewell, John William dispensing chemist, 18, Bridge St 12\15 Bradlaugh, Charles lecturer 22\6 Bramley Fold Farm Hawkshaw 10\13 Brandwood family Three acres Farm, Hawkshaw Lane 10\7 Brandwood, John and Lawrence Holcombe Hunt 14\12 Brass Row Rochdale Road, Edenfield 20\26 Brennan family Albert Street, 1920s 20\23 Brennan, Wilfred and Bill pupils, St Joseph's School, 1930s 7\8 Brennand, William and Betty St Paul's Church 22\10 Bridge Mill ('Barlows Mill') Edenfield 11\5, 17\11 Bridge Street 5\12-15, 6\15-16, 11\6, 12\15, 13\14, 14\15, 19\11-12, 20\25, 23\12, 24\6&11 Brierley, A W cattle dealer, Bury, c1913 5\13 Brierley, June (d 2003) 25\2 Briggs Rev H T R (d 1925) vicar, St Paul's Church, 1923-5 22\9 Briggs, John train driver 19\14 Briggs, Mr first headmaster, Hazlehurst School 25\18 Page 4 of 86 Ramsbottom Heritage Society Magazine Index Issues 1 - 25 Description Title Magazine/Pages Britannia Coconut Dancers Bacup clog dancers 18\3, 19\5 British Railways 19\15, 21\15 Broad Hey 6\16 Brocks or Brox Brew Summerseat 1\6 Bromley, Joan (d 2002) 24\2 Bromley, Mr and Mrs Carr St, 1920s-30s 15\12 Brooks PC, c1890 20\18 Brooks ice cream Shuttleworth, 1930s 19\4 Brooks, John employee, Warburton and Haworth, 1930s 12\5 Brooks, Tom pupil, St Andrew's School, 1920s-30s 18\2 Brooks, Tom and Carrie Carr Fold, 1920s-1933 15\11-12 Brooksbottom/Mill 6\8-9, 9\13-15, 13\3, 16\16, 18\16, 23\5 Broome, Dolly c1944 16\11 Brown and Forth Ltd Chemicals, Spring Bank Mill, Edenfield, 1997 15\3 Browne, Robert Holt Hey House, Holcombe Hunt Master 14\12 Brox Bulletin 9\13-15 Buchanan, John maker of St Andrew's Church clock 12\9-11 Buckden Clough 1\7, 2\13, 22\16 Buckley family property/Carr Street, 18th century 15\7 builders between the wars 12\3-6 Bull Hill 22\16 Bull's Head PH Naylor's Green 17\7 Burridge, Louis pupil, St Andrew's School, 1930s 17\14 Bury New Road 8\12, 10\11, 12\4, 16\5 bus depot Stubbins Lane 2\13, 21\14-15, 22\13 buses Ramsbottom Urban District Council 21\9-16 Bussem, Joy (nee Whittaker) Victoria, Australia 1990s 4\2, 5\4, 8\13 Butcher, Rev J H vicar, St Paul's Church, 1843-71 22\7&10 butchers 4\10, 5\12-15, 6\15-16 Butler Street 3\10, 25\18 Butler, Harry Springwood Street, 1920s-30s 15\13 Butterworth, Sarah Whowell family c1850 6\7 Page 5 of 86 Ramsbottom Heritage Society Magazine Index Issues 1 - 25 Description Title Magazine/Pages Butterworth, Tommy and Billy Pebble Beach 25\16 Bye Road Shuttleworth memories 19\3-7, 23\5-11 Byrom Clark Roberts architects of Bury & St Andrew's Church refurbishment 1993- 4 12\9 Bysouth, William, Edith Adeline & dau Alma Australia, 20th century 11\10 Cain, Herbert Porritt Turnbull and Stockdale 5\6 Cain, Rev Thomas (1836-1926) minister, Stubbins Congregational Church, c1866-1906 5\6, 10\11, 11\9, 17\10&11 Cain, Tommy manager, Woodhey Dyeing Co.,c1950 7\3 Caine, Herbert 14\13 Caldo Mill Ramsbottom 4\7 Calf Croft Ramsbottom Estate 20\13 Callender Street Ramsbottom 14\15 Cam, Mr teacher, Technical School 17\16 Campbell, Daniel (d1864) porter,Dungeon Row, gravestone,St Paul's Ch 22\11 Carex Street 15\8&10&12 Carlton Terrace sledging at the rear of 24\12 Carmyllie, Rev Roy R (d1989) vicar, St Andrew's Church 1\1, 11\3, 12\10 Carr Bank 11\4 Carr Club Ramsbottom Friendly Burial Society 21\1 Carr Fold Carr Street 10\7, 15\5-14, 17\13, 18\4 Carr Mill, Carr Street 4\9-10, 11\6, 15\5-14, 15\7, 20\11, Ramsbottom 23\12 Carr's Ltd garage, Bury, 1915 5\15 Carruthers, Margaret Peel Tower 150th Anniversary 2002 23\5 Cassley's shop Shuttleworth,1930s 19\4 Castle, Barbara, MP Transport Minister 21\16 Castle, John and Walter builders 12\4 Castle, The Market Place, Ramsbottom 11\3, 16\16, 17\2 Catlow, Milton dispensing chemist, 46, Bolton Street 12\15 Cemetery The (PH), now The Fusilier 5\4-6, 21\12 Central Chambers Market Place, Ramsbottom 10\3 Central Photographic Studio Central Chambers, Market Place 10\3 Page 6 of 86 Ramsbottom Heritage Society Magazine Index Issues 1 - 25 Description Title Magazine/Pages Chadwick family Hawkshaw, 20th century 10\13 Chadwick, Arthur newsagent, stationer,
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