hashirst With The? Newt! ^noepenoetit-lealieTT ^iSL^^ .A JV/^ ±±,L TT ^ ^V, ^t ^ ^^IfcrJWae-SAopTfoAA 91 I!', \ X XVIII.—No. 22 limered ns Second Class Matter ' WOODRRinflE N .1 THURSDAY JUNE 27 194(5 PulillHheil Every Tlmrmlav PRTP1? PTV1P Pfl'VI'ft * iHH •01^ ^ at tho I'oat Office, Woodbrldge, N, J. YV WULJDIUDUEi, 1>. J., inUftOUftl, JUiNL/, £ 1, 1J1D HI in Urten Street, \Vi»uill.rl<lKo. N. .I. rMUJi JJiVBi UBKIB ( 'SI fl Ho,mes ~ A Teacher's Reactions to Plan No. 3 Cblonia h4Board to Me^t 1 (> e 1''* . "} "'oHowlng letter was re- who has sounded out the feelings (and here went another of the plan from the teachers' point of **v81UClllO "WWTT % m "1 -w- • . >1H y he ofth egrou ptad her e sives theiv I ii O«J. •'• PENDFNTiFAntpD I< E I)E Dun e t l^u0 " campaign promiscs-to choose the view? Here they are. _ \I/ltii I /\1it'Alivif '-"M • 9 SllP'Sl ^d e,^S pr .ad lnt* cr st^l ro and ^e views of the entire afTalr. best mamann ouallfled fofmr the iob)-0 - 1. No teacher wants to1 be In a Vl/™ LiivLf WW I I 11 I j|l\Vt-"W ' '%M If) ^ DllCft ^ t : . Ji , f R , «». First, the whole thing goes deep- *** W™*** ™ J "'™ muidlns where there are going to W 111 T Iff ill "T 1 111 RJ\J TT Vl T ,« f '? *^w ^to' «U»inate the er than Plan No. 3. The v^ ©*** • J, ill I double session at Woodbrldfre Illsh the brave new world promised by economics and collecting the ath- who lsJ n chftrge The elfimcnlary . _ .. .. ' , "Hfl lhro h Plan No 3 l thi9 thc new boftrd WftS 1( do not by : V I ,.|<irs Get Order: ,,, , "? - shattered 'f ; "^P* . ;. JW ^h^ have {or years been' run ROad to Bv-Pass Area" B I • « o ki 'H au l |[ni(l<>«h wi yurei, ,etlcr „ publlshctl ln UsBnllrc t luclcl d effecUvely after the stretch or the Imagination, make bythe principals. You cannot di- " ° i^L „ \ Head* Committee : SolutMtn to 2 - Sm»H -. iB P lommmi t |nI.|,| War II Vcterun »«"« « «lv« a teacher's point last election when It appointed an elementary supervsor. He never ^ 6 01. 8h ,h schoo, olasses Roule 100 Property """" ' \p „ „ -iT'* Atth E tcachw s rc( lcst wl wasl n effcct a new sl er U a slnRl in G er des Pol leil I i Mnni^ ^ " " »t 'P - £ ™ "?, * Irom the problems of the school A 1|MO r „, • eJLatl '"~" . «. | * » > »» ^e »<WMll ;^H or knows an of the I||{|MI as Manager the namc of the author is bcinK vising principal. Was it the feeu y P«*I«»' Ma whole ^here mth e ninth Uwners Get Setback .«»%,, 4'.tjj|Jfc:» At Conference Moii&v'-^i 7 • — , • withheld—The Editor.) Ing of the new boari that they i Now-havlns been elected, the graders Bolng to eat lunch-oftin wnnnnRTf^¥~rnfnni , ^^^m^^tiU^tW^ < ^ ^f ''llfi m.( „ n lit IDGE-Two sites, one wantcd only ycs.men 01.mnX .\ new board members must -through a separate c'orner? Children .don't ^Z,<^>7T^>^ul, l^^^H^K^HIIP^ wnonRRTnoir M»mi^ri''«» $m d V W ,l.,.,ii«| Mawbey tract In How about thc schoolteacher? they think they could reason with S their yes-man show the public that negate artificial distinctions. ^n " TE.*.*^ ^ l° 5 ^^•flp \ ihtBa^XiZ^S^ii^ 'M C B e Ro tc No 4 |rilj:r ,,,-opcr and the other At the Monday nlRht hearlnB nil Mr Nicklas? By the way, what is i they arc doin* somethiiw. So they Keeping the high school students n^" m '" ™™* h " ' iMkWk^kWF^^k ' ! o, MZ?., ? »uh n, MUtlf'S ' 4 1 m e t e c r s •y-1l,,;iliniin HciBhUi s'ection eroups were heard from except one Mr. Nicklas position under the decide to eliminate the double ses- and the elementary students sepa- * ^" . " n,^" . J^Jf-°™ . ~1^^^^^M|F ' ™I^»,.T« R..S^iEffi*i% 3 the I tv;aliiw, have been dcH- -the school teachers of Wood- new setup, and what is Mr. Wer- slon >a worthy project! but Is so rated sounds fine on paper, but !£?*, P"»P««> »>ute S-100, ^HggK | ''^y. County Super intended <tf :«N I ,i and approved by the bridge High School, a Broup that lock dolnV that doesn't rightfully tlolnB they,throw our whole sys- SUppose, for .example, a Freshman SlThinKh^SK^K I^B5^^*«' • I Slhft J?v ?n.n Tnf IMSif S I; r.ihic HouBinn Authority will also be affected by the pro- belone in the office of the super- tcm into chaos. This does not Mts a seventh grader-Ufa been ^ in Tnv^ hP r hnml i™ ^MM * Mr ™ M ML XI ^u°**%*& M e a l tH Ul W I,, , v vrtcrun houslnB. it Posed chanRes. In protest aKainst vis!nB principal? The new board bother them because they are out known to happen.-who is in fn , ! ^"S^'^'hi^n™ T f^HUk;V >JH^ S! , Wff «^ 25t ; ' M fc, .mi today. «»» short-sighted and undemo- had cried polities'and ousted tlw to fcllmlnaU! the two sessions. clmrRc of the situation? We don't ^/^.^"^L?^; ^K^ »"rfN^fc |Sion «l Woodbrldge High g^»|. jH crftUc )oIi U CM crenc wW 1" „ WHS bi'llfved that l ^ 'which, by the way, old, but what else except politic; Hani: th« expense! They will have want to be in a school where au- ?^t nfZ .. th, ,,w flKPk,v. JHHr J' , l !;1 £ J^> 41 the new bofl l W- u be scattered » specifically prom- was a $4,500 unnecessary job created a fantastic mess, but the thorUy is divided. nSumoment ••^Jrrtinotiin :HKK*gkggf|^H closed to the public will bfrhrtd M 111 i8C{l t0 rem 1 11 S B u! r m I "', , .Township but cost ^y, but that was BE- thrown to the new members' chief double session will have dlsap- 2. We want to keep our educa- ^i^i^'SL^S . ," tT M^^LTJ^HI " T?l ^ ^ °*«* '8 »•'•".',,„ of uUlites in aF0R E »c last election), this has electioneer? In all fairness to Mr. peared. tional standards. Can Mr. Werlock "Z" rS^' L' '* ^" ^^^^k.i^^H ' T,?m ?m^ 3b ya ""W*" 1 fr1 ; s would have been been written by one of thc faculty Werlock. he's a good fellow, but! What are thc objections to the (Continued on Page 3) ™y Commissions Spcncei Mil- ^BUH ; tativc eroup.of Townshipresldetits .^j He "' '"^ v>ul-"" ____„ . ______^ . • iei'Jr ' ^^^^^^•^^^^H^^^^B ")'a vo'-1' °f approximately M0 to 13 IK _ i Commissioner Miller released ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H 130 Monday at a stormy seMoh in |v;: ^srASTSli 10-Day Suspension Prosecutor to Ask Grand Jury Township Renews stss?- ——« ^^^^H |i«**25-jjf i Ku' with Township Engl- •> 1 ^ 1 "The article we gave to the ^^^^^^^^^^^H i verbaDl b'irrage ™*«ww» ^,« I LTiJr-SK Ordered for Alamo To Indict Zaccaro for Murder 78 Liquor Permits StR.'SSKiirS ^^^^H u« LSiSsra'^ '1 K •mibc divided as follows: * construction stated Inadvertently ^^^^^^l^^HH aunrove trHninnHail™ fi.«H. 5« M : T W ^r% X"L^n W^DBRIDGE-A plea of nolp . jfTTT,, I " WOODBRI^^I The Wood- £ ^ bSnVutTand ••••• ™tol*Xi£SS6& M 0 P d WlH CmVem vnmA d0Uble I "r'S ' S 22^ S^,^^ ^ "" W ' 1 brldse Township Committee n ^£?f£SE»S$« - \^ ^ '***» " fesm-SMd-one* ^ SS an/S So£ top T«""»r«»« ^'«' «« Wamillrf newed the 78 existing licenses | 'A «U ! Chief Jo5eph Pender ! J^«^SSd X ttaiSSSA' $ |--;C ^ ^^nftSa^SslS; WOODBH!^^- Prosecutor Stiff Pci«ll, Pronged JS « KSi TE SnWffli,1^ *o!£ ^ty ^ ^ I ^ "S *— . " " '] ofth c llcense 1 IlWn s learne H"<- ',.ii.'i • iiid vpstcrtlav that which was ordered Matthew F. Melko will BO before For Sal* of Unstainiird retail consumption type, for tav- bridge, L, r<.»,,;.,J n,.f «n ! rt yesterday that , 1 K m£ ha¥ been scut by the Township Committee Mon- the Grand Jury tomorrow and ask ! *(>'.3a . 'Jjn&M11'PCtt ems: six fbr packaRc stores, and -in fact, we are desirous of ob- AS tariHVal U'dl^ \ should thc Board of Education <J H"'MI ti-'ictors the Wallers ^ nlght aftcl' a ncarinE' Aftc for the Indictment of Johnfcac-j Meat 111 IOWIISIU]) two me club licenses. Ml members ] uiininc all the rliiht of way throimh tf~ !c'eclde to carry on the present V' B' '•? 11 (•<» Woodside N Y consitle'''HB the charges of sales caro, 37, Linden, for the murder • of the committee were present and | WoodbridRe Township at the carll- WOODBRIDCE"—"what isiex clollb'1" !iessi«n in defiance of br. $ tominors Loweiys •1' .in' swill come from' the . the Township Commit- of Mrs. Catherine Scuttieri, 33- the issuance was by unanimous i cst possible moment. It was to aid .,,,.,,,,,• , b(,i)m )f ... i.'Xpst' ^'"i-'at, it could apnetl - '*• U> tllp Commlssi Br' inv Air Field, Norfolk, tec voted 5-2 for suspension, with year-old mother of four children. WOODBRIDGE — Health Of - approval, | property owners meeting diflicul-! nml mosl mvv\ hon>e-prodiiced > °nei' of EducaMoh ;| the ties tn ! ;lnd lhe stilte Board of BrV iilci-inu the work the deduction for the plea. Com- June 13 in an automobile which flcer Harold J. Bailey today is- Mayor Ansust P. Grciner how- j obtainiiiB new locations that cllmiVrtls tvci- to be 'held here- Education,. • f f r n rpversftl of B':' iias to do in regard to mittcemen Spencer and Rankin was parked oft Blair Road.
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